I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 115 - [Bonus Chapter] Human Race Hye!

The loot this time was really big! It was expected. After all, they sent a few of their elites to lead the resistance against us.

Aside from the twenty million coins I got, the sheer number of stat points made me grin even after returning to the surface of my chariot.

Five million stat points! Damn! Who said war was the source of wealth? He was goddamn right!

Unlike what the jumper expected, we didn't find such resistance anymore. Even the size of the reinforcement troops of the enemies began to show signs of decreasing the more we progressed.

"They are dispersing their troops," I reached to such a conclusion when I killed the tenth group that wasn't even close to five hundred!

"Yeah, that's a killer move indeed," the jumper nodded but I knew things weren't so easy.

We were now at the other side from where we started. The distance between the two points was big enough to take even half an hour with my chariot's intermediate speed.

If I were them, I'd just scatter my forces and send them in the opposite direction. Of course that also meant they'd send a large number of forces each time, fearing to not be able to send much more again.

"Will we hit the castles now?" The jumper seemed to grow bored from killing a few groups of enemies. But I shook my head.

"It's time to up the game."

As the enemy fell into such a trap, I suddenly shifted the direction of my chariot.

"Wait… are we going to the city now?!" The jumper looked at me with widened eyes.

"Do you have a better option?" I didn't explain anything and instead activated the fully powered version of my chariot. The speed boost it got made it literally fly over the ground and flash like a bolt of lightning towards the direction of the city.

"I thought we were going to kill the small fries first," the jumper looked at me in a questionable gaze. Dude, have more trust in me please!

By logic, I should be doing exactly like what he thought. I initially planned to do this before I got the message of that war god.

Of course battles here were hard, but if I needed to impress that high god of war pantheon, I needed to show more than brute strength.

Cunning was a major key to winning wars. Who said wars were won with numbers and strength? That wasn't totally correct! Wars were won mainly by deception.

And I just deceived my enemies to dispatch most of their strong forces outside the city. If the city was considered a mighty fortress before I started, then right now it was like an empty fort waiting for me to claim.

Besides I got an urgent quest that I needed to accomplish first before anything else. I had to conquer one gate to be able to use my heroic calling.

Not to mention Sara and her large army were already close to doing their role. I wasted enough time here for them to be ready.

As all my chess pieces were in place, it was time to make the checkmate move.

According to our current location, I strangely could see something on the other side of the land. There was a big island that had a deep hole like a deep wound.

"Is this the statue of liberty island?" I couldn't help but point towards that direction, and the jumper nodded.

"Why be surprised?" he asked as if it was normal to see that island so close from here.

"Isn't it different from New York city?"

"It's closer to Jersey city than New York," he looked in doubt towards me before asking, "you never told me where you are. You aren't American, right?"

"Indeed I'm not," I firmly said before diverting his attention away from this topic, "do you know Jersey city then?"

"I visited it a couple of times before," he nodded before adding, "from our current position, we are closer to Greenville."

"That's where the illusionist castle is," I evilly grinned before pointing in the direction of one of my illusionists and asked: "Do you know where your castle is located?"

The illusionist was bound by the contract to answer me. Yet he seemed more wary towards my intentions.

Of course during the past fights every single one of the illusionists were thrown into the battle without any exception. They saw how deadly I dealt with those races, even a combined force with tens of thousands and with the aid of the angelic star weapon couldn't stop me.

"It's in that direction," against his own will, he answered while pointing in one direction.

"It's in the direction of New Jersey City university!" the jumper said as he seemed to recognise that direction.

"Lord's friend is correct," the illusionist nodded, "our castle is situated just south of a big human learning place."

"So it comes down to the Gothic Knights then," the jumper seemed to recall something about that university.

"Do you know it?" I couldn't help but ask.

"I was supposed to enroll there next year," he said in a melancholic tone, "but as you can see… even in the apocalypse I have to go there."

"That's fate dude," I smiled while looking forward again.

Out of the five big races and their stationed forces here, who would be my first enemy to pick? Of course someone stationed far away from the main forces I loved before.

And on top of that, a force that already lost one of the strongest weapons of their arsenal early on! That god tear they used meant they were now cubs and not lions.

So all my preparations were to attack their castle. I thought I'd have to pass by another race castle to reach them, but my enemies were more nervous than I thought and they moved earlier and sat on the board for my checkmate move.

The city looked more devastated than New York. I could still see thick tongues of smoke rising up from many spots in the city.

From the first glance, New York seems much bigger. But for some reason, the vibe I got from this city made me feel it witnessed far more brutal fights compared with New York.

