I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 960 - 960 16.6 First Red Star - The Last Letter from Dad

960 16.6 First Red Star – The Last Letter from Dad

Human Territory’s Middle Region Area,

Amber Dawn’s Detached Condominium Unit

Asher Light’s fever had finally been cured the next day. With his holy power, his injuries healed rapidly under his abilities. Amber Dawn who had witnessed the whole scene was at first shocked and then entertained. She thought something weird had happened when he suddenly saw the man he picked suddenly glowing in gold light.

She was now checking in the man’s scarlet rob and noticed the sun crest on it. The Sun Crest was skillfully embroidered on the robe, it looks like it was made of gold. Amber Dawn checked the former clothes of the man she picked, her plan was to mend his clothing as she had seen so many holes in it. Moreover, she cannot leave a half-naked man in her own house.

Amber Dawn was surprised that this scarlet robe didn’t leave any holes despite the owner’s injuries all over his body.

“What a weird cloth!? How come it does not have a hole even though the wearer is full of wounds?” mumbled the young lady.

A voice was suddenly heard from behind her, a hoarse yet deep voice.

“It is water resistant, can block knives and bullets, and has a UV protection feature. Even if it got ripped it would restore itself and have an auto-cleaning function. It’s useful, right? Do you want it? I can have someone make you one.”

When Amber Dawn turns around she sees a platinum blood young smiling at her while emitting the aura of holiness. He looks like an angel that fell on earth. The face con little heroine stares at his handsome face with an almost drooling expression and especially those orange irises with golden rims. It looks like a small pair of suns were embedded within his eyes.



Asher Light chuckles while saying, “You’re drooling...”

Amber Dawn was startled and calmly wiped her mouth. Then she looks at the handsome man in his house. Even though there is an unknown man in her house, she doesn’t care about it.

“You’re finally awake. Your injuries healed after a few nights. You are not a. Ordinary human, aren’t you? From the Templar?” Amber Dawn asked.

Asher Light’s smile faded and said, “You know about the Templar Temple?”

“My father used to be a Vampire Slayer.” Amber Dawn as she thought of the memories of the original and their happy times as a family. Though it was short, the three of them were the happiest at that time.

The Holy Son isn’t insensitive. When he heard Amber say ‘Used’ he knew that the Slayer must have died in his mission or something. After all, their opponents were races who are capable of inhuman means. In short, they are monsters.

Asher Light said, “I’m sorry.” He can only say these words as he knew he had overdone it just now. He is so used to distrusting other people that he can hardly believe other people’s words. Especially the other humans who knew about the Templar Temple.

Amber Dawn said, “It’s okay. Dad says that people from the Templars are distrusting of others because they had to live a life always in danger and were cautious of everything. My dad once said that if he didn’t meet my mom he would be someone that is like a loner.”

Upon hearing the young lady’s words Asher Light felt lighter in his heart because he knew that the lady in front of him didn’t blame him for his guarded action just now.

“What is your name? My name is Asher Light. Thank you for helping me in my predicament. But you should avoid going out at night for a while. There are some vampires that entered the city.” The Holy Son said to his savior.

Amber Dawn shrugs her shoulders and said, “Next time I’ll just take delivery orders online. The name is Amber Dawn. Make sure to pay me for my help. I love desserts so bring that next time.”

“Um... Nice to meet you, Amber. But I have a request... Can I...”

“You want to stay in my place for a while. Aren’t your injuries fully healed?” asked Amber Dawn.

Asher Light didn’t know how to explain his situation. Because by doing so he might accidentally tell her something she shouldn’t know and fall into danger.

“My internal injuries aren’t fully healed yet but I can go into combat in such a state. Please allow me to stay here until I get fully healed and contact my people. I promise to pay you in the end.” Asher Light said as he lowered his head.


Amber Dawn said, “Then stay as long as you need. But if something happens you must protect me. Plus, I’m going back to school after three months. We are currently on vacation so I’m at home.”

“Okay. Thank you for the second time.”

“As for this...” Amber Dawn lifted the red robe in her hands and said, “I want one. In the form of a jersey. Rest for a bit more. I’m going to cook dinner.”

Asher Light laughed and said, “I will get a few pairs done for you once I’ve returned. By the way, do you live alone?”

“Yes. After my dad died my mom had gone missing and was declared dead as she disappeared near the Dark Forest. Don’t worry I have a big inheritance under my name so I don’t need to worry about money.” Amber Dawn said as if she wasn’t the protagonist of such a sad life.

Asher Light turned silent when he heard this. How old was the lady in front of him? He obviously didn’t expect Amber Dawn to live in such a big place on her own. Like him, she is already an orphan even before adulthood. It was just that they were a bit different, he got adopted for his special abilities while she had to live alone as an ordinary human.

He couldn’t help but watch her from a distance. Even though Amber Dawn looks approachable and easy to befriend, those who were sensitive can still feel the open distance she makes between herself and the other people. She would never pry at things that are not allowed and would speak a few words as if trying to make one talk. She had her guard up ever since Asher Light had woken up.

Like at this moment, if he does anything against her while cooking that knife in her hand would definitely fly towards him. He is quite well known for his fighting techniques so he would be able to notice subtle movements Amber Dawn makes which an ordinary person wouldn’t do.

