Episode 47 Physical Test (1)

The next day.

On the day of the Milles Academy fitness test.

After putting on a combat cadet uniform, Jaehyun headed to the academy facility.

The place we are heading now is not the main building, but the annex with test facilities. It is mainly used for individual evaluation of cadets.

After leaving the hotel and walking for about 5 minutes, the view of the grassy field begins to emerge.

It is a place that instructors and cadets often call a playground, but it is difficult to think of it as a general middle school or high school playground.

A place with an open space well over ten times that of other schools and facilities exclusively for cadets.

Rumor has it that the cost of installation alone is about 70 billion won.

‘......what. Although Gu Jain ate at least 30% of it.'

There were quite a few cadets who filled the seats first on the field.

When I turned my head, I saw Kim Yoo-jung and Seo In-na sitting side by side. The two were chattering and chatting.

Seo In-na, who found Jae-hyeon walking, spoke to him first.

“...... Jaehyun, are you here?”

“Are you here early?”

Jaehyun sat down next to the two of them.

At his words, Kim Yoo-jung crossed her arms and showed off her arrogance.

“of course! Am I diligent? I was never late even in middle school. I.”

“hey. That's because you pretended to be sick every time you were late.”

At Jaehyun’s sharp blow, Kim Yoojung coughed.

She quickly changed the subject and asked Seo Ina.

“so. Inaya. Shall we move to a hotel room too? to be right next door. I must have earned quite a few points. Aren't you okay?”

“...... I like it too. I don't know where to go...”

The two were thinking about moving.

As expected, the top priority among food, clothing and shelter, regardless of gender, seems to be the house.

Those two also have a lot of points, although not as much as Jae-hyun, so the desire for a better house is natural in a way.

“What are you so worried about? You can find out and go anywhere that's okay!”

“It's not like signing a contract recklessly. See you later.”

Jaehyun suddenly interrupted Kim Yoojung's words and spoke seriously.

Of course, unlike Jaehyun's worries, there is no such thing as an unfair contract here at the site of Milles Academy.

However, Jaehyun knew that adapting to this cradle-like system of the academy wasn't very good.

‘After leaving Milles Academy, the first house I signed was a double contract. I blew all my deposit. At that time, I was kicked out on a penny, and I was almost homeless...'

It was because I had experienced a terrible thing in advance.

Before returning, Jaehyun had lost the money he had earned through real estate fraud.

Thanks to that, I learned a simple and clear lesson that if you carelessly sign a contract, you will see blood.

Kim Yoo-jung said while looking at Jae-hyun’s somewhat serious face.

“hey. Even you who say that don't know where the facilities are good. It's been less than a month since admission, and there are many newly built places, so new students have no choice but to experience it...” “

I know? I finished the house contract yesterday. That's the way to come from there today.”

At Jaehyun's words, Kim Yoojung was dubious, but slightly cold-hearted.

Seo In-na was also paying attention to Jae-hyun’s words with her ears pricked up with a surprised look on her face.

It's natural for the two of them to be surprised.

As Kim Yoo-jung said, there are many newly built buildings at Milles Academy this year.

This is because all kinds of convenience facilities such as restaurants, fashion shops, game rooms, karaoke rooms, and hotels have been newly built.

Thanks to that, you don't know which facility is better until you experience it.

However, Jaehyun said that he had already found a place to stay and was on his way there.

If the facilities were good, I thought it wouldn't be bad to go to the hotel that Jaehyun contracted with. It's a good opportunity for them to save time on their own.


‘...Jaehyun-in, how hard have you been to find a place to stay?'

Seo Ina stuck out her tongue, admiring Jaehyun's amount of information.

Wasn't he exhausted after the mana room test yesterday and couldn't take a single step?

However, Jae-hyun went a step deeper than her, so it's not enough to find a place to stay in the remaining time.

Of course, as Jaehyun, I didn't think much about him.

Before returning, he had already experienced all the facilities of Milles Academy directly or indirectly.

What hotels and rooms are good and cheap, where is the best place to stay, which restaurants are delicious, etc.

It was Jaehyun who knew every detail of Milles Academy's various magazines.

‘Of course, I didn't have points at the time, so I only lived in the dormitory for regular students, and I can count on one hand that I've enjoyed nightlife.'

The past days when I was only looking at pamphlets and full of desire to move to a better house.

Jaehyun shuddered for a moment as he recalled that time.

“hey. Then please go see the house with Ina and me later. If there are many rooms, it's okay to just stay with you.”

“okay. well that's not difficult Give me points instead. 100,000 per person.”


If you get 100,000 points, it's no different than asking you to give money close to 1 million won.

Kim Yoo-jung narrowed her eyes and glanced up and down at Jae-hyun. as if to catch it.

This time, Seo Eana, who is gentle, is also making a resentful expression as if she is a bit petty.

Jaehyun looked at the two of them for a moment, then smiled.

“It's a joke. Just buy some food later.”

“It will come out like that.”

“......Jaehyun, you are a bit mischievous.”

Kim Yu-jung's reaction was always so, but Seo E-na's words aroused a little guilt.

Jaehyun scratched his head and made an apologetic expression.

“Sorry. Just seeing you makes me want to play a joke.”


well. To be honest, I don't really know.

