Episode 58 First turning point (1)

“I want to keep our mouths together.”

“uh?! uh?”

Ina stuttered back as if taken aback by Jaehyun's sudden words.

She covered her chin with both hands and looked up at Jaehyun with a sad face.

Then, Jaehyun smiled and waved his hand at Seo Ina.

“hey. It's not that kiss. I just want to keep things in line.”


face of disbelief.

Jaehyun laughed.

‘As expected, it's like an interpersonal breadwinner.'

“Have you checked your body yet? He treated me well.”

“......uh? So you're saying it was you who healed my body?”


It was expected, but I didn't understand it right away. Wasn't Jaehyun a wizard class fighting in the avant-garde, not a healer?

Even mana rebound is an illness that cannot be cured unless you have an A-class or higher heal skill.

You healed such a disease alone?

“I know what you are thinking. It's a little difficult to tell everything. Anyway, what's certain is that I healed you. ...... He intends to keep this ability hidden from now on.”

“......hiding it?”

“okay. I don't want others to know that I have a heal skill. Especially for that nasty bastard at the top of Milles Academy.”


Seo Ina sighed softly.

She immediately realized who Jaehyun was talking about.


The chairman of Milles Academy, and the person Jaehyun openly hated.

“It's because of him. The fact that the Kobold Lord appeared in the dungeon and put the cadets in danger.”


Seo In-na looked at Jae-hyun, blinking her eyes in surprise.

Jaehyun was calm.

“Chairman Gu Ja-in is a bad quality piece of trash who thinks of the cadets as tools. It is completely different from what is portrayed in the media. He's just trying to use us as a merchant.”

“But even so, the reason to release the boss monsters in the dungeon is......”

“They thought that it didn't matter if the cadets were judged useless by their own standards, even if they died. He’s a guy who thinks the talented 1 percent fills his pockets.”

“……How could that be……”

Eana seemed quite shocked by Jaehyun’s words.

However, even as Jaehyun, it was impossible to take more time.

By openly manipulating events like this, he gave himself an impossible ordeal.

That meant that there was a high possibility that Gu Jain would continue to hold events like this for himself in the future.

It is a self-evident fact that Seo In-na and Kim Yoo-jung, who are around them, may be engulfed in it.

It was his idea that it was safe to bluff ahead of time here.

Jaehyun explained things in more detail to Seo Ina, who was confused.

Gu Ja-in's past, his impressions of the cadets, and his work in the freshman hunt.

He shared with her all the information up to the limit of what he could convey at the moment.

Seo In-na nodded as if she understood right away, but looked at Jae-hyeon blankly, not saying anything else.

As if the atmosphere froze in an instant, a chill spread throughout the dungeon.

“why? Did you put anything on my face?”

Jaehyun joked to ease the stiff atmosphere, but Seo Ina still watched him with a hard face.

After a while. Her crimson lips darted shut, and her words escaped.

“...That day, after the freshman hunt was over, I was guiding you to the dormitory. You did. Chairman Gu Jain is a dangerous person. Don't trust anyone at the academy.”


“......Jaehyun, how much do you know about Chairman Gu Jain?”


In an instant, Jaehyun was taken aback.

It was unexpected that Seo Eana would ask a question first.

‘This is out of the expected range. Seo Eana asked this first.'

Even if it wasn’t, it would be Seo Ina who is not good at interpersonal relationships.

Considering her usual personality, she is not the kind of person who would ask such a sensitive question.

Are you just curious about the information you know?

‘If that's the case, it's at least fortunate......'


When Jaehyun didn't respond readily, Seo Eana added a little bit of urgency.

“......You knew from the beginning that Chairman Gu Jain was a bad person. In addition, in this dungeon, I acted quickly as if I knew this would happen.

How the hell do you know those things?”


“Answer me.”

Seo In-na's hazelnut-colored eyes were persistently demanding an answer.

However, Jaehyun couldn't immediately answer Seo Eana's words. Because I was never sure if it was the right thing to say here.

After thinking for a while, Jaehyun shook his head and looked at Seo Ina.

‘No matter what, telling Seo Eana my secret here is poison. It may feel comfortable right now, but... I have no intention of getting Seo Eana involved in other events.'

With this incident, Jaehyun clearly realized.

Seo Eana is a great card, but it is forbidden to treat her carelessly.

Anyway, Irregular who returns and changes the future that was planned.

With such a self by her side, she might grow much less than she thought.

