"They have a very strict hierarchy." said Angus while contemplating something.

"Then, ask your superior to help me." added Angus.

"S-Sure." said the frightened shadow guard.

She knows there is a slight chance her superior will comply with Angus since this is not considered an emergency situation. But she didn't dare to refuse Angus either. She only hoped Angus didn't lash his anger at her later on.

"Ahh.. yeah. Also, tell your superior RQKL00003007001" said Angus.

The shadow guard is confused at Angus' coded message, but she still complies with Angus' request. Then, the shadow guard takes out a series of magic device parts. For ordinary people, the parts look like a piece of metallic scrap.

But, the shadow guard can assemble these parts into a completely magic device in less than a minute. If it is not for Anna's interruption trying to play with the part, she may be able to assemble the magic tools in a few seconds.

Finishing the assembling, she put the magic device above her shadow and activated it with her mana. Then, she presses a button on the device several times at different intervals. Angus finds her magic tool is similar to the telegraph key used to send morse code in his past life.

However, this tool is more complex and uses mana to operate. Angus also could feel space and shadow elemental inside these magic tools. In a few minutes, the shadow guard finishes sending the message to her superior.

"I-It's done, young master Angus. W-We could only wait for my superior's reply." said the shadow guard.

She still feels anxious when talking to the monstrous youngster in front of her.

"Good. Then, let's wait for a bit." said Angus before distracting Anna, who tried to play with the shadow guard's device.

As Angus ignores her, the shadow guard feels a little bit of relief and slumps on the ground. Suddenly, she feels a presence beside her and finds Jayna looking at her.

"Err.. Is there anything wrong, Fourth Princess." said the shadow guard.

"Call me Jayna or Lady Jayna." commanded Jayna shortly.

"T-That's…" said the shadow guard.

Just as she wants to refuse, she finds the Fourth Princess glaring at her coldly and shuts her mouth, complying with Jayna.

"L-Lady Jayna." said the shadow guard timidly.

As shadow guard, she is trained to follow the rules and has a strict code of conduct. However, she broke many rules at once during the last few minutes and completely lost her composure.

Combined with the menacing presence of the three people in this room, it is already a miracle she didn't try to escape and run as fast as she could. Hearing the shadow guard call her name, Jayna genuinely smiles and approaches the frightened shadow guard.

"So, did you like Angus?" asked Jayna out of nowhere.

At the same time, Angus also hears this question and glances at Jayna for a moment before playing with Anna again.

"Huh??" replied the shadow guard confusedly.

"I know you see us during our love session. Since you are not getting exchanged by other shadow guards, it means either the shadow squad lacks personnel or you decide to stay with us. This makes me think that you may secretly like Angus." said Jayna.

"Err… No, I am not, Lady Jayna. I just do my job." replied the shadow guard.

"Hmph.. You are boring. I thought I finally got a chance to have a love rival. Anyway, what's your name?" asked Jayna.

"That's…" said the shadow guard as she didn't know how to respond.

"Jayna, she couldn't reveal her name. She is bound by a strict contract when she works as a shadow guard." interrupted Angus.

"Ehh… Weak Shadow Bubble didn't have a name? Such a poor bubble. Already weak and not even having a name." said Anna with a pitiful expression towards the shadow guard.

Hearing this, the shadow guard didn't react or change her behavior, but Jayna could feel the turmoil emotion inside her.

'Poor Bubble!! Weak and not have a name! I am not weak you stupid brat!! I am the best shadow guard out there and could easily take down a stupid brat like you if I want to!!' grumbled the shadow guard inwardly.

This turmoil makes Jayna giggle and thinks of a mischievous plan with Angus through their bond.

"Hmm… Then, why don't you give her name?" asked Angus.

"Ehh… Can I? Can I?" said Anna excitedly.

"Yup. I guess our poor shadow guard wouldn't mind it, right?" said Angus.

"Y-Yeah." replied the shadow guard.

'Huft… Calm yourself. It's just a name.' thought the shadow guard.