Jaehyun looked at her with a puzzled look on his face.

‘It’s also Seo Na-na who is a breadwinner in interpersonal relationships. Why are you joking around with your friends...'

“He. It's like that, so don't worry about it.”

“......huh. I think so.”

When Kim Yoo-jung smiled and said the words, Seo In-na nodded in affirmation.

Jaehyun pretended to grab his chest as he listened to the two of them. In my opinion, it was a gesture of appeal that he was hurt, but in the eyes of the two of them, there was no acting like that.

The time when the three people sitting in the seat were talking about each other. Finally, with the sound of the bell, Instructor Kim Seok-gi appeared.

All the cadets slowly raised their bodies.

“hello. everyone. I am Instructor Kim Seok-gi, who taught 《Basics of Physical Training》.”

* * *

Guild Yeonhwa's office.

Yoo Sung-jae and Park Seong-jae and Park Ha-na. Three people are sitting together on a sofa and having a conversation.

The topic of conversation was about Min Jae-hyun, who recently renewed a new contract.

Yoo Seong-seong, who was tapping the table with his finger, asked while looking at Seong-jae Park.

“If this is the condition of the contract, Curator will not be able to approach Jaehyun, right?”

“Of course, in theory, it's possible, but... It's a contract that raises the penalty to 100 billion won, so you don't have to worry about it.

Jaehyun also seems to like Yeonhwa.”

“If that’s the case, I’m glad… Seongjae oppa. you know? You should never miss Jaehyun.

No matter what other guild you go to, you are a talent who will grow that guild many times more. You have to catch it in Yeonhwa.”

“That is correct. Don't worry too much, I'll do my best to make sure Jaehyun doesn't have other thoughts.”

Park Seong-jae said that, but he couldn't be sure.

Yooseong also showed a clear look of uneasiness.

‘It's not even another guild, it's the curator who's interested...'

Not long ago.

Seong-eun Yoo heard from Seong-jae Park that there was another guild aiming for Jae-hyun.

That's Curator.

It was one of the largest merchant groups in Korea and a guild with enormous capital.

As soon as Yoo Sung-eun heard the news, he prepared to renew his contract with Jae-hyun.

Overwhelming talent to grow Yeonhwa Guild's pie.

If he was taken away by another guild, the guild that recruited him would rapidly advance and take over Yeonhwa.

If that happens, the Yeonhwa Guild's undisputed No. 1 position will be shaken.

So, she decided to offer Jaehyun the biggest contract she could.

It was the addition of a new clause that handed over 2% of the Yeonhwa Guild's stake.

This clause is a proposal that will make Yeonhwa and Jaehyun ride together.

Fortunately, Jaehyun did not refuse and accepted the offer, and the case was settled.

Of course, if a curator with a huge amount of capital tries to take Jaehyun away, even Yeonhwa can't stop it.

Hana Park, who had been listening to the story of the two for a while, asked as if she were curious.

“By the way, why did the curator approach Min Jae-hyeon, an awakened fighter?”

“Well... I'm not sure about that yet. But seeing as they openly approached us, it's not unusual. There is a high possibility that Jaehyun has other skills or abilities that can stimulate them.”

“If you still have more to hide... What a scary kid. Min Jae-hyun.”

“therefore. My brother is like that, and so are you. Take good care of Jaehyun. Please attach affection and make it impossible to leave Yeonhwa. okay?”

“well. There is never someone who would give up his interests because of Jaehyun's sway...” “

...Of course not, but anyway, do as you say! This is an order from the guild leader.”

“......All right.”

The three made several more preparations to prevent Jae-hyun from being taken away.

In their opinion, Jae-hyun was a person with a risk of destroying the weight of balance between guilds that were maintaining their power.

I had to get my hands on it somehow.

* * *

“My class is going to be a lot tougher than the others... but I can assure you that it will be of great help to you in the future. I wish you well in the future.”

‘That bastard, Kim Seok-gi... Seeing that he's already warned me like that, it doesn't look like he'll easily pass this physical test.'

He was the one who earned the resentment of the cadets through intensive training even before returning.

Instructor Kim Seok-gi nodded his head with a satisfied expression as he looked at the eyes that reached more than 100 focused on him.

“Then, today’s class is a fitness test as previously announced. I hope that I can show you a good figure. Then let’s start in earnest.”

Kim Seok-gi immediately started explaining about the physical fitness test.

“Today's fitness test is all in two stages. The first is a long run that measures cardiorespiratory endurance. The second is an evasion test using an AR-combat system to see how quickly you can move and avoid enemy attacks.”

Kim Seok-gi paused for a moment and then resumed.

“Each peak score is 100 points. The perfect score will naturally be 200 points... A special bonus of 100,000 points will be given to the top 10 cadets who achieved good grades.”

At the last words, the cadets swallowed their saliva.

For those who have just learned the usefulness of the point, this offer is enough to stir up a stir.

However, Jaehyun was waiting for the test itself rather than the point.

‘The endurance stats I've taken so far... the time has finally come for that to shine.'

A smile crept across his lips.

Instructor Kim Seok-ki opened his mouth in a stern voice after going through all the students.

“Then, let’s start the physical fitness test in earnest.”

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