After getting rid of the small obstacle named Siegfried, the two Duel Kings from the future, Yuki Judai and Fudo Yusei, were chatting while strolling in the Kaiba Land.

Of course, because they were wearing strange costumes, no players realized that the two great gods were mixing in.

During the period, there were even players who found that they had no ID above their heads and came to duel them. At that time, Judai’s card addiction was really unbearable, and his hands were itchy for a while, so he had some friendly matches with a few players.

However, out of the consideration of “trying not to modify the timeline”, Judai did not use his real deck but used a set of random decks.

The result was naturally… a fiasco for passer-by players.

After all, Yuki Judai at this stage has already reached the state of perfection in the field of divine draw. Although the deck he used was a pile of Normies, even if he wanted to draw cards that were not in the deck, it was not impossible in principle…

“KC Grand Prix…it’s really nostalgic,” Judai said.

“Do you have an impression of the KC Grand Prix?” Yusei asked following his words.

“Probably.” Judai smiled under the hood but didn’t continue.

The two of them changed the subject and began to talk about the times they came from, what they had experienced, and the friends around them.

Yusei actually experienced a huge disaster when he was a child. At that time, the world’s first-generation perpetual motion machine, which his father was in charge of developing, ran out of control, causing the tragedy of “Zero Reverse”. The entire city was torn apart by the energy of the perpetual motion machine, which took countless lives and caused an irreparable tragedy.

Before Dr.Fudo died, he put Yusei, who was a child, into the escape pod, and launched it at the moment the perpetual motion machine exploded. Therefore, Yusei, who was originally born in the Top district of the city and was supposed to be an upper-class person, ended up growing up in the notorious “Satellite district”, the home of slums.

The lone survivor of a ruined city, the orphan of a great scientist, the last hope to escape the disaster area in a rescue capsule, and finally grow into the legendary savior who brings hope, this was Fudo Yusei.

By the way, after being launched into the satellite area, Yusei was adopted by a kind woman who specially adopted orphans, which was equivalent to the adoptive mother who raised Yusei.

Her name was Martha…

(Man of Steel and The Dark Knight all liked it)

But even so, Yusei still felt lucky.

He mentioned the precious partners around him, and mentioned the experience of confronting the villain group called “Dark Signers”. In the beginning, he and his little friends each defeated a small boss in one of the groups, and in the end, when they faced the guarding boss, the three of them worked together to win the victory by relying on the power of fetters to create a miracle…

Brother Crabhead said that he thought that bonds were the source of the duelist’s strongest strength. Even after traveling through time and space now, going back in time to fight against enemies.

If it weren’t for the support of those irreplaceable partners, he would never have been able to get to where he is today.

In this regard, Yuki Judai expressed his deep opinion and fell into the memories of his student days.

Judai remembered that he was surrounded by many friends all year round…

For example, Asuka, who was taken as a hostage and rescued by Judai; for example, Manjome, who either lost early or was brainwashed and blackened, waiting for Judai to come to rescue; Misawa Daichi who almost never won a game of cards, and in later arcs simply went offline and disappeared…

Judai happily described the experience of getting acquainted with his friends, and he still felt a little nostalgic, and he didn’t know how the friends got along after graduation…

While listening, Yusei thought to himself: Judai-senpai’s life sounded really hard…

While chatting, Yusei’s expression changed slightly, and he suddenly raised his arm.

“What’s wrong?” Judai asked.

Yusei rolled up his sleeves, only to see that the birthmark of the dragon head on his forearm had glowed red by itself, and the light flickered on and off as if silently conveying something to them.

“That person?” Judai said, “Did that guy travel through time and space again?”

Of course, he was talking about Paradox.

After all, they were all staying in this era because of Paradox. Yusei also mentioned before that as long as Paradox activated the time travel device again, the Planetary Particles released by his D-Wheel would be sensed by Yusei.

But Yusei shook his head: “No, he didn’t activate the space-time device… I can feel that it’s ‘Stardust’ calling me.”

Judai was stunned: “Is that what you said before, your ace monster ‘Stardust Dragon’?”


Yusei’s expression sank, and he took out a card from behind.

It was a card with a white background, with a card picture and a frame of effect text, but the entire card surface became blank, with neither pictures nor text.



This card was his ace monster “Stardust Dragon”—or it used to be.

Paradox traveled back to the era of “Yu-Gi-Oh! 5DS” and forcibly took away the spirit that resided in the “Stardust Dragon” in this card. Losing the spirit, the card in Yusei’s hand became a blank.

Taking back his most important monster was also one of Yusei’s goals in this era.

“Over there!” Yusei said, “I can feel that guy is about to move!”

“Okay!” Judai paused before taking action, remembering something.

“Ah, by the way, Yuei Vu-sensei must be notified…”

If something happens, you must report it to the teacher.JPG

The two protagonists quickly moved into action.

The Mark of the Dragon in Yusei’s hand was really useful. As long as the spirit of “Stardust Dragon” was still in the hands of Paradox, Yusei was equivalent to a human body radar, which could locate the opponent’s position at any time.

It’s as if the Stardust Dragon was constantly sending out a distress signal to its master.

The two protagonists followed the direction of the sensed signal to the top floor of a certain building in Kaiba Land.

Although it was an uninhabited area where tourists were forbidden to enter, it obviously cannot stop these two. They quickly chased to the rooftop on the top floor, Yusei took the lead in kicking open the door of the stairwell, and the two rushed out one after another.

Sure enough, Mark of the Dragon’s guidance was not wrong.

The guy they were looking for – a future man with blond hair, a white mask, and an exaggeratedly large D-Wheel parked behind him, was indeed standing on this rooftop right now.

But the two of them were still a step too late.

No, or it should be said that someone moved faster than them.

They saw a duelist standing opposite to Paradox, with a school uniform like a cape, an inverted pyramid-shaped pendant on his chest, and an ancestor-level seafood hairstyle on his head. …..

…the Duel King of this era, Yugi Muto!

Just before the two broke in, the duel had already begun.

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