Episode 24 Night Shade (3)

A gigantic figure that appears to be about 2 meters tall.

The deep eyes of the Night Shade, unknown to the end, glared at Jaehyun.

Jaehyun also met Nightshade's eyes without backing down.

It was a terrifying experience, like looking into a great abyss.

A deep, dense torrent of magical power resembling the deep sea of Mana Cubes.

‘It radiates powerful magic that makes you shudder. If Hel hadn't let me out that day, I would have been killed by this guy.'

A high-pressure and ominous storm of mana emanating from the whole body.

Jaehyun hesitated for a moment while watching Night Shade, but soon regained his senses.

‘This is a dungeon. Time is not enough even if I just focus on killing the beast in front of me!'


Jaehyun kicked the ground with Nightshade's strong cry.


Without hesitation, run forward and close the distance.

Night Shade's claws extend freely, making it useful for attacking enemies from a long distance.

If so, there is no need to lead the battle in an unfavorable situation by widening the distance.

‘The battle that my teacher taught me is only possible... I can't win if I don't use it.'

The only fighting method he had learned through sparring with Yoo Sung-eun a while ago.

A tactic that is close to invincible according to the theory that seems to be a half-mash of martial arts and magic.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to defeat the monster in front of me alone with Jaehyun's current skills.

After catching his breath, Jaehyun quickly moved behind the enemy.

thud! thud!

Night Shade, who noticed the presence before he knew it, swung his nails at Jaehyun.

Jaehyun evaded the attack with a quick stomp, then thrust a fist into his abdomen.



Nightshade hesitated for a moment and stepped back, but remained strong.

‘As expected, I can't even begin with just a reinforced fist, is it?'

Jaehyun had strengthened his physical attack skills through the new skill 《Mana Weapon》 he learned earlier.

Thanks to that, I was able to hunt monsters with my fists and feet just like in the fight against the skeleton soldier or the race a while ago.

However, this method does not work for Night Shade.

‘There is virtually no damage that can be physically inflicted on this guy.'

Originally, Night Shade is a boss monster with high physical attack resistance.

However, for this time, Jaehyun conserved his mana when killing normal monsters.

There are still a few mana recovery potions left, so it's a good situation right now.

Jaehyun immediately infused magic into his body and fired it at Nightshade.

―Active skill 《Chain of Lightning》.


Four chains rose from the ground and rushed towards Night Shade's torso.

Night Shade lightly parried the attack with his long claws, but Jaehyun immediately clenched his fist to control the chain continuously.


The chain bounced off and started wrapping around Nightshade's body again.

Nightshade let out a short moan and trembled at the pouring lightning.

However, Jaehyun gritted it.

‘Not enough yet.'

The enemy was still fine.

Nightshade howled ferociously and glared at Jaehyun.

A high-pressure, stern voice.

at that time. The suppressed magic of Night Shade was released.


Nightshade dragged the chain and began to approach Jaehyun with long strides.

Jae-hyun calmly checked the enemy's movements as Yoo Seong-eun had taught him.

‘Five steps to the left.'


At the same time as he thought, Jaehyun moved his body accurately to avoid Night Shade's attack.

‘Two steps to the right.'

The next moment and the next moment was the same.

Jaehyun avoided all of Night Shade's continuous attacks with minimal movement.

‘Night Shade's attack cannot be broken with ?Absolute Calculation?. He is a physical attribute demon. The only way to win is with skill and physical ability.'

Jaehyun's new model, which bent his knees for a moment, was launched into the air.

Nightshade also missed his movement for a second.


With a spirited spirit, he fired a series of ?Magic Arrows?.

It is the most basic magic and cannot inflict great damage, but the intention of reappearing was not in damage.

What he was aiming for was the eyes, the vital part of Night Shade.



With the hit of the attack, cracks appeared in the eyes of the endless demon beast.

at the same time.

-caution! The boss monster ‘Night Shade' becomes berserk.

Jaehyun's eyes narrowed as he landed on the ground.

The nape of my neck felt chilly at the sound of the system.

