I Love Destroying Worlds' Plot [BL]

Chapter 465: 9.84 Second Blue Star Escaping Death.

Chapter 465: 9.84 Second Blue Star Escaping Death.

After leaving the Master's bedroom, Ye Xiajie went to the kitchen as he knew that seeing his wife at that moment was not a good idea. He could only leave the rest to his other self as there is nothing he could do about it. As soon as he got to the kitchen he started the preparations for dinner though it was usually his wife who cooks the meal, he is also quite good at cooking.

After taking lots of ingredients from the fridge, varying things were placed on the table. There is seafood like lobsters, clams, crabs, and shrimp. He had also pulled out some beef to make some steak for dinner. Vegetables and condiments were prepared as well. Just based on the things he brought out he seems to be planning on making a small feast. There are lots of people in the house after all.

The Fox God and System Yue were still busy repairing the mountain. Meanwhile, Demigod Shen Ling and Demigod Xie Yi had just finished their conversation with Xue Yan and decided to help the Fox God and the rest is cleaning up the mountain. They could at least help with sweeping the group for the clean-up at least. Lin Ye and Ou Ya helped as well. 

Xue Yan left for a moment and said he needs to report to Xue Hua about what happened. He felt that Lord Hei should be awake by now as the sun had long set. He bypassed the kitchen and saw the Lord God cooking dinner and didn't see his other soul with him. It can only mean that Xia Jieye was with Lord Hei.

He asked, "Venerate Lord God, is Lord Hei awake?"

"Yes, if you want to report you can go now. They should have finished talking by now," said Ye Xiajie.

Xue Yan responded, "Please excuse me for now as I have to check on Lord Hei with something."

"Go. Go. While you're at it tell that bastard to help me make dinner." said Ye Xiajie, the bastard he is talking about is Xia Jieye. Despite being the same person he couldn't help but be jealous that he got to stay with his wife while he had to run around in the kitchen.

Once Xue Yan left the kitchen, he headed upstairs to look at Hei Anjing what he didn't know a few minutes after he went upstairs Ou Ya went to the kitchen.

Ou Ya, "Yo! Your Majesty, is this something this humble servant can help you with? There is nothing much to do right now and I got kicked out from the group outside. Hehe~" He couldn't help but rub his nose in embarrassment.

After staying in the mansion for a few days the Ghost King already knew this human called Ou Ya is quite a roo straightforward by nature. He is so honest to the point of being silly and angered by his careless actions.

"What did you do this time?" asked the Ghost King.


Asked by this question, Ou Ya as expected averted his eyes and pretended not to hear him. He whistled and said, "Nothing much. I just thought of using a talisman to clean up and destroy a few more trees in progress then get kicked out."

He tried to use a wind talisman to gather the fallen leaves in one area only to create a few tornados and completely destroyed the courtyard in progress. Lin Ye and Demigod Shen Ling, who was seriously helping with cleaning, almost exploded in anger. Lin Ye had no other choice but to kick him out and ask him to help whatever is to be done inside the Ancient Palace.

Upon not seeing anyone in the living room, he heard some sounds coming in the kitchen and thought that Xue Hua was there making dinner and didn't expect to see the Ghost King cooking instead. He approached him intending to help.

The ghost king scoffed at him and pointed at the vegetable on the other side of the table.

"Wash the vegetables and peel the potatoes. Mince the garlic and onions. Cut the cabbages and pluck the lettuce to make a salad. The mayonnaise and other condiments are in that cabinet over there. Make the salad and appetizers." ordered Ye Xiajie while cutting the pork into cubes and was stirring the stew pot on his right. Seems to be planning on making some braised pork for dinner.

Ou Ya saluted and said, "Please leave the Veggies to me!"

He heads to the corner of the table where the vegetables are. After carrying it with him, he started washing it on the kitchen sink while humming. After seeing that Ye Xiajie once again concentrates on cooking. From the looks of it, the two look like a pair of husbands who were asked by their wives to do the cooking and temporarily become househusbands.

The kitchen was so peaceful with Ou Ya's humming, the room wasn't completely silent as before. The sound of knives cutting and running water can be heard from the kitchen.

Ou Ya started talking as if he was close to the Ghost King, "Ne~ Yanyan said that you guys are immortals not from this world. In the world you came from you have both the God System and Nether System. So which did you guys work into?" he asked.

Ye Xiajie thought nothing much and realized that prisoner Yun Ming might have told them the truth of the world. If that's true it wouldn't be surprising for this human and his partner plus that pair of Demigods to ascend on Vearth in the future. After learning the truth of the world, the restrictions on them as characters or as original residents would be lifted. They would be able to hop into other worlds as long as they become real God in their own world and achieve ascension.

"Except for my wife, I and the other two work for the Nether System," said Ye Xiajie.

Ou Ya was stunned for a moment, "Really? But Yanyan says that the Nether System is a prison. Why work there? Isn't it scary in that place?"

"Not really. I'm the Lord God of the Nether System, prisoners wouldn't dare to go against me. There are wardens like Hu Yue there as well. He is known as Warden Lou in that place though." said Ye Xiajie.

Ou Ya started asking more things about the world they came from. He looks excited as a child as Ye Xiajie told some things with regards to Vearth. Unknown to him Xue Yan who arrived in the Master's bedroom had come to report to Lord Hei. 

Xue Yan said, "Lord Hei. That's all the report for now but there is something this humble one wishes to ask you of something."

"Go ahead. Don't mind A'Xia he is not an enemy after all," said Xue Hua.

"Ah, Yes! This one would like to know if Ou Ya knows about the existence of the Lord inside of Xue Hua," said Xue Yan.

