Episode 33 Freshman Hunt (3)

‘What the hell is this situation? Did you avoid my attack on the freshman subject?'

Shin Jun-sang looked at Jae-hyun with a puzzled expression as if he couldn't understand.

A drop of cold sweat ran down his back.

His attack earlier was an upper-side slash that accurately aimed at the enemy from close range and made a vertical cut. Since the distance is not far, it is a technique with a very high hit rate.

It must be so.

How was that freshman able to perfectly evade attacks and even counterattack?

‘Dodging my attack... no. no. It can't be. If you're a freshman with the talent to counter my attack, there's no way you haven't heard of it. It's just a coincidence.'

He shook his head and looked at the reenactment in front of him.

Shin Jun-sang was one of the leading gold spoons within the Milles Academy.

A talent that everyone looks up to who is born with a talent and who is much stronger than others even without effort.

There were few opponents who could stand up to him with several swordsmanship passives.

In a situation where he can't use active skills like now, his swordsmanship can be called invincible.

However, I did not meet the opponent well.

‘It's pretty fast and heavy, but that's all.'

Jaehyun is a veteran who has been active as a martial arts radar for 7 years.

Reading the swordsmanship trajectory of a cadet like that was not even a job.

“hey! Shin Joon-sang! be careful! there's something weird about this guy You may be hiding something!”

Kwon So-yul shouted, but Shin Jun-sang did not hear.

He was concentrating all his attention on reviewing the battle situation from a moment ago.

‘Did I lose my strength unconsciously? no. It can't be. But how?'

Shin Jun-sang looked at Jae-hyun with a wrinkled face.

Usually, with an attack like this, it would be normal for the freshman to panic and collapse long ago.

But instead of panicking, he was smiling.

And it was clearly a smile of triumph.

Shin Jun-sang quickly widened his distance in the unusual atmosphere of reenactment.

Jaehyun smiled lightly and smiled lightly.

‘It's tough. Is that guy going to be around 4th or 50th? It's an ambiguous level.'

Of course, Shin Jun-sang was born with many talents with a golden spoon.

However, in order to reach a high level as a radar, sufficient training must be accompanied.

With a fat body like that, the limits were clearly exposed in battle.

‘In the first place, having a body like that and enduring in Milles is amazing in itself.'

Miles Academy is a place where students cannot survive unless they train their bodies to the limit.

To be able to hold on in a place like that with such a shabby body is in itself very surprising.

But that's it.

fat scarecrow.

From the point of view of representation, it was difficult for Shin Jun-sang to receive a higher evaluation than that.

A different level of strength that would be like a nightmare for other freshmen.

However, to Jaehyun, who had already won a series of battles with Jung Woo-min and Nightshade, he was just an empty child.

“I gave it a chance. I told you to leave your name tag and go. You guys endured.”

Shin Jun-sang and Kwon So-yul's expressions hardened coldly at Jae-hyun's high-handed tone.

‘What the hell is that guy that can be so calm? No matter how much I try to fly and crawl, I'm sure I'm just a freshman... What's with that kind of attitude towards a magician?'

However, despite Jaehyun's attitude, Shin Junsang did not back down. The same goes for Kwon So-yul.

It wasn't just because of his dignity as a senior.

‘Freshmen Hunt' is a large-scale event directly watched by Chairman Koo Ja-in.

It was clear that if he showed a step back here, there would be considerable restrictions in the academy in the future.

‘Yeah, that guy is a wizard. I just have to match the sword properly once and it's done.'

I put strength into the hand holding the sword.

Shin Jun-sang jumped up quickly once again and fired a series of sword strikes at Jae-hyun.

The blade with the blue effect quickly attacked Jaehyun several times.

Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

However, there was no gap in Jaehyun's movements.

He did not allow a single attack and just watched Shin Jun-sang's movements calmly.

All the sword strikes were read clearly in Jaehyun's eyes and looked slow.

‘Still, my damn past helps in this way.'

I felt proud inside, but I didn't show it on the outside.

