I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 497 Seventh Grade Combatants Arrival

After seeing the couple sitting in a meditative position, Aunt Extalia knows the nasty black soup somehow benefits them. Seeing the dreadful soup in her hand, she finally braced herself and decided to eat it.

To Aunt Extalia's surprise, the soup is effortless to consume like water. As soon as it entered her mouth, she could swallow it without any resistance from her body. It is like she eats soft watery pudding that just enters her throat without being able to taste it.

However, she could taste the soup and its aftertaste. After swallowing the entire small portion, the stern Duchess feels like in heaven. All her taste buds are like being pampered with an indescribable heavenly taste of the black gooey soup.

Not only that, she feels like her body is getting energized and enhanced with each second. After a few seconds, the energized feeling stops, leaving her in sweat. She looks at her hand and grips it a few times.

She feels like she is improving significantly, yet she can't find any change in her body. Whatever it is, she is glad the dreadful-looking soup is not killing her. In the meantime, everyone in the plaza finally returns to their senses.

The presence they felt from Anna before left them absent-minded for a long time. Most people are entranced by this presence and aura. Many even get a sort of epiphany and try to break through on the spot.

Only a few strong sixth-grade combatants were able to get their minds together. But, they also didn't know what to react or do, especially toward Anna, who was still eating non-stop. Some of them feel they must never harm this black-haired girl.

Some people also feel she is their ancestor. Some thought she was Goddess. Whatever it was, all of them thought Anna was someone important to them. It took them time before they came to their sense of this sudden strong feeling.

During this time, Angus and Jayna also open their eyes while looking at the surroundings with surprise. Same as Aunt Extalia, they also feel an improvement in their body after eating Anna's soup.

Aside from the slight boost in their physical body and mana, they also begin to notice things they could hardly perceive before. While the one they could already perceive becomes sharper.

Not only could they sense the mana in the surroundings and nature, but their instinct had also become sharper than before. It is almost like a premonition than a normal six-sense instinct.

Before they can comprehensively analyze their change, *BRRUPP* Anna finally finishes her giant bowl of soup that is enough for her to swim on it.

After Anna released a loud burping sound that shocked everyone, "*Yawn* Emm… Big sis, Angus, Anna is sleepy." Anna was wiping her sleepy eyes.

Seeing this, Jayna's maternal instinct works and she hugs Anna gently. Then, she let her sleep on her arm gently like a mother while kissing her forehead. Angus also approaches her and kisses her small head.

"Angus, Big sis…" muttered Anna in a low voice.

As if noticing what the little troublemaker means, "Don't worry, leave the rest to us. Sleep for now." said Angus while patting Anna.

"Ummm.. Warm." said Anna while burying her head in Jayna's chest.

Before long, she was already sleeping like a baby. Seeing her sleep peacefully, Angus and Jayna couldn't help but smile. Not only does their body improve from the soup, but their bond with Anna is also stronger than before.

When they hug Anna during her transformation, their [Allegiance] work automatically and connects her with them. Although the connection is not as strong as the couple's, they are still capable of understanding a little bit of her mind and intention.

During this moment, they somehow take a peek at Anna's mind. Although it is subtle and happens fast, they know the little girl is suffering and struggling a lot. Their intention to keep her safe becomes stronger than before.

At that point, they have already decided they will destroy or kill anyone that harms the poor little girl. Suddenly, the couple takes out their weapon and is ready to fight while looking in the Twilbo forest direction.

*Whooosh* *Whoosh* *Blink* *Flash* Few people suddenly appeared in the air in different ways. One uses teleportation magic and the others use various methods to forcefully pass through the misty Twilbo forest.

One thing in common is that all the newcomers are seventh-grade combatants.

Seeing the familiar stoic person in the air, "Leon!!" called the Duchess.

Leon immediately [Blink] in front of her while keeping his vigilance, especially towards the other seventh-grade combatants.

