I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 465 Explosion Wake Up

"Fortunately, it didn't explode anymore," said Darren while wiping his sweat.

While Darren was relieved, Angus and Jayna could see everything surrounding Mira being destroyed. At the same time, Mira is yawning innocently while wiping her eyes. During all this commotion, Anna still sleeps not far from Mira despite their bed being destroyed.

"What's going on here?!" asked Aunt Extalia as she suddenly appeared near Angus.

When the explosion happened, she immediately ran towards this location and found terrible destruction in front of her eyes.

"I apologize for the sudden commotion. I seem too weak to hold Master's energy and create some explosion. Don't worry, I will compensate for everything." said Darren as he looked exhausted.

"Darren, useless. *Yawn*" said Mira with droopy eyes and yawning.

"I am sorry, Master. It's been a while since I contain your wake-up energy." said Darren while bowing his head before giving some water to Mira like a butler.

Seeing this scene, the others didn't know how to react but could only wait for them. Based on Mira and Darren's conversation, it seems this is a common occurrence for Darren and Mira.

Then, Angus and Jayna wake up the sleeping troublemaker, who still doesn't realize the explosion.

"Mmm… Mira, don't eat Angus. Mmmm… You can eat Onyx." said Anna while still sleeping.

Hearing this, Onyx, who is located on the other side of the room, is surprised and ready to escape for his life anytime. At the same time, everyone notices some scratches on Onyx's scale. They are amazed to find it since Zokline beast is famous for its hard scale.

Yet, it got scratched. Furthermore, Onyx is sleeping far away from Mira and Anna, which is something that has never happened before.

It will never go too far from Anna, even when it changes sleeping places. However, it currently stays in the room's furthest location as if he avoids Anna and Mira. Everyone doesn't know that the two girls have terrible sleeping habits.

Both Anna and Mira keep moving around while sleeping. As they have ridiculous body strength, Onyx gets flung many times by the two sleeping girls. While Onyx tries to escape the two monstrous girls, Mira suddenly catches Onyx and beats him while she keeps sleeping.

Fortunately, the ancient beast snake has a strong scale. Otherwise, he will die a hundred times just from the casual beating it receives. In the end, it manages to get away and decides to hide in the furthest corner of the room.

After waking up Anna with difficulty, Jayna decides to take Anna and Mira a bath together. The little troublemaker is clingy and doesn't want to separate from her friend. While the girls are taking a bath, the others talk about the situation.

"So, you are saying every time Master Mira wakes up, she will release tremendous energy and create an explosion in the surroundings? Then, Master Darren decides to contain it but is still unable to isolate it fully." said Aunt Extalia.

"Exactly. Once again, I apologize for the inconvenience." said Darren in a humble tone.

"Ahh.. Nono… It's not a problem at all." replied Aunt Extalia in a hurry.

'Just waking up able to create this kind of explosion. Moreover, it is only a small part of the energy that leaks out from the barrier. How strong is the energy?!' thought everyone nearby.

"Don't worry about it. We will take care and clean everything." said Aunt Extalia in a hurry before coordinating the others.

Inside the Duchess' mind, she is already deciding not to offend Mira and Darren. The silver-haired girl is more dangerous and monstrous than she initially thought. Seeing Aunt Extalia distraught, Angus couldn't help but smile while holding a laugh.

Despite this, Angus is more concerned about Anna. If Mira releases a destructive explosion, Anna is wholly exposed to it as she sleeps near her. However, Anna is completely fine and unscathed.

Moreover, Her clothes are also fine. It means Anna somehow managed to cover her body with mana or miasma to protect her from the volatile energy explosion. This is quite a discovery as Angus knows it needs at least good control to cover the whole body without damaging it.

Anna is terrible at controlling her mana/miasma. This is proved when they are doing their daily practice. Although Anna was able to cover and enhance her body with mana/miasma, she could only do it for a few minutes before losing control.

