"We will sneak out and show you a good place." said Angus.

"Yeyy… Family outing!! Yeah! Yeah!" yelled Anna while jumping around.

"Hush… Anna, we will be sneaking out. So, don't yell around. Also, we need to change our clothes first or we will attract too much attention." said Jayna.

'She seems experienced at this stuff. Just where did she pick up this habit from?!' thought Angus as he didn't realize his bad influence.

"Change clothes?!" replied Anna as she began to undress on the spot.

*Bonk* Fortunately, Angus and Jayna immediately hit Anna in the head for her indecent behavior. After they quickly change clothes inside an empty room, Jayna leads Angus and Anna on a secret path to sneaking out of the royal palace.

'I never thought there would be a hidden path here.' thought Angus

Currently, they are inside one of the empty rooms in the Royal Princess Palace. The Royal Palace is huge and divided into many parts. The Royal Princess Palace is one of the places inside the Royal Palace where the Royal Princess stays.

Normally, this kind of place is filled with a lot of staff to take care of the princess. However, Jayna expels almost all of them and only leaves with few people to maintain the palace. Therefore, this area is relatively barren and quiet inside.

Although it is empty, that doesn't mean the security is lax. Outside the Royal Princess Palace, hundreds of guards patrolled around without missing a single thing. Since Angus openly dated Jayna, King Leon slowly increased the patrolling guard around this area.

Unfortunately, they never catch Angus when he sneaks into this area. They couldn't even catch a glimpse of his shadow. On the contrary, the guards will immediately find out whenever they try to take a peek at the inside of the royal princess's palace.

Once that happens, those guards will suddenly disappear without anyone noticing. Since then, a lot of rumors have spread around this area.

Entering the room that looks like a typical reading room, Jayna goes towards the fireplace and touches the decoration on top of it. The decoration looks like a tiny heart made of gold. Although the decoration is eye-catching, it is still hard to find the correct one.

Hundreds of small heart decorations made of gold are on top of the fireplace. Even if people know the key to the secret path, it will take time to find it unless they have already used it before.

*Clack* After pushing the golden heart, the fireplace floor turns into some kind of trap door and reveals a big hole.

Seeing the hole, "How did you know such a secret path?!" asked Angus.

The Royal Palace is heavily enchanted with a strong rune. Sometimes there is a hidden room or path like this all over the palace.

Even Angus's superb mana echolocation can also not perceive all this hidden room or path, especially the one that is completely hidden underground.

"Ahh… I found it by accident. There was one time I tried to light the fire in this fireplace. At that time, I didn't control my fire intensity and burned the fireplace floor. Then, I realize that this is actually a hidden room or path." explained Jayna.

"After exploring it carefully, it is led towards the outside of the royal palace." added Jayna.

"I see. Well, with your intelligence and Analyze, I'm pretty sure you could find the button trigger and cover it back." said Angus.

"Yeah. Anna, wait!! Don't just jump in there first!!" said Jayna while preventing the excited Anna as she looked at the dark room below the fireplace.

"Ehh… But it's a hidden room. Anna could hide in there." said Anna with a pouting cheek.

"Is there something we need to look out for?" asked Angus as he noticed something.

Just as Jayna wanted to explain, "Damn!! hurry, enter the ho.." said Angus as he tried to grab Jayna and Anna.

At this moment, a flash of red light appeared behind Angus and grabbed his shoulder.

"Where did you think you were going, boy?!!" said Aunt Extalia in a cold tone.

"Err… Nothing." said Angus.

"We are going to sneak out and have a family outing!!" replied Anna excitedly.

Both Angus and Jayna couldn't help but have a facepalm at Anna's answer. Still, they weren't angry at Anna. They know Anna is quite brilliant and understand their current condition. She deliberately answers that because she finds it more amusing this way.

This is not the first time she tried to create trouble and prank them. Hence, they are already getting used to this kind of situation. Still, this didn't mean they would not punish the naughty Anna later.

"Hee… I don't know there is a hidden path below the fireplace in here." said Aunt Extalia as she noticed the dark area below the fireplace.

