Seeing the two women may fight again anytime, "Ehem… Duchess Amberblaze, I think it is better to rest early since tomorrow is a big day." said King Leon as he tried to mediate the two fearsome women.

"Tch… Then, I will go first. Let's go, Jayna." said Extalia while dragging Jayna and disappearing into a flash of crimson light.

"Who wants to keep seeing a barbaric woman like you?!! Angus, let's go home." said Aunt Hersha as she also dragged Angus away.

On the way, Angus didn't forget to pick up the sleeping Anna and follow his aunt to a carriage. Seeing the fight finally end, King Leon couldn't help but release a long sigh while massaging his forehead.

"Anyway, thank you for your timely help. You could go back to your station." said King Leon to the masked man.

The masked man didn't reply and only nodded his head before disappearing into his own shadow. Then, King Leon instructed Darius and the royal guards to fix the training ground.

Inside the carriage, Angus put the sleeping Anna on his side gently. The little troublemaker keeps sleeping during the whole commotion as if nothing happened in the first place.

Seeing Angus care for Anna, "I thought she lives in the royal palace." said Aunt Hersha.

"We usually take turns to take care of Anna. Most of the time, Anna stays with Jayna. But, sometimes she also wants to stay with me in the manor." said Angus.

"Hee… I didn't expect that. To think my baby boy has already grown to the point he could help others. This makes your aunt proud." said Aunt Hersha.

'Since when you ever help or teach me something??' thought Angus inwardly.

"Say, Angus. Since you are now a big boy, why don't you accompany your lonely aunt tonight? Your dear Aunt is missing you so much." teased Aunt Hersha.

Hearing this, Angus frowns a little bit and uses [Analyze] inside his mind in full capacity.

'She…' thought Angus.

"So, what do you say?" asked Aunt Hersha again with a smile as Angus stayed silent.

"My dear aunt, I always regard you as one of my family. It will be better if you think of Anna as one of my family." said Angus coldly before grabbing Anna and disappearing using [Fire Teleportation] to his room.

Arriving inside his room, Angus gently puts the sleeping Anna on the bed and kisses the little troublemaker's forehead before going to the bathroom to clean himself.

Although he knows the cleaning spell, he still enjoys the feeling of soaking in the warm water and relaxing, especially in his current mood. Aunt Hersha may not show any hostile behavior toward Anna. However, Angus also notices her different behavior from him and Anna.

Despite her fondness towards kids, especially the cute ones, she didn't even hug Anna in the first place. Aunt Hersha never asked him for something like this and forced herself into him.

The only reason for her to ask for this is Anna beside him. Angus is positive his Aunt wants to separate him and Anna.

While Angus is taking a bath, Aunt Hersha stays expressionless inside the carriage even after seeing her nephew's disappearance.

"Haa… Forget about it. I am too tired now. Abort the mission!!" said Aunt Hersha coldly.

Suddenly, her shadow wiggles a little bit before returning to normal. At the same time, dozens of people hiding in the shadows all over the capital city also disappear without a trace.

After a pleasant and relaxing bath, Angus returns to his room and looks at the sleeping Anna.

"*sigh* Don't overthink it. It's not your fault." said Angus.

Anna didn't move and slowly opened her eyes while her back facing Angus.

After staying silent for a while, "Angus… Anna should not stay with you and big sis anymore." said Anna in a gloomy tone.

"Hmm… Why did you say that?" asked Angus.

"Anna… May hurt Angus and big sis." replied Anna.

"Did you worry about the other's impression?" asked Angus.

"Not just that. Anna may really.. really hurt you and big sis even if Anna doesn't want to." said Anna.

"Hmm… Is it about that fate thing?" asked Angus after thinking for a moment.

Anna didn't reply and nodded her head while keeping facing the other side not to see Angus. Since King Leon talked about fate stuff and its relation with the seventh-grade combatant, he began searching for more information about it.

