I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 433: Do You Need To Train Divine Draw?

“Can I try it too?”

Judao opened his big innocent eyes, full of anticipation and eagerness to try.


Samejima smiled. He made a gesture, signaling Marufuji Ryo to hand over the Duel Disk and deck to Little Judai.

“However, let’s talk first, this is not so easy.” Samejima said with a smile, “If you want to communicate with the card, you must persevere in practicing comprehension, and you can only do it when you comprehend that state.

It is to achieve this that we practice here day in and day out. ”

The shota Marufuji took off the Duel Disk and handed it to Judai: “Here.”

“Thank you!” Judai took it carefully.

Marufuji Ryo was quite friendly: “The first time you try it may not be satisfactory, but don’t be discouraged. This deck itself is specially used for training. Except for ‘Cyber Dragon’ and ‘Polymerization’, the rest of the cards are for interference.

So it’s normal not to be able to draw a suitable card, and I’ve practiced for a long time to get to what I am now…”

Yuei Vu probably understood.

It meant that the forty cards in this deck, except Cyber Dragon and Polymerization, the rest of the cards were all things of unknown meaning, specially used to block your hand.

Whether you could be blessed by Heart of the Cards and accurately draw the only combination with combat effectiveness from the forty cards was the essence of Cyber Art training.

Yuei Vu could only say that it was worthy of the school whose ultimate goal was the manual divine draw. This training method was really hardcore…

However, although Samejima encouraged Judai to try, and Marufuji Ryo was very polite and polite, in fact, everyone in the dojo, including them, did not have any expectations for Judai’s attempt.

After all, even Ryo Marufuji, who was currently the only designated genius in the Cyber Dojo and is regarded by Samejima as a genius, was no exception when he first tried to train.

When it came to the difficulty of comprehending this “human and card become one” realm, perhaps none of the teenagers here had more say than Marufuji Ryo.

Ryo Marufuji, who was called a heavenly genius by Samejima, has already touched the threshold of the divine draw at a young age. Although his current performance was not particularly stable, he was already a duelist who had a foreseeable bright future, and he did have the capital to be proud of.

How much he has paid to reach today’s height, perhaps only he himself knew best.

In the dojo, he was always the first one to get up and the last one to rest every day.

Even during some holidays, when all his companions either go home or take some tours, he would persevere in practicing in the gym even if he was alone.

And Samejima also saw it all.

Genius is not terrible, what is terrible is that geniuses work harder than you.

As long as nothing went wrong, Marufuji Ryo should be the next orthodox heir of Cyber Art.

Because of this, he understood the difficulty of Cyber Art cultivation better than anyone else.

But Samejima was also curious about the talent of this little jellyfish head.

After all, he was the personal disciple whom the Duel King approved, so he must have something unique.

Ryo Marufuji even carefully shuffled the cards for Judai before handing over the deck to him.

“The ultimate goal of our Cyber Art training is to be able to accurately extract the combination that can call the ‘Cyber End Dragon’ from the deck of forty cards.” Ryo Marufuji explained.

“Oh oh oh! The name sounds amazing!” Judai began to be interested.

“Well, that’s the ultimate mystery of Cyber Art, the ultimate existence created by fusing three Cyber Dragons.”

“Okay!” Judai felt that he had found his goal, “Then I will summon the ‘Cyber End Dragon’!”

Ryo Marufuji smiled: “I wish you success.”

That’s what he said, but he didn’t think this boy with a jellyfish head could do it.

He felt that Judai thought of the cultivation of Cyber Art too simply.

If everyone could learn it, it wouldn’t be called “The ultimate mystery of Cyber Art.”

“Okay! Here I come!”

Judai was in high spirits, and under the gaze of everyone, he reached out and put his hand on the deck on the Duel Disk…


Draw an invisible arc in the air. Judai turned over the drawn card, his eyes lit up.

“Activate Spell Card – Polymerization! Fuse two ‘Cyber Dragons’!” Little Shidai mimicked Ryo, “Fusion Summon! Cyber Twin Dragon!”

A storm of steel, and metal parts are assembled under the power of fusion, golden current overflows in the space, and the double-headed Cyber Dragon raises its head, hissing and roaring behind Judai!

【Cyber Twin Dragon, ATK 2800】


The audience was shocked.

Even Samejima’s eyes widened.

The first time this child came into contact with Cyber Art, he found a combination that fused Cyber Twin Dragon from a pile of forty cards in the first try!

Cyber Dojo received so many students, and no one has ever done it before!

Ryo Marufuji was also a little surprised.

He has been practicing hard for so long, getting up early in the morning and drawing cards day in and day out, but so far he has only touched the threshold of the realm of the Cyber Art.

It turned out that this new jellyfish head… did it for the first time!?

This…should be a coincidence, right?

Yuei Vu may be the only one present who was not too surprised, just smiled and nodded, as if this result was also expected by him.

Calm down and sit down, this is a basic operation.

When Samejima saw Yuei Vu’s confident reaction, he automatically understood that it was because of his good training.

So the bald teacher couldn’t help feeling in his heart—

Mr. Yuei Vu is really a god!

Not to mention his duelist’s strength is unparalleled in the world, even the skills of educating students are unrivaled!

However, he really misunderstood Yuei Vu.

Different from the skills they acquired by training day and night, the divine draw of Judai was innate.

And this skill was suspected to be a passive skill that comes with the dormant power of the Supreme King, and it even far exceeded the level that Judai’s duelist level should have.

Yuei Vu, who noticed the admiring gaze of Samejima, only looked helpless.

Don’t look at me, I didn’t teach it.

I really want to learn too!

However, Little Judai, who amazed the audience, seemed to feel a little regretful: “It seems that I still haven’t been able to summon the ‘Cyber End Dragon’…”

Marufuji, who barely recovered from the shock, smiled: “It’s already very powerful. That is the ultimate mystery of the Cyber Art, and it needs a deep bond with the deck…”

“Then…shall I try again?”

No one objected.

After all, Judai only tried it once. Although everyone was shocked, they did think it might be a coincidence.

From the forty cards, he happened to find two Cyber Dragons and one Polymerization. Although the probability was not high, it was not impossible.

Everyone was also looking forward to what will happen in Judai’s next attempt.

So after shuffling the cards again, Judai held his breath and concentrated on his posture.


Judao jumped up excitedly.

“Activate Spell Card – Polymerization! Fuse three ‘Cyber Dragons’! Fusion Summon! Cyber End Dragon!!!”

The roar of steel, the heavy metal armor, and the three-body fusion form the ultimate form of the Cyber Dragon, descending on the center of the dojo with the coercion that swept the audience!

Cyber End Dragon, Summon!

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