Episode 17 The youngest son of the famous radar family (1)

After Jae-hyeon left, Park Jin-cheol, the store manager of < Leavenue >, received several more customers.

Most of them were the second and third generation chaebol who were full of vanity and liked to spend money.

They considered appraisal of unconfirmed items, a legal gamble, as a kind of play.

‘Well, thanks to that, I'm making a living.'

Park Jin-cheol laughed at them on the inside and sold the goods in a friendly manner on the outside.


He also has customers who are difficult to deal with.

One of them is Baek Ji-hyun, who is currently looking at the goods in the store.

“Today things seem to be in a very strange condition… Is that all?”

“Oh yes. That's right. That's all I brought in today.”

“I can’t do that.”

Baek Ji-hyun muttered with his arms crossed.

A woman who is the guild master of the guild ?Curator? and possesses the unique skill ?Insight? that allows her to discern valuable items.

She was the person who developed the Curators Guild into one of the top five wealthy merchants in Korea based on her unique skills.

Although they are not guilds that do radar activities fighting in the vanguard, their influence in Korea is beyond imagination.

Recently, thanks to the fact that it has started to gain a reputation not only in Korea but also abroad, the evaluation is increasing day by day.

She has such a high reputation, but today, for some reason, she was in a bad mood.

It was because of the items displayed in the store.

‘No matter how you think about it, it's strange.'

I crossed my arms and thought hard, but I didn't understand right away.

Baek Ji-hyun usually visits Park Jin-cheol's store, < Leavenue >, and buys things.

This is because if you use your skills, you can easily pick out good items from Revenue, and you can use them for business.

But today, even after washing my eyes and searching, there are no items that exude good energy.


Baek Ji-hyun bit his lower lip and looked around again.

‘At this time, it's normal to have at least a few C-class or higher items left...'

It was completely incomprehensible.

Normally, at least one or two C-grade to B-grade items should be displayed in the store.

More than hundreds of new items are brought in from Les Venues every day.

At this time, there is a 6% chance of getting a C-grade or higher equipment item.

That meant that at least three or four C-class equipment had to be on display.

‘It's definitely strange.......'

Even if you just roll your eyes for a second, there are almost a hundred items in the store.

Does it make sense that there isn't a single C-class item among them?

Baek Ji-hyun, who had been thinking for a while, came to Park Jin-cheol with strides after finishing her thoughts.

Park Jin-cheol hesitated and stepped back as if he had seen a ghost.

‘That human...! What are you going to do again...'

Baek Ji-hyun, who usually drives incidents and accidents because of her tyrannical temper.

The other day, Park Jin-cheol was afraid of her because he had bullied Park Jin-cheol for not having an item he liked at Revenue.

Baek Ji-hyun asked ferociously at Park Jin-cheol, who was laughing out loud in fear.

“There must be someone who bought something at Le Avenue before me today. A person who wiped out only the good items.”


Baek Ji-hyun's cold eyes.

Park Jin-cheol stammered and continued with a confused look on his face.

“That’s what it is, but... Baek Ji-hyun’s customer might be very concerned about it…”

“I will judge that. The man who swept things here. Who are you?”

“Ha, but no matter how guild master you are, disclosing your personal information.......”

Baek Ji-hyeon’s eyes narrowed at Park Jin-cheol’s vague words.

At the same time, cold air and clouds of war hovered inside the store for a moment.

‘Heh heh! This madman again!'

Frightened, Baek took a few steps back, and Baek Ji-hyun, with a sadistic face, took another step closer to Park Jin-cheol.

“It looks like you looked down on our Curator Guild a bit.”


It was an obvious threat.

A drop of cold sweat ran down Park Jin-cheol's forehead.

“I see. Calm down. I'll tell you...”

In principle, disclosing consumer information is clearly illegal.

However, in a world where strength has become everything, if you are taken by the master of a higher guild, your future business will be no different from a trade.

There's nothing special here, but I have no choice but to keep my head down.

Park Jin-cheol opened his mouth in a trembling voice with his waist folded in half.

“Min Jae-hyeon... that was definitely the name.”

* * *


In the stainless steel pot, something boiled along with the herbs.

The purple, turbid color of the solution apparently indicates that something is wrong. The sour scent that pierces the nose adds to the bad omen and adds to the serious atmosphere.

