Chapter 737: 14.13 Last Violet Star – He is back.

Hei Anjing stood nonchalantly as he fans himself with the black fan with a snowflake pattern that matches his robes. Whatever just happened was already done for him. On the other hand, the young disciples before him were trying to comfort Du Sang who had lost his mother. Sounds of crying can be heard echoing in the empty streets of the countryside town.


Yun Fan hugs Du Sang while saying, “Don’t cry anymore Sang’er. Aunt Du will get reincarnated into a happy family.”

“Um. Mom was a very nice person when she was still alive. Even when we were kicked out of the Jin Tiangui Sect (Gold Heavenly Turtle Sect) she never hated that person. Mom always told me that we and that man were never meant to be family in the first place,” said Du Sang.

Yun Anjie asked, “Your father is from the Jin Tiangui Sect (Gold Heavenly Turtle Sect)? Can I ask who he is?”

“You know him. He is the former Sect Leader Jin who died a few years ago,” replied Du Sang.

Yun Fan spoke, “Wait. If the former Sect Master Jin is your father doesn’t that mean that the current Sect Leader Jin, Daoist Jin Baihua is your half-brother?”


“Jin Baihua? I think I heard this name before... When my Mom and I are still living in the Jin Tiangui Sect (Gold Heavenly Turtle Sect) and the person is still alive, a man named Jin Baihua is his subordinate. But how did he become the Sect Leader, since Brother Jin Shiyan is still alive?” said Du Sang.

Jin Shiyan is the eldest son of the former sect leader and the direct bloodline heir to the seat as the sect leader.

Yun Anjie frowned and said, “Impossible. News about Daoist Jin Shiyan had never been heard. Is he among the few who returned back to life like our former Sect Leader Yun?”

“Okay. Stand up for now. We need a new place to take a rest and ask Reinforcement to clean up and rebuild this town,” said Yun Fan as he dusted off the dirt on Du Sang’s robes.

These disciples had forgotten about the existence of Hei Anjing who was observing them from the corner with a fan and Zhi Yue waiting at the side for his orders.

Yun Anjie immediately apologizes for their rudeness and bows his head toward Hei Anjing.

“Senior Hei. We didn’t mean to ignore you. Please forgive us for such rudeness!”

The other disciples followed after him and also lowered their heads towards Hei Anjing.

“We apologize! Senior!”

Hei Anjing waved his hands and said, “No worries. I’m not offended. But guys should think fast about what to say about this situation and what should be done about Du... This child’s tutelage. A cultivator that is quite powerful wearing the same white robe as yours is about to arrive.”

“But your clothes really looked like mourning clothes, thankfully there’s a cloud pattern to make the difference. You guys should be safe right now. I shall take my leave now that my tasks in this place are finished,” said Hei Anjing as he suddenly disappeared into thin air.

The young disciples tried to look around for that veiled senior’s presence but failed to find his traces. It was as if he had disappeared completely. A few minutes later, they heard the sounds of the halted fierce corpse suddenly waking up. There is still a big number aside from the ones that turned to ashes because of that senior’s strong aura.

Growls~ groan~~ Roars~

Du Sang spoke, “What happened?! They suddenly woke up!”

“I think it is because Senior Hei had left. They were afraid of Senior Hei now that he is gone, they once again followed their instincts for human blood and flesh,” said Yun Anjie.

Yun Fan said, “What should we do, Anye?”

“Don’t worry. Didn’t Senior Hei say that someone from our sect is coming? He wouldn’t have left if he didn’t think we would be saved,” said Yun Anjie.

Yun Fan retorted, “How can you be sure of that? Maybe Senior Hei thought we were annoying. He didn’t even save us when we got blocked in the dining hall.”

“Don’t be stupid, Fan! We are just strangers to Senior Hei and he doesn’t seem affiliated with any sects. There is no Sect that had black robes and snowflakes patterns as uniforms. Plus, none of the big sects use black for their robes except smaller ones but we had witnessed how strong Senior Hei is. With just his aura alone he was able to turn more than hundreds of fierce corpses to ash,” said Yun Anye. “Either way prepare to fight. We will fight until a senior or elder comes to reinforce us.”

Growls~ groan~~ Roars~

Growls~ groan~~ Roars~

The corner of Yun Fan’s lips twitched at the scene of more than a hundred fierce corpses waking up all at the same time.

Yun Fan said, “M-Maybe... Senior Hei hasn’t left that far yet. If we shout, would the Senior come back?”

“Senior Hei! Please save us!!!”

Just far above the evening sky, Hei Anjing was flying using his qi and was about to go to the next town or city when he heard the shouts of the children below him. Following the voice, he looked down and saw the scene of the fierce corpses about to surround and attack the young children making Hei Anjing frown.

“Why are they attacking again?” said Hei Anjing.

Zhi Yue, who was flying beside his lord, also saw the chaotic scene below and somehow understood what was happening.

He said, “Maybe because the coercion on them was removed the moment Lord Hei had left. By the way, my lord, are we really going to leave? Shouldn’t we save them?”

“No need. I’ll put them in a barrier and let the incoming person save them there,” said Hei Anjing. With a wave of his hand, a white barrier encapsulates the youngsters inside. It prevents any corpses from approaching them.

