I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 439 Another Provocation

"Thank you for looking after my troublemaker brother." said Jason with a formal bowing gesture.

"Sure, I will keep him out of trouble, but no promise since he is like a magnet for trouble." replied Jayna.

"Err.. I also like to avoid those troubles, you know." chimed Angus.

"Hahaha… Sure.. Sure.. Little brother. Anyway, I want to chat more with you two, but I need to appease those high nobles." said Jason before leaving the couple alone.

"Alright, do your job, brother." replied Angus.

As Jason starts to study to become the head of the family, he learns more secrets about Angus. It is hard to conceal Angus' secret since Jason is responsible for the Victory' administration and finance.

Usually, this kind of thing is handled by their parents, but there are still things that need to be done when dealing with the other nobles. As the candidate for head of the family, he needs to know how to deal with other nobles.

The Heart Kingdom's nobles have their own faction with a different way of thinking. Some are very conservative, a few are very open-minded, others like to wait and see while looking for opportunity, and many others.

Therefore, it requires a lot of experience and knowledge to deal with them. During this time, Jason finds Angus is the creator of the miasma curing potion that is now called Miasma antidote.

Considering how easily Angus gets a job and enters a research center easily despite his age, Jason guesses Angus is a genius researcher. He also finds Angus is stronger than he thought from his father.

Although Jason doesn't know how strong Angus is, he knows Angus already surpassed him a long time ago. The only reason he still became the head of the family candidate is that Angus didn't want to take the position.

Furthermore, Jade's children weren't interested in leading the Victory family and this politics among nobles besides their own Sur group.

At first, the Victory family and Sur group are combined. But, since there is a huge cultural discrepancy, they take a step back and keep their rule system while trying to integrate the two groups slowly.

Moreover, the Victory family will get too much opposition from the other family if they try to merge their group directly. Finally, they decide to put Sur village under the faction of the Victory family with Jade as the leader.

Although Jade is the official leader, the one that truly does the work is his eldest daughter Jane. In the meantime, Jade himself is too busy doing King Leon's task. Many things required his assistance as a seventh-grade combatant, like guarding the border.

The award ceremony may be important, but it didn't mean they could just recall all the force back. Most of the main force is still on the border guarding the place against invasion. In fact, the only ones that attend this event are the young nobles or those without strong combat power.

This is also the reason Angus and Jayna blatantly ignore these people. In front of their eyes, they are the same as annoying children throwing tantrums to get their parents' attention.

*Prang* Suddenly, a loud breaking plate sound was heard in the hall. Everyone immediately looks at the sound and finds a noblewoman getting her dress dirtied.

In front of the woman, there is Anna with some leftover food near her mouth. She looks at the woman for a moment before returning to eating, completely ignoring the noblewoman.

Seeing Anna ignoring her, the woman frowned a little bit before calming herself in a few seconds and starting to cry. However, few people manage to catch this change of expression.

"Y-You… Hic…" said the noblewoman while sobbing in cry.

"Helen, are you okay?!!" a young noble approaches the noblewoman.

"I.. I…" said the noblewoman while crying again and embraced the young noble.

"You monster!! What did you do to Helen?!!" yelled the young noble to Anna.

Before the young noble could approach Anna, Ilgor appeared in front of him and blocked him.

"Who are you?! I have no business with orcs." said the young noble.

"Tch… I just left you a moment and you have already created trouble. I should have known this from the start." grumbled Ilgor ignoring the young noble.

In the meantime, Anna keeps eating the food on the table happily, ignoring everyone and the commotion.

"You!! I asked you who you are?! Do you know who I am?" asked the young noble.

"Who?" asked Ilgor while snickering.

"I am Paul Gonzalet, the eldest son of Marquis Gonzalet.

"Never heard of it. Must be a weak noble." said Ilgor with a mocking tone.

"You… Insolent!! How dare you mock a high noble family like me, you sava…" said Paul.

