Episode 55 Mock Dungeon Practice (5)

In Norse mythology, Odin kept two crows, Huginn (emotion, thought) and Muninn (memory).

He had two crows collect all kinds of knowledge from all over the nine worlds, and based on this, he ruled Asgard, the world of the Aesir gods.

If the raven of Odin that the Nornir system refers to is a mythical entity, it means that it is a follower of Odin, the supreme god of the Aesir.

In other words, it was the enemy of representation.

Jaehyun thought.

If so, the director of the board, Gujain, and Odin's crow.

In other words, isn't there some point of contact between the throne of the Aesir?

* * *

“Everybody bow their heads!”

Everyone in the party lowered their upper bodies in perfect order at Jaehyun’s urgent cry.

Whoo......! Kugoong...!

The club hit the ground with a fierce sound that tore the wind apart, causing the ground to vibrate.

The Kobold Lord that finally appeared in front of them was exuding overwhelming power.

The party quickly formed a battle formation and looked ahead.

In the middle of the day.

First, Seo Ina's face hardened.

‘......How did you survive Jaehyun's attack? That Kobold Lord.'

It was completely incomprehensible.

Kobold Lord is, at best, a D-class boss.

But you can stand upright even after being attacked with that much power?

Furthermore, even though Kobold-type monsters have recovery abilities, they do not have regeneration skills.

‘How did this happen?'

Meanwhile, Jaehyun was also thinking the same thing as Seo Ina, and was spinning her head quickly.

‘That kobold rod... It's not a normal kobold rod. From the terrifying magic flowing from the body to the ability to regenerate. That's already a C or higher... It might be a much stronger opponent than Night Shade.'

It was a terrible situation indeed.

Jaehyun bit his lip and checked the condition of the party members. Although they were trembling in fear, they were fortunately trying to keep the formation.

Tsut Jaehyun clicked his tongue briefly and saw the kobold rod pulling out the club stuck in the ground.

The witch's eyes were bright red, and she didn't feel any emotion at all.

The unfocused pupil just chills the conversation.

‘Damn it...... There's no other way here.'

As if Jaehyun couldn't help it, he shouted at the group to make their throats burst.

“Listen to me, everyone! Quickly get back to the dungeon entrance while I stop him! hurry!”

“......what!? What the hell are you talking about!”

“no way......! Are you going to catch that crazy boss mob by yourself? That can't be possible!”

“......It's too dangerous alone.”

Even Seo Eana, who hadn't said anything since entering the dungeon, said that.

Jaehyun gnashed his teeth and clenched his fists at a situation where he was at a loss for what to do.

There was nothing wrong with their words.

To the end, it is said that there is a high probability of fewer casualties if you face the Kobold Lord alone, because it is a self-evident fact that it is much easier to attack the beast with a group of people.

However, their bodies and levels were quite different from Jaehyun's.

Even though he is an elite academy cadet, he is still at the rookie level. Perhaps if they were hit by an attack like that, Seo Eana might not know, but the other two would die instantly.


The kobolds pouring out there were also a problem. No matter how weak the enemy, it is impossible to deal with that many enemies at the same time.


The kobold lord raised the club, held it in his hand, loaded it with strength, and slammed it down toward the ground.

coo coo coo...!

At the same time, the ground was smashed once again, creating cracks.

The group's formation is disrupted and the kobold's attack quickly follows.

Natural linkage as if the movements were matched in advance.

Jaehyun had goose bumps all over his body.

‘...Does Guzain even have the ability to control the demons?'

Otherwise, the current situation would have made no sense at all.

Of course, there are witches with intelligence. However, there are monsters in the world that can plan and move precisely like this?

no it can never be

Jaehyun yelled again.

“Run quickly! Now, even if you get hit by one, you will die instantly......”



Jaehyun's back, unable to finish his words, felt chilly.

The club, which quickly closed the distance in an instant, aimed precisely at Jaehyun's head.

He was unable to react quickly because he was concerned about his party, but he was barely able to save his life thanks to Seo In-na's defense force field, which intervened just in time.

Jaehyun caught his breath and looked at Seo Ina's condition.

There was a large crack in the station field. Not a good look either.

Reflecting on himself turning his back on the enemy, he immediately looked at the kobold lord.

“Sorry. It looked ugly.”

“......no. But no matter how much you are, you can't deal with a monster like that alone. I think it’s at least equivalent to Class C or Class B.”

“that's right. Inaya. It might be difficult for me right now alone. But I don't want to increase the number of innocent victims. I need your help.”

“......huh. I understand what you mean.”

Seo In-na immediately turned around and entrusted the battlefield to Jae-hyun, then approached the other two.

She quickly closed the distance with them using Haste and opened her mouth.

“...You go back to the dungeon entrance and call Instructor Kim Ji-yeon.”

“Ha but!”

Park Seong-woo shouted. Kim Jin-ah also looked at her, almost crying.

However, Seo Ina shook her head.

“...It's impossible to protect your comrades while dealing with an enemy like that.”

“......sorry. I'll call the instructor as soon as possible!”

“Wait a minute!”

Park Seong-woo gritted it.

Fortunately, the judgment was quick.

He immediately took Kim Jin-ah and started running out of the dungeon.

Seo In-na didn't even have time to watch the two of them go outside and joined Jae-hyun's side again.

* * *

“Fortunately, Seho seems to be fine somehow. I can breathe better.”


Kim Yoo-jung responded to Ahn Ho-yeon's words in a nonchalant way.

She continued to stare at the entrance to the third group of dungeons with a worried expression on her face.

Ahn Ho-yeon asked her again.

“Is it because of Jaehyun?”

At those words, Kim Yu-jung kept her mouth shut. She shuddered and opened her mouth in an anxious voice.

