I Play Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Game

Chapter 347: A Girl Must Have Followers

Tenma Yako briefly explained the purpose of his coming, and Yuei Vu remembered that he had an agreement with the Industrial Illusions.

Pegasus had contacted him before, expressing his intention to design and release the Elemental HERO series, and hoped to get help and advice from him, an “authoritative person”.

Things were already decided at the time, but something happened to Industrial Illusions after that.

When Doma started to make trouble, the Industrial Illusions were the first to be targeted by them. Even the soul of President Pegasus was confiscated and turned into the rations of the evil god. Naturally, other affairs were temporarily put on hold.

Now that Doma has been defeated, the matter has settled, and the company’s operations are back on track, so the project has naturally been restarted.

Yuei Vu also readily expressed his willingness to cooperate with Tenma Yako’s invitation.

It’s just about “Elemental HERO”, Yuei Vu thought that there might be a certain jellyfish head player in his room who was more authoritative than himself…

According to Yako, the project has actually started now, and they would like to invite Yuei Vu to the branch building to have a look.

Yuei Vu looked at the time and felt that it was still early, so he agreed.

“Mr. Yuei Vu doesn’t seem to be very energetic today?” Yako observed very carefully.

“That’s right.” Yuei Vu yawned, and said helplessly, “Two dueling masters came to my house. Last night, we… um… exchanged duel experience with others, and went to bed very late .”

Chika: Continue to be vigilant. JPG.

Speaking of this, Yuei Vu thought of the experience of being crushed by Yuki Judai last night, and couldn’t help but feel a little bit painful…

If it were said that Judai didn’t understand his deck construction, he absolutely wouldn’t believe it.

Yuei Vu probably already had a guess in his heart. In the future, Yuki Judai should not only be one of his “students”, but he should be very familiar with him so that Judai knew his thoughts and decks very well.

This kind of wretched tactics, the nether targeting style of play, there was no doubt that it was definitely taught by his future self!

A divine draw cheater who learned the tactical thinking of real card players!

No wonder the “in-depth communication” between their teachers and students across time and space last night was so unpleasant.

But after thinking about it, Yuei Vu was relieved.

After all, no matter how awesome…that is also my student!

Wasn’t he trained by me?

Sure enough, I’m awesome!

Tenma Yako didn’t think so much.

Hearing this, he just felt——

——Hiss~ As expected of Mr. Yuei Vu!

He is already the Duel King. As a man standing at the top, he actually stays up every night to practice hard and pursue an even more extreme peak!

Is this the mindset of the strong?

No wonder we have such a big gap…

Going to the branch with Yako for a brief look, Yuei Vu also got a general understanding of the current status of the opening of the Elemental HERO series.

Avian, Burstinatrix, Clayman, and Sparkman, the famous “Four (Waste) Soul Heroes” already had samples.

And the designers were still considering designing some exclusive equipment or weapons for each of their heroes and releasing some supporting cards.

After all, heroes in animated movies often had the habit of upgrading and changing equipment.

After reading it, Yuei Vu gave a simple suggestion.

For example, Elemental HERO was a series that focused on fusion. The idea was that two weak heroes could summon a stronger posture through fusion.

After this deck set the tone, it could also be used as the base for changing the meta to Fusion. Taking this opportunity, more decks that focused on fusion could be released in the future.

Although from the perspective of later generations, the Fusion meta had the fatal flaw of losing cards— two Fusion Materials plus a Spell Card for fusion, three cards for one monster, it was equivalent to a -2 card advantage — for the current environment, the advantages of Fusion were still significant.

In one turn, you could summon high-level monsters through the Fusion of hand cards. That was fast and not consuming the Normal Summon, which still had a very strong suppression ability in the current environment.

While Yuei Vu was talking, Yako took notes while holding a pen and a small notebook, looking like a good student who studied hard.

When it came to the end, Yuei Vu couldn’t find anything to say for a while, thought for a while, and asked, “Do you have a toilet here?” Yako actually lowered his head and prepared to take a pen to write…

Yuei Vu: “…”

In the evening, before leaving, Yako took Yuei Vu to visit the design department and showed him the new cards under development and design.