As if Jaehyun couldn't calm his bubbling stomach, he finally shouted at the pot.

“crazy! How many times has this been!”

with chaeng.

The thrown ladle made a faint sound as it rolled across the kitchen floor.

If Lee Seon-hwa had seen it, he would have had to listen to the sermon for a long time, but fortunately Jae-hyun was alone at home. It was because Seonhwa Lee had gone out a while ago saying she was going to a reunion.

Thanks to that, Jaehyun, who was left alone at home, was in the process of making an elixir with the ingredients for the 《Elixir of Mana Enhancement》 he bought yesterday.

But what?

“No, are you kidding? I already ate three of the ingredients! Do you know how much this is all about? ok?!”

He even pointed at the pot and screamed, but nothing changed.

Jaehyun sighed deeply and sat down in his seat.

The 《Elixir of Mana Enhancement》 is a legendary elixir that can be produced only after successfully completing all of the complex processes divided into several stages.

However, there was no way Jaehyun, who was born in the martial arts world, knew this fact.

I thought it was just a matter of beating the ingredients and boiling them like I saw on TV.

Thanks to that, I was only sighing as I continued to blow away the poor ingredients.

“Ha...... If I go like this, I'm going to blow all 30 million won into the air......”

Even if you think to yourself, you don't have an answer.

No matter how many materials you have, if you can't make an elixir, it's useless.

“I was told that the liquid in the pot should turn white in the first step...”

However, the inside of Jaehyun's pot was clearly purple.

It's a level that even people with a good stomach are reluctant to put in their mouths.

It was not a color that would come out of food at all.

“Ha... I'm the only one who knows the recipe for the 《Elixir of Mana Enhancement》.”

It was literally.

This elixir ceremony will be completed in about five years from now.

Currently, Jaehyun is the only one who knows what ingredients are used and how to make the elixir.

Therefore, it means that it is impossible to give the material and ask where to make it.

Jaehyun was scattered on the kitchen floor, leaving the purple liquid behind.

“I can’t just go to the person who made it and make it… Huh?!”

Jaehyun, who was lying on the floor, straightened up and stood up.

“ah! okay! Would you like to make it yourself?! Why didn't I think of that?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jaehyun emptied all the contents of the boiling pot into the sink.

Soon he got ready to leave, changed his clothes, and opened the front door.

Jaehyun raised an eyebrow and smiled.

“Lee Jae-sang. You can ask that person. Even if you can't make medicine because you're unlucky, if you build up a network with that person now, you'll be able to use it forever.”

Lee Jae-sang, whom Jae-hyun recalled, was a talented person who would make a big mark in the world of alchemy later on.

A person who was born into a family with a reputation for raiders, but was treated with disdain due to his lack of fighting talent, and then was cast in a training guild that recognized his talent and grew up.

Incidentally, he is one year older than Jaehyun and is currently attending Milles Academy.

“Of course he's not an easy person to approach... but that's not a problem for me.”

Lee Jae-sang is not easily friendly with people because of his weak nature and stutter, but Jae-hyun knows how to handle people well.

He was confident that he could pull Lee Jae-sang to his side whenever he wanted to.

“If you do well, you'll get medicine and build a network... It's supposed to be a good thing, right?”

After opening the front door and leaving the house, Jaehyun walked away with a smile on his face.

The destination was none other than the main entrance of ‘Milles Academy'.

* * *

Ding tting tting ding.

Lee Seon-hwa, who had been to the reunion, entered the house with the sound of pressing the password on the front door.

And the next moment, she was terrified and had no choice but to pick up her smartphone.

‘Should I call the police?'

Lee Seon-hwa looked at the messy kitchen thinking that way.

An incomprehensible purple solution spilled over the sink, and scorched pots and ladles were strewn about the floor.

What the hell is going on?

Looking elsewhere, nothing was missing.

Do thieves who only mess up the kitchen exist in this world?

Lee Seon-hwa cautiously stepped into the kitchen holding the frying pan hanging on the wall.

In search of the whereabouts of the thief who polluted the kitchen.

* * *

Immediately after Yggdrasil rises and the demonic beasts pour out. There are a few families that have established themselves the fastest.

