I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 365: The Passive of The Protagonist

7000 ATK!?

Watching Coke Sprite’s series of operations directly pull out a monster with an attack power of up to 7000, all the NPCs who hadn’t seen much in the world were blown up.

After all, based on their limited knowledge of duels and the games they have watched, it seemed that even those legendary duelists couldn’t pull out a monster with an attack power of 7000 in just one turn.

Not only that, but her LP was as high as 11000!

Passers-by have never seen such a terrifying attack power in a duel, nor have they seen such a high LP.

Coke Sprite refreshed their understanding of the game in this duel.

“Battle!” Coke Sprite waved her hand, “The Agent of Force – Mars, attack the ‘Chocolate Magician Girl’!”

The angel waved the warhammer, flapped its black wings, and flew forward. When the hammer fell, it was like a will to suppress. The chocolate girl who was enveloped by that force was powerless to resist and was crushed into golden powder in just a moment.

The heavy hammer slammed down with an invisible force and exploded with a loud “boom” that soared into the sky. The air wave spread in all directions wrapped in billowing smoke, and instantly engulfed Yuei Vu’s half of the field.

Coke Sprite’s eyes widened, full of anticipation.

Did I… win!?

If the battle was established, this blow would cause 5400 points of combat damage, more than enough to complete an OTK.

Did she beat Yuei Vu-san?

The crowd also began to wonder.

The Duel King… wouldn’t really be OTKed, would he?

【Yuei Vu, LP 1300】

“It’s really dangerous.”

When the smoke dissipated, Yuei Vu still stood there calmly, smiling.

“At that moment just now, I activated the Trap Card – Damage Diet, which halved all the damage I take this turn.” He paused, and said, “But it was indeed a pretty good blow, it was only a little short.”

…well, that’s the expected result.

If it was so easy to win, then Yuei Vu would have no reason to be called the protagonist of the world.

Although she expected this, Coke Sprite still felt a little regretful.

It’s just that close!

“I end my turn.” She said helplessly, paused, and added, “But because of Yuei Vu-san’s drop in LP, Mars’ attack power has further increased.”

[The Agent of Force – Mars, ATK 7000 → ATK 9700]

The audience continued to uproar.

The attack power is close to 10,000!?

It turns out that there is such a terrifying attack power in this game?

“It’s my turn, draw!” Yuei Vu said, “Activate the Spell Card – Graceful Charity, draw 3 cards, then discard 2 cards.”

After he drew the cards, he thought about it, picked out two cards, and threw them into the GY.

“Then I changed the ‘Dark Magician Girl’ from the attack position to the defense position.” He said, “Set three cards, I end my turn.”

The magic girl squatted down, resumed her defensive posture, and used her small staff as a chest seal to block her body. At the same time, there were three more set cards behind her.

[Dark Magician Girl, ATK 2000 → DEF 1700]

“Who is this girl? She is so strong, why have I never heard of her before?” a passerby asked.

“Even the Duel King seems to be helpless for the time being…”

The passers-by watching the excitement only saw Yuei Vu “helpless”, but the first reaction of the players was…

…Hiss~ Three pits in the back row!

Does Yuei Vu-san no longer want to play the hero and want to change to a nether villain?

Especially the Coke Sprite on the opposite side, looking at the three face-down cards, the pressure she felt was the greatest.

At this time, just step on a pit that shouldn’t be stepped on, and I’m done for……

“My turn, draw!”

Looking at the card she just drew, Coke Sprite’s eyes lit up, as if she felt a little more confident facing the three pits in the back row.

“Battle!” She waved her hand, “The Agent of Force – Mars, attack the Dark Magician Girl!”

At the same time, with a wave of her small hand, she opened the set card beside her.

“At this moment, I activate the Trap Card – Meteorain! During this turn, when my monster attacks the opponent’s Defense Position monster, it can inflict piercing damage!”

With penetrating damage close to 10000, it was enough to kill any wall with one blow!

But of course, Yuei Vu’s three set cards could not be a bluff: “Open the set card: Trap Card -Dimension Wall! It can be activated only when an opponent’s monster declares an attack. The opponent takes the Battle Damage I would have taken from this battle instead!”

The audience was in an uproar.

The attack power of ‘The Agent of Force – Mars’ was 9700, and the defense power of the Dark Magician Girl was 1700, so the battle would cause a full 8000 points of battle damage!

After taking these 8000 points of damage, Coke Sprite’s HP would drop sharply to only 3,000 points in an instant, so that the portion of her HP that exceeded Yuei Vu’s would be only 1,700.

In other words, Mars’ attack power would drop from 9700 to 1700 in an instant, and he would be reduced from an unrivaled beatstick to cannon fodder.

“Just one card reversed the situation!” The onlookers sighed, “You deserve to be the Duel King!”

Yet it has not reversed.

At this time, the cards drawn by Coke Sprite this round immediately played a role. She revealed a card: “I activate the effect of the ‘Herald of Purple Light’ in the hand!

Send this card and 1 other Fairy monster from my hand to the GY; negate the activation of a Trap Card and destroy it! ”

Two cards from her hand were sent to the graveyard, and a spherical creature with wings and purple light appeared on her field. The sacred purple light enveloped the “dimension wall” activated by Yuei Vu like a sentence from a god, and the power of the trap card was restrained, and it quickly dissipated into countless light spots in the light.

The battle continued, the Agent of Force flapped his wings, and the boundless power turned into energy visible to the naked eye and gathered into the dark and heavy hammer in his hand. The hammer was raised high, brewing a surging momentum, as if he was holding an invisible mountain in his hands, ready to smash down at any moment.

Yuei Vu continued to wave his hands: “Then open the set card: Trap Card – Mirror Force!”

“What!?” Even the players were shocked this time.

“Yuei Vu-san, why are you also bowing your head to Hanoi’s holy power?”

“It can’t be, you are also a knight of Hanoi!?”

The trap released a blue transparent shield, like a semi-arc barrier in front of Yuei Vu, blocking the direction of the heavy hammer attack.

Coke Sprite gritted her teeth: “Then I activate Quick-Play Spell – My Body as a Shield! When the opponent activates a Spell/Trap Card or monster effect that would destroy a monster(s) on the field: Pay 1500 LP, negate the activation, and destroy that card!”

【Coke Sprite, LP 11000 → LP 9500】

[The Agent of Force – Mars, ATK 9700 → ATK 8200]

With Coke Sprite’s 10000+ life points, she could still afford such a small price. Even if The Agent of Force – Mars’ attack power was reduced, this blow was still enough to OTK!

The sacred protective shield was broken, and the heavy hammer directly smashed down without hindrance. The Dark Magician Girl in front of more than 8,000 attack powers couldn’t resist at all, so scared that she crouched with her head in her arms…

“Open the set card!” Yuei Vu flipped over the last cover card, “Trap Card – Intrigue Shield! Target 1 face-up monster I control; equip this card to that target. Once per turn, while the equipped monster is in Attack Position, it cannot be destroyed by battle. I take no battle damage from attacks involving it!

I equip it to the Dark Magician Girl!”

A shield appeared in front of the Dark Magician Girl. The girl let out an “ah”, and quickly grabbed the shield as if seeing a life-saving straw. The pitch-black warhammer slammed on the shield, causing the girl to stagger back a few steps, trembling all over, accompanied by a violent turbulent wave, and sat down on the ground.

But the blow was still blocked.

“I end my turn.” Coke Sprite was a little frustrated.



Can I win this duel?

Is it possible that all the protagonists have the passive of “until the cards are used up, they must not die”?

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