“……Why? The only thing you can meet in a dungeon is a kobold lord...! Min Jaehyun and Ina are not weak enough to die from monsters like that! But then, why are you still not coming out of the dungeon!”

The eyes of Kim Yoo-jung were bloody.

It was difficult to control myself due to the torrent of intense emotions.

Why did this happen?

Even a moment ago, Instructor Kim Ji-yeon said that it was impossible to enter the dungeon itself because the magic wave was different only in the dungeon where the 3 sets were entered.

You can get out from the inside, but you can't get in from the outside.

It was clear that the situation was incomprehensible considering that all the cadets who entered other dungeons were rescued and survived.

“calm down. Yoo Jeong-ah. For now, if you trust them and wait...”

Ahn Ho-yeon's words did not reach her ears at all.

It was a matter of life and death of one precious friend.

In particular, to Kim Yoo-jung, Min Jae-hyun is a special friend as he has spent a long time.

It was unavoidable that it was difficult to maintain reason.

That time when the whole face turned white with a worried heart.

Parts Tsutt!

With the sound of the walls surrounded by magic collapsing, two members of Group 3 appeared.

Kim Yoo-jung's face, seeing that, turned bright for a moment, then turned cold again.

No, it was much darker than before.

Kim Yoo-jung walked up to the eyes of the two and asked while clenching her fists.

“Why did only you two come out of the dungeon?”

“That's it, the two of them are still fighting the kobold lord inside...”

the two said with almost weeping faces.

It was probably because he thought the two of them might die inside.

Kim Yu-jung's eyes were out of focus.


She opened her mouth as she glared at them with the force to kill them.

“Why did only you guys come back alive?”

The eyes of the cadets, who were fighting for life and death in the dungeon, fell on the faces of the two in an instant.

* * *

Cooung! cooong! cooong!

Jaehyun and Seo Ina were struggling against the powerful attack that came three times in a row.

The movement of the kobold lord, who freely handled the club and attacked, was truly surprising.

An attack that curves like a bow, a heavy blow, and even speed.

It was a level where nothing fell.

“You may know, but you…”

“…You mean to protect me from behind?”


Even without a word, the two of them quickly lined up in formation.

Jaehyun focused his mind to read the movement of the attacking kobold lord.


Kicking the ground with a spirit. He shoots himself at the guy again.

The speed is so fast that you may be mistaken for the disappearance of a new model.

But unfortunately. The club wielded by the Witchbeast was also savagely fast.


While flying, Jaehyun concentrated his magical powers and spread a defensive force field to parry the attack.

‘Each one is heavy. It's all about changing the trajectory for me.'

It was truly an incredible strength.

What happened?

That monster is clearly a monster beyond the limits of a kobold lord. The level has already exceeded the C grade and reached the overwhelming level of the B grade.

No matter how many cards Gu Ja-in had, even if he was a bad guy with a lot of cards, this crossed the line.

A group that trains raiders who can defeat monsters use monsters to attack cadets.

‘Here, I have no choice but to fight with all my might. Still, it's an overwhelming opponent who can't win. There is no other way.'

Jaehyun opened up the mana of his whole body and radiated it in the form of a line.

The thin thread dyed the surrounding boundary blue and fragmented the area.

At the same time, several chains he created poured out from the ground and ceiling.

―Active skill 《Chain of Lightning》.


With the cheerful sound of the chains clashing, Jaehyun's entire body was charged with electricity.

‘That's a monster that borrowed the body of a kobold road. ...... But it's not like there's no way to destroy it.'

Jaehyun studied his body carefully from a while ago and got an answer.

‘The Kobold Lord's body is melting little by little. It was probably because of that overwhelming magical power beyond what the body could contain. over there that guy. Even if the body is broken, it is constantly regenerating. That's right.'

A small smile spread across Jaehyun's lips.

“It must mean that there is a separate entity behind the mana that continues to inject mana.”

And that is.

It means that if you kill the person behind it, the regenerative ability of the kobold rod will also stop and eventually disappear.


Even while bound by the pouring chains, the Kobold Lord continued to resist.

Chains snapped along the way, and the broken ones made a dull thud as they sagged on the floor.

Jaehyun kept an eye on him and continued to use his mana.

“......Odin's raven.”

A little while ago, the system said that Odin's raven existed behind that demon.

‘Odin. ?sir forces and anti-?sir forces.'

It seemed to be a little more detailed now.

There are many things that are still unclear, but one thing is certain.

“I mean, I'm out of sight of Odin, and I'm going to have to kill him.”

Jaehyun raised an eyebrow.

He left the free-moving kobold rod behind and started attacking the mobs.

Chains of lightning randomly pierce the weak kobold's body and splatter blood.

The reason why Jaehyun was hunting normal monsters instead of the previous boss monster was simple.

A refreshing message was heard the next moment.

―You have killed the kobold.

―Your level has risen by 1.

―Your current level is 30.

―There are items that can be newly equipped.

A slight blush appeared on Jaehyun's face.

“Install it.”

―Equip the equipment item 《Misteltain》.

The Mistiltein I got at the department store before meeting Ahn Ho-yeon.

A growth-type item that could not be equipped due to insufficient equipment level.

That was the last move Jaehyun hid.

“Odin's raven...I don't know where he's hiding.”

―The user's field of vision expands with the effect of the < < Mistiltane > >.

―You can perceive the enemy's movements more clearly.

―You have acquired the active skill 《Magic Power Detection》.

Jaehyun's eyes were dyed golden, and at the same time, his vision was wide open.

“You will definitely tear me to death.”


It was the next moment.

The Kobold Lord cut off all chains and rushed toward Jaehyun.

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