*Bang* Before he could finish his sentence, Ilgor punched Paul but was stopped by a young red-haired woman. Seeing the woman, Ilgor retracted his fist and bowed a little bit.

"Let me handle this, Ilgor." said the woman.

"As you wish, Lady Jane." replied Ilgor respectfully.

Hearing the woman's name, everyone immediately whispered on their own. The woman is none other than Jane Sur, the eldest daughter of Jade Victory. Like Angus, she will also get the title for her contribution during the battle in the Windshire Fort.

Using her meticulous plan, she almost completely destroys the Nergal army. Unfortunately, the Krugguar Emperor arrived during the crucial moment. Still, her contribution is something that cannot be looked over.

"Ahh… So, it is Lady Jane. It seems you are as beautiful as the rumor." said Paul trying to ease the situation.

"Enough your useless flattery. Be careful with that silver tongue of yours. Many strong soldiers also attend this event. You don't want to anger and offend them since they could easily claim your miserable life before Marquis Gonzalet could do anything." said Jane.

"I.. I see. But, this is not my fault. Your subordinate is the one that meddles with me." retorted Paul.

"Ilgor is not my subordinate. He just happened to work as Sur Knight. But, I am not his master. He serves someone else." said Jane.

"Then, who?" asked Paul.

"Is there anything wrong, Sister Jane?" asked Angus as he suddenly appeared near them.

"Ahh.. Angus, you're finally here. It seems this ignorant youngster is trying to provoke Anna and Ilgor." said Jane.

"Woahh… That's amazing. You must have a big gut to try to fight them. Don't you know Ilgor could overpower any human fifth-grade combatant? Moreover, this orc also easily gets bullied by Anna. You must be a powerful combatant to pick a fight with them." said Angus sarcastically

Hearing this, Paul himself couldn't help but get a cold sweat. The power between him and Ilgor is so far that if the previous punch lands on him, he could instantly get knocked out or die if Ilgor wants.

"Hahaha… Young master Angus, you must be joking, right? Anyway, it seems your mannerless servant ruined Helen's dress." said Paul trying to change the topic.

"Servant? Who?" asked Angus calmly.

"Of course, that little one." said Paul while pointing at Anna, whose mouth got wiped by Jayna.

"Anna is not my servant. *Sigh* You know what… I am tired of this charade." said Angus loudly.

*Shing* *Bam* Angus takes out his Sky Thorn and slams it to the floor.

"If any of you have a problem with Anna or me, come forward and we will finish it at once. But, if you dare to do something behind my back, pray that even your whole family will still be intact after finishing with you." said Angus coldly while pointing Sky Thorn to Paul.

Seeing the silent hall, "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? Did you think just because you are the son of a high noble, you could keep playing me?! Let me tell you, I could easily erase your stupid family anytime and I already spare it once before." taunted Angus.

"Yet, you still keep making trouble for me. Tell me, Paul. What will you do if you find annoying pests that keep provoking you?" added Angus.

"I… I…" as Paul didn't know how to answer Angus.

"They get exterminated." said Angus coldly.

When Angus slams Sky Thorn to the floor, he releases a mana wave. This mana wave is rough but not enough to hurt everyone. Still, any combatant in the hall could perceive Angus' current strength through this mana wave.

By the power and area of mana spread, they know Angus's strength is already extraordinary. They may even guess Angus has already reached fourth grade or more, especially with precise mana control.

As the hall kept silent, "Good. Paul, tell your dear father I will visit him soon for this provocation and make sure you prepare." said Angus as he retracted Sky Thorn and went towards Jayna.

"That's really quite a show, cousin." chimed Jane.

"I don't have interested in politics. Yet, this stupid dumbass keeps provoking me. Now, they are even trying to implicate Anna and Jayna. Rather than keep playing with them, I will just end all of them at once." said Angus.

"Besides, I don't need them. They are the ones that need me." added Angus.

Hearing Angus' last sentence, Jane knows this is the truth. Be it as a powerhouse or researcher, the Heart kingdom needs Angus. His value is higher compared to those stupid noble families.

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