"Hoh.. Hoh… Not everyone is as talented as you or Vlad. Hoh.. Hoh.." replied the old man.

"Hahaha… We are just an old relic now. I believe there are many more talented people than us out there." said Darren while remembering a certain young couple.

"Hoh.. Hoh… It seems you have met someone interesting. Hoh.. Hoh.. Anyway, I thank you for teaching and sparing my dumb apprentice. I know you vampires rarely spare your opponent, even in the casual spar. Hoh.. Hoh…" replied old man Makar.

"It's all according to my master's wish. If Master wants to kill your kind, she will already obliterate him when he tries to look at her. Still, these days youngsters have no manners. Don't their parents teach them not to peep at a woman?" complained Darren.

"Hoh… Hoh… No wonder you give him a harsh beating. Hoh.. Hoh.. If I were you, I would destroy his eyes permanently. Hoh.. Hoh.." said Makar while rubbing his wrinkled chin and smiling.

"Alright, I guess it's time for me to leave. Any longer than this will put too much burden on me. I hope you make some arrangements before Master comes." said Darren.

"Hoh.. Hoh.. Sure. Hoh.. Hoh.." replied Makar.

"Ahh.. yeah, one more thing. Make it as natural as possible. Master plans to stay low and experience things with her new friend." said Darren before disappearing along with the other four humanoid beings.

"New friend?! It seems things are going a little bit chaotic. Hoh.. Hoh.." said Makar with a surprised expression and opened his closed eyes.

As soon as Darren disappears, all the gigantic blood spikes start to harden and lose control. Using this chance, the trapped elder, beside the three unconscious ones, breaks out from their restriction and approaches Makar.

They had already heard Makar and Darren's conversation the whole time. Now, they know they are dealing with something they couldn't handle. Makar is one of the Altras' seventh grade that retired and decided to spend his time in the Ancient Vault.

It's been a very long time since he came out from the Ancient Vault. Even when the Altras are on the brink of civil war, Makar never moves a single step from the Ancient Vault. At most, he will send the other seventh grade to send his words and intentions.

Despite this, no one dares to challenge his prestige and word. Not only he is the strongest among the other two seventh-grade Altras, but he also often subdues unruly seventh grade who are trying to bite more than they can chew.

Some rumors even said he also participated in the war with God in ancient times. For Altras, he is a true living legend and their spiritual leader. As long as Makar is still alive, they believe they are invincible.

However, Makar knows what he is capable of. Compared to the true monstrous people with the blessed talent, he is still lacking. The more he reaches a new height of strength, the more he realizes how small he is.

In the end, he decided to retire as the Vault Guardian. He chose to stay neutral and stay on the side rather than get into conflict with those monstrous people.

Although it is not the first time Makar is coming out and personally handled the situation, it is still a rare occurrence. The last time Makar comes out is when an unknown humanoid dragon tries to enter the Nirvas Kingdom.

It happened a few hundred years ago and only a few retired people remember the incident. Still, this story is recorded in the Altras' history. All elders in the room know they are dealing with something as dangerous as that unknown humanoid dragon.

No one knows the true strength of that humanoid dragon, but history records say it is like a boundless space in the sky. Unable to be seen or detected as if it is an infinite amount of energy.

All the nearby people at that time felt like they were in the presence of the true almighty power. Except for Makar, the others could only bow down, unable to get a clear look at the humanoid dragon.

All the Altras examiners at that time only feared being destroyed by the boundless energy they sensed. This is also the major reason for their conservative way of life.

Knowing they are actually facing someone like that humanoid dragon makes the current elders have cold breath and sweat. Thinking about their previous thought of counter-attacking Mira and Darren makes them feel like a foolish group of people who seek their doom.

Then, all the elders and Yawan immediately follow Makar's arrangement to receive the incoming Mira and the others. While Makar is busy preparing, Angus' group is already beating all the incoming beasts/monsters leaving only a few of the strongest ones alive.

Then, Angus looks at Aunt Extalia as if signaling something to her. Noticing the signal, the Duchess immediately went towards Crown Prince Eric and the other two royal guards beside him.

Since Eric and the other two royal guards are not as strong as Angus and the others, they could only defend themself from afar without participating directly in the fight.

Currently, they are completely exhausted from the fight, unlike Angus and the others, which are not even breaking a sweat. Seeing this, Crown Prince Eric finally realizes why his father is doing a huge favor to Angus.

During the fight, he also notices how calm and easy Angus is in casting various spells without stopping. Moreover, he also witnessed his youngest sister kill many kinds of high-grade monsters and beasts alone.

Compared to him, who needs the help of the two royal guards to beat a single third-grade monster, he looks like a clown. He knows if it is not because his Aunt is trying to protect them, they will be overwhelmed by the monster who is going astray.

Seeing the strength disparity between them makes Eric question his current way.

Knowing Eric's thought, "Eric, let's talk. You two also come." said Aunt Extalia, leaving Angus and the others in the distance.

Angus plans to tame the surviving beast to help them hunt the red-striped rabbit.  He thought it was impossible for the rabbit to always avoid its enemy. Otherwise, red-striped rabbits will be everywhere in the forest because of their reproduction.

Seeing Anna act like a natural predator to the incoming beast and monster makes Angus realize that the rabbits must have their natural predator. However, searching for the rabbit's natural predator takes time which is something they don't have.

Hence, Angus decides to use the surviving carnivore beast to help them hunt the rabbits. Although they may not be the proper rabbit natural predator, they are still carnivorous beasts living in this misty forest. There must be a time when they find and hunt those rabbits.

Compared to Angus and the others, these native beasts are better at searching and hunting red-striped rabbits. Unfortunately, they couldn't just tame the beast easily. He couldn't contract these beasts since he already has Mundus.

Jayna wasn't interested in them as they were not worthy of the Fire Phoenix's contracted beast. Anna is also unwilling to make them pets since they are just weak bubbles in her eyes.

Moreover, Angus doesn't want to rely more on Mira since he doesn't like to rely on someone. In the end, He and Jayna decide to use their ancient power [Allegiance] to tame this beast.

Using this cheat ancient power, they could command and communicate with the beast to a certain extent. Unfortunately, this is one of their hidden trump cards. King Leon and Jade also warn them not to use this power in front of others.

Besides King Leon, Jade, and Aunt Extalia, only a few important people know their ability to command and communicate with beasts and monsters. They decide to hide it from Eric and the other two royal guards to be safe. The fewer people know about it, the better it is.

As for Mira, they know if Darren can feel their ancient powers, she must also know the true nature of their ancient power. They also didn't need to worry about Jayna's shadow guard, Latina, as a powerful soul contract also bound her.

She also already witnesses [Allegiance] power when they are experimenting with it. After noticing Eric's group disappear in the misty fog far away, Angus and Jayna immediately use their power and communicate with the surviving beasts.

"Help us to hunt red-striped rabbit or die." said Angus directly.

Angus finds out that communicating with a low-wisdom beast needs him to be direct. Otherwise, the other party will not confuse their intention. Hearing Angus' word, the beasts were surprised before shivering from the unknown power he radiated.

The beast immediately releases a low submissive growl before disappearing into the misty forest. Angus didn't need to worry about them running away as he already got a response from their submissive growl.

Low wisdom beast is straightforward and doesn't like to use cunning tricks. When they say they submit, it means they are genuinely submitting without being able to go back on their word. Angus even finds that they will choose to die rather than go back to their word.

Seeing Angus using his ancient power, "Queen of Beast." said Mira in a low voice.

However, both Angus and Jayna manage to catch Mira's word. They immediately look at the little silver-haired girl in confusion.

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