I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 483 Seventh Grade’s Pride

"Hmph… I want to see what he will do next when he angers the whole Nirvas." said the young Fullross.

"Hohoho… Young people these days are really too hot-blooded." replied Darren in a low voice, but everyone could still hear his reply.

Then, Darren moves his arm a little bit. *BAMM* The older Fulross suddenly moves in front of the younger one and shields him from a fast, invisible attack with his two giant wings.

Despite reacting fast and full-on guard, he still pushed back more than a half meter just from Darrius's attack. Not only that, some of the people nearby and the older Fullross himself notice what kind of attack Darrius launches.

Contrary to what everyone expects, Darrius is actually only launching mana ball to Urblim, the older Fulross. Mana ball is the most basic spell everyone could use with some practice.

Some people didn't even recognize it as a spell and thought it was simple mana manipulation. Yet, Darren uses this basic spell that everyone could use to push back a sixth-grade combatant almost half a meter away.

Most people didn't notice this fact and only thought the new Vampire king released a weak attack. However, the experienced combatants, especially the magician, realized Darren's dreadfulness.

If Darren could manipulate the mana ball into this kind of strong attack, they couldn't imagine when he would release a high circle spell. In the worst case, the whole Craghost Town will disappear in the blink of an eye without them being able to react.

"B-Brother, this is bad. We need to get away from here." said Princess Brigida Nergal as she witnessed what Darren did.

"What's wrong, sister? Isn't that Fulross defending the new vampire king's attack easily?!" asked Crown Prince Arnet.

"No, kid. Your sister is right. You should listen to my warning before and forget about your plan. As long as that monstrous vampire is there, we will not be able to do anything to those Heart's group." said the Mad Monk Orpus while chugging a wine bottle and sharply gazing at Darren.

"Huhh?? Didn't he just take you by surprise?! Besides, this is in the middle of the day. His power should be lowered, right?" said Crown Prince Arnet.

"That's another reason we should just ignore them. Imagine if he could be this strong in the middle of the day. What will happen when it is nighttime? I don't know the details, but that new vampire king is many times stronger than the previous one." said the Mad Monk.

"Tch… No, we are not retreating. We will wait for Nirvas's reaction first." said Arnet resolutely.

"Well, it's up to you. But, if everything goes south, I will save my own ass." said the Mad Monk Orpus.

"Hmph… As expected of low-life." chimed Princess Brigida.

While the Nergal's party banter with each other, some experienced combatants immediately leave the area towards outside the town. Most of them only wanted to enter Nirvas kingdom and didn't want to get tangled with this dangerous new vampire king.

"I-I apologize for my nephew's behavior." said Urblim while bowing his head.

"U-Uncle!!" called the younger Fulross in surprise.

He still didn't know why his uncle's sudden fear of Darren. *Bam* But, before he could speak further, his uncle hit his head harder and forced him to bow with him.

"Shut up and just apologize to him!!" yelled Urblim.

"What.. *Bam*" as the younger Fulross got hit again before he could say anything further.

"Hmm… This is weird. Did everyone already forget the unwritten law never to provoke seventh grade unless you want retaliation or seek your death.? Or does it somehow change as time passes?! Or does the Fulross race have different teachings?" said Darren casually.

p "N-No…" said Urblim in fear.

*Bam* *Bam* [Kneel] Before he could speak further, the two Fulross were already on the ground kneeling on four towards Darren.

At the same time, Angus and the others are ready to fight in case the true fight breaks out. They also didn't care about the two Fulross since what Darren did was right. Seventh-grade combatant is not something ordinary combatants could provoke, even if it is their enemy.

Provoking and bad-mouthing Darren is like insulting a religious group's God in their own headquarters. It is already good since Darren didn't immediately kill the young Fulross directly. Although Darren is a servant for Mira, he still has his own pride as a strong seventh grade.

In the meantime, everyone glances at the Altras guard nearby, hoping to fix the situation. On the contrary, they only looked at Darren without any indication of resolving the problem. Some only chat in low voices but do not intend to help the two Fulross.

