I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 649 Fools! The Got Stronger, So They Became Arrogant!

From every corner of my capital, all the forces started to move out. Like a gigantic beast, the colossal army of mine was getting amassed, arranged in eleven big armies, each dedicated to one of my trusted subordinates.

One was for me, one for the jumper, and one for Angelica. These three were destined to have a different path out of all the rest.

One of the jumpers would wait here for defence. I would leave the task of keeping my capital safe to them.

They’d scatter and take control over all the defensive structures finished so far. The building process would continue even during the process of this war, as one more fort or part of the wall getting done would make a difference in the end.

As for my and Angelica’s armies, they both would go into my second earth world. They’d train under Angelica’s command, getting ready to be deployed at any given moment as a backup reinforcement.

The rest would lie under one of my big names, including Isac and Lily. The two proved their worth so far, and they deserved an army under each.

I left such an arrangement before going to my second Earth world. And they were just following my orders..

As for the final plan of this war, the directions these forces would take, I had to wait until we all would be gathered to discuss things with them.

“This war… It’s going to be formed from two big parts,” after almost ten hours, the leaders of all armies came and gathered in my chariot.

All my friends were here, and they also brought a few of their trusted subordinates.

The five thousand humans cultivating didn’t finish yet. It seemed the world energy here was so thin, not allowing them to finish so soon.

Cultivation took a long time to give birth to any fruit. Even my cultivation session took a long time and still didn’t have a real impact on the level of my energy or my base.

It was a really long road that should have started a long time ago, since we were kids.

So I decided to leave them here, to help in times of need if things went south. I just hoped they wouldn’t get interrupted and continue their training till the end.

“The first will start in ten more hours. We will move out and start aiming at the enemy inside our kingdom land…”

I went to the map drawn over the back of my chariot and started to draw an imaginary like using the tip of my glaive. It moved from high at the top, starting from Niagara falls, all the way down to the eastern borders of Texas.

“It looks like they got themselves stretched out pretty nice,” the spearhead felt more confident than ever.

He got to train under such hellish circumstances, making him grow stronger and get a better hold at his ability.

He wasn’t the only one getting such confidence, the rest also felt the same. Before this training, they were more like little kittens, afraid of any challenge, not wanting to fight a big battle alone.

But now? Each one of them was like a powerhouse in the making! Really giving things to the experts was the best decision I made so far.

I didn’t even send a single force out to Fang. I didn’t need to. Or I doubted the Selvators’ training would be even close from the hellish training of the Hectors.

Even in big races, there were such differences that would make one mightier and more special than the other.

I wanted the best for my people. And that made me crave to get more Hectors.

That continent, that large piece of land that was close to that all silent pillar at the horizon… It was filled with tons of Hectors… I wanted them, I wanted all of them to serve my humans.

But that was left for later time. That continent was well secured for now. Once I’d get the chance, I’d rampage through all the forces there and turn them all into my followers.

“We are going to overrun them easily,” Sara said in a tone of arrogance.

“Don’t belittle them,” I said in a serious tone, “they might look weak, but I fought these forces before. They have the ability to summon portals, sending out a large number of forces. If you underestimate them, then even with your millions of forces, you will lose!”

“This…” Leo looked at others while they showed their disbelief and doubt.

Seeing their confidence turning into such arrogance made me sigh. I was in their spot a few weeks before, and ended up learning my lesson with harsh losses.

“Being strong doesn’t mean you are invincible. It’s that damn enemy that outplayed us twice in a row and even dared to come and target our kingdom. Don’t underestimate him. He isn’t that kind of a fool to commit such silly mistakes. He left his forces out in the open for days now, without adding any more support to them.”

“Your meaning…?” Hilary looked at others in a warning way, seemingly warning them from saying anything about what they believed.

“He is preparing something, and waiting for us to come at him. It’s not logical to take such a long line without making an attempt to broaden it! He has a scheme, and that scheme will be scary. Not to mention…”

I moved to another spot, where the ocean was the ruler there. “… We got Hectors on our rear. If the two forces combined efforts, then during our all out attack, they will move.”

“You mean…?!!” Isabella asked while she and others got what I was speaking about.

“That’s part two of this big war, the hardest one. I’m sure that bastard will summon gates and bring forth tons of monsters and mercenaries to keep all of you entangled while the Hectors will come and hit our capital.”

“We can stop them!” the spearhead spoke with the same arrogant tone, “We aren’t the same, boss. We got trained, got stronger, and even our forces got stronger. We won’t get entangled with anything! Nothing will stop us!”

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