I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 444 Greater Than Great Wall

The journey towards Windshire Fort is long and boring. Fortunately, Anna is very well behaved and occupied with bullying Ilgor whenever they stop for rest. Angus uses this time to meditate, focus on refining his chi, or use the manual battle system to collect soul points.

Currently, Angus is covered in sweat from refining his chi. Even with Angus' high mental and mind strength, he still couldn't do chi refining all day long. The Heritage Chi is too volatile to be refined casually.

After wiping his sweat and calming his breath, Angus looked at his status.

Host: Angus Victory

Age: 18 Years Old

MP: 727/727

Chi: 995

Heritage chi: ???

Strength: 57

Dexterity: 56

Intelligence: 55

Vitality: 56

Soul Point: 342.762

Soul Reserve: 856

His soul reserve and heritage chi have increased dramatically during the past few months since he has more free time to train than work on his research. Moreover, he has had more free time in the last few weeks since King Leon didn't assign him any particular task in the research center.

The most notable one is his chi reserve which almost reached the thousand mark. Although his current chi is not compared to his past, it is already as large as any master's chi in Angus's past life.

It means he could also use the Domain technique more frequently. Still, he hopes he will never use any Domain technique in this journey. Domain technique not only consumes chi but also affects his physical body and mind.

If it is not because of Angus' monstrous stamina, he will collapse every time he uses the Domain technique. It is not called the pinnacle skill of martial art for nothing. As Angus rests and calms his breath, Aunt Extalia suddenly approaches Angus.

"Boy, what did you do? Why do I feel every time you meditate, you could release a huge explosion."

"Moreover, that little troublemaker will always stay by your side whenever you do that meditation, like guarding you against everyone." said Aunt Extalia while pointing at Anna, who is asleep after guarding Angus.

"Well, you are not wrong about the explosion thing. Let's just say I found new energy, which is more destructive than mana and miasma. To refine this energy, I need a full total concentration or I could blow up to pieces." said Angus with half-truth and lie.

"A new energy?! What is it?" asked Aunt Extalia with interest.

"Did you know about life force?" asked Angus as he wasn't surprised at the sudden question.

"Life force?! Of course, I know. Many skills/spells use life force. Don't tell me this new energy comes from life force." said Aunt Extalia.

"Correct. It could be said to be the by-product of life force. The stronger the life force, the more quantity you produce this energy." said Angus.

"I see… So, it is a by-product. Are there any side effects when cultivating this energy?" asked Aunt Extalia.

"Of course. As it is connected with the life force, you cannot use it too much or you will end up dying on the spot." said Angus.

"Such a horrible thing. Then, why did you cultivate this energy?" said Aunt Extalia.

"There are a few reasons. One is because my body seems to keep generating life force and I didn't need to worry about the consequence of using too much of this energy."

"Second, there are some unique skills that only could be used with this energy." explained Angus, another half-truth answer.

"I see… You are right. With your ridiculous natural regeneration, you could keep producing your own life force and this energy is suitable for someone like you. I am more curious about this special skill, but I guess you will not reveal it easily." said Aunt Extalia.

"Correct. Even if I reveal it, you still need a dozen years to master it. At best, you could master it in a few years." said Angus.

"Then, how did you master it?" asked Aunt Extalia curiously.

"Of course, it is because I am a genius." said Angus shamelessly.

Although Angus already mastered the Domain technique from his past life, it is still easy for Angus to learn the Domain technique. Most geniuses need at least a few years to master the technique, while others need at least a dozen years.

However, Angus only needed weeks to master a Domain technique. If he has [Analyze] in the past life, he could learn the Domain technique in a few days at maximum and also still with a lot of rest. Angus' talent in learning martial arts and skills is Godly and unmatched.

He only needed to glance at a skill before he could replicate or even create a better version of it. This is the main reason he could become the strongest in his past life.

"Tch.. Arrogant, brat." spatted Aunt Extalia as she stopped talking to Angus.

She thought Angus was bragging and didn't want to tell her further, which is not wrong either. Angus didn't like to talk about his skills and his reincarnation matter. Until now, only Jayna knows about his reincarnation life.

After Angus uses the Ultimate Weapon, he decides to show his past life's memories to Jayna through their bond. He knows Angus can't hide them forever since he is already connected with Jayna. Moreover, Angus hates the idea of lying to Jayna.

He didn't tell Jayna about this matter until now because there was no opportunity to bring the subject up. After using the Ultimate Weapon, Angus subconsciously shares his dream with Jayna and decides to tell her everything.

At first, Angus is afraid and uncertain when he shows his past life since he is practically not a good person. Unlike the current Angus, who is a peace-loving person, Angus was a ruthless and aggressive person in the past.

If there is a distinction between evil and good martial artists, Angus will belong to the evil martial artist. After experiencing many ups and downs in life, he changes into a peace-loving person like his teacher.

Although his teacher didn't manage to change his character, he still managed to plant a seed inside Angus even at the cost of his life. Since then, this seed started growing and slowly changed him into a better person.

Fortunately, Jayna didn't judge Angus about his past. She didn't care if Angus was bad or good in the past. Through their bond, she told Angus that she had been interested in him since they first met, just like him. This is enough reason for Jayna to love him.

Besides, their love is not created from just one moment but through a series of moments. They already walk too far to hate each other and separate.

Another week passed, they could finally see the silhouette of a massive tall wall on the horizon. Seeing the wall, Angus couldn't help but surprise.

Not only is the wall tall, but it also expands and completely covers the border without any gaps. The huge wall makes the great wall in Angus' past life like an ant in comparison.

'And they still manage to breach this kind of ridiculous wall?! The Nergal kingdom truly could never be underestimated.' thought Angus inwardly.

"Huge!! Angus.. Big sis.. It's huge!!" said Anna excitedly.

"Yeah, Anna. It is really huge and bigger than Black Fortress' wall." replied Jayna.

"Hmm… Could it fall down like a domino??" asked Anna with a mischievous smile.

Hearing Anna's playful remark, Aunt Extalia immediately looked sharp at her. The monster-minded person has another characteristic besides being able to use miasma. They like to destroy things.

Angus finds this particular characteristic in Anna. But, rather than aggressive nature, Anna is inclined toward playful behavior. For her, everything in her surroundings is like toys made of paper. No one will think much if they shred thin paper to pieces.

Hence, she often thought about what would happen if she destroyed those things without overthinking its consequences. She wants to know if something interesting happens when she destroys things.

Seeing Aunt Extalia's sharp glare, Angus thought something and smiled mischievously. Jayna also noticed this behavior but let it be while hugging Anna, who was on her lap.

"Anna, did you want to destroy that wall like a domino?" asked Angus.

"Yup, It will be cool to see a gigantic domino fall down." replied Anna excitedly.

"Now, you mention it. It will certainly be amazing. Then, let's do it." said Angus casually.

"Really??" asked Anna with a smile.

"Brat, what the hell are you doing?!!" yelled Aunt Extalia with a murderous glare.

"Well, isn't it cool to see such a giant domino fall? It will be a spectacular view." said Angus with an innocent tone.

"Stop playing around!! If I find that girl damaging the wall, even if it is a single scratch, you will be the one that is responsible for it." said Aunt Extalia.

"Tch… My dear Aunt, you are too serious!! Relax… It is not easy to damage that wall, especially when we want to create a domino-like effect." said Angus.

"Ehh… We can't??" asked Anna while pouting.

"Nonsense. There is nothing impossible in this world. Only the undiscovered ones. We only need to find a way to make it." said Angus with a smile.

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