Hei Anjing spoke, “This should be enough.” He once again felt a piercing pain in his head as if something was drilling from the inside.


Zhi Yue looked at his lord worriedly and asked, “Lord Hei, are you in pain!? Should we descend first and rest?”

“No time. I can bear with it. But it is weird that I’m feeling this pain, I’m normally someone with high pain tolerance. It is really painful this time. Let’s teleport towards the next town and sleep,” said Hei Anjing as both he and Zhi Yue disappeared completely from the town.

After a few minutes just as Hei Anjing and Zhi Yue had disappeared, a handsome man oozing the ambiance of asceticism flew with a black sword hanging on his waist and a black guqin on his back. His eyes were downcast and almond-shaped but what gave him dangerous vibes are those crimson eyes.

This man is Chun Hongyun-Jun. The great elder of the (Blue Fleeting Cloud Sect) Lan Zhuayun Sect. Yun Xiajie. Once he got near the countryside town, Yun Xiajie was startled to see the disciples and his foster son being surrounded by a large number of fierce corpses

But fortunately, there is a white barrier that protects them, it was made from a very strong qi and would at least last for half a day if it was left alone. Seeing this scene, he chooses not to pull his sword alone as the enemies were only large in number yet also extremely weak for his eyes. He pulled his guqin behind him and plucked a few strings creating a qi blade made of sound.


After a few sounds of guqin echo within the town, the number of fierce corpses greatly decreases until all of them turn into ashes. The young disciples all looked up and saw Yun Xiajie descending to where they were. They’ve collectively called his title and cupped their hands into greetings. Du Sang followed after their action and respectfully greeted the senior cultivator that arrived on time to save them.

They had been running out of qi after fighting all night. The barrier that appeared out of nowhere protected them. They knew that this barrier might be the last kindness Senior Hei could give them. When they were terrified by their imaginations going wild as they imagined the gore scene that would befall them once the barrier disappears, an elder from the (Blue Fleeting Cloud Sect) Lan Zhuayun Sect finally appeared and rescued them.

“Chun Hongyun-Jun!!!”

“Greetings to Chun Hongyun-Jun!!” said the youngsters.

Elder Yun Xiajie looks at all of them with a blank face. Seeing that they weren’t wounded as he expected his crimson eyes narrowed at the white barrier enclosing them. He noticed that this barrier is made from a strong elemental qi. It was made from Ice Elemental qi. When he tried to touch it, the tips of his fingers were suddenly covered with ice spreading so fast towards his whole hands.

He runs his qi into his hand to melt the ice. He knocked on the barrier once before it completely shattered and turned into snow falling above the heads of the children and healing them.

Yun Xiajie spoke, “Ice element. Did someone from the (White Frozen Water Sect) Bai Lengshui Sect save you?” he asked.

Yun Anjie answered, “No, Elder Jieye. It was a cultivator wearing a black robe with a snowflake pattern. This disciple thinks this senior is not someone from any big or small Sects but someone with a mysterious identity. This senior had introduced himself as Hei Wuan.”

The last word spoken by Yun Anjie made Yun Xiajie’s blank expression crack. His lips were slightly parted as if he wanted to say something but still held back in the end.

After a short silence, he finally speaks.

Yun Xiajie asked, “W-Wuan? Are you sure he called himself Wuan?”

“I’m sure, Elder Jieye. Everyone had heard him introduce himself with such a courtesy name,” replied Yun Anjie to his foster father’s question.

Yun Xiajie asked, “Where is he now?”

“Senior Hei he... He had left after sending Du Sang’s mother to the underworld. He had gone just a few minutes before the elder arrived but... I do not think Senior Hei is still around. We saw him teleport and disappear completely under our gazes,” said Yun Anjie.

Yun Xiajie asked, “How did he look like?”

“Senior Hei’s lower face was covered by a veil from his nose down to his chin. But even then I am sure Senior Hei is extremely captivating, his phoenix-shaped eyes were unforgettable and those pairs of silver eyes were like they were made from the moon itself!” said Yun Fan.

Du Sang lightly pulled Yun Fan’s sleeves and said, “Don’t interrupt someone’s conversation. That’s rude.”

“Oh. Sorry. Hehe~” said Yun Fan as he scratched his cheeks with an innocent look.

As Yun Xiajie keeps listening to their words, he can already imagine the appearance of the man called Senior Hei by his Sect’s disciples. As he listens longer the more the changes on his face are made. Hidden within his wide sleeves, he grips his hands into a fist with a trembling hand. He had only remembered that one person was born with the most exquisite silver eyes in his whole life.

A younger version of a handsome youth with silver eyes and a playful smile appeared in his mind. It was part of his precious memories of his youth. That person had always been the most gorgeous being in his whole life. As well was supposed to be his most precious person all these years.

Yun Xiajie mumbles, “He is back. He is finally back as he promises me. But how come he didn’t wait for me to pick him up.”

He then raised his head to the sky and watched as the former crimson moon slowly faded into silver as all the undead in this countryside town were wiped out.

Yun Anjie and the rest of the youngsters heard his mumbling. They never would have expected that Senior Hei was someone their Great Elder knows. Based on the reaction of Hei Anjing just now, there is a huge possibility that Chun Hongyun-Jun knew the identity of Senior Hei. Unfortunately, Senior Hei has long taken off after finishing what he came for.

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