Chapter 45: Broke 100

Ye Yong had a habit of looking at the favorability rating whenever he flirted. He was immediately shocked upon seeing Wu Xues favorability rating at 95 as it was extremely close to 100. On top of that, her attitude had changed from [Obsessed] to [Heavily Obsessed], which didnt really sound like a great thing.

Heavily obsessed. She wont become a yandere, will she?

Because the author didnt really know how to write romance and only knew how to write about face-slapping and killing and stealing treasures, he basically just skimmed over the romance with a few words. Even though Ye Yong had read the novels a lot of times, he hadnt found any signs of Wu Xue being a yandere. After all, as the male leads cultivation increased and attracted more and more enemies, he would also attract more and more heroines. If Wu Xue was a yandere, then the male lead would have been in some sort of danger from that. But that didnt happen.

Or maybe Wu Xue actually didnt really like Ye Yong that much?

However, in the end, novels were just novels, so some details wouldnt have been shown. Ye Yong was currently in a real world that was like the novel and somewhat followed the plot of the novel- so things could change, and so maybe his actions had some effects on Wu Xue and caused some of her hidden traits to appear.

No, Lil Xue, you cant be like this. I have to live to make you happy, and I have to make more heroines fall for me to live.

Ye Yong was panicking, but seeing Wu Xue with her eyes closed and a face full of happiness in his arms, he felt that Wu Xue might not have to become a yandere. After all, a person became a yandere when they loved someone to the point they got mentally ill, so as long as he did things correctly, it could be avoided.

Lil Xue, before Mother went into seclusion, she told me to find a Daoist couple in the sect, Ye Yong said, pretending it was a topic that he didnt care about.

Wu Xues head shot up upon hearing the words Doaist couple. Her already large eyes widened, her pupils shrank, and she felt like she had stopped breathing.

Ye Yong coughed. Do you think I should listen to Mother?

I think Young Master should focus on cultivation. Once you reach the Great Ascension Realm or even the Saint Realm, there would be no need to worry about not having a Daoist couple.

But thatll take hundreds and even thousands of years.

Hundred or thousand years are just a matter of cultivating in seclusion a few more times. Once Young Master becomes a Saint, youll have tens of thousands of years worth of life, and then you can no, Young Master should consider it once you ascend and become an immortal. No women in this world are worthy of Young Master, only the immortal fairies beyond the skies are worthy of you. And even they have different ranks- Young Master must find the best immortal fairy.

So basically, you dont want me to have a Daoist couple? Ye Yong didnt think Wu Xues thought process was strange. After all, who didnt want to monopolize the person that they love? But in order to live, he had to make the rest of the heroines fall for him.

Maybe I can become an immortal, but Mother may not have that long of a lifespan. So I think its best to find a Daoist couple early on.

Mmm Young Master is right, Wu Xue said, a bit down. She was just a maid, so she couldnt sway Ye Yongs thoughts.

But dont worry. No matter how many Daoist couples I find in the future, I will always have you by my side, Lil Xue.

Ba dump. Wu Xue felt her heart speed up. What does Young Master mean? I can always be by Young Masters side? Young Master doesnt hate me? Doesnt hate means like? So Young Master likes me? Young Master just confessed to me?

Favorability +20.

Wu Xues favorability: 115.

Ye Yong froze and almost screamed in surprise. It broke 100!? The favorability actually broke 100!? Where did it go wrong!? Ye Yong hurriedly asked the system.

This system had never said that 100 is the cap for favorability.

But there has to be a cap, no? Ye Yong thought back and realized that the system indeed hadnt mentioned anything about a cap. Isnt it common in novels and games for the favorability to be capped at 100?

Currently, no cap has been detected. Theoretically, there is no limit to how much one could love someone. However, once it reaches a certain point, there would be minimal increase in love.

Then would there be any problem when the favorability breaks 100? Ye Yong was quite nervous. He had asked the system before, but the system had only told him that he would know once it happened. However, he couldnt detect any changes now that it had happened.

Well, except that Wu Xue currently looked so happy that she was about to melt from happiness.

Not really, there wouldnt be much of a problem. Once the favorability gets to 100, it would be extremely hard for favorability to drop no matter what you do. Once it reaches a certain point, even if you massacred people, they would still think that you were right. However, you should be aware that having the favorability be too high may not necessarily be a good thing.

Would I get killed by them for having multiple girls?

Its possible, depending on the personality of the heroine.

Ye Yong took another look at Wu Xues attitude. There was a new attitude [Till Death Do Us Apart] next to the original [Heavily Obsessed].

Ye Yong felt like having the attitude be extremely high was kind of similar to being brainwashed. But even without the favorability system, people, even normal people, could love someone so much that they would do anything for that person, even if it means dying. As such, he couldnt really blame the favorability system- the only thing that it was doing was putting the extent of ones love in numbers.

Wu Xues parents had disappeared, and her relatives were heartless, so Ye Yong had became her only pillar of support. As such, it wasnt weird for her favorability to rise so quickly.

Besides, there not being a cap to favorability meant that Ye Yong could keep earning transcend points. Thinking of that, Ye Yong stroked Wu Xues head. He would have kissed her if not for the fact that they were outside where people could see them. This cutie is a treasure. Her favorability increases fast and a lot each time. I just need to guide her properly so that she doesnt become a yandere and kill me for having too many girls.

It was around midnight by the time the airship had arrived in the Heavenly Luo Sect. Even so, Heavenly Luo Sect was brightly lit, and they were greeted with the majestic atmosphere of a peak sect.

Heavenly Luo Sect was situated on top of a dragon vein and had 24 summits. Some of the summits were used to house people and some were used for cultivation.

The new disciples landed in a valley and followed a guide to a certain place, where an elder of the Law Enforcement Hall told them the sect rules. It was impossible to create things without any rules, and similarly, nothing would last without any rules.

The Heavenly Luo Sect had many rules, and the most important rule was that it forbade disciples from killing each other.

Many justice sects had this rule, but in reality, it only prevented killing openly. As long as the disciples did it secretly and didnt leave behind any evidence for the sect, there was no way for the sect to do anything about it.

For example, if someone died in a secret realm, no one would be able to tell how they died. They might have gotten caught by a trap or killed by a spirit beast. It was the same thing when disciples went out to do missions. The sects could really only enforce the rule while the disciples were inside the sect. They wouldnt be able to do anything about it anywhere else- unless the disciple involved was an important one.

It was just like how the male lead was currently just a normal disciple, and the sect wouldnt really care if he died. That was why in the novel, the villains in the same sect dared to mess with him and tried to kill him.

Now that he was in the sect, Ye Yong decided that he would prevent all ties to the idiots that would try to mess with the male lead. However, because there were too many idiots, Ye Yong was only able to remember a few that had more appearances in the plot.

For example, if Ye Yongs memory served him right, then this idiot senior brother with a dog face who was flying toward them on a sword was called Bai Song. He was an inner disciple of the Sword Pavilion Hall and was at the 10th layer of the Crystallization Realm. Of course, he didnt have any interactions with the male lead at this point. However, he had a younger cousin named Bai Gui.

Bai Gui was a new disciple who joined the sect along with Ye Yong and the others. His qualifications werent that great- he was only at the 5th layer of the Foundation Establishment Realm with a 3-color foundation at 23 years old. He became a normal disciple after entering the Sword Pavilion Hall.

The male lead would also become a normal disciple at the Sword Pavilion sect. Just from that, it was easy to guess what would happen- Bai Gui amazingly triggered a series of events that caused him to die- dragging his whole family down with him.

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