I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 408: KC Grand Prix Final

“Are you leaving?” Yuei Vu asked.

“Well, our mission is completed, and it’s time to go back to my own era.” Yusei nodded and said, “In my own time, there are still many companions waiting for me to go back.”

“I still have a lot to do in my own time too.” Judai smiled.

“I see.” Yuei Vu nodded, “It looks like it’s time to say goodbye.”

Yusei smiled: “But as long as the history of Duel Monster does not disappear, we will always be connected by the fetters across time and space.”

“Yeah, don’t forget me, Yuei Vu-sensei.” Judai smiled mysteriously, “And if there are no accidents, we should see each other soon.”

Yuei Vu: “?”

But Judai stopped talking there and didn’t say anything more.

“I’ve caused you trouble for a while.” Yusei was still more polite.

After saying goodbye, the two quickly disappeared from Yuei Vu’s sight.

When the KC Grand Prix was over and Yuei Vu left Kaiba Land after finishing the competition, the two of them must have returned to their respective eras.

The two of them left, but there was still a mess left for Yuei Vu to clean up.

…Sure enough, a few minutes later, he was standing in President Kaiba’s office, still trying to figure out how to explain it to President Kaiba.

For example, why did he fight against a strange man with two guys of unknown origin, why that strange man wanted to attack Kaiba and Pegasus,

And there was the most crucial question——

—Where did the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in that strange man’s hand come from?

So many questions needed to be explained one by one, Yuei Vu felt a headache when he thinks about it…

However, he never expected President Kaiba just glanced at him, and the first thing he asked was: “Is everything settled?”

Yuei Vu froze for a moment, then nodded: “Well, it’s all done. There won’t be any more accidents.”

“Hmph.” Kaiba folded his arms and said calmly, “Then prepare for me quickly. The promotion match of the KC Grand Prix is over, and now the competition is temporarily interrupted due to unexpected circumstances, but it will continue soon.

Next comes the final, and the one who reaches the final will have the opportunity to challenge you. Don’t dishonor me as the Duel King. ”


When Yuei Vu responded, he was surprised from the bottom of his heart.

Why the president didn’t ask so many questions? Don’t even ask what happened and just believe I’ve taken care of it?

To be honest, the president trusted him so much, but it made him feel a little bit sorry…

Yuei Vu thought for a while, and decided to wait until the KC Grand Prix was over, then he would tell the truth to the president.

Things like supernatural metaphysics, Millenium Items, and Shadow Games, President Kaiba have never listened to or believed, but time and space travel had something to do with “science”, so he should believe it……

Future technology was still technology.

If the president heard that people in the future have really overcome metaphysical problems such as the materialization of spirits and Shadow Games with science and technology, he might be very pleased.

Yuei Vu turned around and was about to go out, but suddenly he heard Kaiba speak again: “The person with the unicorn headgear next to you just now…”

Yuei Vu paused and turned around to listen to what the other party was about to say.

Kaiba turned his head to the side, showing a rare expression that seemed to be concerned: “He is your student, isn’t he?”


Yuei Vu was shocked.

Could it be that the president… has already met Yuki Judai?

Couldn’t it be… they have played cards already?

Yuei Vu, who had this idea, suddenly took a cold breath, almost guessing the result.

Although Yuei Vu didn’t say anything, Kaiba thought he had guessed the answer when he saw his reaction.

Kaiba snorted, turned around and folded his arms without asking any further questions, and said calmly, “You taught a very good student. Your application to the Duel Academy…I will reconsider.”

Yuei Vu: “…”

He was now becoming more and more curious about what happened between President Kaiba and the future Yuki Judai during his absence.

Those who didn’t know Seto Kaiba might think that his cold tone and indifferent expression were the sign of a gigantic wrath.

But Yuei Vu, who has been with the president for so long, could clearly hear that when the president mentions his “student”, his attitude is actually appreciation and approval.

It seemed that he highly affirmed Yuei Vu’s “student”.

This was quite rare for Kaiba, and it was definitely not easy to get his approval.

And even though they may have only fought once, Seto Kaiba recognized the student who didn’t even show his face, whether it was his card skills, personality or demeanor as a duelist.

After speaking, Kaiba waved his hands and said calmly: “Go and prepare well, the final will start soon.”


Yuei Vu didn’t say anymore and just exit the room.

Just before he was busy with the two future protagonists to deal with Paradox’s stall, another player in the KC Grand Prix who advanced to the final and got the chance to challenge Yuei Vu has also been decided.