《Berserk》 is a skill that only a very few of C-class or higher monsters have, and it was a passive that automatically activates when one's HP is reduced to less than half.

A morale skill with terrifying power that increases strength and agility by 1.5 times.

Jaehyun swallowed his saliva.

Chae Chaeng! Click!

just as expected.

Nightshade, who cut off all chains, roared loudly at Jaehyun.


―The active skill of the boss monster ‘Night Shade' is activated.

―The 《instant death》 penalty is applied.

―If the boss is not defeated within the next 10 minutes, the user loses their life.

‘An instant death penalty? Haven't you heard of this before?'

Jaehyun, rather embarrassed, stared blankly at the status window that popped up.

‘I've never heard of Night Shade using the ?Instant Death? skill in any other community or information board. Does that mean that this guy is a different case from the normal Night Shade?'

Jaehyun bit his lip.

Nightshade swung a massive fist at him in bewilderment.

A series of indiscriminate attacks.

thud! thud! thud! thud!

‘shit. The speed... has become faster!'

He felt that his stamina had dropped considerably, but Jaehyun was not taken aback and looked at the enemy's movements and predicted the next move.

However, contrary to expectations, Night Shade did not run into Jaehyun and only used long-range attacks using his nails.

‘That guy... he doesn't force himself to move. Well, it's a game where he wins if he lasts 10 minutes. As a C-class boss, his intelligence is astonishing.'


cRiuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ...

Night Shade's desperate voice resonated strongly inside the boss room.

‘I feel like I'm going to lose my mind just by listening... Is it a special effect of the instant death skill?'

―< Instantaneous death > time remaining until penalty 8:32

The sound of the system that sent chills down the spine is heard again.

Jaehyun caught his breath to stay calm, then kicked the ground again.

at that time.


Night Shade let out a much louder roar than before.

At the same time, Jaehyun's whole body felt weak and he started to stumble.

―Temporarily entered the ?Fear? state. Resistance fails.


Jaehyun narrowed his brows.


Nightshade swung his fist at Jaehyun, who was floating in the air and weak.



Jaehyun, hit by the attack, bounced off the wall and groaned as he slammed his body against the wall.

It wasn't a fatal internal injury, but my HP was reduced by a whopping 1/3.

High risk high return.

Jaehyun was currently investing all of his self-distributed stats obtained through leveling up in magic and endurance.

Originally, I would have invested a little bit by mixing this and that, but I thought the deal was the most important thing to survive in the fight against Night Shade.

thud! thud!

After dodging the ensuing attack, Jaehyun fell off the wall and checked his body condition.

Hearing Nightshade's shout earlier, his body froze and his movements slowed down.

Jaehyun immediately realized what that meant.

‘Is it CC? If it wasn't for the divine robe, it would have been a fatal wound.'

The < < Divine Robe > > I got from the magic engineering shopping street the other day.

If it wasn't for the effect of the item that resists the dark attribute, at least 1/2 of the HP would have been lost in one hit.

He might have been swallowed up in Nightshade's stomach by now, with his body in tatters.

Thinking so gave me goosebumps all over my body.

‘Anyway, it's definitely strange.'

Of course, I was familiar with the fact that boss monsters cast various CC (crowd control).

However, for a boss in a C-class dungeon, the skill came in quickly without prior action.


―《Fear》 status has been cancelled.

thud! thud! thud! thud!


After spitting out a handful of blood, he moved away from the wall to avoid Night Shade's attack.

Jaehyun swiftly dodges a series of attacks while swiftly moving behind the Night Shade once again.

―Time left until the ?instant death? penalty 4:11

The time left until the instant death penalty is only about 4 minutes at most.

Jaehyun thought while remaining calm even in extreme situations.

‘He was attacked in both eyes a moment ago. That's his core with condensed mana. Perhaps the angle of view is narrower than before. That's right.'

Jaehyun's thigh muscles swelled and his mana concentrated.

A sensation in which the nerve strands of each cell come to life clearly.

―Active skill ?Wind Boost?.

―The user's body is imbued with the energy of wind.

―Movement speed is increased by 50%.

