Episode 49 Physical Test (3)

The hellish running is over.

Next, it was time to test the AR combat system, which evaluated the cadets' ability to evade.

The cadets, both martial and magical, moved from place to place following Instructor Kim Seok-ki's guidance.

And finally, the overwhelming scenery unfolded.

“......It's been a really long time here.”

Jaehyun muttered softly and looked at the open space that appeared in front of his eyes.

A place equipped with all kinds of high-tech equipment, including dozens of cameras installed on the ground and in the air.

This is the testing ground for the AR combat system that Miles Academy is proud of.

‘Miles Academy has a variety of facilities and programs to improve combat skills of cadets. Among them, the most representative is this AR, that is, a combat measurement device based on augmented reality.'

Jaehyun swallowed and looked around the AR room prepared in front.

‘After all, it's Milles Academy. Looking at it again, it's an overwhelming scale.'

It was a rehearsal that stuck out the tongue.

Realizing that his memories were not distorted, he sighed slightly.

“Wow Mr. Crazy.”

Suddenly, a familiar voice interrupted. Jaehyun sighed.

“Kim Yoo-jung. speak nicely You were surprised.”

“Oh sorry. hey. But how can you not be surprised when you see that?”

“......That's right. It's hard not to be surprised by that scale.”

Seo Ina also helped.

The two next to each other moved their gaze to the camera floating in the sky, saw the devices lined up on the floor, and looked back at Jaehyun again.

“It’s an AR avoidance test… how does it work?”


Instructor Kim Seok-gi immediately started explaining as if he had heard the conversation between the two.

“This AR combat measurement system in front of you is simply a facility to improve the cadets' individual abilities through combat with virtual enemies implemented in augmented reality.”

The instructor spoke with an air of pride as if he had designed the system himself.

He continued plainly, pointing to the drone and camera floating in the sky.

“Originally, it's all you have to do to analyze patterns while defeating monsters implemented with drones... But this time, since it's only a physical fitness test, we'll just evaluate your evasion ability lightly.”

Kim Seok-gi, of course, did not forget to say that a higher bonus point is given when defeating a demon.

It's called an evasion test, because movement without attack is poison to the radar.

Radars are basically those who hunt monsters and discover equipment elixir items.

In any case, evasion should be used as an auxiliary means for attack.

‘Dodging attacks is important. It is because I can predict the flow of the enemy's attack that will be linked later and prepare the starting point for my attack. Especially for C-class monsters, you must improve your evasion ability.'

Jaehyun nodded lightly and looked at the AR system that Instructor Kim Seokgi was pointing at.

Kim Seok-ki began to distribute one item to the cadets through his assistant.

“What do you think these earphones look like?”

Kim Yoo-jung tilted her head.

Seo Ina also has no answer. Judging by the reaction, the two didn't seem to know anything about the device.

Jaehyun interjected with a sullen face.

“It's a kind of receiver. It is a device that analyzes and records the combat system.”

Kim Seok-gi raised one eyebrow and accepted Jae-hyun's words.

“Cadet Min Jae-hyeon. You know very well. you're right. The object is a receiver prepared to implement augmented reality. By stimulating the brain, it makes you feel as if the monster reproduced through the projector actually exists.”

Jaehyun crossed his arms and scanned the system devices Kim Seokgi pointed at.

The AR combat system reproduces as if the beast is real by overlaying a three-dimensional virtual image on the background of reality through a projector attached to a drone.

What makes these devices meaningful? It's all about safety.

It is said that they create monsters and reproduce their patterns, but this is only virtual.

It's not real, so there's no danger of the cadets getting hurt.

Of course, the brainwave stimulation given by the receiver implements about 1/5 of the enemy's attack damage.

However, this is not to stimulate the cadets, but to increase the survival rate in the dungeon by instilling appropriate tension.


“Why? I caught a cold?”

Kim Yoo-jung asked.

Jaehyun shuddered for a moment.

Before returning, he was beaten by monsters countless times using the AR combat system.

Every day I was torn, broken, stabbed...

Of course, I wasn't actually hurt, but it was quite a hassle.

‘I trained to the point where I almost got neurosis... the result was D-class.'

Disappointment came suddenly.

Jaehyun in the past ended up being a D-class radar even though he tried so hard.

Even if you study with less sleep and figure out the enemy's weakness. Those who were born with talent far ahead of Jaehyun and made him despair.

But now back.

Jaehyun wasn't going to do something like that again.

Because he now has a talent in his hands that he did not have in the past.

It was Instructor Kim Seok-gi's voice that brought Jaehyun, who was lost in thought, to the surface.

“This AR system allows you to set the stage yourself. The system consists of 100 steps, and today we will only evaluate up to 10 steps.”

He waited for a while and nodded when there were no questions.

“Then let the test begin. The test consists of 4 people in 1 group. From now on, the cadets called by name are on the same team, and we will start testing in order.”

* * *

The team consists of two martial arts and two magicians.

It was a well-balanced composition.

Jaehyun's team is Team 3.

The members, including Jaehyun, were decided to be magic type Lee Soo-hyeok martial arts type Sue-jin Kang Joo-yeon.

Quite an interesting party where all the martial arts members are female and two magicians are male.

It's not a bad team composition, but Jaehyun's expression was cold.

It was because of the face of a familiar cadet walking towards him.

“hey. Are you Jaehyun Min?”

Cadet Lee Soo-hyeok was the first to ask.

Jaehyun looked at the face for a moment, frowning in displeasure.

‘Lee Soo-hyeok...... Why did I end up on the same team as this guy?'