According to his research, fate works mysteriously and is sometimes called the World's will. Once the world decides something, no one can stop it, not even the one called God. Normally, people never know things called fate or the world's will until it happens.

However, few powerful people can listen to or see this fate and predict the future. In ancient times, monster-minded people were considered taboo and brought calamity.

This myth is not just from urban legend but always happens to every monster-minded person like they are predestined to bring chaos and destruction to the world.

Angus often hears this so-called fate thing during his travels inside the Endless Battlefield Dimension. He never took it seriously and only thought it was some kind of superstitious thing.

Some part of him still believes it since sometimes superstitious things could also become important and should not be neglected. But, Angus also believes people make their path and never relay things called fate.

Looking at the sad Anna, Angus rubs her head and asks, "Anna, did you want to separate with me and Big sis Jayna?"

"No!! I want to stay with Angus and Big sis Jayna." said Anna as she slowly cried.

"Then, you should not worry about it." said Angus trying to calm Anna down.

"B-But…Hic.. Hic.." said Anna as she cried.

"Anna, didn't I always tell you? Do anything you want to do. Whatever your choice, I and Big sis Jayna will always support you. Just remember that every action has consequences and you need to take responsibility for it." said Angus.

"Angus…" said Anna as she turned around and looked at Angus with a crying face.

Then, she hugged Angus and kept crying for a while before falling asleep. Angus keeps rubbing Anna's small head and making her comfortable in his arms. He also occasionally looks at the locked door before sleeping along with Anna.

Behind the door, Aunt Hersha is standing still with an expressionless face. No one knows what she is thinking. Currently, she is conflicted about whether to enter the room or not. Until a moment ago, she finds Angus' room looks normal.

Now, she feels like going into a dangerous beast's nest. She even has a hunch that if she enters now, she will get burned and awaken the sleeping dragon.

Not only does the room give a dreadful aura, but it also releases a subtle killing intent. The killing intent is very hard to detect. Only experts who have experienced countless bloody battles will feel this killing intent.

Still, this killing intent is enough to prevent others from approaching Angus' room. Aunt Hersha even notices that small night insects subconsciously avoid his room and leave it alone. This phenomenon reminds her of the legendary beast nest she found in the past.

Even the harmless insects didn't dare to get close to the nest as they felt they would die if they entered the area. Seeing this strange phenomenon, Aunt Hersha knew the boy truly didn't want to be disturbed tonight.

'Still, I didn't expect my baby boy could create this kind of phenomenon just by his intent alone. Well, she really is her son when it comes to family.' thought Aunt Hersha with a smile while walking towards her room.

The next day, Angus is getting dressed by a few maids for the award ceremony as soon as the sun rises. Despite his complaint, his eldest brother Jason keeps forcing him with the excuse that he is today's main star and needs to be perfect.

"Err… Isn't this too much?" said Angus while wearing another piece of clothes.

Now, he didn't know how many layers of cloth he was wearing along with so many accessories.

"No way, you still need to wear this vest and coat. Ohh.. Don't forget about the sword. Which one did you want?" asked Aunt Hersha while choosing the coat.

After a night's sleep, Angus and his aunt decide not to mention yesterday's matter anymore and focus on today's award ceremony. In the meantime, Jayna and Anna look at Angus with a smile and keep holding their laughter.

They also occasionally release small giggles while looking at Angus getting dressed by the maid like a play doll.

"Tch… Don't you also need to get ready for the ceremony?" asked Angus as he got more irritated from Jayna and Anna's giggles.

"Don't worry, Anna and I only need to wear formal dress and be done." said Jayna with a teasing tone.

"Urghh… This is not fair. If I know this will happen, I should tell King Leon also to give you an award." said Angus.

Unlike Angus, Jayna is a royal princess involved with world contracts. She didn't need to follow the custom of the award and merit system.

Since Angus and Jayna want to stay low for a while, they do not give Jayna any award as it didn't necessarily. On the contrary, Angus must be awarded as he is part of the Heart Kingdom's noble.

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