Episode 36 Freshman Hunt (6)

Kim Yoo-jung and the five students finally meet in one place.

They were trying to check each other's loopholes.

The ability to attack immediately if there is a small gap at any time.

There was a clear tension between them.

Oh Jin-hyeok took a step forward and said with a grim face.

“Fuck. A fucking baby makes work loudly. Wouldn’t it be nice if I just got caught?”

“what? Did you have a rag in your mouth?”

Kim Yoo-jung frowned and replied.

No matter how hard he threw his teammates out, there was absolutely no need to treat people like that with no respect.

Moreover, now she has been instructed by Jae-Hyun to provoke a group of students including Oh Jin-Hyuk.

The more they get angry and fail to make rational decisions, the better it is for the party.

At Kim Yoo-jung's provocation, Oh Jin-hyeok clenched his fists as if in a fit of anger and walked forward.

“Why are you so mean when it comes to freshmen? you fuck I'll beat you myself.”

“Can’t you come closer? What's scattered here are paralysis spore mushrooms. If I explode this, everyone will die, is that okay?”

Kim Yoo-jung said with a relaxed face.

However, Oh Jin-hyeok did not back down.

‘If that bastard pops a mushroom, he won't be safe either. It's a meaningless bluff.'

Oh Jin-hyeok held a fishy sneer.

‘It's a fight where there's nothing to be pushed back, whether it's in terms of merit or experience. It's an easy win.'

Oh Jin-hyeok was the team's most outstanding fighter-type raider. On the other hand, Kim Yoo-jung is a newcomer to the magic world who is at a disadvantage before interpersonal relationships.

No matter how you think about it, it's not a balanced game.

“Then... let's go!”

Oh Jin-hyeok took a short breath and raised the long sword he was holding high.


He immediately kicked the ground and began to close the distance with Kim Yoo-jung. Oh Jin-hyeok's new model was launched with the momentum that seemed to reach it at any moment.

A vicious mana that rushes as if it is about to eat it.

However, Kim Yoo-jung did not even move.

However, the moment the attack reaches her.

It was just waiting until the very end.

And finally.


Just before Oh Jin-hyeok's sword touched Kim Yoo-jung's torso, she reached for the paralysis spore mushroom.

The bodies of Oh Jin-hyeok and his party, who had been running vigorously, stiffened coldly.

Kim Yoo-jung grinned and gave strength while holding onto the spores.


Yellow powder that looks dangerous even if you pretend to see it leaking out.

The powder started to spread around in no time.

A refreshing message heard at the same time.

-caution! The Paralysis Mushroom explodes!

―Creatures within a radius of 50 meters are paralyzed for 2 hours.

“shit! This crazy bastard really eats mushrooms...!”

Of course, Kim Yoo-jung could not escape paralysis either. However, there is no problem since we have already prepared a strategy for such an occasion.

Right before her body was completely paralyzed, she released her magic and activated her active skill.

“Baton touch. I'm sorry, but it's not my turn anymore...”

―Active skill ?Change?.

―Exchange positions between the player and the target player.

―It will be exchanged for ‘Min Jae-hyeon' designated as the target player.

“It's my turn.”

In a flash of light, Jaehyun's body was exchanged with Kim Yoojung.

Jaehyun, with a smile on his face, punched the sword of Oh Jinhyuk, who was rushing in.

“one two three four. Isn’t it too much for just one freshman?”

* * *

The paralyzed mushroom exploded and released spores.

Oh Jin-hyeok was paralyzed and unable to move, and Jae-hyeon grabbed him by the collar.

He couldn't comprehend what had just happened before his eyes.

Where the hell did the woman they were chasing go, and did that skinny guy come?

At that time, Oh Jin-hyeok's forehead twisted and trembled.

‘......no way! Did you use Change?!'

< < Change > > is a magic that sets one of the party members as a designated target and exchanges the position of himself and that person.

‘...If that's the case, then it makes sense that the bastard suddenly disappeared and that skinny guy appeared. Wasn't I too complacent?'

Jaehyun smiled at Oh Jinhyuk, who was biting his lip and resentful.

As if he had already read his thoughts, he spoke in a dull tone.

“There's no point in trying to find out now.”

However, Oh Jin-hyeok did not back down either.

He is also a cadet who has survived the past several years at Miles. It wasn't even a matter of analyzing the situation you were in.

Of course, he had no idea that something unexpected would happen.

“......joy. I know you used your brain, but if you get paralyzed, you'll be useless too?”

