I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 420: The Man Who Would Be Duel King

On Friday night, at Judai’s home.

“Okay, so the next thing is about this week’s duel consultation.”

The TV in the living room was currently playing a special program of dueling monsters. In the picture, it happened that a beautiful woman was interviewing Yuei Vu with a microphone.

“Ah! It’s Brother Yuei Vu!”

Little Judai, who was running around the sofa with two Elemental HERO dolls in his hands, quickly dropped the toys and rushed to the TV, his eyes gleaming.

At this time, the beautiful reporter was asking: “Many people are concerned about the situation of the new generation of Duel Disks that Kaiba Corp is preparing. Some people think that President Seto Kaiba wants to encourage everyone to buy new models of Duel Disks and eliminate the old version. Some effects processing may no longer support the old Duel Disks.

Could you please tell me if these are true? ”

“…First of all, I’m just an honorary consultant of Kaiba Corp, and I can’t say clearly about this.”

Yuei Vu felt helpless because everyone always liked to ask him questions about Kaiba Corp. However, he still said: “However, in my personal opinion, the old model should not be affected in the short term. But for any game, version update and system upgrade is an inevitable trend, and everyone must be prepared.”

“OK, I think we get it.”

The reporter smiled strangely and blinked at Yuei Vu as if hinting at something.

“One more question. Some people say that you have an unusual relationship with President Seto Kaiba…the kind that goes beyond ordinary friendship. Do you have anything to say about that?”

Yuei Vu: “…”

After pondering for a moment, he raised his head and showed a gentle and friendly smile.

“Then I can only say to that person…” He chuckled softly, “…The ones who like to talk nonsense are unlikely to have a long life.”

“…Ahem, hahaha, Mr. Yuei Vu, you are so humorous…”


At this moment, Judai’s mother also appeared, still wearing the apron from the kitchen. She glanced at the TV screen: “Hey, it’s the Duel King Yuei Vu! He fought with our Judai in the previous competition!”

“Really!” Judai’s dad who has never had a chance to show his face throughout the anime series also appeared.

“Young and powerful Duel King, capable and handsome, I’ve already become a fan of him.” Judai’s mother showed the expression of a fan girl.

Judai’s father (releasing resentment vaguely): “Ah? Then who is better, him or me?”

Judai’s mother smiled like a spring breeze: “Does it need to be said? Compared with the father who can’t even win a duel with his son, and said that he is ready to prepare for the whole process of video recording and the camera runs out of power at the critical moment, Yuei Vu must be better!”

Judai’s father (withstanding 10,000 points of critical damage): “…”

“Ding Dong!” The doorbell rang.


Judai’s mother came to the door quickly, and opened the door with a smile: “Hello, who are you looking for…?”

When seeing the appearance of the person outside the door, the expression of Judai’s mother seemed to freeze for an instant.

Yuei Vu smiled and raised his hand: “Hello, I am…”


Yuei Vu looked at the door closed by the speed of light in front of him, and couldn’t help but pause in embarrassment.

Ah, this…

Is my Charisma 95 useless?

This reaction is like seeing a bedbug in the toilet…

After a while, the door reopened.

Judai’s mother tried her best to apologize, she was so shocked to say “I’m sorry, I didn’t expect the Duel King from Kaiba Corp to come to our house or something.”

Yuei Vu said with a smile “It’s okay and understandable”, and at the same time emphasized euphemistically, saying that he was not from Kaiba Corp……

After entering the door, Judai was the happiest.

Brother Yuei Vu has come to my house!

Little Judai couldn’t help but wanted to run to the neighbor’s house to show off with his brother who usually played cards with him, saying that Brother Yuei Vu was at my house!

Yuei Vu came here this time for two reasons. First, she was curious to meet the parents of the Judai who didn’t get the chance to appear in the anime until the end. Second, he wanted to play the role of a grandmaster who told the parent “Your child’s bones are exquisite, why not come and learn how to play cards with me…”

Although Yuei Vu has also taken a fancy to other tool people who were going to be trained, none of them was as valuable as Judai.

Especially after seeing Yuki Judai from the future, Yuei Vu has already made up his mind. No one could stop his determination to accept Little Judai as his personal disciple…

After all, he was the protagonist of the next version of Link World, and he was destined to achieve extraordinary things. In the case of Judai, it may be some kind of “innate card player physique” in Xianxia novels, which belongs to the kind of genius that made all sects want to get their hands on.

Originally, Yuei Vu was thinking that it might take a lot of talking to fool Little Judai’s parents into letting the boy follow him.

After all, although the dueling monster world was developing very fast, it was far from reaching the height of later generations.

Some people were still questioning, if the “Duel Academy” planned by Kaiba Corp was really established, would all the students be waste who could only play cards and make no contribution to society?

Some people also began to realize that Duel Monsters may not just be a game, there may be huge dangers lurking in this process.

Playing cards? It was really possible to kill someone.

Whether it was out of consideration for the child’s future choice of path or concern for his son’s safety, Judai’s parents may refuse to let him take this path.

In order to convince them, Yuei Vu prepared a draft before coming. From the bright future that playing cards could bring to the great contribution that playing cards could make to society and all mankind. in short, he was going to trick the two parents into agreeing that following him was the best way for Judai.

… However, in the end, he found that these preparations were superfluous.

Because since he said, “Your child’s bones are exquisite, he is a one-of-a-kind card player prodigy”, these two have not listened to him.

Judai’s mother: “As expected of our son!”

Judai’s father: “It should be thanks to you, honey! He must have inherited your excellent genes!”

Judai’s mother: “Darling, you are also very good! He is the crystallization of our love!”

The husband and wife crossed their fingers together, their eyes met and their hearts were connected.



A passerby with the Yu- prefix who suddenly got fed with dog food: “……”

Although he have never seen Judai’s parents in the animation, Yuei Vu seemed to be able to understand what kind of family could nurture such an optimist…

Yuei Vu coughed: “Of course, we still have to ask Judai for his own opinion on such matters.”

“Oh, Judai will definitely agree.” Judai’s mother smiled, “After coming back from the KC Grand Prix, Judai even calls Brother Yuei Vu’s name in his dreams at night.”

Little Judai nodded vigorously: “I am willing!”

Yuei Vu bent down: “Have you really thought about it? Follow me to learn dueling, but it will be very strict~”

Strict in every sense.

Little Judai didn’t hesitate at all: “Yes! I’ve decided! After all, I am the man who would be Duel King!”

“Oh?” Yuei Vu smiled and rubbed his little jellyfish head, “Then you have to work hard.”

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