Episode 20 The youngest son of the famous raider (4)

Lee Jae-sang looked at Jae-sang with a shocked face at the words that came out of Jae-hyeon's mouth.

What I heard was truly shocking.

“I invest in seniors because I think they all have the ability. How easy is investing? Sometimes it fails, and that's it.”

For some reason, I felt my heart beat repeatedly and rapidly.

Have you ever been trusted like you are now in your entire life?

Until now, Jaesang Lee was born into a family with a reputation for radar and has suffered endlessly.

Because he lacked fighting talent and was more timid than his other siblings.

Also, because the mother who gave birth to him died early.

Because he wasn't recognized by his father.

For various reasons, he has lived his life blaming himself.

Thanks to this, receiving expectations from others was unimaginable to Lee Jae-sang.


To him, who was always ignored and compared to him, Jaehyun told him something different.

You can fail.

Those words shook Lee Jae-sang's heart the most.

Lee Jae-shin and Lee Ga have taught themselves that failure is unacceptable.

That you should put others down. He said you should always stand out.

But what did Jaehyun Min do?

He told me that it was okay if I failed to invest in myself.

He also praised the potion he sold at the black market as being great.

“approximately. Will you make it for me?”

Jaehyun asked politely.

Lee Jae-sang stood blankly for a moment, recalling what Jae-hyun had said to him.

I used to think that being expected from others was a burden until now.

But now it felt a little different.

Somehow not a bad heartbeat.

Soon, Lee Jae-sang's face opened for the first time, and his determined eyes poured out.

“I’ll try to do it… Ha, I’ll try to make a leap.”

“thank you. senior. I'll come by every day too, so if there's something I want you to do, do it anytime. Then here.” Jae-hyun tore up a piece of paper with his phone number on it and held it out to Jae-sang Lee.

“This is my number. Please contact me if you have any more equipment or items you need, or if you guys are messing around like before.”

Lee Jae-sang asked Jae-sang with a worried yet moved expression at Jae-hyun's words.

“Hahaha, but… if that’s the case, if you get disciplined for not supporting me…”

“It’s okay. Anyway, those bullies are also harassing you, so there’s enough reason for disciplinary action, right?”

“That's true...”

“Don't worry. If they report me, they should be prepared to be punished... How difficult is Milles Academy to get into, but they can't take such a threat. and.”

Lee Jae-sang was quite surprised at Jae-hyun's clever side.

Jaehyun raised an eyebrow and added.

“I have someone I can trust.”

* * *

Meanwhile at that time.

Seongeun Yoo, who was resting on a bench at the gymnasium, felt her nose tickle.

In the end, the deadly itch that climbed up the tip of the nose and touched the inside.


“CEO, have you caught a cold? Finish your sneeze.”

Park Seong-jae hurriedly took out a handkerchief from his inside pocket and held it out.

Yoo Sung-eun covered her mouth with the handkerchief she received and made another etch sound.

she said in a stern voice.

“no. I think it was just a sneeze.”

“haha. It looks like someone is swearing at the CEO... It can't be. Haha.......”

Park Seong-jae quickly changed his words at the stinging gaze of Yoo Seong-eun, who was glaring at him before he knew it.

However, perhaps it was already too late, Yoo Seong-eun pinched Park Seong-jae's forearm with her eyes narrowed. Although it is said that he lost his strength, it was a pinch of an S-class raider.

Park Seong-jae endured the pain and looked at Yoo Seong-eun, who was glaring at him.

“Sounds like I did a lot of bad things. isn't it?”

“Ah, that's not what it meant.......”

Seongeun Yoo left Park Seongjae behind and got up from her seat again to raise her magic power.

Seongjae Park trembled at the sound of her voice, which felt terrifying for the first time in a while.

‘This time, I'm going to go for two days.......'

Park Seong-jae broke out in a cold sweat and began to think about what to make for dinner tonight.

After all, most women are weak when it comes to food.

* * *

Jae-hyeon, who came out of Lee Jae-sang's lab, arrived in Seoul again via the portal.

After that, I met Park Seong-jae and Yoo Sung-eun, who were somehow hesitant at the Yeonhwa Guild.

Dalian was not a long time, about two hours, but my body was almost exhausted.

However, there was no sign of hardship on Jaehyun's lips.

The raised corners of his mouth never thought to come down.

‘I managed to somehow attract Lee Jae-sang to my side. That's a good start. It would be perfect to roll it with a potion shuttle.'

Following Yoo Sung-eun, he obtained another hand that could be of great help.

‘If Yoo Seong-eun is the person in charge of the present, Lee Jae-sang will be of great help in the future. After all, my speech skills are killing me.'

Jaehyun nodded his head slightly.

In fact, ‘praise' was crucial to attacking Jaesang Lee and getting what he wanted.

Praise was very precious to Lee Jae-sang, who was born as the youngest son of a prestigious family but was more accustomed to being looked down upon.

Jae-hyun aimed at Lee Jae-sang’s gap.

“It was good to buy the potion made by Lee Jae-sang at the black market in advance.”

The other day, right before the encounter with Night Shade, Jae-hyun purchased a low-grade magic recovery potion made by Jae-sang Lee at the black market.

This is because the potion, which should cost at least 1 million won in the open market, was less than half the price in the black market.

Among them, Lee Jae-sang's potion was clean and neat, and especially cheaper.

What I showed Jae-sang Lee today was the last remaining potion after using it.

Of course, even at the time of purchase, I never dreamed that this would help in this way.

‘Unlike his father, Lee Jae-shin, Lee Jae-sang had no radar talent at all. I was awakened, but it was only a little better than the average person. But no matter how much it is, how can you throw your son away like that......'

