I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 460 Seventh Grade Vampire

After looking at the expressionless Mira for a second, Darren suddenly looks gentler and gives everyone a warm smile like a neighborhood grandpa.

"Ahh… Pardon me, this old bone is called Darren Redknight, one of my lady' faithful servants." said Darren respectfully.

"Faithful servant?!" muttered everyone.

"Hohoho… Why don't we talk at the other place since it is getting crowded?" suggested Darren.

Angus and the others also notice the people nearby looking at them. Then, they decide to move to a nearby restaurant to talk further after paying the broken mask to the leopard beast-kin merchant, who looks like a frightened cat from Darren's aura.

The Beast race has a sharper instinct, especially towards danger. Currently, the leopard merchant only wants to get away from Darren.

Then, Angus and the others decide to go towards a nearby restaurant. Seeing it is a restaurant, Anna immediately orders a lot of food that looks interesting from the menu excitedly.

"Mira, look!! Doesn't this look delicious?" asked Anna to her new friend.

"Mmm." replied Mira while nodding.

The old man Darren looks at his master with the same harmless smile, but Angus and Duchess Amberblaze notice that he is intrigued by the two girls' interaction.

"So, Master Darren, can I know where you come from?" asked the Duchess in a straightforward manner.

"Ahh.. Please just call me Uncle Darren or Granpa Darren. I am too old for such a master title. As for your question… [Stealth Cast] [4th Circle - Soundproof] We actually didn't belong anywhere." replied Darren as he cast barrier isolation spells chantlessly and stealthy.

This kind of spell-casting skill surprises Angus. As a Magician, he knows it is almost impossible to hide the shining magic circle while doing chantless simultaneously. Unless the person uses a particular rare skill or artifact, it is impossible to do it.

However, Darren could do this kind of thing effortlessly. Moreover, Angus also detects the spell he cast as Soundproof, which belongs to the four-circle spell for anti-eavesdrop. The spell may look simple, but it is very complicated.

Unless someone has an enhanced mind with [Analyze] like Angus, it is almost impossible to cast it chantlessly.

While Angus is intrigued at the old man's skill, "You didn't belong anywhere?" asked the Duchess.

"Well, we may claim we don't belong anywhere. But, technically, we are affiliated with the Eternal Kingdom." said Darren casually.

"Eternal Kingdom?! Are you the new Vampire King?" asked the Duchess with cold sweat as she knows a few rumors about Vampire.

"Vampire King?! Oh.. It must be the title of Vlad's subordinate. It's a pity he looked at my lady inappropriately." said Darren with a sighing tone.

'Vlad's subordinate?! Does it mean there is something above Pureblood rank?! Also, if the seventh grade Alfred is only subordinate, it means this person and that Vlad must be at least seventh grade or stronger.' thought the Duchess.

'Wait… did he say, looking appropriately at Mira?! Did he mean this girl could easily kill someone with a seventh-grade combatant like Alfred the Vampire King?! Or does she get help to remove him? Whatever it is, she is dangerous.' as the Duchess realizes the true danger of Mira.

Seeing the Duchess's pale expression, Darren gives a smile warmly. He knows that his master is a taciturn person that didn't like to speak too much. Therefore, he knows this group is unaware of her master's true power.

"Hmm… The Eternal Kingdom. So, does it mean you and Mira are also from the Vampire race?" asked Angus curiously.

"I am a vampire. However, my lady is not. She is… you can say something different and more powerful." replied Darren.

"Like a primordial beast?" asked Angus again.

"You…" replied Darren before glancing carefully at Angus and the others.

During this time, Jayna closes her eyes and opens her eyes. Her blue eyes change into sharp, fiery bird eyes that seem to be able to burn the world.

Seeing Jayna's Fire Phoenix eyes, "This.. Interesting. No wonder my lady decided to stay with your group. Pardon me, but may I know where you come from?" asked Darren with humbleness as he also could notice the primordial beast power in Jayna.

Furthermore, he also noticed a few strong ancient powers inside Angus and Jayna. If one of these ancient powers was used to its potential, he could be reduced to ash before he could retaliate.

As a Vampire Ancestor and seventh-grade combatant, he may be stronger than them, but he will lose in the future when they grow. Moreover, he also never heard of a monster-minded person who is this docile or even able to be friends with his master.