‘Of course, if I don't take care of Ahn Ho-yeon or Kim Yoo-jung, I can't help it, because they will die or be ruined without their talents blooming. ... Seo Eana is different.'

Seo Eana will become Korea's best wizard in a few years, even if she doesn't take care of her.

If he dares to intervene in her life here, his life may be twisted.

And in the worst case...

‘Seo Eana might die.'

That would never have been possible.

‘Should I use Brainwashing?'

《Brainwashing》, a skill he copied from Gu Jain earlier, is magic that has the effect of manipulating other people's minds.

Depending on the need, it is also possible to restrain the opponent through the second form, 《Subordination》.

A dangerous skill that can be used as a servant to make me obey.

If you use it well here, you can make Seo Eana's mouth heavy.

However, Jaehyun shook his head.

‘That's not a fundamental solution. I can't make friends this way.'

In the first place, it was questionable whether the 《Brainwashing》 skill would work on Seo In-na, who had an aptitude of 92.

‘In addition, this time is completely different from the time of An Ho-yeon.'

Mind manipulation type magic requires the user to have more magical power than the designated target, and it is easier to use when the designated target's mental state is insufficient.

To put it simply, Ahn Ho-yeon was mentally immature and okay, but it doesn't work well for Seo In-na, who has a strong mentality.

Jaehyun looked into her eyes and opened his mouth slowly.

“Sorry. But I can't tell you more than this.”


Seo Ina responded with a slightly angry tone, but Jaehyun shook his head.

“Because if you get too involved with me, it won't be good for you either. Look at me now.”

“...Still, I want to know.”

Rarely, Seo Ina asked again, but Jaehyun could only shake his head again.


A moment of silence passed.

The darkness inside the dungeon made the silence even longer.

The two of them just leaned against the wall without speaking for a while.

Seo Ina still had a sad face.

However, the face that had been hardened as if angry had already been released.

Because now she trusted Jaehyun as much as she did.

The experience of fighting while entrusting one's life to a raider may be surprisingly common, but after that common experience, their relationship becomes stronger.

Now, the relationship between Jaehyun and Seo Eana is like a comrade who has already crossed the front line once. And doubts among colleagues do not tell us the answer to work.

Seo Ina was well aware of this.

“Then shall we go out soon?”


Jaehyun held out his hand first. As he took the lead, Ina Seo followed Jaehyun.

In the darkness of the dungeon, only two glowing spheres created with Flash magic became the light sources, illuminating each other and the interior of the dungeon.

* * *


When Jaehyun and Ina Seo came out of the dungeon surrounded by a halo of light.

The end point was already a mess.

“Stop that! Kim Yoo-jung!”

“say! Why did only you two come out alive!”

“Stop student Kim Yoo-jung! I understand the sadness of losing a colleague, but...”

Instructor Kim Ji-yeon tried to stop her midway, but the angry Kim Yoo-jung was already insane.

Ahn Ho-yeon was embarrassed and pessimistic about the situation surrounding him.

‘Damn... what should I do? Except for Jaehyun and Ina coming back... Huh?!'

Ahn Ho-yeon's pupils constricted and his eyelids drooped upwards.

He fixed his gaze on one spot and grabbed Kim Yoo-jung's shoulder with a trembling voice.

“Hey, wait a minute, Yoojung, stop!”

“Don’t dry it!”

Ha Yeon-joo and Kim Ji-yeon stopped it, but Kim Yoo-jung didn't even pretend to hear and let out a killing spell.

Park Seong-woo and Kim Jin-ah are hanging their heads like criminals in front of them.

However, Ahn Ho-yeon grabbed her by the shoulder again and shouted.

“That's not it! The two returned alive...!”


Kim Yoo-jung quickly turned her head.

Before long, the faces of Jaehyun and Seo Ina came into her field of vision.

“…Are you guys fighting because of us?”

A sly voice of reenactment.

Two people appeared in a situation that became a mess.

Instructor Kim Ji-yeon's face hardened as she watched.

She looked shocked and tried to figure out how things were going.

‘......What the hell happened? The forensic team said the two must be dead. When the magical power flowing out of this dungeon is estimated, the rank of the boss monster is B. Did you kill a boss of that grade?'

It was absolutely unbelievable.

B-class bosses are so overwhelming that even one person cannot defeat them alone.

But a monster of that level was killed by only two cadets?

if so.

If at all that statement is true.

‘......Min Jae-hyeon. That cadet must have taken the lead in killing the boss.'

Instructor Kim Ji-yeon chewed her lips while looking at Jae-hyun with a face close to certainty.

