Kuriboh! ! !

The fluffy little guy came out with two “Kuri Kuri” screams, and his body expanded rapidly, forming an indestructible wall in front of the three of them.

The blow of Malefic Rainbow Dragon’s seven-color light beams poured unreservedly on the enlarged Kuriboh, and the energy was raging like a storm, violently surging towards the surrounding space, but it was completely devoid of energy like a torrent hitting a dam. There was no way to shake the Kuriboh.

“Discard the ‘Kuriboh’ from the hand.” Yuei Vu said, “The damage of one battle can be reduced to 0.”

Paradox gritted his teeth: “Is it blocked again…”

Yuei Vu smiled: “No matter what, I am also the Duel King of this era, and it is not so easy to be settled.”

“As expected of Mr. Yuei Vu,” Yusei said at the right time.

“Hmph, then set a card, and I end my turn.” Paradox hummed.

“At the end of the turn, the effect of the Stardust Dragon in the graveyard is activated.” Yuei Vu said, “The Stardust Dragon that is sacrificed by its own effect will resurrect at the End Phase.”

In fact, Stardust Dragon was resurrected from Paradox’s GY by using “Monster Reborn”. In theory, in this duel, the owner of Stardust Dragon was Paradox.

According to the rules of playing cards that Yuei Vu is familiar with, Stardust Dragon should be revived on Paradox’s field here.

However, in the movie, after Yami Yugi used the Spell Card “Magic Gate of Miracles” to snatch Stardust Dragon, it activated its own effect, and at the end of the turn, it still returned to the field of the three seafood-hairstyle protagonists.



Although Yuei Vu didn’t have the creativity to use BISS, but it was still no problem to mimic it.

Perhaps this could be explained by the “bond between the stardust dragon and its master”. Anyway, the silver-white dragon returned to the field in front of Yuei Vu with a burst of starlight, raised its head toward Paradox, and angrily roared.

[Stardust Dragon, ATK 2500]

[Malefic Truth Dragon, ATK 4400 → ATK 6000]

Even though the three Duel Kings on the opposite side have only the last 300 LP left – even just triggering the effect of the Malefic Truth Dragon once more was enough to instantly kill them, Paradox only felt more and more uneasy.

It felt as if victory was getting away from him little by little.

He thought of his enlightenment when he came, the deep despair of the era he came from, and the expectations of his companions who remained in the future era, and he clenched his fists angrily.

“You Duel Kings, why do you have to stop me?” He said coldly, “You are simply the most obvious representatives of the stupid human beings in the past! You are self-righteous and think that what you see is correct, but you don’t know what you are doing. What they have done is leading mankind to the abyss of extinction!”

“What are you talking about?” Yusei frowned, “What happened to the future you mentioned?”

“At this point, it’s okay to tell you.”

It seemed that he also wanted to have a moment of respite during this high-intensity battle, because Paradox put down the Duel Disk, and said lightly.

“If we want to go back to the earliest starting point of the disaster, it should be the resurrection of this stupid thing called ‘Duel Monster’ in modern times.

But the real beginning of the disaster, Yusei, it’s all because of your father… because Dr. Fudo developed a perpetual motion machine called ‘Momentum’, which guided this stupid thing called ‘Synchro Monsters’. The birth of this thing directly led to the extinction of human beings. ”

“What!?” Yusei was surprised, and swept his arm, “Impossible! Momentum is the light of hope that guides the progress of mankind, and the Synchro Monster is its proof…”

“According to legend, Atlantis, which ushered in the heyday of civilization 10,000 years ago, also thought that the artifact named ‘Orichalcos’ was the hope to guide the progress of mankind.” Paradox sneered, “But what happened to Atlantis after that?”

Yusei gritted his teeth: “That’s different.”

“It’s nothing different. Rather, you are not qualified to say that, Fudo Yusei, because I am the person from that future.” Paradox said coldly, “In the final analysis, everything is because of human desires.

You should know what you said, Fudo Yusei. Momentum is not just a perpetual motion machine, it will also receive feedback from people’s hearts while it is running.

In the future, human desires will expand more and more, and the dark side of people’s hearts will gradually intensify uncontrollably, eventually leading to the loss of control of the perpetual motion machines in the world and ending human history. ”

After a pause, he smiled miserably.

“…just like the destruction of Atlantis 10,000 years ago.”

“So you’re going to modify history and make that future disappear?” Judai asked.

“That’s right.”

“But if you do this, the timeline you are in will also collapse.” Yusei said, “You and your companions, all traces of your birth in this world will be directly wiped out from existence.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Paradox didn’t hesitate at all, “Let the future of mankind continue, this is the mission that we, the last humans in history, must complete.

As long as we can prevent that ruined future, even if the price is our disappearance, that will be worth it. ”

Even though he was on the opposite side, Paradox’s determination still moved the Duel Kings a little.

“No matter what, we must save the future, even if we try our best to create a future where there is no place for us…”

Yuei Vu, who had been silent all this time, said, “So, how do you know that as long as the existence of Duel Monster is erased, the future will definitely become better?”

“I don’t know.”

Paradox smiled miserably.

“But at least it can’t get worse.” He said, “At least my efforts can make the future a little looser. At least human beings have new possibilities, and the future may continue.”

