"What shall we do now then?" Isabella asked, moving her eyes around the grand forces down below, "we need time to get used to the new armies."

"That's your task from now on," I nodded in acknowledgment. It would be bad to just give them such terrifying elites and weapons without knowing their full capabilities, "I'll leave this over to Lily and Angelica. Both of them will distribute the forces according to my will. Then you are going to stay back here and get used to your new forces before finally returning to Earth in one week."

One week might seem long, but in Earth's time it wasn't. So leaving them here to get used to their forces was the ideal option.

As for how I'd distribute these forces, it was simple.

The main emphasis would be over the fifth quest and the invasion of the twenty-two worlds. That meant we need at least twenty-three groups of armies with different sizes and abilities.

I already spoke with Lily about this before. The group responsible for dealing with the zombies would be like a massive group of different armies.

At first they'd gain support and help from other armies. But once the invasion time would draw near, they'd have to deal with the situation on their own.

The first plan was to arrange for almost thirty armies with each having at least two up to four million troops. This was a considerable force. But considering the new changes in the kingdom and the three new continents being added, it wasn't enough.

I asked her to increase this number by fifty percent. At the same time, none of the specially made suits and weapons would be included in these forces.

The specially designed weapons and suits in addition to the trained forces with Hescos and the ones who opened their cultivation bases would all be assigned in the forces attacking the twenty-two worlds.

And this was like a bottomless pit for me. What was enough to be sent there and control the situation? To be honest, there was no upper limit for my forces sent there.

The more the better. Not to mention the performance of my forces would vary in different worlds according to the enemies and resistance they'd meet there.

So at first we'd send out a group of ten armies each to each world. Each group would be led by a large number of capable leaders and a few generals, with one of my friends and old time generals in the lead.

People like Legend and other Hector generals who were still on the way here with the trained armies would be a good example of this batch.

But that didn't mean these groups of ten armies sent out first would be enough or the last batch sent.

To make sure my plan went on without much hurdle, I had to keep sending armies out. But would I need to go and visit these worlds myself then?

I knew the enemy was aware of my intentions and even prepared a countermeasure for this. But I also had my own counterplans in motion and ready.

These weapons and suits in addition to all the secrets revealed about how Hescos fought was going to help me greatly in suppressing them.

Yet that didn't mean things would grow out smoothly as planned.

"All depends upon a single factor; the zombies!"

No matter what race it was, dealing with such a zombie disaster was a headache. And fighting amidst all this was going to be a messy situation without doubt.

Not to mention when I'd go and pressure these Hescos, who said they wouldn't leave everything and come and target my land on Earth?

It was an all out war, and it was going to happen just in the middle of a messy disaster. So anything was possible.

Neutralising this unstable factor was a must! Not just for the success of my invasion, but also for the security of my kingdom.

"I also need to prepare lots of workers and materials… Once we control a few cities and towns, a construction project of defensive walls and towers must be done…"

It went without saying that fighting and building defensive structures must go hand in hand in the upcoming invasion. It was just lucky that it'd need more days back at Earth before I'd send out my forces to invade.

So I informed Angelica to make the needed preparations before standing here in wait.

The zombie generals and higher ups were going on the head of the many forces from the first training ground. I needed to make sure they prepared everything we agreed upon.

Time passed fast and in less than seven days, the forces that were gathered here were endless to count.

I grew used to this and left everything for Lily and others. Lily arranged the armies fast into groups, and assigned the leadership of each group of armies to their corresponding generals.

I decided to let Legend lead in the first wave of attack in the invasion. And that little dude was truly excited about such privilege.

As for the jumper and others, they just acted busy trying to get used to their new forces.

Just one simple incident happened that left me speechless and didn't know whether I should laugh or cry.

That small jerk, the spearhead, seemed to take a fancy to the big rocket launchers and decided to try them out and see their effects.

I didn't know why he went down this path. In my eyes, he could have just come and asked me about it, or even requested a test in a remote location.

That thick headed dude judged the old human arsenal weapons by the old standards before my research department intervention.

That meant he had a very wrong estimation about the deadliness of the weapons and even the range of the rockets!

Just as he decided to use it, I only saw a grand release of many small rockets that went at a very fast speed towards the horizon.

To use it, he moved a group of ten rocket launchers to a suitable distance in his opinion. He then launched the rockets and waited to see them fall just a few miles away.

Up to his shock, the rockets penetrated the higher atmosphere at such a scary speed, vanishing in a few seconds from his line of sight.

Seeing this made my scalp numb! That damn jerk just pointed the rockets at the direction of the old inhabited settlements in this world.

These were the first built clusters of towns and cities here. The distance was indeed huge, but with the enhanced capabilities of the rockets, such distance was about to get crossed.

Dammit! Seeing this made me picture the worst possible scenario ever! Why was I surrounded with such jerks and fools?

Without even looking again at the ashen white face of the spearhead down at the ground, I took my staff and jumped directly towards the place of impact.

The rockets were travelling fast, and I saw them drawing closer from the distance while shining like little deadly stars.

"Tsk… If it was up to me, I'd prefer to drag that bastard here and let him deal with this mess himself!" I looked around and knew this place was going to be ruined if I didn't step in and stopped the incoming rockets.

"Let's test your ferocity then… Thundering Might!"

The rockets were indeed deadly, but that didn't mean I wasn't without an option to deal with them. They were launched from a few rocket launchers, but during their travels they started to cover up a huge area.

Trying to hunt these down one by one wasn't going to work. Trying to use a small shield to stop them wasn't going to work either.

The only thing I could do was to use my pillar and activate it. The pillar did its magic and started to cover up the entire region with a sturdy shield.

My shield was enough to stop many enemies since I acquired it. So it was a perfect counter for these rockets. And it was also the best way to measure their deadliness.

After all, I just got to hear the words of the research department about their upgrade success of these rockets, but never got the chance to test them out.


The first rocket landed fiercely over the expanding shield of mine in the next few minutes. The impact started first as a blinding flash of light that left me blinded for a few seconds before a thundering rumbling noise erupted.

A huge mushroom cloud of orange fire erupted and rose high from the point of impact. It kept rising up for half a mile distance before suddenly expanding outwards, covering almost a circle of ten miles around my shield.

This was simply enough to cover up to one fourth of my current shield! And when other rockets landed, it looked like more coating layers of orange and red fire were getting added and overlapped over each other, covering up my shield.

That scene was truly breathtaking and deadly at the same time!


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