"Training and trial?" asked Angus back.

"Yes. If you try to climb higher through the stone slab, you will receive a unique pressure all over your body. This pressure couldn't be defended even with mana. Only the physical body could withstand the pressure." explained the woman.

"The higher you climb up, the stronger the pressure. Because of this unique feature, this place was used as a training ground for many people and trials in ancient times. Now, it only serves as an open training ground and a tourist destination for pilgrimage." added the woman.

'First the five entrance tests, now this place. It seems really Nirvas have too much tradition and are too conservative.' thought Angus.

Angus knows tradition and culture are essential as it is part of national identity, soul, and ideology. But it also makes the government too strict and inflexible. As society grows, there will be a lot of dissatisfaction from the new generation.

If the government doesn't do something about it, it will only lead to the kingdom's instability. Even in the Heart Kingdom, they often change and improve their law to adapt to their social needs.

"That's certainly interesting. I wonder what is inside of it?" asked Angus without letting his thoughts on his expression.

"No one knows. Some said that there is a Fallen God's divinity hidden inside. But, no one could approve it since even the Elders never stepped inside it." said the woman.

"I see. Anyway, can we also try to climb it?" asked Angus.

"Of course. During the festival, Thousand Hurdles Monument is open to everyone, even outsiders. Some outsiders from different races even like to use this opportunity to break through our training ground." said the woman.

"Well, thanks for the information, miss…" said Angus.

"Tylie. Just call me Miss Tylie. I also work as the guide in the Thousand Hurdles Monument. If you want, I could become your guide. There are thousands of carvings all over the stone slabs." replied the woman.

'I see… So, she is trying to find a customer. Well, there is no harm to it since we also need a guide.' thought Angus.

"Then, please guide us during our stay." replied Angus.

After a simple registration and paying an entrance fee with the help of Tylie, they climb the Thousand Hurdles Monument.

As Angus approaches the Monument, he finds many gray orbs coming at him at a fast speed. Since he had experienced a similar situation, Angus didn't panic and let the gray spheres enter his body.

"32.756 soul points acquired. Soul Point: 324.997 -> 357.803."

Angus heard a notification from his system and found he got around thirty thousand soul points.

'Hmm… It is quite low compared to Black Fortress. I guess it is normal since Black Fortress is often attacked by monster hordes despite its younger age. Still, this proves my previous theory.' thought Angus.

After his experience in the Black Fortress, Angus knows Palpat's stone can somehow contain the dead 'soul'. The gray orb is none other than the soul that stays in the Palpat stone.

According to his research, this 'soul' is quite different and couldn't be added to his soul reserve. Instead, it only increases his soul points.

"Miss Tylie, is the monument by chance made of Palpat stone?" asked Angus.

"Ehh… How did you know? Yes, the majority of the stone slabs of the Monument are made of Palpat stone, one of the hardest natural materials in the world."  said Tylie.

"Ohh.. No wonder I find the stone looks familiar." replied Angus.

"You must have sharp eyes to recognize it at a glance. Before you climb, please do not try to fly towards the top of the Monument directly." warned Tylie seriously.

"Hmm… Is there some defense mechanism?" asked Angus.

"No. There is no such thing. You could fly anywhere around the Monument, but if you touch the stone slab at the top, you may receive sudden extreme pressure and explode on the spot. Many outsiders have already become like this in the past." replied the woman.

"That makes sense since the body couldn't hold the sudden pressure." said Angus.

"Yes, shall we start climbing. But are you sure to bring your child? Although the pressure in the lower area is not strong, it is still heavy enough to burden ordinary people." asked Tylie.

Angus glances at the happy-going Anna, who is still eating while Jayna takes care of her.

"Don't worry, she is stronger than us. Right, Anna?" said Angus.

"*Munch* *Munch* Hmm… Fof cors, Hannah wis Prong!! (Of course, Anna is strong!!)." replied Anna while her mouth was still full.

