I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 479 Krugguar Emperor Determination

There are even the ones he couldn't use, like [Light Bringer], [Life Return], and [The World]. Ancient Power is unlike ordinary skill that Angus could master after a few times trying or practicing. Ancient Power is a kind of conceptual power.

The power itself is similar to supernatural powers that break the law and physics. It will only become more potent as the user comprehends its concept. Basically, the more the user uses it, the stronger the power.

However, since this power originated from Angus and Jayna, they need to know what kind of concept and intent from the original creator before being able to master it. The Ancient King who created the Ancient Power has their own understanding of it.

Other users will never be able to fully use it even with the blessing of the Ancient King unless they have the same understanding and experience as the Ancient King.

Even if they are being taught and told by the Ancient King, they will never be able to master the Ancient Power unless they experience it by themself.

Unfortunately, Angus and Jayna's ancient power is not ordinary and more complex than usual. Even with Angus' enhanced mind, talent, and experience, he still has difficulty comprehending the power.

[Analyze] is the ancient power to analyze something in detail if the user has enough related data or foreknowledge. This power may look simple and easy to use. But, they could do anything or improve besides being able to analyze something faster or have a great memory.

[Hellfire] is easier to use and comprehend since Angus and Jayna are fire-oriented combatants. Both of them have a huge talent in fire elemental affinity. Moreover, Jayna also has memories of Fire Phoenix manipulating fire.

Despite having talent in fire elemental, they are still far from completely mastering the ancient power. Each time they learn something new, they will find more aspects about fire without end.

Although Fire Phoenix's memory helps them as a guide, they need to master and learn about this fire aspect first, which takes time to practice.

[Unbreakable Shield] is another ancient power that Angus and Jayna can use freely. However, they also couldn't improve further besides using it as a strong shield to defend themselves. It is a similar case to [Analyze].

[Allegiance] is an absurd ancient power to command and control beast and monster. At first, Angus and Jayna underestimate this power. But, they find this power is as ridiculous as the others to the point they are afraid of using it.

Among the other ancient powers, [Allegiance] has the most progress. Most of the reason is that Jayna is Fire Phoenix. By creating a strong bond with Jayna, they can comprehend more about [Allegiance].

As they find the nature of the [Allegiance], Angus stops trying to master the ancient power. It is not because this power is too powerful, but because he didn't like the nature of the power, especially related to Jayna.

Still, it didn't stop them from using it. Their bond communication is more efficient than any communication device in Firuman.

[Life Return] is one of the ancient powers Angus and Jayna cannot fully use. In short, this is an ancient power to manipulate and use life force. Because of this bizarre nature, they didn't have a chance to use it to detect other living beings near them.

Still, they rarely use it as it consumes a lot of mana and is weaker than their own detection skill. Unless it is for searching for someone or a particular person, they will not use it.

[Light Bringer] and [The World] are the only ancient powers Angus and Jayna cannot use correctly until now.

Same as the [Life Return], Angus and Jayna could only use [Light Bringer] for passive detection against light-type force or dark-type force, which rarely happens unless they find someone turning into a monster-minded person like Anna.

Even when they met with many religious leaders and groups, this ancient power also didn't work to sense light-type force on them. They speculate the power may be related to something like emotion or they are too weak to detect it.

Unlike the other ancient powers, [The World] is the only ancient power that they don't know its purpose, effect, or even what it can do. Despite having seen and experienced the Ancient King of Nature using it, they still don't know what to do about it.

All of their ancient power is too ridiculous and complex to understand in a short time. They even feel a dozen years may not be enough to master them completely. However, they are also still young and have a lot of time.

"*Burp* *Yawn* Big sis, sleepy." said Anna while she finally stopped eating.

Looking at the sleepy cute Anna, Jayna's maternal instinct kicks in and carries her on her arm like her own child. Anna immediately enjoys Jayna's warmth and looks at Mira.