An eyebrow raised from Xue Hua's face, he finally moved his gaze from Xia Jieye to Xue Yan and answered, "No, he didn't. 15 years ago I've only shown myself in front of Lin Ye and a while ago to Lin Ye and demigod Shen Ling."

Hearing these words, a sudden thought appeared in his mind. He hurriedly run down to check on Ou Ya which startled the two who were left behind then as if answering to his starting action, Xue Hua suddenly coughed blood out of nowhere shocking Xia Jieye who was with him


"Impos…!!!" Xue Hua suddenly felt breathless in Xia Jieye's arms. 

Xia Jieye was shocked to see his little one pukes blood and felt the latter's heart stop beating for a few minutes.

"JING'ER!!?" He called.


It took another minute for his heartbeat to once again start beating. At that moment he knew that his little one had died once and his immortality had brought him back to life. Though he didn't know how this happened, this split second of death is real. This terrified him so much. 

A feather-like imprint on Xue Hua's forehead suddenly appeared; there used to be three. From the last world, they came from, Hei Anjing had a special ability called rebirth. He had the phoenix bloodline and shared this bloodline with his husband. After giving him that imprint without telling his husband about him, his life and death were deeply connected with Hei Anjing. They used to have three lives.

One was wasted when Ye Xiajie allowed himself to be killed once to meet his younger brother, Gui Xiajun in that world. There are still two chances. Now one of the two feather imprints which signifies life faded and the backlash ended up falling on Xue Hua. This could only mean someone had successfully killed Ye Xiajie just now.

Then he saw Hei Anjing rip his clothes open and saw his chest with a hole. The hole reveals a fountain of blood and a wounded heart. Under the naked eyes of the couple, they watched as the hole in the heart closed up, this includes the hole on his chest and the wound faded immediately. 

Xue Hua upon seeing this knew something bad happened. He grabbed Xia Jieye and instantly teleported to where Ye Xiajie is. They suddenly appeared in the kitchen and saw Ou Ya holding a familiar-looking black dagger in his hand which was now tainted with blood.


Xia Jieye spoke in astonishment, "What the hell…"

Then they saw Ye Xiajie leaning in the wall pressing on his chest, there was a pool of blood pouring out from his body, and obviously, he just got stabbed on the chest by a god-slaying dagger. 

Ye Xiajie yelled, "Stay away from him. He is a Ye Gui!"

"Husband!!!" called Hei Anjing as he ran towards his lover.

Xia Jieye made a move and captured Ou Ya and then threw him over to where Xue Yan and the rest were. Everyone gathered after feeling the world quake and almost fractured and Hu Yue realized that something might have happened to his lord. After all, the barrier that protects the mountain is something the Lord God had made himself.

"MY LORD!!" called out Zhi Yue and Warden Lou.

Lin Ye was stunned in disbelief, "A'Ya? What are you doing?! No way!?"

"Is he a destroyer? Or Ye Gui ordered Ye Mo to Assassinate the Lord God!?" asked Warden Lou as he took over in capturing Ou Ya for his wife.

Even Zhi Yue was flabbergasted, "Impossible! His soul is not that of an outsider. He is born in this real world. Did he enter reincarnation like Lord Hei!? This is the only possible reason I could not detect him!"

Xue Yan's face was dark, he had thought of this possibility and ran out to prevent it but in the end, he failed. He looked at Hei Anjing who was trembling as he looked at the palling figure of the Ghost King in his embrace.

Ye Xiajie felt he was too stupid. The God of Void had just told him not to make their wife cry and their death was the source of Hei Anjing's trauma. As expected Xia Jieye lost it and grabbed the neck of Ou Ya in anger. His crimson eyes glowed with immense killing intent which made the other shudder from such a pure madness of aura coming from him. They felt they were prey to be slaughtered ruthlessly in his presence.

Xia Jieye spoke, "Let him out! I know you Ye Guis have a piece of that bastard's soul fragment in you! Wake him up this instant."


Ou Ya was choking as he was held on the neck directly by Xia Jieye. But he didn't answer right away and looked at Lin Ye with a pale face sitting on the floor looking as if he had lost his soul. He was looking at him with a face stained with tears. He could only mouth silently the word, 'Sorry' as he slowly closed his eyes.

The next moment Ou Ya had opened his eyes, he had successfully freed himself from Xia Jieye's grasp as he dislocated the wrist that held his neck. Then jumps away from the God of Void. Warden Lou, System Yue, and Xue Yan were about to jump on him to capture them once again only to be stopped by Xia Jieye himself.

"Do not approach him. With your real cultivation sealed you are no match against the sole lord of the Ye Gui Race. Ye Mo, it's been a long time. This Lord should have killed you at that time." said Xia Jieye as a few light elements healed his broken wrist. It didn't take a while for his hand to return to normal. 

On the other hand, Ou Ya who was in front of him grinned as he started laughing. His bright and playful demeanor of Ou Ya from before had faded. No, that person that stood before them was full of arrogance and indifference as he looked at them. 

"Hahaha~ I've successfully killed that brat this time but who would have thought that his other half would place a life and death contract between their two souls. Though I've successfully killed him this time it wasn't real death as the one I've killed is that immortal bastard from the Mo Family! How many times can you die for him, I wonder~ Hahaha~" said Ye Mo while wearing Ou Ya's face. 

"YE MO!"

Ye Xiajie had escaped death as Hei Anjing managed to transfer his fatal injuries to him thanks to the phoenix imprint he had given him from that last world. A Mo bloodline is considered immortal.. They wouldn't really die unless the one who killed them is their other half. 

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