'I will not escort these kids again.' cursed the Duchess while blaming her lover for her damned task.

"Forget about it. I need to ask that little monster to call her snake pet back. We already gave the baby back, but they didn't stop fighting." said the Duchess in a hurry.

"Ohh… *BAM* *BAM* *Arghhh!!* That's certainly troublesome. Hey, where did you think you were going?!! No more hiding like a mole. *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM*" said Angus before a series of explosions sounds were heard near him.

"Ehem… Alright, I will tell Anna to call him back." said Angus.

"You better hurry or you need to build the Windshire Fort with your own money." said the Duchess.

Hearing the Duchess' threat, "Err.. Anna, call Onyx back now!!" shouted Angus from the other side.

After a few moments, "Alright, done. Now, excuse me. There are some moles I need to take care of. *Clack*" as Angus cut off the communication device.

In the meantime, Angus, Jayna, and Anna are back fighting against the Vitas mercenary. Currently, Jayna is fighting with the mercenary leader while supported by Angus.

As for Anna, she is fighting with the other Vitas. But, she somehow forgets to fight and plays with them. She plays hide and seek with some Vitas underground which surprises them.

Vitas race is famous for its racial ability to submerge underground. Yet, the little troublemaker can travel easily like the hard ground is made of sand. She even manages to beat the Vitas in terms of traveling underground and begins to play hide and seek with them.

Unfortunately, the Vitas couldn't submerge too deep and for a long time. The ground is still trembling from the colossal tentacle creature. Hence, the Vitas need to go to the surface once in a while.

This creates an opportunity for Jayna and Angus to beat them. However, fighting a group of Vitas is still not easy, especially the one in sixth-grade. If it were not for their Ancient Powers, they would have had a more difficult and life-threatening fight.

[3rd Circle - Fire Wyrm] *Grooar* Angus cast his father's favorite spell. The giant Fire Wyrm begins to burn the Vitas as they manipulate the ground to protect them. Seeing the Fire Wyrm only deal small burns to them, Angus finally realizes the power of Earth elemental.

With the addition of ancient power [Hellfire], all Angus' fire spells are more destructive and hotter than ordinary ones. But, the Vitas can still protect themself from the third circle spell with their Earth elemental skill.

Earth elemental is the most straightforward element to control, but they are also famous for their lack of speed. There is even a saying that even turtles can avoid the Earth's elemental attack.

Moreover, most Earth elemental skills/spells are often related to the physical ground and require more mana to use. In return for high mana consumption and slow speed, Earth elemental is the only element famous for defense.

People often say that Earth elemental users are dubbed Turtle shells because their defense is tough to crack. Unless the opponent expends a large amount of mana or high circle spell, they will not be able to break their defense easily.

However, Angus and the others are not ordinary people either. Currently, there are some dead Vitas near Jayna. Even if they had a tough defense, they still couldn't resist Jayna's burning sword that could cut the hard armor like butter.

Every defensive Earth elemental skill is useless in front of her. This is also the reason Angus always avoids her attack during their spar. Her attack is hazardous even for a sixth-grade combatant. One wrong move and the other opponent will be cut and burned into ash.

Still, the Vitas mercenary leader is also not a sixth-grade for nothing. He knows the danger of Jayna's burning sword and decides to face her with the help of the others.

But, he couldn't concentrate on fighting against the Phoenix girl since Angus keeps spamming third circle spells like he has endless mana. If they didn't use their defensive skills at full-power, they might get injured by all these third-circle spells.

​ Over time, the Vitas leader realizes Angus' spell consumes their group mana rapidly. Each time they defend against his spell, they will deplete quite a bit of mana.

"Tch… Try to avoid his spell!! Just go underground and don't receive his spell directly!" commanded Vitas leader.

"Ahh… he notices. Well, no matter. Anna!!" said Angus leisurely in the air.

There is also a major weakness for the Earth element user. They are helpless against an opponent who could fly in the air, especially with the great maneuver. Therefore, they couldn't hit Angus in the air.

"Anna, here!!" said Anna as her head appeared from the ground like a mole.

"Stop playing around and beat them." said Angus.

"Ehh… Then, can Anna burst them?!" replied Anna, appearing from the ground and submerged back in a different place.

