Chapter 700: 13.1 Missed Star – General Autumn

Today is the last day of the training these two young men will have under Ye Qiuji. They are currently testing for their accuracy. Both emotional shooting and stagnant shooting. Gun fires resound in the firing field.

Ye Qiuji is observing while Tang Ruan is facilitating Mock Test.

“Time’s up!” yelled Ye Qiuji and the holographic system turned off at his voice command.

All systems shut down and the former greenery’s huge forest turned into a huge empty white room. “Let’s see the results. Ruru, give me the summary scores of these two.”

Tang Ruan, “Yes, yes. Can’t you wait for a moment?”



Shooting Accuracy

Stagnant. (60%) 70%

Motional. (55%) 65%

Terrain Perspective. E – > C

Danger Intuition. F – > D

Danger Awareness. E – > C+

Speed. C – > A+

Strength. F – > C+


Shooting Accuracy

Stagnant. (80%) 90%

Motional. (60%) 80%

Terrain Perspective. D – > B

Danger Intuition. E – > C

Danger Awareness. D – > B+

Speed. B – > A

Strength. B – > A+

When Tang Ruan saw the latest results of the Mock Test Regime these two youngsters had just finished, he couldn’t help but show shock on his face. Just by undergoing a Training Regime his friend made on the spot let these two youngsters’ skills upgrade in such huge leaps in just 3 months.

Tang Ruan was stunned, “Wow~ Not bad. You both did your best this time. With this result, unless you meet a certified full A Class Soldier, there should be no problem.”

Ye Wusheng and Tu Zise were delighted when they heard Tang Ruan’s comment, but they were still waiting for the verdict of their trainer, Ye Qiuji.

Ye Qiuji looked at the two boys and smiled. “Acceptable.” This is his only comment but this much made the two celebrate after all their past results were so unacceptable that when Ye Qiuji saw it his last comment ended with one word ‘Catastrophic.’

Ye Wusheng asked, “Really? Ge!”

“At least that last time you were both treated as a rabbit to be roasted will not happen.” Replied Ye Qiuji.

The two boys blushed when they heard what their elder brother said just now. So, it seems that the reason Ye Qiuji trained them these whole 3 months is that he had watched that video during their last audition where they were bullied by a group of players and beaten up badly before getting killed.

Tu Zise asked politely, “Gege, what should we do next?”

“Last part of training is just simple. Don’t worry. You both only need to feel. Ruru will show you the presence of an A and S Class fighter. Well, you should run if you really feel this kind of presence. Ruru shows them Class A presence then next is S.” said Ye Qiuji.

Tang Ruan sighed. “Fine. A’Wu, A’Zi, get ready!” he said after seeing the two youngster’s faces turn serious.

Tang Ruan is a certified S Class soldier. He was tested properly at Long Empire Testing Center and officially got his license a few years ago. He could downgrade his aura to A and hide most of his presence if he wanted.

Right now, he showed the two how it would feel to be in the presence of an A-Class Soldier. The moment Tang Ruan released his aura, Ye Wusheng and Tu Zise immediately jumped away after feeling the danger coming from Tang Ruan.

They can feel pressure trying to hold them in place, but they could still endure and are able to stand their ground. Seeing the reaction of the two boys who are still able to stand their ground in his presence, Tang Ruan couldn’t help but feel excited.

Tang Ruan smiles. “Good! You are able to bear the aura of an A-Class Soldier. If you can stand that means you can still escape! I will increase my aura and show you the presence of an S Class Soldier. Be careful now!”

After saying those words Tang Ruan releases his natural aura as a real S Class Soldier. When his aura was felt by the two children, they felt that they were being pulled to the ground by a heavy gravity forcing them to kneel on the ground while unable to control their bodies.

They were motionless under the presence of an S Class soldier. Once Tang Ruan saw the children fall to their knees, he instantly held back his aura, allowing the two to be able to breathe once more.

“Are you both fine?” asked Tang Ruan worriedly and saw the youngsters panting as they caught their breath. Breathing heavily. “Calm down. Take deep breaths.”

“Ruan-ge... W-We’re fine.” Replied Ye Wusheng beside him Tu Zise nodded his head in agreement.

Ye Qiuji who was observing in the corner finally spoke, “Wu’er – Physique: A-. Zi’er – Physique: B-.”

“Wow~ for real!? Not bad you two.” Said Tang Ruan.

Tu Zise asked, “How about you Ru-ge? What’s your Physique level?”

“I’m S+ Physique.” Replied Tang Ruan with a timid smile. “I need to be at least Top Tier S Physique to be able to serve Autumn you know.”

Upon hearing Tang Ruan’s words, Ye Wusheng and Tu Zise dazedly looked at Ye Qiuji mischievously smiling at them. Tang Ruan seeing the question in their eyes could only honestly answer to clear their curiosity.

Tu Zise asked, “Then what about Gege?”

Tang Ruan, “Don’t look at him like that. He might look playful and lazy most of the time, but Autumn’s Physique is only one of the two within the whole realm. Autumn has 3S Physique and he is a certified General with Full 3S qualifications like Long Huangdi.”

Hearing that their elder brother is one of the mysterious Generals of their Empire, they were stunned silly as they looked at Ye Qiuji. After all, Ye Qiuji doesn’t look different from other young aristocrats of the Elite Clans except for the fact he has divine beauty that enchants both genders.

