Rafael and Yugi rushed to the roof one after another and opened the Duel Disk without saying a word, ready to start the fight.

President Kaiba followed closely behind, and soon pushed the door to the top floor. Yuei Vu followed behind President Kaiba and pushed open the iron door in the stairwell, only to see a ball of green light covering his head and face.

He stepped on the ground, and his body couldn’t help but crooked. The strong green light dazzled his eyes for a while, and for a moment he felt a sense of weightlessness.

When he came back to his senses, Yuei Vu found that the surrounding environment had become pitch black.

At the top of the Paradius Company building, Rafael, Yami Yugi, and the president in front of him all disappeared at this moment.

The strange green light illuminated the pitch-black space, and the green lines formed a huge six-pointed star array, which was spread out of thin air, like a suspended platform in the dark.

And Yuei Vu was standing on this transparent platform.

He vaguely realized something.

“Master,” the Dark Magician Girl flew out, with vigilance written all over her face, “Is there someone here…some very powerful existence.”

Yuei Vu was silent for a moment, and said, “Since everyone is here, why don’t you come out and face me? The leader of Doma, the last king of the lost city of Atlantis… Dartz?”

There was a brief silence, and then gradually a figure appeared in the darkness.

Dartz, who was dressed in a white robe, walked out slowly with his hands behind his back, and also stood on the circle of Orichalcos, with the imprint of a six-pointed star clearly branded on his forehead.

Dartz, the representative of the God of Orichalcos in the world, the head behind the scenes of Doma.

“Oh? Do you actually know about me?” Darzu narrowed his eyes, “Atlantis was already 10,000 years ago. I really didn’t expect to hear this name being mentioned in this era. ”

“Ah, I know quite a lot about you.” Yuei Vu shrugged, “The last king of Atlantis is also the worst one. You personally ended the glory of your country and destroyed human civilization, claiming to be the agent of God, but you are just another lunatic.”

Darcy’s gaze became sharper.

For a 10,000-year-old immortal, he has long been used to being in control of the overall situation in negotiations. He had all information about every force and person, this allowed him to always hold the initiative in his own hands.

He hadn’t encountered this situation for many years—the other party seemed to know everything about him, but he didn’t know anything about them.

Dartz’s eyes began to reveal the undisguised killing intent.

“Duel King Yuei Vu, I must admit that you are an existence beyond my expectation. To be honest, I haven’t encountered such a thing for many years.” Dartz said lightly, “But unfortunately, I don’t like surprises.”

“That is to say, you want to get rid of me here?” Yuei Vu glanced at the dark surroundings, “It really took a lot of trouble for you to do this.”

“After all, I’m facing the Duel King in this world, so a stage suitable for this duel is naturally necessary.” Dartz smiled and snapped his fingers.

The darkness that filled the surrounding space subsided like an ebb tide, and physical scenes began to appear around the barrier.

Yuei Vu found that he was no longer in the Paradius company building at this time. This was a sealed stone room. Its dome was more than 20 meters high, and the space was extremely open.

The walls and floors around both sides, including the ceiling above the head, were densely carved with murals.

With this architectural style and these stone slabs and murals, Yuei Vu immediately realized that he might have been directly sent to Doma’s real headquarters.

The Paradius Corporation was only the command center for Doma’s activities in this world, not the real core.

Their real headquarters was actually hidden on an unknown island in the sea. There were shrines and altars for the resurrection of evil gods.

According to visual observation, Dartz may have used some kind of space-related ritual or spell to transfer him here.

This was not surprising.

After all, in the animation, Doma could easily make all the passengers on the speeding train disappear. It was natural to have some supernatural means to make all the passengers on the flight, including the pilot, disappear mysteriously.

For the first time, Yuei Vu thought that this was the place where Yami Yugi, President Kaiba, and Dartz fought in the animation, the room where all the souls sealed by the power of Orichalcos were concentrated.

But soon he discovered that it wasn’t.

Because he found that the murals engraved walls above his head, under his feet, and around him were warriors holding swords, giant dragons flying and roaring, mages holding magic wands, and warlocks holding runes…

What was sealed in this room were dueling monster spirits!

“It’s spectacular, isn’t it?” Dartz put his hands behind his back and smiled lightly.



Yuei Vu quickly understood what was going on.

This was Darz showing him the strong men they had defeated and the spoils they had.

In other words, it’s flexing your muscles.

Yuei Vu withdrew his gaze from the wall: “Ten thousand years ago, the war between the god of Orichalcos and the world of Duel Monsters…is that it?”

Dartz once again showed a slightly surprised look, but soon recovered.

“Speaking of which, you seem to be a duelist who has a special connection with duel monster spirits.” He said, “So, your spirits should have told you this?”

Yuei Vu said that it was not the case. His duel monster spirit was just a busty naive girl, how could she know so much…

I’m afraid Dartz won’t believe me when I say it, but the information was actually given by him…it’s just in the animation.

In the animation, Dartz personally explained the ins and outs of the great war ten thousand years ago.

“Orichalcos” was originally a meteorite that fell from the sky. The mysterious substance contained in it could be used in almost any aspect, raising the technological level of the Atlantis civilization at one go, and making the human civilization at that time develop to an unprecedented height.

…Sounded a bit like the Vibranium of a certain country in the next-door studio.

Then the good times didn’t last long. Soon, Dartz, as a monarch, discovered that Orichalcos was not a simple gift, but a test of the earth for human beings.

While this substance brought great convenience and promoted the evolution of civilization, it also led to the growth of darkness in people’s hearts. People were using Orichalcos to exercise their desires more and more, and the original glorious Atlantis civilization has fallen into the abyss of corruption and greed.

Until the end, when the darkness in the human heart was stimulated to the extreme, more and more people even began to change their appearance, losing their minds and turning into pure beasts. Even Dartz’s own wife, Iona, was not spared.

Then Dartz got the oracle, and suddenly understood the meaning of Orichalcos. He knew that this was a test for the human race, but at the same time, he also realized that the human heart could never overcome the darkness in the heart. The result of the test was undoubtedly a failure.

That’s why he decided to call upon the god Orichalcos to destroy everything.

But his decision was unanimously opposed by his father and daughter, and finally, the two parties broke up and turned against each other.

In order to resist Dartz’s army and the power of the God of Orichalcos, his father Ironheart opened the gate of the Duel Monsters Spirit World and released a large number of dueling spirits including three legendary dragons to resist Dartz’s army.

That was the truth of the ancient war 10,000 years ago.

“Ten thousand years ago, my poor father and the duel monster spirits stopped my plan.” Dartz said lightly, “but not this time.

After ten thousand years of preparation, no one can stop my plan this time. Human beings can no longer be saved, and only thorough cleaning can restore this filthy world. Any obstacles will be swept away. ”

After a pause, he raised his arm and opened the Duel Disk.

“Duel King Yuei Vu, it starts with you.”

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