‘Quickly enter the guy's blind spot!'


He moved to the Beast's blind spot at once.

thud! thud!

Nightshade's next attack.

However, Jaehyun partly avoided the attack in a precarious position and smiled.


At the same time as the guy turned around, the massive fist rushed towards him quickly.

Jaehyun put his hand on the ground and watched Nightshade's ensuing attack.

he already knew

That his attacks would never reach him.

―Active skill 《Flash Bomb》.

―An explosion of divine light temporarily blinds enemies!


An explosion that came almost simultaneously with the sound of the system engulfed Nightshade. A very brief gap after the attack stopped.

Jaehyun didn't miss the chance.

―Active skill 《Chain of Lightning》.

Cheer la la rock!

A very brief moment in which the enemy is blinded.

Eight chains shot through the gap wrapped around Night Shade's torso.

Pats Tsutsutsut!

Jaehyun laughed lightly as he watched the chain devouring the enemy with a high-pressure crackling sound.

‘can do.'


Night Shade's screams filled the boss room.

―< Instant death > time remaining until penalty 2:16


Jaehyun started running towards Nightshade to deliver the final blow.

But at that moment.


Nightshade's cries resound once again.



Kirik? Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...!!

A magic circle was installed on the floor of the boss room, and soon, low-level monsters protecting Night Shade appeared one after another.

A group of Wraiths and Draugs that you dealt with earlier, including the Skeleton Soldier.

However, Jaehyun was not taken aback.

He smiled again and murmured softly.

“I knew it. Bosses all have dirty patterns.”

In an instant, dozens of demonic beasts surrounded him.

However, Jaehyun only raised the corner of his mouth as he watched the monster rushing towards him.

His left eye was colored golden, and divine energy poured out from his entire body.

―Use the active skill 《Sacrifice》.

―Undead monsters exist on the field. Convert 《Sacrifice》 into an attack skill.

―Active skill 《Judgment of Light》.


A wide range dealing skill that consumes as much as 500 mana 《Judgment of Light》.

Targeting Undead attribute monsters, this skill shows extreme force.

Furthermore, now Jaehyun is in a situation where he even has an attack power correction due to the effect of 《Divine Robe》.

Embarrassed by Jaehyun's overwhelming magical power, the monsters hesitated and stepped back.

But by then it was already too late.

The aura of divine light from the ceiling began to trickle down, and it fell straight to the floor.


screaming at the same time.


For an instant, a brilliant light hit the ground in multiple directions, transforming into a pillar of light.

Jaehyun smiled lightly.

‘< < Light Judgment > > This skill is.”


‘Only the undead are invincible.'

Undead monsters were purified one by one in the pouring pillar of light and lost their shape.

Jaehyun looked at Nightshade, who was chained and unable to move while laughing.

―< Instantaneous Death > Time remaining until penalty 0:23

Standing right in front of Night Shade, he suddenly raised his head.



A beam of light from the ceiling penetrated the whole body of the Night Shade.


A desperate scream resounds.

Nightshade was gradually purified by the light and lost its body while being chained and unable to move.

Jaehyun smiled bitterly as he watched the scene.

The long-awaited showdown with Nightshade.

There he won in the end.

It was two months ago when he lost his mind and ate all his HP with a single punch, but he overcame everything and eventually overcame it.

“I did it. Night Shade... I defeated him.”

Seeing the field cleared in an instant, Jaehyun exhaled an enthusiastic breath.

His face was filled with only joy and achievement.

After a while.

When the Pillar of Light finally cut off the last boss monster, Night Shade's scream.

He heard the voice he had been waiting for.

―The remaining time until the 《Instant Death》 penalty is 0:03


―You defeated the dungeon boss ‘Night Shade'.

―You have acquired 3000 EXP.

―You have acquired the material item 《Night Shade Core》.

―You have acquired the B-grade equipment item 《Shadow Armor》.

―You have acquired the title 《The One Who Overcame the First Trial》.

―Acquired items have been automatically stored in the inventory.

―Your level has risen by 3.

―Transfers the user to the hidden room ‘Temple of Hel'.

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