One of them is Lee Jae-sang's family, which Jae-hyeon is looking for.

Lee Jae-sang's family was originally a family that ran a small company.

However, when his family produced Lee Jae-shin, an S-class raider, he began to gain overwhelming prestige.

‘Lee Jae-shin. Korea's first S-class radar.'

Jaehyun swallowed his saliva.

The person he is going to meet is Lee Jae-sang, the youngest son of Lee Jae-shin.

Its value as a personal network is sufficient just by its ability, but I didn't know if it could be used as a better hand if I put a burden on the Lee family with Lee Jae-sang as an excuse.

The problem is that in order to meet Jaesang Lee, he has to go to Miles Academy.

“Milles Academy is a closed place. Outsiders are strictly prohibited from entering.”

However, that was not the case for Jaehyun.

He has already passed the military academy as a prospective student at Miles Academy.

There are few certificates in this world that have greater effect than the Miles cadet certificate.

“Then we should go through the portal first.”

After Jaehyun arrived near the station, he talked to the guide to take the portal.

“hello. I’m trying to get on the portal.”

“Where are you going?”

“This is Daegu.”

The employee looked surprised for a moment at the answer, but soon regained his bright expression.

That's a natural story.

In this world, Daegu is already a region that has been closed off by demons.

A place where you have to worry about your life the moment you step in, with demonic beasts pouring out from all sides.

Today's Daegu is such a place.

But even so, if there are people heading to Daegu, there is only one.

“Are you a student at Miles Academy?”

“no. I am still a prospective student.”

After simply opening the application on his smartphone and proving his qualifications, Jaehyun used the portal.

With a bit of motion sickness, my mind flickers like a lantern, and then it comes back soon.

It is a very fleeting moment, but from the point of view of experiencing it, it is a portal that is quite embarrassing.

This is because you have to feel the ripples of mana rippling like seasickness with your whole body.

After a while.

The portal moved Jaehyun to the portal station in the center of Daegu.

Surrounded by blue light, he took a step forward and murmured.

“long time no see. This is it.”

Jaehyun looked around with a face wet with sentiment again.

As he remembered, this place was dotted with a gloomy and disgraceful past.

Random plants poking out between the collapsed abandoned buildings and concrete.

It was an apocalypse background that seemed to have moved the post-nuclear war royalties that appeared in the game.

After hesitating for a moment, Jaehyun took a step with his mind set.

If you walk a little further from here, you will see the main entrance of Miles Academy.

A place so familiar yet full of horrific memories.

Jaehyun hurriedly stepped forward and muttered in a calm voice.

“Then let’s go.”

There was no time for long sentimentality.

Jaehyun quickly left the portal station and walked towards the main entrance of Milles Academy.

Even though it was blocked with temporary magic, this area is still dangerous.

It was because the monsters that had not yet been dealt with were infesting everywhere.

Jaehyun instinctively held his breath.

It was an act like a kind of instinct to avoid being noticed by the Witchbeast.

* * *

Miles Academy, which had arrived after a while, was still exuding a high-pressure atmosphere.

Jaehyun squeezed himself between the tall buildings and headed for the main gate.

The current time is one o'clock in the afternoon.

Milles Academy is also in winter vacation, so it's time to finish it by now.


Jaehyun stood in front of the main gate of Milles Academy, paused, and put his hands in his pockets.

When I look up, the huge tall building in front of me catches my eye.

It was a terrifying scale, as if five or six large university buildings were put together.

The scale of Miles Academy was overwhelming because it included the entire restoration area of Daegu, an abandoned city that was destroyed by an outbreak of monsters.

In the midst of admiring it again, Jaehyun heard the voices of the students leaving school.

Jaehyun checked the clothes of the students returning to the dormitory from a distance.

30 minutes like that... and 1 hour.

Jae-hyun waited for him for a long time, but Lee Jae-sang's face was hardly visible.

“Where are you bastard…”

Jaehyun scratched his head and stood right in front of the main entrance of Milles Academy.

There was no other way now.

I have no choice but to go inside the building and look for Lee Jae-sang some more.

Jaehyun tried to hide his annoyance and spoke to the security guard guarding the building.


Jaehyun was so lucky with a good-natured face that he seldom shows.

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