I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 849 - 849 14.125 Last Violet Star - (Past) End of the Xie Clan.

849 14.125 Last Violet Star – (Past) End of the Xie Clan.

They hadn’t anticipated how quickly the dispute at the Xie Clan estate would be resolved. Things had been simpler when Zero and his team joined the main group under the leadership of Lu Yi and Jin Shiyan. They are also assisted in the battle by Xiao Bai’s men. Small mounds of dead bodies covered in the Xie Clan’s robes were formed. To prevent a gathering of undead creatures, Jin Shiyan ordered the burning of all the bodies.

Lu Yi was standing on the sidelines and observing the chaos. Even from where they are, two Nascent Soul Cultivators can be sensed colliding. Every time the swords struck, they could feel the leftover sword qi that two sword cultivators were producing, albeit it wasn’t as potent as being there in person. While Jin Shiyan was concentrating on cleanliness, Zero was also watching him.

“Is Yun Jieye the only one who was facing that old monster?” Lu Yi wondered. “Looks like they won’t be finished anytime soon.”

“The Clan Leader of Xie appears to want to fight with the Lord, but Lord Jieye isn’t letting him approach at all,” Zero said, “The Lord is simply watching them battle.”

Lu Yi puzzled, “If they work together they should be able to kill him immediately away, why aren’t they doing so?”

“Do you recall the crystal ball the Lord handed to Lord Jieye?” Zero said, “Maybe they wanted to do something?”

“Don’t tell me they intended to capture Xie Gui’s soul?” Lu Yi said. “With that thing they called Soul Prison. But why?”

Zero responds, “Because the Xie Clan destroyed the Bai Lengshui Sect and abolished Little Lord’s cultivation.”

“Well, they reap what they sow. Ah, sigh! It’s just A’Wuan’s typical anger. Let them do whatever they want. By the way, do you know the guys in white robes concealing their faces? They seemed to arrive out of nowhere but helped us battle the Xie Clan. Are they also your men?” asked Lu Yi.


Zero said, “No. But they aren’t enemies.” Passing a couple of pill bottles to Lu Yi as he gets ready to go.

As he inspected the many little jars that Zero had handed him, Lu Yi seemed bewildered. “What are these?” he asked.

“Pills. You have injured men. Treat them and gather their bodies. Once the lords are back we don’t know when we are going to leave,” said Zero.

Lu Yi says, “You have my thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” said Zero before he walked away to join his group and disappeared all together.

Somewhere within the territory of the Xie Clan.

Nearby infrastructure was completely damaged. Sound waves and sword assault remnants are all over the place, destroying the landscape. Nearly all of the trees in the forest under Xie Gui and Yun Xiajie were uprooted, and the ground was littered with holes and slashes. This alone demonstrates how fierce their battle was.

The fight between the two Nascent Soul Cultivators was fierce and put pressure on those whose cultivation was below this stage. However, Yun Xiajie had the advantage since he was younger and had a step or two higher strength than his opponent.

Mid-Nascent Soul Stage was Xie Gui’s initial stage. After years of battling inner demons, Xie Gui’s power had deteriorated to Early Nascent Soul Stage, and they had just finished fighting for hours when Xie Gui continued to suffer and saw a decline in his development. If Yun Xiajie’s fighting experience had been more advanced than the former, Xie Gui would not have survived this long.

Pants. Pants. Cough!

Xie Gui caused the chaotic respiration and the subsequent bloody cough. His blood dribbled from his wounds, and his red and black brocade garments were riddled with sword wounds. As he glared at Yun Xiajie, his chest began to sway violently. He was now gazing in particular at Bai Wuan, who was observing the struggle with a bored yet amused grin on his face. Sadly, those two silver orbs never struck Xie Gui; rather, they viewed the Second Young Master of Yun, who was his opponent.

It was obvious that this guy had no interest in him.

Bai Wuan says, “A’Xia, aren’t you done yet?”

“Hm... Soon,” answered Yun Xiajie.

In frustration, Xie Gui spits blood. His eyes are filled with wrath and madness as he looks at these two disgusting couples. As he saw the young cultivators in front of him, dismay and incredulity were also clearly visible on his face.


“I can’t believe this! That thing... The devil says Nascent Soul Stage is the strongest rank among Mortals. How can you reach it at such a young age and why can you defeat me this easily?! Who the hell are you two!?!” roared Xie Gui. “Why... How come you two had reached the Nascent Soul Stage at such a young age!? Aren’t I the one who is supposed to be the strongest in this realm!?”

The young pair merely glanced at him. Xie Gui’s defeat was recorded on the stone the minute he gave in to his inner demons. His loss is an irreversible fate.

“We must return fast because I need to heal my younger brother, and I’m feeling a little uneasy for some reason,” said Bai Wuan. “A’Xia, execute him swiftly.”

“Is it that serious?” Yun Xiajie asked with a hint of concern in those golden eyes. He was asking about his beloved’s intuition which would usually be correct most of the time.

Bai Wuan hesitated briefly before nodding. He cast an uneasy glance in the direction of the western plains. His gaze eventually returns to something behind the home of the Xie Clan.

“I need to leave for a while. A’Xia you can do as you want,” said Bai Wuan.

The Second Young Master Yun warned, “Be careful. I shall be back soon.”

“Un! Wait for you back at the Xie Clan’s mansion,” said Bai Wuan as he disappeared on the spot.