It’s just that Yuei Vu has been busy before, so he didn’t have time to check.

Now that Uncle Pa’s problem was solved, Yuei Vu, who finally had time to spare, looked at the player forum while walking, wanting to see who his opponent in the final was.

Could it be Snow Wave?

He read the news in the forum before, after the quarter-finals where Coke Sprite was eliminated by himself, it seemed that Snow Wave was the only player left in the quarter-finals. If this guy was lucky, it was not impossible to reach the final.

Or… would it be Leon?

Before the competition, Yuei Vu named Siegfried and his younger brother Leon Wilson (pseudonym) and emphasized that they must be kicked out and banned from participating.

The president suspended Siegfried but did not adopt Yuei Vu’s suggestion on how to deal with his younger brother Leon Wilson.

The reason was that Leon Wilson has participated in many international competitions in his own name, and has also received awards from Pegasus himself. In the eyes of the president, he was a “true duelist”.

For whatever reason, Kaiba would not ban a “true duelist” from competing.

The kid named Leon Wilson used a Fairy Tale deck represented by characters such as Cinderella and Little Red Riding Hood. It was an exclusive deck specially customized for him by President Pegasus.

Everyone knew that a character using such a special deck could not be a miscellaneous fish. In the original anime, Leon Wilson was indeed the BOSS-level character who finally challenged Yugi Muto for the title of Duel King.

If it was him, the chance of reaching the final is not small.

The player forum was still boiling at the moment, reminiscing about the branch line of the three-generation Duel King’s battle against Paradox just now. Yuei Vu searched for a long time before finally finding the information about the KC Grand Prix final, and saw his opponent.

Then he froze for a moment.

His opponent in the final was neither Snow Wave nor Leon, but a player he never thought he would meet before.

“Sir, the promotion to the KC Grand Prix final has been decided.”

At this moment, a subordinate quickly came to report to Siegfried.

Siegfried’s gloomy face eased a little—this trouble-making trip has been repeatedly defeated by the Kaiba Corp, and now he was in an extremely bad mood.

His last trump card was his younger brother, Leon Wilson, who was approved by the arrogant Kaiba to participate in the KC Grand Prix.

Leon has the card entrusted to him by Siegfried in his hand, an absolutely invincible card that could instantly bury the opponent in the duel!

[Golden Castle of Stromberg (Field Spell Card)



Effect: “Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, Special Summon 1 random Level 4 or lower monster from your Deck in face-up Attack Position.

As long as this card exists on the field, both players cannot Normal Summon monsters.

All monsters Special Summoned by this card’s effect and all monsters your opponent controls must attack, if able.

When an opponent’s monster declares an attack, destroy that monster, and inflict damage to your opponent equal to half of that monster’s ATK.

This card cannot be destroyed by card effects.

During each of your Standby Phases, send half the cards in your Deck to the Graveyard, but this maintenance cost can be paid by the opponent player.]

Was the effect abnormal?

Of course, it was.

Because the text of this card was modified by Siegfried through a special method.

Strictly speaking, this maliciously tampered card should already be considered a fake card.

Siegfried even rewrote the card’s programming. As long as Leon could activate this card in the KC Grand Prix final, it could hack the database of Kaiba Corp and delete all data related to Duel Monsters in Kaiba Corp’s servers!

According to his idea, his younger brother Leon would be able to rely on this invincible fake card to defeat Yuei Vu and win the title of Duel King. At the same time, the Kaiba Corp would also be in a doomed situation due to the loss of data.

At that time, the title of Duel King and the status of the leader of the Duel Monster world would all be in the pocket of their Schroeder Corp!

Just according to keikaku (Keikaku means “plan”)!

Of course, the prerequisite for the success of this plan was that his younger brother reached the final, and this fake card must not be used before the final.

If it was exposed in advance, it would be meaningless.

Of course, he has considerable confidence in Leon’s strength. After all, he was very aware of his younger brother’s talent in duels. As long as he doesn’t meet the duel king before the final, no other player could stop Leon from advancing…


A servant hurriedly ran up to him.

“Master, young master Leon… he failed to reach the final and was eliminated!!!”

Siegfried almost spat another mouthful of old blood.

“What!?” Siegfried was shocked, “Who can eliminate my brother!?”

In the KC Grand Prix, besides Duel King Yuei Vu, is there anyone else who can eliminate Leon!?

The servant was sweating profusely: “The other party seems to be a child, and no relevant records can be found. It is speculated that he may have never participated in any public competition before.

The child’s name seems to be…

…Yuki Judai! “

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