Seeing their embarrassed Aunt Angus and Jayna laugh mischievously. They know their aunt is having a good time yesterday night as Leon gives him a hidden hickey all over her body. As someone that often does this, Angus knows the feeling of wanting to leave a mark on his partner.

Using a delicate mana manipulation, Angus could leave a hidden temporary mark that could appear and disappear randomly on the skin. This is the perfect skill for leaving a hickey in the lover's body. Angus didn't expect the stoic King Leon to copy his technique of leaving this mark on their aunt.

*ACHOOO* The couple returns, paying attention to the poor Anna, who is sneezing again. The couple subconsciously treats Anna as if she is their own kid and takes good care of her.

The sick Anna also notices this and becomes more clingy. She even hopes to stay like this forever if it is not because of her high fever and annoying running nose. Then, the couple dresses Anna in thick clothes and brings her outside for breakfast and daily exercise.

Since she needed to keep moving and active, they planned for Anna to do her regular daily exercise with more supervision. Angus also calls Ilgor for her sparring partner or to be more accurate, her sandbag, much to the orc's displeasure.

Fortunately, because of Anna's condition, she couldn't fight properly, but her continuous sneezing still packs a punch for the orc. Ilgor already loses count of how many times he almost gets thrown back from the sudden sneezing.

In the meantime, Jayna and Angus also do their own daily training. They took turns to keep an eye on Anna in case of an accident. They didn't have the heart to leave Anna alone, unsupervised with her condition.

Currently, it is Angus' turn to look out at Anna's training while Jayna is practicing aerial combat not far from them. Using this spare time, Angus decides to check his status panel as usual.

Host: Angus Victory

Age: 18 Years Old

MP: 736/736

Chi: 1032

Heritage chi: ???

Strength: 58

Dexterity: 57

Intelligence: 56

Vitality: 57

Soul Point: 324.632

Soul Reserve: 892

After checking his status, Angus looked at his hand with a complicated look.

'It seems the time to get absolute control of my body is getting longer.' thought Angus.

Each time Angus increases one of his attributes, he needs a certain period to let his body adapt before he can increase another point. This adaptation is to keep his perfect body control and mana in check.

During this adaptation period, he could still use his body normally. However, it still has not reached perfect control. Although the difference is minimal and didn't affect any of his combat capability, he still didn't feel comfortable in this situation.

As his attributes increase, the adaptation period gets longer, from the initial a week to a month. Now, Angus could feel it needs at least a month and a half or more for this adaptation period.

'Well, let's not think too much about it. My body is already too strong compared to an ordinary human. I bet I could clash with any fifth grade just by using my physical body.' thought Angus while looking at the sneezing Anna and ignoring his poor subordinate.

As time passes, the sun reaches high in the sky and it is time for them to go towards the plaza for their final test. They find that Anna's sneezing is getting less and her fever goes down a little after doing light exercise and sparring.

Hence, they didn't need to worry about Anna sending someone flying with her ridiculous loud sneezing. If before she couldn't control it, she could at least hold her sneezing a little bit.

After waiting for a few minutes, Makar and the other examiner arrive from the thick mist behind the rocky mountain. Same as before, they get the privilege to go towards Makar without the need for registration first.

Approaching the old Makar, they find the vault guardian holding something in his hand. The thing looks like a mineral crystal with black color and a number on each side.

"Hoh.. Hoh… The next test is a fight. Hoh.. Hoh…" declared Makar.

"Combat test?!" reacted everyone.

"Some of you will fight in one on one battle and win. To pass the test, you need to at least get more wins than losing one." explained Elder Yawan.

"Some of us? Did all of us need to fight?" asked Angus as he worried about Anna getting in the fight.

During the morning spar with Ilgor, he finds Anna couldn't fight appropriately with Ilgor. If not because of her absurd body, she may get hurt many times.

"You will fight any people in the plaza as long as the other party agrees. As for the one who is fighting, it will be decided by the special dice in Master Makar's hand." replied Elder Yawan.

"Hoh.. Hoh…" said Makar as he showed the strange-shaped dice in his hand.

Seeing the dice, Darren immediately looks surprised, while Mira still has her usual doll-like expression.

"Makar, you…" said Darren.

Before Darren finished speaking, "Hoh.. Hoh.. It's a harmless one. Hoh.. Hoh.." said Makar without opening his closed eyelids.

"Still, Makar, that kind of thing is…" said Darren.

Before he finished his sentence again, "Darren." called Mira with her usual expression.

Seeing his master's intervention, "As you wish, My Lady." said Darren.

"Umm… Master Darren, what is that strange dice?" asked Aunt Extalia as she was worried about Darren's sudden reaction.

"It has many names, but it is famous for being called seven-sided dice. It is a tool often used for divination. It is also one of the necessary tools for any complex ritual related to the world and fate." said Darren.

"For most people, it is a harmless divination tool. But, for some, it is a dangerous tool that could predict someone's fate." added Darren.

'Fate?! No, wonder Darren reacted like that.' thought Angus.

Fate is a very abstract thing. Ordinary people never even care about it. Some even didn't believe such a thing. However, all seventh-grade people know the importance of this thing.

For them, fate is like a 100% accurate prediction. As long as fate dictates something, no one could change it, even with the seventh-grade godly power. Therefore, reading fate could be said to be reading the future.

As no one could change it, many seventh grade didn't like to read this fate as if it would curse their doom. In the end, A tool that could read fate or communicate with the world like seven-sided dice is a terrifying tool for any seventh grade.

"So, did we pass the test?" asked Aunt Extalia, as she knew little about fate and its importance to seventh-grade people.

"No need. My Lady already decided to continue the test." said Darren.

After that, everyone begins to throw the seven-sided dice. The selection process is simple: everyone that gets an odd number needs to fight, while the one that gets an even number doesn't need to fight. The first one to throw the dice is Angus' group, along with Eric and Aunt Extalia.

Seeing the weird-shaped dice in his hand, 'What weird dice? I didn't feel anything special about it.' thought Angus inwardly as he threw the dice.

Unbeknownst to everyone, Makar suddenly opened his eyes, looking at Angus throwing dice in surprise before closing his eyes again.

'That's… Who is this kid?' thought Makar inwardly.

Soon, the dice stop with the number seven on them. It means Angus needs to participate in the battle. Following him, it is Jayna and Anna's turn. Jayna gets number three and needs to fight.

On the other hand, Anna somehow sneezes loudly when she throws the dice and makes them fly up high in the air. It takes a few minutes before the dice fall to the ground not far from them and reveal number six.

The next one is Aunt Extalia and Eric that get numbers 1 and 5, respectively. As for the two royal guards, they get numbers 3 and 2. Finally, it is Darren and Mira's turn. Unlike the anxious Darren, Mira throws the dice high in the sky without worry.

After fifteen minutes or so, the dice fall down and reveal number four. Last is Darren's turn. After taking a deep breath to calm his mind, he throws the dice while closing his eyes before going back without looking at the dice result, which shows number four.

It is like he refuses to look further at the dice after hearing the result from the nearby examiner. Furthermore, no examiner touches the dice beside Makar as if it is a cursed item.

In the final result, the one that needs to fight is Angus, Jayna, Duchess Amberblaze, Eric, and one of the royal guards. In total, five people need to fight. It means they must win at least four battles as the two shadow guards are considered to lose for not participating.

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