‘The effect of the paralysis spore mushroom does not disappear even if the person changes. Slowly, that guy will start to get paralyzed too. Then, if I call Park Seong-hyeok here and kill this guy...'


Jae-hyun shattered Oh Jin-hyeok's dream.

“uh. But I don't get caught.”


“I'm not paralyzed. The same goes for other status abnormalities.”

Jaehyun smiled lightly at the sound of the system.

―You have been paralyzed.

―Due to the effect of 《Blessing of Hell》, it completely resists paralysis.

A skill obtained while hunting Hell's Trial, or Night Shade, the other day. 《Blessing of Hell》 is a fraudulent skill that perfectly resists all abnormal status attacks.

The grade is also EX grade.

Even paralyzing spores could never penetrate this skill and harm Jaehyun.

“That can’t be… does that make sense?!”

“Ask God for that.”

Jaehyun laughed.

Oh Jin-hyeok quickly shook his head.

‘You have to survive somehow. I'm not allowed to show weakness here!'

Even if you don't, what if you show an ugly appearance at the event where freshmen become the main event?

There was a high chance that his reputation at the academy would fall to the bottom.

“......It looks like they tried to lure us into a trap, but it's not that easy. My colleague is waiting outside. The moment he comes, you are all done!”

Oh Jin-hyeok gritted his teeth and let out an angry roar.

Here, he planned to negotiate by saying that if Jaehyun begged, he would let at least one of them live.

However, Jaehyun smiled as if he was having fun.

“I’m sorry, but he isn’t coming.”


“Your colleague. He said he can't come here.”


Oh Jin-hyuk's heart sank with a thump at the frightening scream that came before Jae-hyun's words were finished.

ominous foreboding.

And that premonition was not wrong.

―Player ‘Sunghyeok Park' is out.

―Players ‘Min Jae-hyeon', ‘Kim Yoo-jung' and ‘Seo In-na' party earned 100,000 points.

‘shit! Come to think of it, where is the other colleague? Could it be... Did Park Seong-hyeok get hurt by that guy?!'

It was something I couldn't understand at first.

Park Seong-hyeok is an excellent combative radar.

He's definitely not the kind of person who would be beaten by a mere magic freshman.

Meanwhile, Jaehyun smiled and raised his fist towards Oh Jinhyuk.

With an evil smile, intending to see the end now.

“Wait a minute!”

Oh Jin-hyeok's face quickly turned into embarrassment.

he exclaimed urgently.

“Stop that! I'll give you the nameplates of the other guys. I...”

“I can just take it anyway, but why do I have to negotiate like that?”

Oh Jin-hyeok was seized with extreme fear as he looked into Jae-hyun’s eyes.

It's just one of the school's events.

‘Freshman Hunt' is nothing more than a simple game of stealing nameplates.

But why

“...... don't come close!”

Are you that afraid?

Oh Jin-hyeok closed his eyes tightly.

The reappearance in front of his eyes felt terrifying like a demonic beast holding the right of life and death.


Jaehyun didn't hesitate any longer and put his fist into Oh Jinhyuk's face.

After a while. A familiar system sound was heard.

―Player ‘Oh Jin-hyeok' is out.

―Players ‘Min Jae-hyeon', ‘Kim Yoo-jung' and ‘Seo In-na' party earned 100,000 points.

“after. Once the two of them are done. Are there three left? I thought it would be a bit more. What's wrong with Kim? How are you going to compensate me?”

Jae-hyun approached the rest of the students paralyzed on the field with a greedy face.

“Oh don't come! Aaaagh!”

“Keep it off!”


They were knocked out one after another by Jaehyun's fist, each leaving a different death note.

300,000 points already earned.

It fell far short of what Jaehyun had set for, but it was a satisfactory achievement for the first day.

He smiled and checked his ranking.

Freshman hunting ranking: freshmen

1st place - Min Jae-hyun

2nd place - Kim Yu-jeong / Seo Ina

3rd place - Ahn Ho-yeon

4th place - Cha Yoo-won / Lee Soo-hyeok

5th place - Jang Ho-san

‘1st place. But it's just the beginning.'

Jaehyun remembered his past.

The past days when you were used only as someone else's bridesmaid and thoroughly abandoned.

He was determined not to do it again.

‘This event. I'll definitely take first place here.'

* * *

Deep in the forest of a rare nightmare.

This was a road that Kim Yu-jeong had previously cleared with ?Air Blast?.

A hidden place where the trees are overgrown and out of sight of enemies.

It was the place Jaehyun had looked for beforehand when he fled to the shelter to avoid being attacked by the students.

