*BOOOM* [Wrath of Thunder] The black lightning balls Krugguar Emperor created before reacting with the thundercloud above them and summoning an enormous thunder hit the forest below.

The thunder is slightly bigger than natural thunder and disintegrates some trees while roasting the surrounding area. Fortunately, the forest is also not ordinary and resistant to fire. Still, the high heat from the thunder is enough to burn some trees, even if the fire is not spreading.

Like usual, the tree immediately grows back and fills the charred area with another tree. However, the lightning ball in the sky is also not disappearing yet. After the release of thunder, the lightning ball's number multiplies by twice and becomes immense.

Their circling area also gets bigger while keeping each other connected with a zap of lightning. Each second passed by the connected lightning balls radiates more lightning energy. Some of the sixth-grade elves below notice it will generate a more powerful thunder than before.

"Shoot it down!!" shouted one of the elf commanders.

Suddenly, a series of mana cannons appeared from the tall trees and shot toward the lightning. *Bom* *Bom* *Bom* Various projectile spells, arrows, and mana cannon launch towards the circling black lightning balls.

Unfortunately, their attack is futile since the black lightning balls are protected by the thundercloud above them. It will strike down anything close to it with a strong lightning spark.

The elves also notice this and decide to take care of the thundercloud first, which is getting denser and darker as time passes.

At this moment, countless flying bug monster hordes pass through the forest while protecting the black lightning balls and trying to pass the forest through the air.

Most of them are from the Krugguar species and could manipulate the lightning element in the thundercloud. Because of their interference, the elf below was also preoccupied with them since they couldn't let them pass through the forest through the sky.

The trees inside the forest are unnaturally high, up to dozens of meters away, despite not being very thick. Ordinary flying monsters are unable to reach this height easily. However, any fifth-grade flying-type monster could easily bypass these tall trees.

Still, being in the air also has its disadvantages. Although they have more air maneuverability, they also become targets for any elf warriors below. Not to mention, elves are famous for their marksmanship.

No one could match their accuracy and skill when it comes to archery. Each magical wooden arrow they shoot will hit the flying monster in the air. No matter how fast they dodge, the wooden arrow always hits them.

Before the flying monsters pass through the forest from the air, they are already shot to death by the elves below. Countless flying monsters fall into the woods below to meet their end.

As the battle begins to intensify, Krugguar Emperor and Elf Leader Luke also attack each other. As a magician-oriented combatant and archmage, Luke keeps his distance from the monster overlord and attacks using various spells.

Unlike other magicians specializing in only one element spells, Luke can use all of the basic elements as it is his natural affinity. The Krugguar Emperor began to be annoyed by the Elf Archmage's spells.

Most of Luke's spells are incapable of truly damaging him, but they restrict his movement and slowly entrap him. Luke is also good at using various kinds of combination spells from two or more elements to keep Krugguar Emperor.

For the monster overlord, these spells mean nothing to him and he cannot even scratch its sturdy exoskeleton. However, he also couldn't ignore it and needed to break all of them. Otherwise, the spells will stack each other and completely restrict his movement.

Like other lightning elemental users, Krugguar's main power is his speed and swiftness. In contrast, its defense is relatively weak. Although it is not too weak that any spell could damage him, it is still incomparable to the high circle spells the seventh-grade elf could cast.

If Luke somehow can hit Krugguar in a critical part, it may receive a severe injury or even death. Likewise, Luke couldn't let the monster overlord stay idle and launch a dangerous attack.

One lethal hit from it could end his life. Their fight may look unusual for seventh-grade level since they didn't use any dangerous or high-level attack. But, they only need a moment of carelessness to end the other side.

As Luke is preoccupied with Krugguar Emperor, *Crack* *BOOOM* The Black Lightning Balls are charged with more lightning elements and call for stronger and bigger thunder than the previous one.

The elves below are already ready for such a devastating thunder attack and manipulate the surrounding trees to create a strong wooden barrier [Plant Manipulation - Wood Dome].