Jae-hyun immediately raised the mana to his body and looked at Shin Jun-sang. When Shin Jun-sang was wary and tried to distance himself, Jae-hyeon stretched out his arm and grabbed him.

at that time.

‘This is the gap!'

The corner of Shin Jun-sang's mouth went up in an awkward manner.

This is the freshman's problem.

Even if you have skills, you have no combat experience.

Giving your arms to the enemy Shin Jun-sang could not miss this gap.


A sword slashed through the air with a roar.

Attack with full force.

Perhaps if this attack hits, Jaehyun will consume all of his HP at once and be out.


Jaehyun was smiling even as he watched the sword strikes being fired at him.

Shin Jun-sang was taken aback.

what? why are you laughing

The next moment, Shin Jun-sang realized why Jae-hyun smiled.

He succeeded in catching the sword flying at him with his bare hands.



Soon, Shin Jun-sang's sword shattered with a faint sound.

Blue streaks of light scattered in the air, creating a strange afterimage.

Shin Jun-sang's face was stained with fear.

Jaehyun didn't hesitate any longer and thrust his fist into his face.


A noise so fierce that it was hard to believe that it was just a fist.

Shin Jun-sang, who was attacked, fell to the ground and moaned.


Soon, Shin Jun-sang's body slumped on the floor and slowly began to fade.

―Player ‘Shin Jun-sang' is out.

―100,000 points have been added to player ‘Min Jae-hyeon'.

Excluding Jaehyun, all three of them looked at him in amazement.

Before anyone knew it, Jaehyun's hand was holding Shin Junsang's nameplate.

* * *

A huge transmission tower connected to the central control room of Miles Academy.

This is a live broadcast of the big event, ‘Hunting Freshmen', which is currently going on throughout the academy.

Gu Ja-in and the instructors are seen sitting in the center of the control room.

Instructor Kim Seok-gi looked around and sat down.

He lucked out by reading the distributed files.

“This rider seems to have a lot of particularly outstanding cadets. Ahn Ho-yeon and Cha Yoo-won are promising prospects who are promising enough to attract attention overseas... Although they are magicians, Seo and Kim Yoo-jung are also outstanding talents.”

“yes. It definitely feels like the talent pool has expanded compared to last year.”

Instructor Jeong Yi-soo, who was sitting across from him, replied by turning over the paper.

All the instructors sitting in the control room were watching the relay screen of the ongoing ‘freshman hunt' and the cadet profiles alternately.

The abilities of the cadets launched by the tablet are generally at the same level.

Those who stand out there are Ahn Ho-yeon and Cha Yoo-won in the martial arts world.

In the world of magic, Lee Soo-hyeok, Kim Yoo-jung, and so on.

All of them exceeded 90 or were close to 90.

Some students who changed careers did not have their files uploaded properly because their profiles had not yet been properly updated.

The same goes for Jaehyun's profile.

However, the instructors did not pay much attention to these omissions.

If you change your career path at the last minute, chances are high that you are an ambiguous talent anyway.

“Last year, the aptitudes of the cadets were definitely low. Fortunately, the.”

This year, the average aptitude score for each department is slightly over 60.

In other words.

It meant that if there was enough opportunity, it could grow into at least a C-class raider.

Of course, the cadets who were born with higher talent will go up to the B class and the A class.

‘Certainly, more outstanding cadets than last year entered the school. but. Among them, there is an overwhelming talent.'

Nangjungjichu (囊中之錐).

Traditionally, an awl in a pocket pierces through to the outside.

The cadets who enter Milles Academy are very good on average, but among them, there are definitely overwhelming grades and talent that chews up their peers.

‘For example, like An Ho-yeon.'

Gu Ja-in stared at the huge TV attached to the wall with a meaningful expression. There was a picture of the field where the ‘freshman hunt' was in progress.

For reference, all events originally hosted by the academy are accompanied by a helicam.

This ‘freshman hunt' is no exception, and thanks to this, instructors can watch the activities of the cadets through a huge screen.

‘Depending on how many points you get here, the cadet's growth limit is roughly determined.'

