I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 430 Ultimate Weapon’s True Nature

"I just wield it. Indeed, it is harder to control it. If it is not because of my perfect mana control, it may try to use any excess mana to burn me.

"Anyway, among all the artifacts out there, there is one with a unique temperament, hard to wield, and dangerous not only to the user but everything near it."

"Old man Draught happen to have some of this kind of artifact and this twin sword is one of his gift to me. The point is this weapon artifact always releases some kind of strange aura and dreadful feeling." explained Angus.

"So, you are saying this spear is one of those dangerous artifacts?" asked King Leon.

"Not really. Although the spear may release a strange aura, it is not dangerous or dreadful. Hmm.. How to explain it?! You could say that as long as you aren't able to use it, this spear artifact will be like an ordinary spear." explained Angus.

"However, this spear is also quite a glutton. If it is not being used or supplied with mana for a long time, it will try to harm anyone that touches it." added Angus.

"Hmm… So, you are saying that you use the spear to quench its thirst before it harms the next person touching it?" asked King Leon.

"Yeah, that's the gist of it." said Angus.

"I see… Did you take me as a fool?!!" roared King Leon as he punched Angus again.

*BAMM* King Leon's fist stopped by a silvery shield. Fortunately, Angus keeps vigilance and is ready to cast [Unbreakable Shield] anytime.

"That still didn't explain your reason for destroying the royal palace. If you only want to satisfy it, you could just supply it with mana or throw it somewhere else!!" said King Leon coldly.

"That won't do. This artifact needs a target, a real target. Besides, I ensured no other people were on the path before I threw it. So, it is quite safe. No need to work out so much." said Angus playfully.

"Brat, did you want to die?!!" said King Leon coldly as he took out his sword artifact.

"Err.. Wait.. Wait.. Let me explain further. This spear is quite different from other artifacts. You could even say this artifact is a living weapon. Not only is it a sentient weapon, but it also has basic needs like other living beings." said Angus in a hurry.

"Continue." said King Leon.

"I don't really know the details since I don't have any concrete data about it. But, as a weapon master, I could feel its pain and struggle. To put it in simple terms, being used to destroy or hit something is like a basic need for it." explained Angus.

"Like other living beings who couldn't meet their basic needs, this artifact will slowly go crazy and berserk. In the end, it will not only harm the users but everything nearby." added Angus.

King Leon didn't reply anymore and kept staring at Angus for a while.

"Fine. I accept your reason. So, how were you able to use this spear? Even if I couldn't subdue it. Yet, you could easily use it. Don't tell me it is your perk as a weapon master." said King Leon.

"Haa?? Of course, not. As a weapon master, I can only discern how to use any weapon to its maximum potential. However, it is a different story if I want to use it to the maximum capability." said Angus.

"Otherwise, I will have mastered my twin sword artifact a long time ago. I could use this spear because I know how to use it properly. As long as you know how to use it and meet its requirements, everyone can wield this spear." added Angus.

,m "Hm??" as everyone is interested in Angus's last sentence.

"Don't get your hopes too high. To use this spear, you need to pour all your mana before throwing it. If it is not all the user mana, it will stop working. Moreover, it needs to be at least a fifth-grade combatant amount of mana." explained Angus.

"So, that's why you use all your mana to the point of mana deficiency before." said King Leon.

"Yup, that's certainly a pretty harsh condition, right?" said Angus.

"True. If what you said is real, it means it is like a single-use weapon artifact. Not only that, since it needs at least fifth-grade combatant mana, it will be too dangerous to use." said King Leon.

"Agreed. The repercussions of mana deficiency state for fifth-grade combatant above is too serious. If the user doesn't get treatment soon, they may even lose their life. That's why I called it the Ultimate Weapon." said Angus.

"*Sigh* That means the only person that could safely use it probably is you, right?" asked King Leon.

"What did you mean?" asked Angus back.

"With your ridiculous mana regeneration, you could definitely reduce the effect of mana deficiency." said King Leon.

"Huft… As expected of a seventh-grade combatant, you know about my mana regeneration." said Angus.

"It will be weird if I don't notice it. Your current mana regeneration is many times higher than our last fight. Moreover, the regeneration is not coming from the environment but your own body."

"The only people that can regenerate their mana to such a high degree are only seventh-grade combatants or a few special races. However, even for them, improving their mana regeneration is hard. Yet, you manage to keep improving in a short time." said King Leon.

"That's…" said Angus as he didn't want to reveal the unknown thing inside his body.

Because of its nature, Angus didn't want to reveal such a thing to others. The thing inside Angus could practically make someone immortal and powerful simultaneously. Not only is it capable of boosting his mana regeneration, but it also accelerates his natural body regeneration.

Moreover, it also absorbs any fourth-grade combatant and third-grade monster soul to boost the regeneration. Angus honestly didn't care about what happened to these souls. But, if the wrong person wields this thing, massacres will be everywhere.

Even Angus is enticed to hunt for a soul to improve his regeneration. Fortunately, Angus has his idle system to provide him with the soul during manual battle. Otherwise, Angus may become a maniac battle that will kill everything on his path.

Knowing Angus' distress, "Father, I think that's enough." said Jayna.

Hearing this, King Leon knows it may be related to one of Angus' hidden secrets. As a seventh-grade combatant, King Leon realizes that Angus has hidden many things from him. Since the first time he met Angus, he had already noticed the anomaly in Angus' body.

He knows no humans can't have Angus' power at his age, even with many kinds of enchantment. Moreover, this improvement keeps going as he grows.

At first, King Leon thought it was because Angus' body was still not fully mature. But, he also finds Angus keeps getting stronger over time.

"Fine. Since even Jayna said that, it means it is a deep secret you couldn't share with anyone. It is better for few people to know about it. Anyway, I will give this spear to you for now. Just make sure to report anything you find." said King Leon.

"Alright. Even if you don't say it, I will request it later." Angus replied.

"Still, you need to be careful about your ridiculous regeneration. No, the two of you need to be careful from now on and not carelessly show your power in front of others." said King Leon.

"Hm??" asked Angus and Jayna confusedly.

"I bet you've already heard about it. But, every religious organization is always interested in people with high regeneration ability. Whether in mana or body, they will definitely do anything in their power to get you if they find out about it." said King Leon.

"Don't worry about that. I already know and always be careful about it. However, why Jayna also needs to be careful?" said Angus.

"Because she has Fire Phoenix power. Phoenix is a mythical beast that is always associated with immortality. Although I don't know if it is true or not, there are many kinds of legends about the phoenix itself." explained King Leon.

"Some legends even say phoenix could heal any kind of disease and wound with only their tear. Those God-lickers will definitely try to get Jayna if they know she is a true phoenix." added King Leon.

"That's new… Why don't you warn us from the start?" asked Angus.

"I also didn't know about this until not too long ago from our spy." said King Leon.

"Spy?" asked Angus.

"Apparently, a powerful unknown group who appeared out of nowhere openly opposed all those religious organizations, be it big or small. Many small religious organizations have already been destroyed by them." said King Leon.

"Some survivors notice that one of its members is a phoenix. As soon as the news spread, all the religious organizations immediately moved their holy knight to find this phoenix.

"This huge movement warned the kingdoms all over Firuman. Then, our spy managed to get the reason for their big movement." said King Leon.

Hearing King Leon's story, Angus and Jayna look at each other in worry.

"Father, did that person say anything about its phoenix fire color?" asked Jayna.

"Don't worry. It is not Mia. I already sent a few of our royal guards to secretly guard her. Besides, the phoenix fire is green color." said King Leon.

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