"Hmm… Then, how about…" said Anna while rubbing her chin trying to imitate someone who thinks seriously.

However, everyone in the room knew she was just posing and didn't think anything. Anna may be smart, but she also hates to think about complicated stuff. Otherwise, she may really destroy the Windshire Fort's wall like a domino with her smart brain and sharp intuition.

"How about… Tina. Latina Evercense." said Anna.

Hearing this, the shadow guard immediately froze on the spot and looked at Anna with a complex face. Angus and Jayna also notice this and know that Anna may guess her name right. Still, they are also surprised to find a surname on her.

It is rare for someone not part of the noble family to have a surname inside the Heart Kingdom who adopt an aristocratic system. Normally, most of the knights didn't have surnames as they are from the commoner class.

Hence, it is unusual for someone with a surname to join the most secretive shadow squad and become a shadow guard on top of that. Angus and Jayna also never heard the surname of Evercense either.

"H-How did you…" said the shadow guard.

*Trrtt* Before she could speak further, the magic tools beside her released a small vibrate with few intervals. The shadow guard Tina focuses on the vibration and decodes the secret code inside her head. Then, she looked at Angus with a surprised expression.

"Is there anything wrong?" asked Angus.

"N-No. We will meet the other shadow squad in a moment." said Tina.

"Good. Then, let's hope they are not taking their time. I plan to rest on the comfy bed after a long journey." said Angus while ignoring Tina's surprised expression.

'How did he do it? My stubborn and cruel superior agreed with Young Master Angus' demand?! Just what is that secret code he used before.' thought Tina deeply.

As she thought deeply, "Angus, what is the code you gave before?" asked Jayna blatantly as she also noticed this could happen because of his code before.

"Ohh… That's something your father gave me a few days ago. He said I could command another squad using a series of codes. As long as I give the right code, their squad leader will need to comply with me." explained Angus.

"It is quite convenient at a time like this. But, It is also troublesome. That cunning old king keeps trying to shove me with more secret information like from a while ago. He even said that not even the Crown Prince knows something like this secret code." added Angus with grumble.

Then, Angus takes out his previous isolation and barrier magic tools to deactivate the runes in the room. A moment later, a few moving shadows enter the room from the window and door small gap.

"Woo… Moving shadow?!! Can Anna eat it?" asked Anna excitedly as she pursued the

"Anna, stop!! Don't be naughty." rebuked Jayna as holds the naughty little girl.

Then, people appear from the shadows and kneel in front of Angus.

"Good, you are here. I want you to find the Vitas mercenary camp without being noticed and inform me as soon as possible. Also make sure to stay in your shadow form while searching for them." said Angus.

"As you command, Baron Angus." said the shadow guard before everyone dispersed leaving only one behind.

"I will be staying here to relay any information we have from others." said the shadow guard.

"Sure. Just make sure you can keep up. Tina goes back into Jayna's shadow. We are going out." said Angus before opening the biggest window in the room and putting his cloak artifact.

Then, Angus grabs Jayna and Anna with his hand. Suddenly, his shoes' artifacts shine and create something like a bubble covering them [Bing Bong Transport]. *Blink* A moment later, Angus disappears and arrives a few kilometers away from the Windshire Fort in the air.

Currently, they are standing above an invisible air platform made by Angus' shoe artifact. Both Angus and Jayna have green faces and try their best not to puke. [Bing Bong Transport] is one of the skills from Angus' shoe artifact.

It is not a teleportation ability but a super fast-moving skill. It is so fast that Angus can't control it properly and will always get motion sickness from it.

Despite its ridiculous speed, it didn't create any sound or huge wind. As long as Angus didn't hit the other, they could easily travel at fast speed silently.

"Yuhuu… Again!! Again!! That's like Wungg and Wingg. But, suddenly, it is Fiung and Plop." said Anna excitedly.

Angus and Jayna completely ignore the little troublemaker as they don't know what she is talking about. Moreover, they still feel nausea from their sudden motion sickness.

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