I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 359: Gimmick HERO VS Autistic

The qualifiers for the KC Grand Prix have been in full swing for the past two days.

Players from all over the world actively signed up and participated in the pre-selection process. For a while, the forums in the game were full of enthusiasm.

All regions were fiercely competing, and the scope was too wide, so it was impossible for Yuei Vu to have the time to pay attention to all of them.

However, he still paid attention to the situation of Domino’s local qualifier when he had free time.

Because of the advantages of creating the account earlier and having experienced more main storylines, the players in the Domino area certainly have greater advantages than the players who entered later.

In contrast, players in the outer areas may still be stuck with only a few fixed early-stage builds, while Domino’s high-end players have begun to explore their own unique decks with limited combinations.

Yuei Vu took the time to look at the qualifiers and indeed saw some fresh constructions.

Sure enough, the imagination of card players was endless. Some of the player’s own constructions were sometimes eye-opening-especially for NPCs native to the game world.

Some NPCs who were used to honestly summon high-level monsters by Tributes were immediately stunned by the unheard-of routines of the players.

What? Can you still play cards like this?

Sometimes seeing some extremely unreasonable (in their opinion) operations of the players, yet achieving unexpected results, the NPCs all frown, and they just wanted to say that it was wrong for you to play cards like this, but they couldn’t say where was wrong…

Of course, the top players may not get many advantages from the top local NPCs.

First of all, the biggest and most unavoidable problem for players when building a deck was the dead draw.

Perhaps the high-ranking meta decks in the real world can resolve this problem to the greatest extent by relying on their excellent card earning and searching capabilities, but now that the card pool was severely limited, the primary problem with any deck that players created was the high chance of a brick hand.

Once such an accident happened, none of the six cards in the starting hand could be used, they could even be defeated by a miscellaneous fish NPC on the side of the road.

In addition, when fighting against strong players among NPCs, one of the biggest disadvantages of players is that they can draw…

Players only had one chance to legally perform a divine draw per game, and that was the “Destiny Draw”. However, this magical draw not only needed to meet the disadvantageous conditions to trigger it, but it was also very rigid.

After all, the only thing that could be drawn was the pre-set card, but no one could guarantee that it would give them the chance to make a comeback.

But high-level NPCs were different.

Not only was the divine draw not a fixed card, but they also didn’t even know what it was before it was drawn. However, as long as there was one breath left, they could always find a way to turn things around.

As the little leek who licked the hardest by his side, Yuei Vu still paid attention to Snow Wave’s promotion.

With Snow Wave’s upgrade speed and resources, in fact, he could have produced several decks long ago.

But he didn’t, he was still loyal to the HERO series.

This guy was relying on his high luck, and the occasional help of Yei Vu behind the scenes intentionally or unintentionally, to collect a gimmick HERO deck. Otherwise, HERO was simply not affordable for players at this stage.

But Snow Wave didn’t think so. Snow Wave thinks the most important thing was that among all the players who played the HERO deck, only he has the most complete one. It was the proof of his identity as the head of Yuei Vu’s fan club, and it was his pride!

He had already made a silent decision in his heart.

Even if I, Snow Wave, starved to death, and couldn’t afford food or housing, I still wanted to be a hero!

Yuei Vu observed for a while and found that although the tool man next to him usually only gave him the impression of being “very lucky and very good at bootlicking”, his dueling skill…

…seemed to be fine?

Snow Wave basically won the whole process of the qualifiers, and from Yuei Vu’s point of view, his skill was actually not bad. It’s just that he liked to play gimmick decks, which gave people a very harmonious illusion…

Speaking of which, to some extent, gimmick players may not necessarily be worse than meta-competitive players.

This was very realistic and normal. It’s not that Yuei Vu himself has never tried “join the dark side” in the past. However, after playing meta decks for a while, he found that he almost couldn’t do gimmicks when he came back.

For players who were spoiled by those meta decks with strong card-earning abilities and super-powerful swarming abilities, even three-for-two was a big loss.

In the last match of the qualifiers, Snow Wave unexpectedly bumped into one of his own kind —— Native Noragami.

This game was already considered a fight between top players.

The two sides in the war were the representatives of “Free To Play” hardcore players and “Pay To Win” premium players. One side was the heroes of justice and light, and the other was the nether traps of darkness…

To be reasonable, no matter how rich Native Noragami was, some specific cards could not be earned without Yuei Vu’s favorability.

And his upgrade speed was far from Snow Wave’s.

However, the resistance ability of Elemental HEROes was really mediocre. Snow Wave was pitted one after another. If it wasn’t for the restrictions of the game system, he almost wanted to summon himself to beat people on the spot…

Snow Wave’s big monsters such as Flame Wingman and Great Tornado fell down one after another. At the critical moment of life and death, he firmly believed in the bond between himself and the deck, and Heart of the Cards responded…

…he got a piece of Elemental HERO Wildheart!

Elemental HERO Wildheart, a low-level hero with only 1500 attack power, but had a strong resistance “unaffected by the effect of trap cards”, which could be called the nemesis of players!

Sure enough, when he saw this wild hero appearing on the stage, Native Noragami became stupid in an instant, pointing at Snow Wave from the air and yelling something like “immoral”, “you know how to play cards with me, and deliberately stuffed three Wildheart in the deck”, “prepare to trick your old comrade, do you have a heart?”, etc,…

Brother Noragami did not feel so good.

So Wildheart directly ignored Brother Noragami’s two set cards, flew up, and stabbed him in the forehead.

Noragami’s hand was full of pits, and he couldn’t draw any of the monsters. For two consecutive rounds, he received two direct hits from the wild hero, and took a total of 3000 points of damage.

In the next turn, if nothing changed, his last 1000LP would also be taken away by Wildheart!

Native Noragami prayed in his heart.

He has never regretted it as much as now. There were almost no monsters in his full-trap deck.

As long as I bring a monster, even a cannon fodder such as Sparkman, I will beat this damned Wildheart down…

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