"Err… Aunt Extalia, we just want to sneak out for a moment. So, can we…" asked Jayna timidly.

"No!! Didn't I already tell you not to cause trouble in the next few days? Which part of sneaking out of the royal palace is not causing trouble?!" said Aunt Extalia sternly.

Both Angus and Jayna still remember the punishment they received from the Duchess after Angus recklessly used the Ultimate Weapon. Although King Leon had already given Angus punishment, the Duchess still was not satisfied and decided to give her own punishment.

They still remember to clean the royal palace with mana or anyone's help for the whole day. If it were not for their enormous stamina, they would be knocked out after half a day. The worst part is the little troublemaker Anna.

Since she will only create more work for them, they decide to let her be and not participate in the cleaning. However, Anna feels bored while waiting for them to clean the royal palace and decides to play around, which somehow increases their work.

In the end, they need to do the cleaning repeatedly. This laborious work may look easy. But, for Angus and Jayna, it is tedious. They even prefer to swing their sword millions of times over this punishment. In the end, this punishment still traumatizes the couple up till now.

"Y-Yeah… But, can't you give us some slack… " said Angus before stopping in the middle of his sentence.

'Wait, why is she also here?!!' thought Angus.

"Yuhuu… Angus, my baby boy!! Where are you?!" shouted someone from the hall.

Not long after that, a mature woman with long black hair and a huge chest came into the room.

"You…" said Aunt Extalia.

Before Aunt Extalia finishes her sentence, the woman disappears from the spot and hugs Angus, burying him under her dangerous weapon on her chest. Angus couldn't even dodge her as she moved so fast beyond his prediction.

"Kyaa… My baby boy, Angus!! Did you miss your dear aunt?" said Aunt Hersha.

'Urgh.. Strong!! Too strong! Damn, cow woman!!  Release me before I get burned by my own girlfriend.' thought Angus as he noticed Jayna's anger increase with each passing second.

Noticing Jayna's murderous glare, "Ehh… You must be Angus' girlfriend that I hear about. So cute!!" said Aunt Hersha as she hugged Jayna after throwing Angus aside.

"*Cough* *Cough* Almost died.. Huft.. Huft.." said Angus.

"And who is this cute little girl here?!" asked Aunt Hersha while pointing at Anna.

"Anna is Anna and this is Onyx. Isn't she cute?!" replied Anna while revealing Onyx under her clothes.

"Yup, he.. I mean she is cute." said Aunt Hersha while patting Anna's small head and releasing the out-of-breath Jayna.

"Hersha Widespread… Why are you here?!" asked Aunt Extalia coldly.

"Ohh… Isn't it the Crimson Flash, Duchess Extalia Amberblaze? I see.. you finally coming out from your Amber Palace." replied Aunt Hersha playfully while hugging Angus from behind.

"Enough!! This is not a place where you could visit as you please." said Aunt Extalia sternly.

"Ohh my… You are too serious. I just want to visit my dear nephew. You should relax a little bit. Otherwise, your precious king might find more wrinkles on your face." taunted Aunt Hersha.

"You are dead!!" said Aunt Extalia as she flashed in front of Aunt Hersha.

However, Aunt Hersha already moves and brandishes her Greataxe to Aunt Extalia. *BAMM*

"How rude… That's very unladylike, O Crimson Flash." said Aunt Hersha as she pushed Extalia back.

Looking at Aunt Extalia getting pushed back, Angus and Jayna couldn't help but be surprised. They know how strong Aunt Extalia's physical body is.

Not only do they already experience it firsthand during their punishment, they know she could even easily throw away Onyx's real body in the air. Yet, she still gets pushed back by Aunt Hersha.

"Err… Angus, did you know your aunt is this strong?!" asked Jayna while watching the two women's confrontation.

"I know she is strong. But not this strong. If I am not wrong, my parents always mention that only a few people in the capital could stop her when she goes berserk. Anyway, let's use this chance." replied Angus as he grabbed Jayna and Anna.

They jump into the fireplace hole without waiting for their aunts to react. The fireplace hole closed back as soon as they entered it, leaving the two women inside the room.

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