Angus and the others immediately get on their guard as the woman approaches them. Every seventh-grade combatant is dangerous and possesses the power to destroy a whole city. Some of them could even destroy a small weak country.

"This.. Hic.. Doesn't make any sense. Hic.." muttered the seventh-grade woman.

'Huh??' thought everyone confusedly.

"This doesn't make any sense!! Urgh.. *Vomit*" shouted the woman before vomiting.

"Is she drunk?" asked Angus.

"Huft.. Huft.. If the world could sense fear.. Hic.. That means it has emotion. Hic.. It means.. Hic.. It could die. B-But.. Hic.. It doesn't make sense!! Hua…" said the woman while throwing tantrums on the ground and crying.

Seeing the drunk and crying woman, Angus and the others are entirely speechless. They didn't expect a seventh-grade combatant to be crying and bawling like a child while getting drunk.

"I hear seventh-grade people are.. unique, but I never expected to be this unique." commented Aunt Extalia.

"Hohoho… This is nothing, Duchess Amberblaze. There are others who are completely absurd or utterly mad. Even my friend Vlad has a weird hobby of impaling beheaded heads with spears." chimed Darren.

"That's.. certainly informative." replied Aunt Extalia.

At this moment, another person with a scale, like a lizardman, approaches their location.

"Oi… Nabe!! Hic… We.. Hic.. What was it again? Hic.." said the unknown drunk lizardman.

"It's… Urgh.. Bleurgh.. *Vomit* *Vomit*" replied a drunk old man beside him.

Everyone finds the old man only wearing colorful trunks without a shirt or jacket in this cold weather. Still, they weren't surprised as this old man was none other than the Mad King Baldur. However, Angus and Darren are more interested in the unknown lizardman.

They still remember the lizardman aura a few days ago, which is not a beastman race but actually a monster overlord who deterred the nearby monster.

'To think I will witness a monster overlord having drunk and partying with seventh-grade combatants instead of killing each other. This is certainly mind-blowing,' thought Angus inwardly.

'Fortunately, Aunt Extalia didn't realize this or she will overreact with her strict nature. As for Jayna… Well, she is too preoccupied with the naughty girl.' thought Angus while seeing Jayna busy taking care of the naughty Anna.

"Huee… B-But.. It didn't make sense!! Huaaa…" bawling the woman on the ground again.

"Haa?? Hic.. Why are.. Hic.. Crying for? Wait.. Hic.. did you cry? Huahahaha…" said the lizardman as he laughed loudly, mocking the woman.

"Urgh.. Hold on.. Alder. Bluerghh *Vomit* *Vomit*" said Baldur before vomiting.

While the two seventh-grade combatants are hopeless, the monster overlord Alder keeps laughing and chugging a liquor barrel on his arm. The situation is utterly absurd and chaotic, as everyone is truly drunk.

'It seems Master Darren's liquor is truly dangerous. Luckily, we managed to escape before it turned into a bad situation.' thought Angus.

The worst thing is Angus also detects many unconscious people buried under the snow from too much drinking. Fortunately, most people have strong bodies and can survive under harsh conditions.

At this moment, Anna approaches the lizardman and points her finger at him.

"Ahh… Big sis, is he also a pervert?" asked Anna innocently.

"Huh? Pervert?" replied the monster overlord while still drunk.

Hearing this, Angus immediately thinks fast and contacts Jayna through their bond to avoid more trouble. Unfortunately, his hope is gone, as Jayna replies quickly.

"Anna, hush!! It's rude. Don't point your finger at others. Also, you should be careful. We still don't know if he is perverted or not." said Jayna.

"Me? Pervert? Huahhahaha… " laughed the monster overlord.

At the same time, Angus gets a cold sweat as he knows the true identity of this person.

After laughing for a while, "Hahaha… Interesting… Hic.. Girl, what is your name?" asked the monster overlord while chugging his liquor.

"Anna is Anna. Are you not a pervert? But, you are similar to a scaled bubble." replied Anna casually.

"Huahahaha… you are Hic.. a really Hic..  interesting little girl." said the lizardman.

"Anna is not a little girl. Anna is Anna." replied Anna while pouting.

"Alright.. alright… Anna. Hic.. For your information. Hic.. I am not a pervert. I am the great Alder Drach. Hic.. Don't mistake me with.. Hic.. this so-called scaled bubble.. or hic… those overgrown lizards." said the lizard monster overlord while still drunk.

