There were many conditions to get such material, which meant how valuable this material was. For me I knew of two uses of this material from the old man, or that’s what I recalled.

I needed to get back to those beads and try to seek more answers for such extremely valuable material.

All I knew was that I could use it to transform any piece of land into a blessing land that would spontaneously spawn monsters at the same stage of the apocalypse.

It might seem worthless, but if I told you that these monsters would give us not only materials, but coins and could also drop gears at fixed rate in addition to stat points, scrolls, and other stuff then you’d get what I mean.

Not to mention it was considered a safe training zone for my troops. They would enter and train without any fear of facing a new challenge or unfavourable circumstances.

There was once a kingdom in our human race that had the chance to get their hands over this material. They used it over a large piece of land that was the size of a normal US state, and they called it The Dungeon.

As for the second use, it was mentioned in theory by the old man without any prior application to it. According to him, using this material over any kind of monster would tame him. Not only that, it would also allow the monster to evolve, turning monsters from just killing moving meat into our own strength.

If I got the chance to select, then I’d select both of them. However each portal would only allow for a single monster to come here. So I would only choose one thing to do with this material, and that would be the dungeon.

Even if taming monsters was something good, it was better to train my troops.

“It’s coming,” as I was lost in thoughts, the jumper spoke and jolted me awake.

Then the entire world all around changed. The world was already dim, but just as that monster appeared, it seemed like the entire world was bathed by fire.

It turned from a dim world into a hot and shining red world with black at the horizon like a gloomy background.

And with this, a colossal body started to step out from the gate. It was so massive that it had to pass through the portal with one limb at a time.

First he held the rim of that portal with his hand, pushed one leg out before pushing his head then his other arm and the last thing to pass was his second leg.

It took almost a couple of minutes for this colossal being to pass into our world. Yet in my eyes it seemed like time was forcibly stopped by its terror.

But instead of passing only one head and done, a second head passed, then a third, fourth, and lastly fifth.

The heads were like a lizard with big spiky scales on the upper half of its long neck. The five necks combined together just ten metres above its balloon-like belly.

Two thick and slightly short legs compared to its immense body appeared below. It had a short tail that was at least twenty metres in length.

It was short indeed, compared to the almost hundred metres length and almost forty metres in height belly. Not to mention its five long heads that rose up for another forty metres at least.

“This…” the jumper froze in his place and for the first time since getting to know this brutal person, he seemed scared! He was scared that even his voice came shaky when he added, “will this be the last moment of my life?”

He wasn’t speaking to me, but to himself. “Don’t be silly,” despite being as afraid as him, I didn’t show that on the surface like him, “we won’t get hit as long as we are inside this bubble.”

“A bubble? Against such doomsday level monsters?!” he seemed to not believe me. But dude, even if a snake evolved into a dragon, it would still be scared shit from eagles!

“We will endure,” I knew the next battle wouldn’t be simple, especially when I planned to not kill that monster right from the start. It wasn’t even just hard because of that, but I also had another role to play here.

Or else that monster would simply kill any human inside the city and might just deviate away and leave the city to the surrounding counties. Or even it might cross the river and go to crush my forces at New York city.

Staying idle wasn’t an option, and just trying to roam around, and evade any destructive collateral attacks from it wasn’t an option either.

But I didn’t say it out loud, or else that scared to pee himself, the jumper might just kill himself instead on the spot.


The moment that monster came out, the portal closed in a flash of silver light before it raised its five heads and roared in a violent and domineering way.

It was announcing the arrival of its tyranny in this world.

“Any moment now,” if I said I wasn’t nervous then I would be lying. I was waiting for something, something essential to my future plans.

If that didn’t happen, then all my plans would be destroyed.

“What is that?” Just as I was counting seconds with my heartbeats, the jumper pointed towards the distance while his voice carried a shocking tone.

“It’s the balance my dear jumper,” I was on the verge of jumping high in the air and shouting in triumph. Yet I controlled myself and as polite as a decent human I simply raised my middle finger to the hiding angels in the shadows.

Just at the forefront, high, high on top of the colossal monster, a strange whirlpool started to get formed. At first one might mistake it as a response to the mighty roars of that monster, a symbol of its terrorising power.

But I knew better! The colour of that whirlpool was pure milky white, the famous colour of the system. Yes, the system was intervening, my best ally so far was getting to move.

Of course it had to react. After all, at such a stage of the apocalypse the presence of such a monster was simply defying all rules and logic! Even if summoning such a monster here was according to the rules, the scale of its power was simply off charts.