Two of them are King Sovas from the nearby Tascar Kingdom and their hostile King Andvari from Nergal Kingdom. The others are seventh-grade wanderers who happen to be nearby this area except for the elf leader Vandor.

Still, no one is moving rashly since they notice two strong presences that warn them before they arrive at the plaza. One is from the Vault Guardian Makar and the other is a silver-haired old man who wears formal butler clothes.

Seeing the familiar red blood eyes in the silver-haired old man, they speculate he is the rumored new Vampire King. Apparently, Darren's silver hair is growing back like before after he consumes Anna's soup.

However, he also quite envied the couple and the duchess. With his vast knowledge and sharp perception, he knows precisely the change in their body from Anna's soup.

Although these changes are not valuable for him anymore, he needs at least a hundred years to develop them. Yet, these three people somehow can get them by just eating Anna's black gooey soup.

"Lia, what happened here? I feel a mysterious presence in this location." asked King Leon.

"It's a long story." replied the Duchess while glancing at the other seventh grade nearby.

Knowing her intention, "Alright, let's talk later." said King Leon.

"Ohhh… Why the hurry? We can afford to hear this long story." said King Andvari.

After arriving at the plaza, King Nergal noticed most of their delegation group was still absent-minded and had not fully recovered from the shock, while the Heart kingdom group was near the examination place. His instinct tells him the presence before has something to do with the Heart Kingdom group.

"Vari, watch your tongue!! This is not your Nergal Kingdom." replied King Leon coldly.

King Leon knows the despicable King Andvari is trying to bring the other seventh-grade combatants to force them. Fortunately, he knows the good relationship between Makar and Mira with Anna and Angus from Extalia. If things worsen, the Vault Guardian Makar and the mysterious Mira will not just idle.

"This is also not your Heart Kingdom, Leon. Besides, we just want to know what happened here." said King Andvari while the other seventh grade just stayed silent, waiting for the show.

During this moment, "Darren." said Mira in a low voice.

"As you wish, My Lady." said Darren as he tightened his white glove.

The other seventh-grade combatants are immediately on their guard as Darren moves forwards. Besides the silent Makar, they could feel a dreadful feeling from the new vampire king in front of them.

"Alright, what happened before is just one of the entrance tests. So, we are not obligated to say anything to all of you. However, if you keep insisting. I hope you don't mind playing a little bit with this old bone." warned Darren as he released strong mana.

"Mind you, I am rarely able to hold back." added Darren as he was ready to fight against the other seventh grade fearlessly.

At the same time, the blind Yawan could only release a sigh and touch the cloth in his eyes. He remembers his fight with Darren last time and pities the other seventh-grade combatant.

He knows Darren is not fighting with full power during their fight because of the dimension restriction. If he could be defeated easily by the weakened and restricted Darren, these ordinary seventh-grade combatants would never have a chance of winning against the full-powered Darren.

As the situation gets tense, "Ehem… Everyone please calm down first." said the elf leader Vandor as he tried to solve the situation.

"Hooo… Does the elf also want to know what happened here?" asked Darren without respect towards the elf leader.

Vandor didn't care about Darren's rude words and looked at the Vault Guardian Makar, who was sitting in his spot, with close eyes. Then, he glanced at the silver-haired Mira for a second before looking at Darren.

Although Mira called Darren in a low voice, Vandor could still hear it. He knows a strong person like Darren will not just bow their head respectfully towards ordinary people. Since he couldn't sense Mira's power at all, it means he is too weak to perceive it.

As an elf who has already lived for a few hundred years, he knows there are things he could never comprehend or offense. He also learns better than everyone to never step on the sleeping dragon's tail.

"Huff… How troublesome… We, the elf, just want to know if the mysterious presence before is something dangerous for the world or not." said Vandor.

"And what is your conclusion?" asked Darren.

"My conclusion? Well, it's too much trouble. So, count me out. You could fight each other."  said Vandor before he activated certain magical tools in his hand.

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