'Hmm… Don't tell me. She can do it subconsciously or it is part of her sleeping defense mechanism.' thought Angus inwardly.

Fortunately, there are no more huge incidents besides Mira's wake-up explosion in the morning. Angus and the others decide to stay in the hotel and play around together. Although there is no incident, someone still gets unlucky.

After having a refreshing bath and breakfast, Angus and the others do their usual daily practice. During this practice, Anna once again bullied Ilgor with Mira. In one of the practices, Anna asks Mira to 'play' with the poor orc.

The orc knew he couldn't win against Mira but was still trying his best. Unfortunately, he couldn't even touch the small silver-haired girl. He couldn't even touch a single of Mira's hair as she dodged Ilgor's attack leisurely.

Still, he is glad Mira is not retaliating to his attack as he knows the monstrous silver-haired girl can kill him easily. The only reason he decided to accept the spar is to experience the pinnacle power in this world.

Ilgor had already heard many rumors about Mira from the others. He also knows that she is powerful. He even guesses she is stronger than his father, who is also a seventh-grade combatant. Knowing this, his warrior blood is boiling to experience her strength.

In the end, he is not only unable to touch Mira but also gets bullied by Anna as a punching bag while changing his name to a weak pervert green bubble. Anna declares that only she can touch her friend while hugging her dear friend Mira.

While Anna and Mira 'play' with Ilgor, Angus and Jayna decide to train on their own. At first, the other young nobles tried to provoke them. However, they choose to run away as soon as Aunt Extalia sends a murderous glare at them.

Angus heard that Aunt Extalia gave a 'lecture' after they almost offended Mira and Darren last time. He even heard that the Duchess would kill not only anyone who creates trouble but also all their family back in the Heart Kingdom.

In front of this clear threat, the young nobles decide to comply with Duchess Amberblaze and leave Angus's group alone. At the same time, they also choose not to follow the Crown Prince to the Nirvas anymore and wait for them inside the Carghost Town.

If it is not because of the dangerous misty Twilbo forest, they have already returned to the Heart Kingdom and complained to their family. However, they didn't realize no matter how much they complained, the last decision was in King Leon's hands.

Although this young noble is part of the high noble, they still fall short of Angus and the others, who are backed up by seventh-grade combatants such as Jade and Darren. Moreover, there is also the unknown monstrous girl Mira and Anna, who have Zokline as a pet.

With this powerhouse, King Leon will not even think twice about which side he needs to choose. In the end, he also needs to follow the supreme rule of this world. The weak will follow the strong.

Currently, Angus and Jayna are sparring inside a barrier. The couple is creating an afterimage each time they use their movement skill. After a while, Jayna creates a wing of fire and flies into the air with an exhausted look.

She also got a lot of bruises on her body and clothes. Furthermore, she is completely frustrated with Angus. On land, she couldn't match Angus' speed. If it were not for her sharp perception and Fire Phoenix memories, she would have been beaten out long ago.

To add more insult, Angus deliberately lets his thoughts connect to her through their bond. It means Jayna could read all Angus' moves. Still, she couldn't match his ridiculous speed. After passing the 55 points in Agility, Angus' speed reached a tremendous level.

Currently, only experts that specialized in speed like King Leon and Duchess Amberblaze could react to his speed. If Jayna wasn't limited by her current body strength, she might also respond to Angus' moves as Fire Phoenix is speed oriented beast.

However, Angus is not only fast. He also has superb skills that make his moves constantly change. He even could change his trajectory in the middle of his attack.

"Huff.. This is ridiculous!! Huff.. You are getting faster again." grumbled Jayna while getting out of breath.

"Well, if you can perfectly control your body, you will also do the same thing as me." said Angus playfully while looking at Jayna in the air.

"Liar!!" replied Jayna.

"Nope." said Angus before disappearing from his spot.

Angus using [Beast Walk] to the maximum and only leaving after image along with sonic boom. Suddenly, a figure appeared from her side and punched her [Dynamic Punch]. *BAM* *BAM* *BAM*

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