Lee Jae-sin and the people of Lee's family coldly kicked Lee Jae-sang out as he had no talent as a radar.

They helped get her into Miles Academy, but all other support was cut off.

His father and sister, who were blood relatives, all turned their backs on him, and Lee Jae-sang had no place to return to.

It's like being an orphan all of a sudden.

at that time. In a desperate situation, Lee Jae-sang found his talent.


Working with potions and medicines, he felt an intense joy that he had never seen before.

Although the alchemist was not a job to deal with demons in the vanguard, it was a job that directly affected their survival.

Lee Jae-sang preferred healing the wounded rather than attacking and injuring them.

So even now, I was studying alchemy behind the back of my family.

‘As expected, there's nothing better than touching a gap in attacking people.'

Thanks to this, Jae-hyun succeeded in recruiting a new talent named Lee Jae-sang.

Afterwards, if it worked out, he would make money and set up an alchemy shop.

Of course, on the condition that the profit is 5 to 5.

‘I can sweep all the money away.'

Jae-hyun, who was busily moving forward while drawing a blueprint, stopped for a moment.

An alley at the last corner near the way back home.

There, Jaehyun was able to meet an unexpected person.

The figure of four men wearing dark suits and sunglasses. As if they had been waiting, they surrounded Jaehyun and asked.

“Are you Min Jaehyun?”

When Jaehyun didn't answer right away, they started taking magic tools out of their arms.

An act of manifest hostility.

However, Jaehyun only sighed as he watched those who took out magic tools from their arms.

‘I don't know what it is, but I don't think I'll just let it go... I'm tired, but it bothers me.'

The four people who surrounded Jae-hyeon stretched their daggers towards him.

Jaehyun snorted.

‘Is it D-class martial equipment... You're going to catch a cadet at Milles Academy with something like that?'

Of course, Jaehyun is still in reserve, but Jaehyun is already much stronger than most cadets.

Even just this afternoon, I helped Jaesang Lee and easily defeated a cadet a year older.

However, the people in front of me were bigger and weaker than them except for being adults.

Although he is an Awakener, his magical power is barely felt.

So it's natural for Jaehyun to be dumbfounded.

After letting out a sigh, Jaehyun shouted without changing his expression.

“What if I block the road? I didn't even charter the road. Do you get out of the way when you say nice things?”

“Tongue brother. He seems to be a short-tempered little boy, just like I heard.”

“That’s it. Just like Seonjae hyung-nim said, you're crazy!”

Seonjae's brother?

It was only then that Jaehyun realized who had instigated them to attack him.

Yoo Seon-jae.

Yoo Seong-eun is CEO's younger brother and the one who had a fight with him a while ago.

At that time, all I did was make a noise and hit him once, but to hire people like this.

“Yoo Seon-jae, that bastard is really boring. Sending a gangster just because you got hit with one of them? Not even a kid.”

“To speak of our client that way. You are a good kid with only one gut.”

Seeing Jaehyun scratching his head in annoyance, the man in the lead shouted.

“Fuck it right now!”


The dagger cut through the air and aimed relentlessly at Jaehyun's shoulder and leg.

However, Jaehyun just rolled his eyes and smiled.

‘what the. It's only because it's so slow.'

After dodging all four attacks in a row, Jaehyun counterattacked with his fists and feet.

The frightened expression of Yangachi's party was revealed as it was on their faces.

‘Kheup! I'm still a child...!'

‘How on earth are they attacking at this speed?'

Accurate strikes without even an inch of error aimed at vital points.





thud! thud! thud! thud!

The gangsters pinned to the wall groaned and spit out different tunes.

Jaehyun was so full of energy that he couldn't speak.

No matter how much they are also Awakeners who can handle magic, they are not on a level comparable to the new students of Milles Academy.

In general, students at Miles Academy are different from normal Awakeners.

A group that is normal to have at least dozens of times more magical power than normal people.

That was Miles.

“If you were going to send gangsters, you should have been at least an active raider.”

Recalling the future in which Yoo Seon-jae's cunning face would be crumpled, Jaehyun laughed.

Jaehyun asked the one who ordered his attack just a moment ago among the four fallen people.

“hey. are you the boss Let me ask you one thing.”

“Big. go away! I think we will obediently obey your words... Kuk!”

When Jaehyun didn't get the answer he wanted, he started kicking him.

puck! puck! Slap!

A series of indiscriminate attacks.

about 10 minutes. Suddenly, the man's body became tattered and tattered.

Jaehyun kicked the man for exactly two more minutes.

Then the man stretched out his palm and shouted urgently.

“Stop that! I'll tell you everything. I’ll tell you everything, so please stop hitting me!”

“Are you going to tell me?”

“…I will tell you. Please stop beating me.”

Jaehyun nodded his head in satisfaction.

‘As expected, the hawk is medicine.'

He wasn't attacking an innocent person anyway, he was a gangster trying to take care of himself.

There was no reason to take a look at the situation and moderate it.

Of course, one of the methods would be to beat him moderately and hand him over to the police.

However, Jaehyun came up with a more interesting way.

He sat down on the floor and asked in a low voice.

“Yoo Seon-jae. How much money did you give him to step on me?”

“That's... 6 million won per person.”

“Are there a lot more than you think?”

Jaehyun was genuinely amazed.

I even heard in awe of Yoo Seon-jae, who burned 24 million won to beat a middle schooler.

“2400 for all four… well, not bad.”

Then, placing his chin on the man's chest, Jaehyun continued.

“You guys succeeded in the operation today. Report that to Yoo Seon-jae. And...”

Jaehyun's face was stained with greed in an instant.

“24 million won. Bring it all to me without leaving a single penny. Then I'll give it to you to live.”

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