"Mira, sleep." said Anna before resting her small head on Jayna's chest.

The taciturn girl didn't reply and only nodded her head like usual. *Swish* Before they knew it, everyone was teleported inside Anna and Mira's room.

Angus and Jayna are surprised as they didn't even feel disorientated from the sudden space teleportation but decided to think about it later. After putting Anna on her bed beside Mira, they return to their room.

There are still a few hours before sunrise. They decide to use the remaining time to rest and get in their top condition. Angus also didn't forget to warn the guard to increase their vigilance and strictly watch the Nergal spy.

He will interrogate the spy later since he prefers not to have strenuous work over a beautiful golden-haired girl on his side.

While Angus' group is resting peacefully inside the hotel, the world is in chaos. Apparently, Krugguar Emperor and his monster horde deviated from their original path.

Although it didn't change its path too much, it still greatly affected the many kingdoms nearby. Currently, it passes through inside the Aboban Kingdom where most of its population is the Goliath race.

"*Cough* *Cough* I-Impossible!! E-Everyone… dead!! ARGHHH!!" shouted Chief Jork towards the black Krugguar Emperor in front of him.

At the same time, everyone could see the surroundings were littered with countless Goliath race corpses. A thunderstorm also keeps pouring down in the area without stopping. Besides Chief Jork, there are also two seventh-grade combatants in horrible appearance.

As the monster horde gets near Tristall Woodland, Krugguar Emperor cannot keep avoiding fighting against three seventh grade at once. Moreover, unlike when it handles King Leon, Jade, and Archmage Ikalis, it fights more aggressively and uses more large-scale attacks.

In the end, Chief Jork's goliath army is pulverized without him being able to save a single goliath race. His proud army is completely obliterated. Some of its corpses even no longer exist and have turned to dust.

Enraged by such a devastating scene, the seventh-grade goliath chief charged recklessly at the Krugguar Emperor. After fighting for hours, Chief Jork retreated along with the other two seventh-grade combatants with heavy wounds.

If the other two seventh grade didn't bring Chief Jork by force, he might also lose his life in the battle with Krugguar Emperor as he had already received various kinds of wounds on his body. With the potent miasma slowly corroding his body, he will die soon if he continues to fight.

The other two seventh grade may only be hired by Chief Jork, but they still know losing Chief Jork in this fight will weaken the world alliance further against the monster's army.

Unfortunately, the elves race also couldn't help them as monster hordes arrived at their territory while the Krugguar Emperor fought Chief Jork's army.

Before the deviation, the Krugguar Emperor avoided entering the Tristall Woodland from elves' territory and passing through the Eternal Kingdom territory.

However, the Krugguar Emperor suddenly changed its path and moved through more kingdoms with the last goal of the elves' territory before entering Tristall Woodland.

While Krugguar Emperor was fighting three seventh-grade combatants, he let his monster horde move forward to the elven territory. He knows that he needs to make this superior long-eared race busy not to hinder his fight with the others.

Although he will sacrifice more monsters than he initially expected, it is something he prepared from the start. Still, he feels this is better than facing the entity with boundless energy he felt a few weeks ago.

Not to mention his army, he even feels like he could die if facing the mysterious entity in that blood-flowing land. He doesn't know what kind of entity that is and doesn't want to know either, as he still doesn't have the qualification to know it with his current power.

Compared to the mysterious entity's boundless energy, he is just like a small bug that could be easily squashed. After resting from the fight for a moment, Krugguar Emperor looked in the Eternal Kingdom's direction before gripping his fist and screaming loudly *PIIKKK*

Then, it turns into a black lightning bolt, disappearing into the sky's thundercloud. There is a strong determination in the Krugguar Emperor's eyes as he travels faster to the last barrier before entering Tristall Woodland.

The news about the defeated Chief Jork and the other two seventh grade spread fast and surprised many strong kingdoms in Firuman, especially the elves' kingdom.

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