Xie Gui gasped in disbelief as he saw Bai Wuan vanish into thin air. It reminded me of the scene from the night before he was consumed by inner demons. This is the same move that the assassin did to escape from his clutches. His shocked and indignant eyes expand. Xie Gui shouts at Yun Xiajie while sporting bloodshot eyes.

“It’s him. It’s that bastard! The night... It was absolutely the person who attempted to kill me and triggered my inner demons. It’s fucking him!!! ARGH!” screamed the Xie Clan Leader in a fit of utter wrath.

The madman loses his mind completely and all he could remember is the original target of his hatred and fury. Xie Gui still wanted to kill Bai Wuan the most and when he overheard him saying he wanted to return to the mansion, the former wanted to fly back to that place but would Yun Xiajie allow him to? Obviously not! He attempted to break up their protracted conflict by blocking Xie Gui. The second young master from the Lan Zhuayun Sect had been waiting for this moment when the old monster’s stamina would be virtually exhausted.


Xie Gui is surrounded by the sounds of guqin and sword attacks, preventing him from taking flight. Yun Xiajie halted Xie Gui’s path back and momentarily restrained his movements while wearing a placid look. It was sufficient to stall the man for a while.


Screamed Xie Gui, “Let me go! I want to kill him. Let me kill him!! That damn silvered-eyed brat! He should have killed me!!!”

“Boisterous. He is my Dao Companion but you keep saying you want him dead. You should get the punishment you deserve,” said Yun Xiajie as he whispered to his sword, “Shenyuan, destroy his sword.”

{Okay, Master!}

“This man is so annoying,” mumbled Yun Xiajie as he beat up Xie Gui.

Yun Xiajie’s black sword took off on its own. It keeps aiming for Xie Gui’s sword. In the meantime, Xie Gui was being punched by the second young master of the Yun Family. His speed had always been faster than Xie Gui’s, making the latter feel difficult to dodge.

Back in the Xie Mansion...

Directly to the location where Xiao Bai and his people live, Bai Wuan used teleportation.

In that location, Zero and his comrades were also anticipating his arrival. They could only communicate with their Lord by transmitting thoughts that had a precise location.

When Bai Wuan appeared, Xiao Bai and his companions were astounded. It is the exact same being that Xiao Bai had previously described to them. When they first saw Bai Wuan, they could hear clamor emanating from Xiao Bai’s people.

“Silver hair and argent eyes.”

“But he is a human.. How can this be?”

“Is he the one in the prophecy!?”

“But he is human...”

Bai Wuan paid little attention to the noises going on around him and focused more on Xiao Bai. His response is cool yet classy. As usual, he would overlook anyone who couldn’t see through his eyes.

Zero remarked casually, “Zero, are they the ones you stated want to meet me?”

“Yes, my lord,” Zero responded as he bowed his head.

Bai Wuan keeps an eye on Xiao Bai, who dared not look him in the eyes. Even if he was blind, there was no way he could have disregarded Bai Wuan’s golden light as he looked into his soul. He found it difficult to look at him since it was so bright and noble.

‘This is the first time I’ve seen a soul this noble,’ thoughts of Xiao Bai. ‘Contrary to appearances, this is not a human. In my memories, He is more powerful than common Gods and Immortals. However, why is his spirit so erratic...?’

The blind guy in front of him was a fidgety figure, and Bai Wuan saw that the eyes and energy emanating from this person weren’t simple; in other words, this blind man had merits on him and a little bit of divinity.

Bai Wuan says, “You aren’t born in this world but a natural entity born in this world. An apparition with a bit of divinity so the underworld isn’t wiling to let you enter. So what do you want from this lord?”

“We are willing to serve the lord!”

“Follow all orders and commands of the lord.”

The moment the term “Underworld” was said, the surrounding hubbub abruptly stopped, and all of the creatures wearing all-white clothing turned to face Bai Wuan with horrified looks. They seemed unable to accept that a human might be knowledgeable about the hereafter. Even mortals on this planet are unaware of the existence of the underworld; instead, they are familiar with Purgatory. The land of punishment and torture. They had all knelt on the ground and worshiped in front of Bai Wuan after following Xiao Bai’s lead.

“Venerable Lord, please accept us as your subordinates. We wish to serve you and return to the Underworld,” said Xiao Bai.

When people knelt before him, Bai Wuan appeared indifferent and gazed down at them. He didn’t allow them to get up or show their respect. When speaking with his Dao Companion, he is absolutely partial, yet the contrary when speaking to others.

Bai Wuan questioned, “Heh, and what can you do, what are you capable of doing for this lord to accept you and your people?”

Under Bai Wuan’s scrutiny, Xiao Bai’s followers shudder. Just sensing his eyes on them caused them to become tense and uneasy. Like an ant witnessing an elephant for the first time.

Only Xiao Bai managed to maintain composure in the face of Bai Wuan’s intimidating presence.

Xiao Bai pleaded with the lord to accept them, saying, “My lord, I can work with Lao Hei and govern the Underworld with you. All the souls will be separated according to their merits and karma. We will undoubtedly be useful to you.”

“You are born with eyes that can peer into the future and see through the soul, so I guess you will be the perfect job for it. I intended to let Zero handle the laws and regulations in the Underworld. Should I leave the stability and authority to you?” asked Bai Wuan. “I guess you will be the perfect job for it.”

“Yes, please let me do it!” said Xiao Bai.

Hmm~ Bai Wuan’s eye wandered off from Xiao Bai who was kneeling in front of him this silent servant observing the whole situation without speaking out a word of concern or rejection.

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