"Ahem, esteemed human race Hye, may I take a moment of your time?"

Just as I entered the city for a couple minutes, and tried to find a clear path for my big chariot in the middle of tall damaged buildings, I heard this sudden voice coming from my side.

"Angels?!" I was surprised to see them. Three angels, looking similar to the ones I knew in New York City with slight differences.

These three looked slightly bigger in size, and the air they emitted was far more heavy than the other three.

So they gained a lot of blessing points so far? Interesting!

"What do you want?" Despite their appearance, I didn't pause or slow down my chariot's speed. I knew they wouldn't come here out of good intentions.

If they thought about wasting my time till their scattered forces gathered, then they'd be mistaken.

"We want to welcome you to the city," the central one, their leader, said with a smile that looked all but friendly.

"You already warmly welcomed me," I snorted, "did you forget? That Hudson river battle was really a good warm up indeed."

"We know nothing about that!" He acted shamelessly and even the jumper looked at them in surprise. "We only rule over the issues related to this city and its counties. Hudson river belongs to New York city."

"It belongs to both cities," the jumper seemed to not take their bullshit. Dude, let them say whatever they wanted. In the end we wouldn't listen to them.

"What do you want?" as the angels were about to give another shitty answer, I directly asked, "I'm a little busy here. So if you don't mind, speak or f*ck off!"

"Easy esteemed human race Hye," that leader of them said with a sly smile on his face, "why being nervous?"

"If you won't tell, then I'll just ignore you as if you aren't here," I rolled my eyes while giving them my back. Yet the next moment the three flashed and appeared in front of me.

"We just want to offer a truce between the races fighting in the city," the central one said while wearing the veil of an honest angel, "as guides, we shall seek balance and look for the future prosperity of all races."

"Indeed," I nodded without any speck of honesty in my voice, "then what do you propose?"

"Ahem, can you pull over to have a slight talk over this?" one on the side angel said while trying to be as polite on the surface as possible.

"I love my chariot moving around your city," I shrugged, "if you wanted me to speak while not driving it, then you can wait for a couple hours. I have little business here to do in the city before resting."

The angels' look on their faces was priceless! They wanted to curse, show their arrogance and dirty faces, but they couldn't. After all, my channel was backing me up. So despite all this, they could only show a humble and polite expression, even if their faces were boiling red out of anger and frustration.

"We don't like war inside our city," their leader said as if he was gritting on his teeth, "why can't all the races here live in peace and harmony? Why shall you fight and kill each other? That pains me!"

"F*ck you!" The jumper was more straightforward and less impatient than I. Just his instant remark made a laugh escape from my mouth.

"Esteemed human race jumpers, you can't live with such bloody nature. That's unhealthy for you in the long run."

"Why don't I give you a proposal?" I held the jumper's arm and held him back for a second, "why don't you take all the races who invaded my world back into theirs?"

"We can't do that," the three angels all shook their heads in unison, "this is the setting of the great apocalypse. We all shall follow and serve the great plan of the mighty creators."

Those hypocritical bunch of liars! I sneezed while releasing this bunch of angels who were more tactful and shameless than the other three in New York city.

"Then war will continue here until I kill all of them," I said it in a way like it was out of my hand to decide such a matter.

"But that will prove to be quite challenging…" the leader paused to make sure I got his hidden threat in between the lines, "it's not a healthy thing to have such bloody fights all the time. Why not wait until the main quest is activated? Once the rules are stated, we can all follow the greater will of the mighty creators."

"F*ck you!" the jumper cursed again and I simply rolled my eyes towards him.

"Jumper, be more polite to our guides," I said in a tone that was filled with mockery, "they backstabbed our race and had the courage to come with such innocent looks and even try to scum us. Show them more respect, please."

"Humph, dirty rats have no better end than deadly traps," he scoffed and turned his spear towards the angels in a challenge, "if you got it in you, come and show me your worth in a duel!"

"You…" the rude answer of the jumper seemed to get them on the verge of exploding. I grinned while slightly pushing the jumper to the side.

"Sorry about that, it's just my friend here doesn't like dirty people."

"Hye… This is your last warning!" The third angel seemed to have his anger out of control, yet he was instantly stopped by their leader.

"Esteemed human Hye, let's not make this situation anymore complicated please," as a sly fox he said, and I only gave him my laugh as an answer before saying:

"I dare you to make it more complicated for me."

"That's not a wise thing," the leader said in a calm tone yet his eyes were flashing in a dangerous light, "fighting against everyone isn't a wise move. Without allies, how can you aim to control all the gates in the city then for your personal quest?"

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