"Anna, don't speak!! Empty your mouth first." rebuked Jayna while wiping the leftover in her mouth.

Seeing such a caring interaction, Tylie couldn't help but smile.

"Fine. But, if you feel a burden, please don't hesitate to tell me and stop. Some people in the past were often too prideful to give up and hurt themself during the climb." warned Tylie.

"Sure." said Angus.

Then, they take a step into the Monument's lower part. Suddenly, everyone feels like wearing heavy clothes.

"Hm… This is certainly magical. I just feel like my body becomes heavy like inside the water but not restricted." commented Angus.

"True. It is said this pressure is very unique and one of a kind in this world. It is rumored that some outsiders tried to replicate it but failed miserably. Looking closely, you will find a few carvings in the stone slabs. This carving is…" said Tylie as she did her job as a guide.

Angus promises a lot of tips for her if she does her job splendidly. This gesture entices Tylie and guides them with vigor. Tylie tells them some story behind the carving in the stone slabs as they climb higher.

Most of the lower part's carving tells about their ancestors' lives and many unimportant things. Still, this part is very popular and crowded since many Altras come for pilgrimage to this area.

After knowing most of the content in the lower part, Angus decided to fasten their speed to a higher level. The Monument's stone slabs may look like a stair from below. However, the stone gets bigger and higher as they proceed.

While they climb higher, Anna finally finds their climbing activity interesting and stops eating. She breaks out from Jayna's embrace and climbs on her own.

"Angus, Big sis, hurry!! Hurry!!" said Anna while hopping to higher stone slabs excitedly.

"T-That's almost reached the middle area. Even some of our Red Guards will find it difficult to stay there." said Tylie.

"Miss Tylie, you don't need to keep following us if you cannot climb higher. We could take care of ourselves." said Angus.

"A-Ah.. No problem. As the guide, we could still reach the middle area without a problem." said Tylie.

"I see… Then, suit yourself." said Angus as he followed Jayna and climbed faster.

Seeing their climbing speed, 'W-Who are they? Even the elders didn't dare to climb this fast. I am certain they are a human race when they register themself before.' thought Tylie as she tried to follow Angus' group but at a slower pace.

After a few minutes, they finally reach the middle area. Compared to the lower part, they could feel that something was forcing them to kneel with this mysterious pressure. Unfortunately, this pressure is nothing in front of their physical body.

Angus also didn't need to worry about Jayna. He knows her body is also stronger compared to before. Fire Phoenix is a beast with a superior physical body compared to other races.

After the merging, her body is constantly getting stronger to use Fire Phoenix's ability and skills. Moreover, her unlimited regeneration is a cheating ability at this place. Unlike others, she could keep rebuilding and strengthening her muscles while climbing higher.

Angus may also have unnatural regeneration, but his regeneration only works for healing himself rather than being used for growth.

After using the second gate of life, he could hardly grow his muscles. On the other hand, Jayna is still not reaching her muscle and body limit.

The middle part of the Monument is entirely different from the lower part. They could see only a few people staying in this area.

Most of them meditate and train, trying to adapt to the pressure. They could also see a few Red Guards patrolling the area slowly. Angus finds the stone slabs also too high to climb normally as stairs. The stone could reach up to their knee and almost at Anna's chest.

Fortunately, the stone is also larger and gives a more footing place than the lower area. Five people could line up together without the worry of falling down.

The carving in the stone gets more exquisite, as if it is alive. It is a different style and looks more important than the lower area.

However, the most astonishing thing is the surrounding area. At their spot, they could see the whole of Redmore city from above. They realize that Redmore is genuinely a labyrinth city.

Besides the main road, the whole city is a mess, with stairs, buildings, and roads becoming one. It is a very unique scene and experience to look at. Even the naughty Anna is smiling at the scene.

Angus already knows this when they explore the city before, but the scene becomes more apparent after looking from above.

"Disgusting." muttered Jayna in a low voice.

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