Memories of the past came to mind and annoyance flooded in.

Soo-Hyeok Lee. There was a tough bad relationship with him even before returning.

Before returning, the two had a great fight while taking a joint sparring class between magic and martial arts.

Lee Soo-hyeok cursed at Jae-hyun's colleagues and family, and Jae-hyun couldn't stand it and punched him.

The problem is that Jaehyun, who was a martial artist at the time, was defeated by Lee Soo-hyeok, a magician.

Thanks to this, for a while, rumors spread throughout Milles that Jaehyun was a disgrace to the martial arts world.

Jaehyun had to suffer from considerable mental pain due to this incident in the past.


‘It's different now. Now I can't lose even if I want to lose.'

Jaehyun raised an eyebrow.

The approaching Lee Soo-hyuk was trying to provoke Jae-hyun.

‘That guy is also a guy who can't grow properly compared to his talent in the future.'


What ruined Lee Soo-hyeok was his inferiority complex toward Seo In-na.

He is gifted with great talent, but in the end, he becomes a villain due to a twisted sense of defeat.

Future Lee Soo-hyuk's radar level was only two levels higher than B. Jae-hyun.

Looking at Lee Soo-hyuk approaching, Jae-hyun said in a calm voice.

“that's right. I am Jaehyun Min. Do you have anything else to say?”

Lee Soo-hyeok replied as if he had been waiting for Jae-hyun’s words.

“I heard that you won first place in ‘Freshman Hunt’. There seems to be a special secret, so I wanted to ask.”

“There is nothing like that. If I had to say it, skill would be the secret.”

At Jaehyun’s words, Lee Soohyuk raised a corner of his mouth and replied.

“ah. okay? So, this AR test must be first place, right? Unless the skills you mentioned are bubbles.”

“well. I don't know.”

Jaehyun smiled coldly.

“Because if there is a hole in the team and he grabs his ankle, the story will be different.”

Lee Soo-hyuk's body flinched for a moment.

No matter how you hear it, this is what you said with yourself in mind.

‘That attitude... I don't understand. You mean you really didn't use the priest's gear?'

Lee Soo-hyuk bit his lip.

When I first heard the news that a magic cadet had placed first in the freshman hunt. he was sure

Min Jae-hyeon used another cowardly move and took first place in the freshman hunt.

But what about that relaxed attitude?

Are you saying you're confident you won't get caught no matter what method you use?

Lee Soo-hyuk pretended to be calm and said.

“I think you said that with me in mind.”

“I’m sorry if I sounded that way… don’t you think it’s your fault for asking as if you were arguing over everything?”

At those words, Lee Soo-hyuk's face crumpled.

He ran his left hand through his hair and pulled it back.

“Ha... listen carefully. I'm not sure what you did to get first place in ‘Freshman Hunt', but...”

Lee Soo-hyuk's eyes narrowed.

“It’s better not to think that luck will work twice.”

“I will remember something.”

When Jaehyun answered sarcastically, the two members of the same team behind him swallowed their saliva.

The two of them were busy reading the current atmosphere while whispering in their ears.

“……Why are they doing that……”

“I don’t know. It looks like they didn't get along in the first place...”

Jeong Su-jin and Kang Joo-yeon.

The two sighed, fixed their equipment, and stood by.

After a while.

I heard Kim Seok-ki's voice calling the third group.

“Tree three! Let's start testing now. Please come up on the field.”

Lee Soo-hyeok and Jae-hyun walked up onto the field, well over 1 meter apart.

Kang Joo-yeon and Jeong Su-jin, who were nervous even if they were not, quickly became teary-eyed.

‘......Are they okay...... Guys.......'

As they climbed onto the field and formed their formation, Seokki Kim's voice resonated loudly again.

“then. Let the test begin.”


The sound of motors spinning is heard and blue light is emitted from the drone.

The brainwaves flowing from the receivers in the ears affect the eyeballs, transforming the virtual images in front of them into monsters.

―The 1st stage of the AR room avoidance test starts after 5 seconds.

―5 4 3 2 1......

―The Skeleton Soldier appears.

The bright light is young.

At the same time, dozens of skeleton soldiers surrounded in all directions came into view.

The two fighters in the battle line trembled.


Although he is a martial artist, he is a beginner who has never hunted monsters in a dungeon.

If shaking was natural, it was more natural.

Even that Lee Soo-hyuk is holding the staff tightly with a slightly stiff face. nothing more to say

However, Jaehyun didn't look like that at all.

He passed by Kang Joo-yeon and Jeong Su-jin, who were regrouping, and moved forward.

“Wait a minute!”

“Jaehyun! what are you doing?”

Jaehyun did not pay attention to the voices of the two fighters from behind.

‘I'd rather show some ability here.'

Jaehyun glanced at Lee Soohyuk behind him and smiled lightly.

‘Because I hate guys who climb while fighting.'

Here, it is necessary to show the difference in class even for the sake of grades.

Skeleton soldiers all at once prepared to unleash their attacks on Jaehyun, who had jumped out of the crowd.

Raising his sword, he spreads ferocious mana.

Of course, compared to encountering them in a real dungeon, the level is absurdly weak.

But for others, it will be their first fear.

‘That bastard......what the hell is he doing?'

It was such an outrageous madness that even Lee Soo-hyuk stuck out his tongue.

What on earth are you going to do by jumping out into the avant-garde on the topic of magic?

If you don't get stabbed by a sword and become a skewer, you'll be very lucky.

However, contrary to their thoughts.

There was only a smile on Jaehyun's lips.

He laughed lightly with his mana half open.

“Then shall we begin?”

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