So the system had to intervene, and it was the gamble I won just now against the angels, the move they might have overlooked, or simply didn’t care about.

In either case, the monster was about to get what it deserved right from the start.

“Is it the system?” The jumper was smart enough to get what I meant. And I simply nodded.

“It’s going to weaken it,” I said, “and for the best it shall seal away many of its frightening abilities.”

“You seem to know much about this lizard,” the jumper pointed in the direction of the monster and I was astonished that he called it a lizard. “How?”

“None of your business,” if you were daring enough to ask, then I’d be shameless enough to not answer.

“Humph,” he harrumphed as my answer didn’t satisfy him, “you are literally a walking meat sack filled with secrets!”

“If you were a girl,” I tried to tease him, “I’d rather have you on my bed and tell you all the secrets you want.”

“Says the one who gets scared from the approach of a few girls back there,” he snorted and I didn’t like that kind of answer.

“I only accept the girls that my heart moves on seeing them,” I said in a challenging tone, feeling a little rage from what he just said.

“Like Karoline? Huh! You didn’t see your face when she was around,” he said as if it was something I should be ashamed of.

Dude! She was really a piece of art! Not to mention her own unique ability that defied logic!


Yet what interrupted our useless conversation was the second roaring of that monster.

Before that by a few seconds, the whirlpool in the sky rotated in a high speed all of sudden before a large pillar of white light fell over the monster, enveloping its entire body within.

And as that happened, the monster roared and this time I could feel pain in its shocking voice.

Under the baptism of such light, the colossal body of that monster started to shrink in a rate obvious to naked eye. Instead of its colossal height and length, it started to dwindle and only one third of its original size remained.

Out of its five heads, one remained and the other four exploded. Thick and large drops of blue red blood started to rain down the area adjacent to it, eating away even the steel inside the buildings!

But that didn’t matter! What mattered was the fact that this monster was punished and got its power decreased forcibly even before it could move a single foot off the ground!

Yes! Way to go, my beloved system!

But all this stopped here. I knew the effects of adjusting the punishment of the system wouldn’t just stop at decreasing its size and killing off four of its five heads.

To know more, I needed to observe its actions during the next minutes first. Then I’d decide how I should kill it.

Just from the general look, I could tell this monster had some relations with dragons. Scales, heads like dragons, and even that giant shaped body and belly reminded me of the western dragons.

So if it had such a relation with them, it might be brutal and merciless as such. It also would use either fire or water in its attacks.

But if it retained the advantages of the dragons, it must also have their weaknesses.

What was the biggest flaw in dragons? Arrogance? Greed? Not to drop their enmity as they took it against their pride?

Many small things were known as the flaws of dragons. In my eyes, anything could be a virtue or a curse according to the circumstances.

“Hang tight,” as the whirlpool started to slowly fade, the silver white pillar stopped and vanished as well. That gave the monster at last its moment to show up its frightening force.

And as expected, it moved its single head and roared in one direction, the direction where dense life signals came to its senses; the illusionists’ gate!

“It missed us!!” The jumper looked at me like I was a street magician.

“That’s normal,” I shrugged, and yet I didn’t shift my eyes away from the direction of the illusionist castle and gate.

I was sure my response in sealing myself came as a surprise for the angels and other enemies here in the city. But if I thought they wouldn’t have a response to that, I’d be greatly mistaken.

So I watched attentively to determine what kind of response they’d do. If they didn’t do anything, then against such embodiment of death drawing near, they got zero chance of survival.

“What are they doing?!” The monster was slowly moving towards the illusionists with its gigantic and heavy body. Yet in less than a minute, a new change occurred at the illusionists end.

“Where are they going?” The jumper was looking in the same direction as I was. He seemed to have a skill similar to mine, as he saw the first waves of monsters led by many illusionists flooding out from the gates of that castle.

“Are they going to fight it head on?” the jumper turned to me and I simply shook my head.

If they had something loose in their minds, then they would do that. “They are coming towards us,” after a moment of pause and observation, I noticed the forces gushing out from the castle were taking a curved route, evading the monster and heading in our direction at the same time.

“But…” the jumper also noticed the missing piece here, “the monster already locked their castle in his senses. It won’t follow these forces except after crushing the castle!”

Just before I could think of an explanation, a strange beam of light shone from the direction of the gate. The gate hovered hundred metres off the ground, and that made me spot that ray of light once it appeared.

“Another treasure?” I frowned. If anything would be used against that monster then it should be on the same calibre with the angelic star weapon or the illusionists godly tear.

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