‘It's a scary cadet.'

Meanwhile, Kim Yoo-jung ran to the entrance of the dungeon and hugged the two and shed tears.

“Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiu 0uuuuuhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuwuuuuuuuuuuuuuummuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuso So ... .”

“Okay, so let’s put this down?”

Jaehyun said that in a sullen tone.

It's because I didn't want my clothes to become runny wind because I responded emotionally here.

Seo Eana silently stroked Kim Yoo-jung's hair.

Jaehyun waited for Kim Yoojung's tears to subside and heard about the situation.

I heard that Park Seong-woo and Kim Jin-ah came out first and abandoned the two, and Kim Yoo-jung got angry and tried to attack the two.

Jaehyun grabbed Kim Yoojung by the shoulder and made her raise her head.

It shouldn't have gone this way.

“hey. Youjeong Kim. Thank you for your concern, but don't do that in the future.”


While whimpering, Kim Yoo-jung did not avoid her gaze.

She just looks up at Jaehyun with a venomous face.

“Those two. i sent it Ask the instructor for help. So, if something like this happens in the future, please don’t fight.”

“hey. Are you okay with that?”

“I know you can’t. ...... I would have done the same.”


“I think he ran away. So don't do that anymore Don't be angry with me.”

It wasn't a pretense.

In the past, in reality, he abandoned his comrades and fled and survived alone.

There is a past where I cowardly hid behind and tried to hold on a little longer.

while denying it. He didn't want to act as if he had become something.

When Jaehyun laughed lightly, Kim Yoojung quickly fell away from him and narrowed her forehead.

“......what. Are you angry because of me? It has nothing to do with you!”

Kim Yoo-jung said that and clung to Seo In-na again.

Miles' first event.

The mock dungeon practice was being organized.


‘Instructor Kim Ji-yeon. staring at me ...... I wonder if there is something.'

Jaehyun tried to ask her something, but then stopped.

He only responded to her gaze fixed on him without losing.

It was clearly meant as a warning.

A strong warning to never touch me or anyone around me.

And then.

―You have cleared the main quest 《The First Junction》.

―Rewards are settled according to the route.

―The route selected by the user is a different choice from B past.

―You have acquired the Golden Apple of Idun.

* * *

“Now, is that… really true?”

“yes. Undoubtedly. A little while ago, Instructor Kim Ji-yeon contacted me. Min Jaehyun and Seo Eana. Two cadets returned alive.”


The Academy's director's office.

After receiving Kim Seok-ki's report, Gu Ja-in is deep in thought.

‘If it's really dangerous, I was thinking of intervening in the middle to save it... but if this happens, the story will change. Interesting.'

Gu Ja-in, with a smile on his lips, calmly reflected on the situation a moment ago.

Min Jae-hyun again showed a much better performance than he expected.

In fact, Gu Jain also cornered the two, but he had no intention of killing them.

It is true that he tried to tame them, but he was the lumber of an S-class raider.

I had no intention of letting him die in a place like this.

According to the original plan, he planned to rescue him after ending the scare in an appropriate line.

But in this case, the story is different.

The Kobold Lord that Jaehyun and Seo Ina defeated earlier.

This was a special object created by borrowing the power of ‘him'.

Min Jae-hyeon and Seo E-na defeated such a monster despite being cadets.

This is something one cannot help but be interested in.

‘If he continues to grow well like this... he may be able to become the strongest radar ever in Korea. I can even surpass Lee Jae-shin.'

Gu Jain smiled twistedly. Instructor Kim Seok-gi trembled.

But Gu Jain didn't care.

There is only one thing in his mind right now. It was only Min Jaehyun.

‘I have to grow up as soon as possible and dedicate it to ‘him'. I look forward to it.'

Gu Jain licked his lower lip with a greedy expression. He looked back at Kim Seok-gi and said in a cold voice.

“Instructor Kim Seok-gi. You let me down this time.”

“That’s… I’m sorry. Chairman.”

“I will understand once.”

Gu Jain's words were truly terrifying.

Now he was reprimanding Kim Seok-gi.

It was because of the thought that he couldn't properly control Min Jae-hyun in this mock dungeon.

Of course, it could be unfair to Kim Seok-gi.

But replies are not allowed.

It was impossible for a single instructor to dare to disagree with Gu Jain's words.

“I won’t disappoint you next time.”

“great. In the next event, make sure to tame Min Jae-hyun. As you already know, I am not a very patient person.”

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