"Yup, just leave the strongest one and their leader." said Angus with an evil smile.

Hearing this, Anna begins grinning madly at the Vitas. Seeing Anna's expression, the sixth-grade Vitas leader feels a bad premonition. Before he could say a retreat command to the others, Jayna approaches him using [Fiery Burst] and swings her burning sword [Sword Art - Crimson Slash].

The Vitas leader reacts quickly and submerges underground. But, Jayna still didn't finish her attack. She stabs her sword to the ground, following the Vitas leader. Then, she releases a large amount of fire mana to her sword [Sword Art - Searing Point]

*BOOM* The whole ground exploded and erupted. Now the ground surrounding Jayna turned into molten sludge lava. Unfortunately, Vitas' leader could go deeper and escape Jayna's attack range.

'Such a powerful fire elemental attack?! Just who is she?' thought Vitas leader inwardly.

During this time, all the Vitas underground feel a strong miasma tendril stab everyone, including the leader. Few quick-witted ones can fight back. They harden the surrounding earth and defend against the sharp tendril miasma. *Sprrt*

However, their effort is futile since Miasma is more wild and destructive than mana, especially Anna's miasma. She may only reach second grade, but her miasma purity is similar to a fourth-grade monster.

It means her miasma is the same level as a fifth-grade combatant. After getting punctured by Anna's miasma tendril, she roughly brings all the dying Vitas up to the surface.

Currently, Anna's long black hair is swaying wildly while her small hand connects to the miasma tendril. She has an eerie, creepy smile while releasing a small maniac laugh.

"Hehehe… Gotcha!! Hehehehe…" laughed Anna in a manic tone.

"*Cough* *Cough* M-Monster!!" yelled one of the Vitas before exploding into pieces from Anna's miasma tendril.

"Arrghh!!" screamed Vitas in a hysterical tone.

"Hehehe.. Scream!! Scream more!!" said Anna excitedly.

"*Bonk* Anna, stop playing with the defeated enemy. Just burst them already." lectured Angus while hitting the naughty girl's head.

"Owww… My head!!" said Anna as she turned back into a cute naughty girl.

During this time, Anna loses control of the miasma tendril and the Vitas falls down to the ground. Still, they couldn't run or go back inside the earth. Currently, every single one of them is dying from Anna's miasma.

Her miasma is quite potent and enters their inner body since Anna penetrates all their vital parts. This prevents them from using mana as they must suppress the miasma inside their bodies not to die.

"Alright. Finish everyone and let me take care of him." said Angus while bringing the pained Vitas leader like a sack to a more secluded place.

Miasma is hazardous and poisonous energy for people who use mana. Once it enters the inner body part, it will paralyze them and they could die in a matter of a few hours. Therefore, no one is ever careless when they are fighting against monsters.

One fatal carelessness could make them crippled or dead before they could use Miasma Antidote. The Vitas didn't expect the happy-going abnormal girl to be capable of handling such a potent miasma.

If it is only second-grade level miasma, the Vitas leader and their fifth grade may be able to suppress it while escaping. But, If it is a fourth-grade level miasma, except for the seventh-grade combatant, everyone could be poisoned by it.

The strong sixth grade may be able to suppress it longer. But, once it reaches their vital organ, they will also be helpless like the current Vitas leader. While Jayna and Anna end the other Vitas, Angus decides to have 'a nice talk' with their leader.

After throwing the Vitas on the ground, "Alright, talk everything you know." said Angus.

"*Cough* You… Arghhh!!" screamed the Vitas leader before he finished his sentence.

Angus poured some liquid into the Vitas leader's wound without caring and looked at him without an expressionless face. The leader feels like his wound has become painful many times.

As his mind starts to break from the sensory overload, Angus casts a spell into his head [3rd Circle - Modified Calm Mind]. Calm mind is an ordinary spell often used by magicians when they are inside a chaotic battle to keep their minds calm and able to cast magic.

Angus finds the spell quite intriguing and decides to modify it. By some coincidence and mistake, he created a similar spell but increased its circle.

Angus' calm mind will force the target to keep their mind awake and prevent them from breaking down while retaining their sensory feelings.

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