The smooth movement of her wrist and fingers, light strength in grip when holding or carrying something as if it can be thrown anytime and the controlled breathing as if it can disappear anytime.

Asher Light whispered, “Such a great knife technique. Was her dad an assassin-type Slayer?”

In the Dead Mountain Range...

Conri Lycaon had successfully completed his coronation. Most members of the Fenrir Tribe had attended the ceremony but he still noticed that the Pack leaders in the tribe had only sent a representative to go to the Ceremony.

The dark red-furred wolf pack sent Ashina Ruid and Mayun Ruid but the real pack leader, Randall Ruid had gone missing. He knew about that as he was informed that Elder Vilkas called him over for something. While the other two pack leaders, Reika Louve and Ralph Hemming both don’t like him much so it was understandable that they wouldn’t attend his coronation personally.

Conri Lycaon was reading the report his spies had given to him. It was said that Reika Louve and Ralph Hemming were planning to detach themselves from the tribe and become roamers but they were stopped by Randall Ruid. These guys usually hate each other especially Reika Louve hated Randall Ruid’s guts.

“Why are the three of them together? Randall started to act weird ever since the death of the foster father. He stopped acting like a fool.” The King of Wolves said.

Then he looked at the other report from outside of their territory saying that the Holy Son of the Templar had gone missing after ambushing the King of Vampire, Athan Vladimir. Also the movement of the Templar Temple, their elite force was sent out to look for their Holy son and eliminate all vampires or werewolves on sight.

“The movement of the Templar is quite big this time. Those bloodsuckers would definitely retaliate. Should I mix in the chaos too?” mumbled Conri Lycaon.

When suddenly someone knocked on his study room.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

He heard his butler’s voice from beyond the door, “Master, Sir Randall Ruid had come over to see you. He said there is something you must receive.”

“Let him in. Prepare some coffee as well.” Conri Lycaon commanded.


The butler opened the door for the guest. The young man’s shiny red hair entered the line of sight that Conri Lycaon has, it was Randall Ruid as expected. As soon as the guest entered the butler shut the door to prepare the coffee his master asked for. On the other hand, Randall Ruid gestured towards the couches in the room but he didn’t take a seat at all.

Conri Lycaon said, “You came here for me?”

Randall Ruid nodded his head and walked closer to the young man. He placed a black envelope on the table in front of Conri Lycaon. When the latter saw the handwritten words of his name in white ink on it, the king of wolves was stunned. With his hands slightly trembling, he picked up the black envelope carefully as if afraid of accidentally ripping it.

“We found it among the things in the Ancestor’s things. Elder Vilkas told me to give it to you. We didn’t open it as it had your name on it. I only came over to give that to you. Please excuse me, I shall take my leave.” Randall Ruid said as he took his leave.

Conri Lycaon was so concerned about the envelope in his hand that he didn’t even stop Randall from leaving. The latter bumps into the butler bringing coffee but only nods before leaving. The butler was at first bewildered when the guest suddenly left but didn’t forget his job and served his master some coffee. When he saw the letter in front of Conri Lycaon, he finally understood everything.

The young man with navy blue hair said, “Butler, do you think foster father already knows about my plans?”

“Master... we will only know the answer to that if you read the will of the Supreme Lord.” The butler said.


Conri Lycaon hesitantly opened the letter inside the black envelope. He saw the aggressive yet neat writing of his father. The letters were almost unreadable as the Ancestor wasn’t used in writing something. He was used to ordering people instead.

This is a message the original Fenrir Skoll had written before he died. The Ancestor of the Fenrir race is a dying old wolf. He knew his time was coming but he didn’t want to die with his people around him. So he locked himself inside a presidential suite that Conri Lycaon had prepared for him.

He already knew his adopted cub’s ambition but didn’t do anything to stop him. First, he loves his cub and second, he already can’t hold on. He wanted to kill a high-ranked vampire for the sake of his tribe before he took his last breath. Unfortunately, he couldn’t hold one and Ye Xiajie took over.

The contents of the letter,

[To my dearest little cub,

Cub, by the time you are reading this Dad is no longer around so be careful around the elders. If you want someone to help you, Vilkas would be the greatest choice. Forgive me for not saying goodbye and can only write a letter like this. Dad’s writing is too ugly so I had to practice for a long time.

Remember to become the true king of werewolves you mustn’t only rule with fear but also with respect. Show your generation that you can lead, that you can protect them and under your reign, there would be the peace they long for.

Your generation is especially interesting. That red-furred brat likes to play around with women but he would be loyal to the strong he would be easy to handle. Just keep a lease on his siblings and he would stay. For the little brown girl and her admirer the gray one, this is a set. You must convince the little girl and the gray one would definitely follow.

Also, you might not know this but... Never ever enter the depths of the Dark Forest the Progenitor of the Vampires is there but he was not on anyone’s side. Just treat him like a sleeping lion as long as you don’t wake him up, he would not be a problem. Be careful of the old foxes in the Temple Temple. Those old things become craftier as they age. If possible I want to give you a world without war but Dad can no longer hold on.

Remember my words, my cub. Grow more powerful than the others but have a pure heart than those evil ones.


Daddy Skoll]

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