Ye Qiuji gave the two stunned youngsters an enchanting mischievous smile. “Do you wish to feel what it’s like to be in the presence of a 3S rank Soldier? Hm~” he asked teasingly, but when Qiuji asked such a question, Tang Ruan jumped in fright as he stopped his little devil boss from playing around.

Releasing a 3S rank aura will not only be felt by them here. The whole star will have to shake upon his presence and the crown might have thought someone had happened in the empire and released an order for threat.

Tang Ruan holding Ye Qiuji’s arms while panicking, “No. no. no! Stop this kind of joke. It will definitely not be a joke if you release your aura. Autumn, don’t do it!”

Ye Qiuji shrugged his shoulders and silently agreed. “Well, ~ seems I can’t. You should both rest early and prepare for the audition tomorrow. Since I have time, we’ll send you off. Ruru sends them up.”

As he returns his eyes to the mechanism before him and decides to continue his work.

Tang Ruan understood what his boss intended to do after checking the time. “Autumn is the time for the conference.” He said as he escorted the two out of the floor.

Ye Qiuji just waved his hands. “Go. Make me some tea and snacks on your way.” He said to Ruru his actions are as light-hearted and languid as always.

The children took a last peek behind them and saw a few live stream video calls and all the people shown were wearing uniforms with imperial emblems. They seem to be royalties.

The scene was cut off as the metal door closed upon their exit, but they saw their elder brother’s haughty figure as he sat reclined on his seat showing no fear but an intimidating presence in such a high-class conference.

On their way up while currently inside the elevator, Ye Wusheng broke the silence in such a limited room.

Ye Wusheng, “Ruan-ge is that the current Ruling Imperial Emperor and the Royal court?”

Tang Ruan answered. “Yes.” But there are no changes in his black expression unlike before.

“Why are they calling Ge?” asked Ye Wusheng.

Tang Ruan looked at the two youngsters looking at him with worry. They seem to be worried that Ye Qiuji will be bullied. “Sigh~ don’t think too much. Those old men were just being greedy, and the Old Emperor is there to hold them back. Lest they accidentally anger Autumn. After all, the last time they angered autumn, those Greedy fools lost a whole generation of descendants.”

Silence and Tension once again filled the limited area.

Tu Zise reluctantly spoke, “What are they being greedy about? Aren’t their noble bloodlines already? What do they want that Gege owns?”

Enquiring about this Ye Wusheng and Tang Ruan’s expressions turned bleak as they knew what those group of old men wanted but they decided to both not answer. They finally reached the surfaced ground floor of the Ye Palace. Once the Elevator door opens, they go out while Tang Ruan is preparing to head to the kitchen.

Tang Ruan, “Rest. Tomorrow will send you off.” he walked away after saying those words.

Since his question is not answered Tu Zise looks at his sweetheart. “...???...”

Sighing Ye Wusheng whispered the answer to Tu Zise’s ears which left the latter dazed. Seeing this Ye Wusheng had to hold his hand and pull him over back to his floor. Ye Wusheng whispered two words to Tu Zise. The words are Autumn Cosmos.

As morning arrives, I ride a personal silver hover car owned by Ye Qiuji. Ye Wusheng and Tu Zise were sent to the venue of the audition. As soon as the Silver Hover car stopped in front of the building many people instantly recognized the car.

The reporters and press waiting hidden outside the Snowflakes Entertainment Company all stood frozen while looking afar at the familiar-looking car. A commotion close to chaos happened in front of the building.

“A Silver Hover Car with Maple Leaf!?”

“Isn’t that Ye Clan’s motif!”

“A Silver Hover Car. Don’t tell me General Autumn is inside!?”

“Fuck! Am I really that damn lucky!? To see General Autumn here!?”

“Look! Someone is going out of the car...”


“Hey! This pair looks familiar!”

“A-Aren’t they the pair that got bullied in that video!?”

“Damn! Are they someone from Ye!?”

“This is scary!!!”

“I think I remember General Autumn having a younger brother... you don’t think that!!”

“Shit! This is crazy!!!”

At first, Ye Wusheng and Tu Zise went down from the car but they didn’t head inside yet as they are still bidding farewell to their elder brothers and listening to Tang Ruan’s nagging.

Tang Ruan nagging, “Remember to call if something happens. I’ve already saved my private number in your terminals. –”

“Stop nagging at them Ruru. They’ll be late.” Said Ye Qiuji.

“Don’t worry. We’ll remember Ru-ge!” said Tu Zise smiling innocently as always while beside him Ye Wusheng is as silent and cold as before.

Ye Wusheng. “Ge. We’ll go ahead.”

Ye Qiuji smiled and replied. “Um. Have fun.”

Ye Wusheng and Tu Zise said at the time. “Yes!”

“Go inside and register. We’re going as soon as we’ve seen you enter.” Said Tang Ruan.

Finally, after bidding farewell the pair entered the venue by hand. Of course! All eyes move to follow the pair in, but none dared to follow them after all the silver car where the general might be inside is still there. There is no way they could bother the two children in the presence of the adults.

Not a while after everyone saw the silver hovercar lift off as the children had gone inside to do what they came for. The reporters could only sigh as they themselves are forbidden from entering the building because the media are only allowed outside to wait or to ask for an appointment for interviews.

There’s clamoring chaos outside Snowflakes Entertainment Building wanting to know the identity of the two children and their connection to the Ye Clan and General Autumn.

But Snowflakes should have no indication of answering their question remaining silent from the start as if they’ve already known that this commotion will happen for a reason.

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