Of course, there are some who grow up to a high level because their potential explodes late.

But such cases were very rare. This is because cadets who perform well in most events actually grow to higher ranks.

It varies slightly from year to year, but if a freshman earns more than 100,000 points, it is B grade.

If there are more than 300,000, it is basic to grow into an A-class radar.

There is a possibility of S rank only if you get more than 1 million points, which is far higher than that.

‘Until now, only three cadets have exceeded 1 million points in the freshman hunt among the graduates of Milles Academy. And they all grew into S-class raiders.'

Goo Ja-in was looking for wood to grow into an S-class raider through this freshman hunt.

Of course, what I am most looking forward to is Ahn Ho-yeon.

He was a cadet who was born with a natural talent that was unlikely to come out every few years.

Gu Jain closed his eyes for a moment and thought.

‘We need to emit more S-class radars. I can't make ‘him' wait any longer.'

Gu Ja-in recalled a being who had saved him in the past.

A person who has exerted considerable influence on Miles Academy since its establishment, and even now exerts direct influence on him.

So far, Gu Jain has been fostering high-grade radars for ‘him'.

It was for this reason that the ‘freshman hunt' was designated as an annual event.

To push the cadets to the extreme and face an enemy they can't handle.

Through this method, Gu Ja-in urged the cadets to ‘reawaken'.


A phenomenon in which a radar breaks its own wall and grows rapidly right before death.

This occurs with a very rare probability and mainly occurs in low-ranking cadets.

Goo Jain's purpose is to mass-produce strong radars to meet ‘him' expectations.

It was only natural that hundreds of cadets would die in the process.

Even if you throw away 100 C-class raiders, you will raise one A-class raider.

That was Gu Jain's way.

‘Sacrifice necessary anyway. Radar has to prove itself every moment. The dead just couldn't prove themselves.'

After escaping from his thoughts, Gu Jain fixed his eyes on the TV screen with determined eyes.

It's still 30 minutes since the event started.

Fortunately, there are many new cadets who will easily achieve good grades this year.

It is going in a different way from the past four years, when S-class cadets were not produced.

At that time, Jeong Yi-soo, who was sitting in front of him, rested his chin lightly and opened his mouth.

“by the way. Who among the freshmen will be the first to snatch the current student badge? Every year, the top fighters took over.”

Gu Ja-in looked around at the instructors with a soft smile.

“Hmm... that's an interesting subject. What do you think?”

“Oh oh. Then, why don’t we have a dinner party betting on something like this?”

“That’s nice.”

Jeong Yi-soo and Kim Seok-gi nodded their heads in satisfaction. The new instructors Kim Ji-yeon and Park Ha-joon, who sat next to them, also agreed.

Kim Seok-gi looked like he was having fun.

“Then, let’s do what you tell us after each person has made their choice. By last year's standard... in about an hour, the first dropout will come out.”

Every year, the first dropout of the ‘Freshman Hunt' comes out about an hour after the event begins.

Most of them tend to drop out due to carelessness rather than lack of ability.

“Then I will do it first.”

Gu Jain opened his mouth first.

He planned to choose between Ahn Ho-yeon and Cha Yu-won, who were shown on a two-part screen.

Of course, Seo In-na also has excellent aptitude, but fighting and one-on-one is difficult.

Moreover, 30 minutes is too short a time to form an alliance and fight against it.

Gu Jain nodded, finished his choice, and opened his mouth.

“Then I'm safe...”


Before he could finish his words, Gu Jain had no choice but to shut his mouth.

―Player ‘Shin Jun-sang' is out.

―100,000 points have been added to player ‘Min Jae-hyeon'.

An unexpected message.

It was an announcement from the control room about the dropouts.

Gu Jain quickly developed an accident and sorted out the situation.

‘One was eliminated and the other earned 100,000 points.'

This in other words,

“Here comes the first Freshman Stealer.”

It was a story that a freshman had succeeded in stealing a name tag.

Gu Jain's face was bright.

“It's Min Jaehyun...”

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