Some high-grade elves charge mana towards the nearby tree and manipulate it to become a giant strong wooden dome. Unfortunately, they underestimate the power of [Wrath of Thunder].

As soon as the thunder is released, the surrounding area is blinded by a bright flash of light followed by a thunderous cracking sound. After the flash disappeared, a large crater of charred land appeared on the ground.

Seeing the large crater that disintegrates anything, be it the magical tree, the reinforced ground, and the surrounding area, the elves feel like dealing with the destructive sixth circle spell. Fortunately, the crater is only a dozen meters big and no elves are nearby.

Still, it didn't mean they were in better condition since the number of black lighting balls doubled and they had a bigger circling radius. It means the next attack will be bigger than before.

Moreover, the elves realize if they get hit by it, they could die before being teleported out from their location. They also couldn't repair the crater area since they were too busy fighting against the incoming monster horde.

Luke also noticed the danger of Lightning balls but couldn't get distracted when dealing against the Krugguar Emperor in front of him, even for a split second.

At this moment, he noticed the dark thundercloud also expanded wider. Suddenly, a few thunders hit the Krugguar Emperor and broke any spells restricting him.

Like getting energized by the thunder, the monster overlord points his black spear at Luke and releases black lightning [Black Spark]. *Trrtt* *BOOOM* Unfortunately, Luke is not hailed as one of the strongest archmages for nothing.

The moment the thunder hit the monster overlord, he was ready to use a teleportation spell to avoid the attack. Not wasting the opportunity for a counterattack, Luke immediately releases various kinds of third circle spells to the Krugguar Emperor.

The Monster Overlord ignores the incoming spells and recklessly charges toward Luke while still covered with thick black lightning [Blitz Break]. *Sprrut* In less than a second, the Krugguar Emperor arrives in front of Luke and stabs him with his spear to his heart.

"*Cough* *Cough* [Mirage Fortune]." whispered Luke in some unknown language while coughing blood.

As Luke speaks this unknown ancient language, the Krugguar Emperor immediately tries to destroy Luke's head to stop further talking. Unfortunately, he is too late.

[Ancient Spell - Mirage Fortune] Before his fist touches Luke's head, time seems to stop and a gigantic transparent creature appears behind the monster overlord. At the same time, a similar creature also appeared behind Luke.

The difference between them is that the one behind Luke is in bright white while the one behind Krugguar Emperor is in dark color. It is like an angel and demon from the Earth but without concrete features on their face.

Both figures are holding giant six-sided dice in one of their hands. During this time, no one can move as the time itself is stopped, yet the monster overlord's mind is still working but unable to move despite struggling with all his might.

He feels like the world itself is stopping him from moving further. A moment later, the two huge figures throw their six-sided dice in front of him.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *Clang* It is like the two figures playing a game with Luke and Krugguar Emperor surrounding it as its table game. Soon, the dark figure's dice stop at the number four while the white figure's dice stop at the number three.

Seeing this, Krugguar Emperor feels relief as he notices the dark figure represents him in whatever this ancient spell effect be.

Suddenly, a rainbow bridge came out of nowhere and hit the white figure dice [Elven Luck]. The dice number changes and becomes twice the previous one, turning six.

The Krugguar Emperor feels like being cheated by this kind of play. Before he could think anything, it coughed blood as an unknown force hit its heart. *Cough* *Cough* However, the monster overlord is still alive despite getting attacked in his vital part.

Not far from him, Luke is flying in the air with a pale face and rough breath. His body is completely fine, without any scratches. Even his robe is still in one piece.

"Damn… No wonder he could beat Chief Jork to the point of dying. But, I never thought his luck was good enough to get number four." commented Luke as he kept vigilance against the monster overlord.

Because of the ancient spells before, he depletes most of his mana. Although seventh grade has ridiculous mana regeneration, it still takes some time before he can cast at least a decent circle spell for battle.

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