“I thought the operation would really work. Also Min Jaehyun. Because the hair knows.”

Kim Yu-jeong drank the sap of the ash tree after changing locations with Jae-hyun a while ago.

Jaehyun said that the sap of the ash tree has the effect of curing paralysis.

At first, I was dubious, but as a result of the preliminary test, I realized that Jaehyun was right.

It was really numbing.

Thanks to this, the three were able to lure and defeat the enemy through the operation.

“good. It seems to be getting better.”

“......okay? Shall we move slowly then?”

Seo In-na helped Kim Yoo-jung and asked.

Kim Yoo-jung nodded.

The numbness of the body was almost healed, and he reunited with Seo In-na, who had killed the enemy who was in an ambush.

The only thing left now is to rejoin Jaehyun at the shelter.

“By the way, how did Min Jae-hyeon know that the ash tree sap recovers from paralysis?”

“......I know. I don't even remember seeing it in the book. Plus...... Jaehyun said he wouldn't be affected by other conditions. Maybe it’s because of the skill?”

In response to Kim Yoo-jung's question, Eana also agreed.

When planning the strategy a while ago, Jaehyun set up Kim Yoojung as bait. An important decoy that lures enemies, bursts paralyzed mushrooms, and uses Change to switch positions with Jaehyun.

After that, Ina Seo defeats the enemy in the ambush. Jaehyun's plan was to clean up paralyzed enemies and earn points.

However, this operation had three problems.


Even if Kim Yoo-jung herself uses Change to switch places with Jae-hyun, it will take about two hours for the paralysis to heal.


Jaehyun will also be paralyzed by the paralyzing spore mushroom, so how the hell do you kill the enemy?


As long as the paralyzed sign is up, the enemies will be in ambush, so how will you deal with it?

However, Jaehyun solved all of these problems and eventually succeeded in defeating the group of students.

‘Everything came true as Min Jae-hyun said. Can he see the future? It's creepy.'

Kim Yoo-jung wrapped her arms around her shoulders and shook her body.

Seo Eana also admired Jaehyun's amazing strategy.

She pondered.

How the hell did Min Jae-hyeon come up with such an ingenious strategy?

It was only a few hours ago that they revealed their skills to each other.

But, in such a short period of time, you set up such a strategy and successfully realized it?

‘amazing. But... he's still someone I can't trust completely.'

That was Seo Ina's conclusion.

Ever since I was little, my grandmother told me to always be careful with handsome and well-spoken men.

Reproduction clearly falls under this.

‘There's nothing wrong with being careful.'

Kim Yoo-jung smiled a bit bitterly at Seo In-na's face.

‘I don't think everyone believes in us yet. I guess I haven't completely opened my mind.'

Kim Yoo-jung thought that Seo In-na resembled Jae-hyun from the past.

Jaehyun was also a child who did not try to be friendly with others and was wary of them.

Now I get along well with myself and seem to have gotten better with others.

at that time. Seo Ina asked if the sudden silence was burdensome.

“......It must be that he handles Jaehyunin magic skillfully. Well, since I killed the martial arts senior alone......”

“Ah~ What. It hasn’t even been three months since he moved to the magic world.”

“......what? then. You mean Jaehyun originally wanted to be a martial artist?”

When Seo Ina asked with her eyes wide open, Kim Yoojung waved her hand.

“okay. Just a few months ago, he was completely obsessed with martial arts. At that time, I didn't pay much attention to magic, but suddenly changed my mind... I admit that I adapt faster than I thought.”

“......so. At that time.......”

Ina Seo recalled Shin Jun-sang and Kwon So-yul, whom she had met right after they first fell into the sub-space.

In the fight with Shin Jun-sang, Jae-hyun lightly dodged it as if he had read all the sword trajectories.

‘If he was originally from the martial arts world, he might have been able to read the sword's trajectory...'

Of course, I don't know how the martial arts world works, but it was a pretty plausible hypothesis.

But at the same time, the question arose again.

Then why?

Why did Jaehyun Min come to the magic world?

If you have eyes enough to dodge the sword's trail, you'd be better off continuing with martial arts.

“What are you doing? Inaya. let's hurry. Jaehyun Min. I hate being late for an appointment.”

“Ah... yes!”

‘Anyway, I'll have to be careful.'

After giving her impressions of Min Jae-hyun, Seo In-na quickly followed Kim Yoo-jung.

Kim Yoo-jung was leading the way with a normal face as if she had recovered before she knew it.

Soon, Jaehyun's face began to appear from a distance.

He was smiling and waving his hand.

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