For example, the “Cyber Angel” series used by Asuka Tenjoin in GX seemed to have already taken shape.

There were also the Chemical and Bonding series used by Daichi Misawa in GX, and Magnet Warriors and the like could also be seen here.

However, most of the cards under development here have been tested by players for many years and have been tested to be not very strong.

All the way down, only a set of cards under development caught Yuei Vu’s attention.


What caught Yuei Vu’s attention was a small and cute magical girl who was projected as the representative of the deck.

She wore a lovely magic hat, and under the hat she has long, smooth light green hair. She was holding a small magic wand in her hand, and she was dressed in a cool mage outfit, revealing her slender arms and white waist…

Of course, Yuei Vu would definitely not notice her for such a boring reason as cute.

To his surprise…

…It looked like a Magician Girl!?

“Ah, yes, among Mr. Yuei Vu’s favorite monsters, there seems to be the highest-level rare card ‘Dark Magician Girl’, right?” Tenma Yako approached, “Legend says that she is the only disciple of the Dark Magician. A female mage with very strong abilities.”

While speaking, the Dark Magician Girl herself floated beside Yuei Vu in the spirit form, and she couldn’t help shaking with pride after hearing this praise.

Yuei Vu asked: “This deck is…?”

“Magician Girl series.” Yako explained, “Because the Dark Magician Girl is extremely popular among Duel Monster lovers everywhere, all kinds of peripherals are also sold well among collectors outside the dueling world.

But it’s a pity that even if we want to remake it, the card of the Dark Magician Girl… well… let’s just say it, there are technical problems that we can’t solve. ”

The Dark Magician Girl continued to be proud, with an expression of “I want the master to praise and pat my head”.

“That’s why in response to the needs of the market, Mr. Pegasus specially arranged and designed this card set that is closely related to the ‘Dark Magician Girl’.” Tenma Yako said, “The ‘Dark Magician Girl’ in your hands, Mr. Yuei Vu, belongs to this ‘Magician Girl’ series…

…No, or it should be said that this series itself was derived from the card ‘Dark Magician Girl’.”

Yuei Vu naturally knew this.

The Magician Girl deck appeared in the 20th-anniversary movie “Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dark Side of Dimensions”.

As for why Pegasus designed this deck, Yuei Vu probably understood.

After all, even the Industrial Illusions needed customers.

Perhaps after designing so many monsters, President Pegasus finally realized a truth, that was, most Yu-Gi-Oh players were boys, and the best way to earn money from boys was cute girls…

“The design of this deck has basically been completed. Unfortunately, even if it is officially released, it is still incomplete. If there is no ‘Dark Magician Girl’… ”

He changed his mind: “By the way, if it is Mr. Yuei Vu who holds the ‘Dark Magician Girl’, you should be able to exert its full power.

Maybe… this deck will be handed over to you first. ”

I have been waiting for these words…

…Of course, such words could not be said indiscriminately.

Yuei Vu coughed: “This…isn’t that good? After all, it’s a deck that hasn’t been released yet. This is a precious sample…”

“It doesn’t matter.” Yako smiled, “Don’t look at me like this, in the Industrial Illusions, I can still decide such a small matter. Besides, the benefits to us, Mr. Yuei Vu, outweigh the disadvantages.

After all, even if a new deck is released, we still have to promote it. But I would like to ask, what advertisement can be more effective than “the card set used by the Duel King”? ”

When Yuei Vu thought about it, it seemed…that was indeed the case.

If you put it that way, it sounds like their Industrial Illusions is taking advantage of it.

Of course, Yuei Vu said that he was magnanimous, and didn’t care about a little advertising fee.

“Okay.” Yuei Vu nodded, “Then I will thank you first.”

Yako smiled: “No, after you have helped us so much, this is the least we can do. If we must thank you, it should be that I must thank on behalf of the Industrial Illusions…”

While the two were exchanging pleasantries, the Dark Magician Girl floated beside her, blinking her beautiful big eyes and looking at the magical girl projected next to her.

This means to say…

…I’m going to have followers soon!?

The girl’s eyes lit up, and she immediately looked forward to it.

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