“But maybe human beings will just repeat the same mistakes in the brand new future created by you sacrificing yourself.” Yuei Vu said, “But at that time, you no longer exist. In that case, who can come out to correct the mistake again?”

Paradox frowned: “If that’s the case, I believe that in that new future, there will be people like me and my companions who will stand up and correct mistakes at the expense of themselves.”

“Then you are passing the responsibility of ‘the last humans in history’ to other people.” Yuei Vu said.

“What did you say!?” Paradox frowned, his face darkened.

He couldn’t accept Yuei Vu’s negation of all the efforts of himself and his companions so casually.

“Then tell me, can you have a better way!?” He almost shouted.

“A better way… No one can decide on such a thing.” Judai was silent for a moment, and it was rare to put away his usual cheerful smile, and said seriously, “But you also said it just now, right? The root cause of the disappearance of the future is still the darkness of people’s hearts.”

“That’s right.” Paradox said, “The growing darkness in the human heart feeds back to the perpetual motion machine, which produces a tremendous amount of negative energy, which eventually erupts and leads to the demise of human civilization.

Because of this, I want to eliminate all this from the root. Without the ‘Duel Monsters’, Momentum would never have been invented, and this ruined history would have ceased to exist. ”

“But if it’s what you said, then you should stop it. What you’re doing won’t work.” Judai shook his head.


“The darkness of the human heart… Although I don’t dare to say that I understand it, it is not that simple after all.”

While speaking, Judai gently closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes had turned into shining different-colored pupils. Although his tone was still calm, there seemed to be a strong aura of an ancient king, which even made Paradox dare not look directly at him.

“May I ask you a question?”

“What… what?” Paradox responded automatically.

For some reason, at this moment, he suddenly felt that he did not dare to disobey this young man.

“Let’s assume there is garbage that falls on the side of the road. Which kind of person is wrong, the person who sees it but doesn’t pick it up, or the person who doesn’t see it and doesn’t pick it up?”

Paradox frowned: “The person who sees it but doesn’t pick it up.”

“That’s right. When I encountered this question, I answered the same way.” Judai looked down at his hand, and said softly, “But someone told me at the time, it should be the person who doesn’t see it and doesn’t pick it up.

Because the person who sees may pick up the fallen garbage, but the person who doesn’t see it will never have the possibility of picking it up. ”

“What nonsense is this?” Paradox snorted, “Does it make sense to say such a thing?”

“Yes.” Judai nodded earnestly, “The darkness in the human heart can never be eliminated, whether you ignore it or avoid it. It will always be there and continue to breed and develop forever.

No one can bear these for you, after all, people still have to learn to face and accept their own darkness by themselves.

If the root of the world’s disintegration lies in the darkness that grows in human beings’ hearts, then your actions of eliminating Duel Monster and revising history are actually meaningless.

Even if you kill the game of Duel Monster in the cradle, or sacrifice your own existence and prevent the emergence of perpetual motion machines, as long as the people in that new timeline are still the type of people who can’t see the garbage so don’t pick it up, history will repeat itself infinitely. ”

“You…” Paradox widened his eyes and was speechless for a while.

“Judai-senpai…” Yusei looked at this senior with a complicated expression, feeling mixed feelings for a moment.

Although Judai’s words were addressed to Paradox, they also touched Yusei a lot.

It even vaguely unraveled the knot that had been buried deep in Yusei’s heart for a long time.

Yuei Vu looked at his future student, speechless for a moment.

Among the people present, he may be the only one who understood how much Yuki Judai has gone through to grow from an ignorant optimist and passionate boy to what he was today.

Although he now looked as cheerful, passionate, and duel-minded as before, in fact, he was already completely different from the Judai at the beginning of GX when he first entered Duel Academy.

Wasn’t what he said to Paradox just now his deepest feeling?

But it was true that what Judai said here was inexplicably consistent with the ending of the 5DS.

Destroying the Duel Monster, or eliminating the perpetual motion machine, ultimately could not really solve the problem. It was the human heart that should really be saved.

After all, even if the Duel Monster was eliminated, who could guarantee that the future will be different?

Even if there were no Synchro Summons and Riding Duel in the future, it was possible for humans in the new timeline to invent “Riding Poker” and “Riding Mahjong” to destroy the world…

“You… What’s the point of saying this now!?” Paradox gritted his teeth and shook his hand, “The duel is still going on, and I’m only one step away from success! Your LP is only 300 left. As long as I win this duel, all of this will cease to exist!”

Coincidentally, next was Yusei’s turn.

After listening to Judai’s words, Yusei closed his eyes and seemed to be in deep thought and comprehension.



“Mr. Yuei Vu, Judai-senpai, thank you… I am no longer confused.”

Yusei opened his eyes again, the mark of Crimson Dragon on his arm pierced the light through his clothes. Dazzling red marks appeared on his back one by one, forming a closed loop, forming a pattern of a red dragon with its body coiled up.

The top card in his deck lit up with dazzling golden light!

“It’s my turn, draw!” Yusei pulled out the card and said loudly, “Paradox! Our future will continue, and so will humans!

This is the answer given by us as people from the past! “

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