He knows his master didn't have any fondness for barbaric people like monster-minded people. Yet, she keeps letting the little troublemaker touch and get close to her without complaining. Darren even thought his master enjoyed Anna's bold attitude.

"Ahh.. Pardon my bluntness. We have been on guard since meeting one of our most wanted criminals. We are from the Heart Kingdom nearby. My name is Extalia Amberblaze, Duchess of Heart Kingdom."

"This boy here is Angus Victory, Baron of the Heart Kingdom and one of Duke's sons. This is my niece, Jayna Heart, the 4th Princess of the Heart Kingdom. Last is this.. girl. She is Anna." said Duchess Amberblaze while introducing everyone.

"hemr! dif smfeg fll Hanna? (Here!! Did someone call Anna?)" replied Anna with a mouth full of food.

"Anna, that's rude. Empty your mouth first before talking." said Jayna while wiping Anna's cheek from food sauce like a good mother.

Seeing this, Darren gives a genuinely warm smile.

"I see… It is an honor to meet with the high noble of the Heart Kingdom. Firstly, I thank you for taking care of my master during my absence." replied Darren.

"Ahh… It's not a problem at all. Mi.. I mean.. Master Mira is a good person." said the Duchess.

"We actually departed together from the Eternal City. Unfortunately, my full speed still does not match master's speed." said Darren humbly.

"Darren, too slow." said Mira shortly.

"Hahaha.." laughed Darren.

Still, no one's laughing at this matter. Angus, Jayna, and Aunt Extalia know how far this area is from Eternal city. Even with the Duchess full speed, it will take at least a month or more to reach the kingdom. Yet, Mira can get here a day faster than Darren.

This show Mira is many times faster than Darren. As for Darren's speed, they already see how fast he arrives behind Orpus's back. With this speed, only people like Duchess Amberblaze can react adequately.

Otherwise, they will die without knowing what hit them. Furthermore, Darren is a vampire. It means he also has all the nasty and life-surviving abilities. This makes Darren more dangerous than an ordinary fast seventh-grade combatant.

Then, Angus and the others continue their talking while eating. To be exact, they are looking at Anna. The little glutton keeps grabbing every food that arrives at the table. Furthermore, she only left a few little pieces to Mira, which frustrated the Duchess.

She knows Mira and Darren are dangerous people. Yet, Anna keeps doing rude things to Mira. She even only leaves little pieces that look like leftovers rather than food to Mira.

If it is ordinary people, they will find Anna's behavior very rude. Fortunately, Mira didn't mind and kept eating silently while nodding at Anna's weird story.

After emptying the restaurant's whole food stock, they return to their hotel. Fortunately, Darren decides to pay for the food first before Angus. Otherwise, Angus's entire pocket money will be empty.

Although he could always hunt for monster/beast cores outside the town, it is quite a hassle to replenish his current core. As an almost immortal race, Darren has countless cores inside his storage tools.

Entering the hotel, Angus and the others find a few young nobles with the Crown Prince waiting for them.

"Heh.. So, this is the person they sent to help us pass the test?" said one of the nobles.

"Tsk.. They are just a bunch of hairless kids with no real experience." commented other nobles.

"Stop!! Everyone, please. We are going to work together. Let's not fight each other." said Crown Prince Eric trying to appease the others.

Before the Duchess could rebuke the others, "Duchess Amberblaze, did you know these people?"

"This.. They are the young nobles and the crown prince from our kingdom." said the Duchess.

"I see… I thought the Heart Kingdom was a good place as you could produce people like young Baron Angus and Princess Jayna at such a young age. Truthfully, I have never seen someone as talented as these two people in my entire long life."

"However, it seems not everyone is good fruit. I suggest you educate your crown prince and young one carefully. They may die because of their ignorance. " said Darren coldly.

"What did you… *BOOOM*" said one of the young nobles.

Before the young noble could say further, a flash of red light appeared in front of him and he was hit before flying far away, embedded in the cracked wall.

"Say one more word. I will personally execute all of you here." said the Duchess Amberblaze coldly while taking out her greatsword.

"Hoo… that's quite a fast move." commented Darren casually.

"A-Aunt… Please calm…" said Crown Prince Eric as he tried to calm the frenzy Duchess.

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