"Hey, aren't we supposed to do something? Isn't it the Fulross's prodigy Irun and Olvit's friend?" asked one of the Altras guards.

"The elders told us not to do anything to that Vampire and his group. Besides, what we can't do? Just from his previous mana ball performance, it is already showing he is beyond our level." said another Altras guard.

"Tch… I guess we could only wait for the elders." replied the other guard.

While the others are talking on their own and leaving the place, Darren slowly walks to the two kneeling Fulross.

"You know… I don't think I have any grudge against you, nor do I provoke you. But, you keep badmouthing my race in front of me. I am not going to say that my race's deeds are right." said Darren as he stopped in front of the two struggling Fulross.

"However… You shouldn't judge someone based on race, especially in the seventh grade. If we use your logic, it means that Fulross is an unruly race that is arrogant enough to ignore the unwritten law that everyone has obeyed for thousands of years." said Darren.

"N-No, Your Excellency. P-Please have mercy." pleaded Urblim as he knew the situation would worsen.

They somehow provoke a monstrous seventh grade and bring real danger to their race. Currently, Urblim wants to beat his nephew to oblivion because of his loose mouth.

"Hoo… I guess another bird race will go extinct." replied Darren coldly, ignoring Urblim's plea.

"Y-You…" said Irun, the young Fulross, while struggling under Darren's strange ability.

Before Darren could move his hand, "The examiner is coming!!" said one of the people nearby.

Then, many Altras wear ethnic style clothes coming from the mist in front of them. Since one of the rocky hills is destroyed while the others are half destroyed, the path to Nirvas is only covered by thick mist.

Soon, everyone saw a few Altras elders among the group and a short bald old man riding an open palanquin without a roof. Despite the small bald old man's stature, eight Altras in their muscled form carry the palanquin as the heaviest thing they carry in their whole life.

Some people nearby begin to notice the short baldy riding the palanquin and are shocked.

"T-That… Isn't that Makar the Ancient Vault Guardian?!" said one of the nearby people.

"Makar?! Are you sure it is that Makar?" commented another person.

"It shouldn't be another Altras trying to personify Makar, right?" asked another person.

Since Makar is the Altras spiritual leader, many of Makar copy his fragile old man appearance. Even Kelraz, the previous head examiner, revered and imitated his appearance. This phenomenon is similar to when people imitate their idols on Earth.

Seeing the shiny bald old man, Anna then looks at Darren's shiny bald head.

"Pfttt… Hahaha…" Anna suddenly laughed loudly while rolling on the ground.

Because of Anna's sudden laughter, the tense situation completely disappears and turns into an awkward moment with Anna's laughter as the background sound.

"Emm… Anna, what is so funny?" asked Angus as he was confused at the little girl's sudden reaction.

"Angus… Hahah… It's shiny. There are two shiny baldies!! Hahahaha…." replied Anna while laughing.

Then, everyone begins to recognize Darren's unnatural shiny bald head and Makar's bald head. Seeing this, everyone wants to laugh too, infected by Anna's laughter, but they hold it since they can't offend both parties.

They could only lament the little girl's situation for daring to laugh at Darren and Makar simultaneously. However, everyone also hears a small laugh from near Anna. *Pfft* Being pointed by Anna, Mira closes her mouth with her free hand and releases a small laugh.

This small gesture is easily ignored by anyone except Makar, who opens one of his closed eyelids and glances at Mira before Anna, who keeps laughing.

"Anna, stop laughing. That's rude." lectured Jayna from the side towards the naughty Anna.

"B-But… Haha.. It's like two bright lights. Right, Mira?" said Anna while trying to hold her laugh.

Mira who was beside her, nodded her head while still covering her mouth with her hand. She is still trying not to release laughter from Anna's words. After calming down, Anna plops her hand and has a mischievous smile while smirking.

Seeing Anna's expression, Angus knows the little troublemaker just got a terrible idea for a prank.

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