At this moment, "Urghh.. Alder, Hic.. Did you get Hic.. the booze?" asked Baldur.

"Ahh.. Yeah. Hic.. Oii… Nabe, We.. Hic.. running out of booze." said the drunk Alder.

"Huaa… Shut up, stupid lizard. Hua…" replied the seventh-grade woman while still crying.

"Lizard?!! Hic.. I am the great Alder Drach, not a lizard. Hic.. Hurry, bring me more booze, woman!!" shouted Alder loudly.

"Hii… Yes.. Yes.. don't be angry at me." said Nabe weakly.

The seventh-grade woman took out a few more liquor barrels and diligently served the monster overlord. Not only that, Alder even makes her work like his servant.

"The hell?? What is going on here??" commented Angus at this weird scene.

"Hohoho… This is certainly interesting." said Darren.

While everyone is surprised at this scene, Anna sneaks out from Jayna's arms, trying to drink one of the liquor in the barrels. Before she could taste it, a strong hand grabbed her clothes from behind.

"Huh?? What is a little girl doing here? Are you lost?" asked Baldur while lifting Anna.

"Noo… Let Anna go. Anna also wants to drink." said Anna while struggling.

"Nah… sit here and drink your milk." said Baldur as he created a small pedestal of earth and put Anna on top of it.

Before Anna could run again, a glass of milk appeared in her hand.

"Little girl, that drink is too soon for you. Just drink this." said Nabe.

"Gyahahaha… Yeah, just drink your milk, little girl." teased Alder.

"Anna is not a little girl!! Anna is Anna." protested Anna.

Despite her protest, Anna still drinks her milk obediently. At this point, no one realizes that the three drunkards actually speak normally, like a sober person. However, this is only a moment before they drink the liquor and get drunk again.

At the same time, Anna is getting lectured by Angus and Jayna. Now, she is held by Angus and can't escape anymore.

While the couple is busy reprimanding Anna, Darren inspects the liquor and finds it fascinating. He also gave the recipe to counter the hangover to the woman called Nabe.

In the end, Angus' group decides to leave the three drunkards alone and continue their journey. In fact, they find Anna coming here in a hurry just to taste the liquor. After another fast-paced journey, they finally arrive at another city called Ruby Point at night.

Ruby Point is a crowded city that acts as a massive trade hub between Nirvas and the immigrants staying near the Ancient Vault area. Apparently, there are few settlements or towns across the wilderness or Ancient Vault Area.

However, these towns or settlements were unofficial and didn't have protection from Nirvas. They didn't have a good defense system and tended to get attacked by a beast or monster horde.

Because of this, most of their goods and commodities prices are higher than the official city under Nirvas. They also lacked entertainment and couldn't provide any luxury, which is why Angus' group ignored these towns.

Arriving at Ruby Point, everyone could find that most buildings are made of red-colored crystal like a ruby. Despite the snowy weather, they also see the street packed with Altrass. Most of them wear tribal clothes and completely ignore the cold weather.

Angus also noticed most of the Altras have a youthful appearance, unlike when they look like Makar or a bald old man.

"Angus, look.. look.. They have a strange cooked bug!!" said Anna while in Angus' arms.

As usual, the little gluttony completely ignored the people and was attracted to the nearby food stall. Seeing Anna is drawn to the town's delicacy, Mira and Darren decide to check in at the hotel first.

The silver-haired girl is too preoccupied with her storybook and keeps reading it the whole time. If she isn't on top of the flying pillow, they may take longer to wait for her to thoroughly read the book until it's finished.

The absurd thing is Angus finds it a regular storybook telling a fantasy story. At first, he thought it may hold some secret like Archmage Bern's storybook. But Darren explains it is actually one of Mira's hobbies to read a storybook at the pace of an ordinary person.

When Mira was reading the book, she somehow could slow down her thinking and reading speed. After exploring the city for a while, Angus finds the locals are celebrating one of their cultural festivals, Maroon Eternity.

The festival will be held for a whole week. It is one of the most important festivals, celebrating their ancestor slaying a god. As one of the official cities under Nirvas, Ruby Point also celebrates this big festival.

Like any other festival, they will hold a lot of entertainment on the street, from food, music, dance, games, or even small theater plays. Seeing the theater, Angus and the girls decide to watch the play while Anna is munching the food from all the nearby stalls.

'Hmm… the story is unexpectedly good, like those heroic tales from Earth.' thought Angus while enjoying the show.


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