While the Roundel meeting is concluded, a huge battle happens inside Morvo Wasteland. One of the army sides is wearing armor or clothes with the Temple of Death emblem. On the other side are black-clothed people accompanied by various kinds of undead.

In front of the Temple of Death army, a colossal Canyon filled with countless bones is bombarded by various spells. Deep inside the Canyon, there is a massive building made of rock and surrounded by strong barriers.

"How is it?" asked the Temple of Death commander.

"Everything ready, sir. All the exit is blocked. They are surrounded." reporting the holy knight nearby.

"Good, we can't afford to fail this mission. Tell the magician to begin casting the spell." said the commander.

"Yes, sir." replied the holy knight.

A moment later, large-scale magic circles appeared above the Canyon. Seeing the large magic circle, the people inside the Canyon begin to panic.

"That's large-scale magic!! The barrier will never be able to hold it." said the people inside the rock canyon.

"What should we do now?!" said the people inside, panicky.

"I don't know. Is the leader still inside his room?" asked another person.

"All the exits are blocked!!" shouted another person.

"We are going to die!!" yelled another person hysterically.

"Silence!! Someone called the leader inside his room." said another person while flaring up his mana.

"B-But, sir. The leader will kill us if we disturb him inside his room." said another person.

"If we are not called the leader, all of us will die." replied the others.

Finally, they sent someone deep inside to a certain room deep inside the building. In the meantime, a person veiled with black gas is meditating inside the room. Suddenly, the man opened his eyes.

"Hoo.. So, Balan failed. It means Plargos are getting weaker. A true shame from one of the strongest Evil Gods reduced to this state. Well, it has nothing to do with me. All I need is to follow and execute my lord's order." said the man.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* At this moment, someone knocked on the man's room in a hurry.

"Leader, w-we are under atta… Arghh!!" heard a voice from outside of the room.

Before the person finished his sentence, he screamed in pain and silence back to the room.

"Tch.. What a bunch of useless people. Can't even take care of the attacker." said the man, coming out of his room holding a long staff.

Suddenly, the man looked above him.

"Hmm… This magic power. It seems the Temple of Death is desperate. They even dare to attack us. Well, it doesn't matter. It is time to show our lord's power!!" said the leader.

In the meantime, the magic circles above the Canyon begin to shine, ready to release their might.

"FIRE!!" shouted the Temple of Death commander while holding his sword.

A moment later, all the magic circles shine brightly [5th Circle Spell - Judgement]. *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM* Bright holy lights hit the entire Canyon continuously. The Judgement spells keep raining down the whole area for a few minutes.

When the spells finally stopped, the entire area was covered with dust and smoke.

"Did we do it?" asked one of the Holy Knights.

*GROOARR* a thunderous roar is heard from inside the canyon. Some of the Holy knights notice something huge on the top of the canyon.

"T-That's d-dragon!!" said one of the Holy knights nearby.

As the view became clear, everyone could see a massive dragon made of countless bones protecting the whole building and the canyon. All the holy knights could feel a dreadful and ominous feeling from the Bone Dragon.

As they cowered in fear, "Stand on your ground!! Don't let that foul creature intimidate you. It's nothing but a cheap imitation. It's not a real dragon! The Eternal Sleep upon us!!" shouted the holy knights' commander.

"The Eternal Sleep upon us!!" shouted the surrounding holy knights as they followed their commander.

At this moment, foul energy enveloped the gigantic bone dragon. Then, the bone dragon turns semi-transparent and releases a more dreadful aura. Suddenly, the dragon opened its mouth [Spirit Breath].

A white burst of light emerged from the dragon's mouth and enveloped the incoming holy knights. Then, the enveloped holy knights vaporized into thin air without being able to react.

"T-That's Ghost Dragon!!" shouted one of the surviving Holy Knights.

"Hahaha… Feel the power of our Lord Aias." shouted the leader while standing on the top of Ghost Dragon.

Meanwhile, inside the Eternal City, a meeting is held among the Pureblood Vampire. Currently, they are thinking hard to survive the incoming Krugguar Emperor and his monster army.

"Anyone has an idea?" asked the Vampire King Alfred.

The other Pureblood vampires could only stay silent as they knew their king was in a very bad mood. No matter what kind of idea they give, they will get rebuked by their king. This kind of tyranny is normal.

However, they couldn't do anything since their king was far stronger than them. Not to mention, it is practically impossible to fight back without reaching seventh grade.

"*BAM* Are all of you deaf?!! Why none of you answer!!" said the Vampire King, destroying the table with his hand.

The other pureblood vampire could only avoid their king's glare. Suddenly, Alfred grabs the nearby girl's hair beside him.

"How about you, Lenora?!" said Alfred while yanking the vampire girl's hair.

"Argh!!" screamed Lenora in pain.

Despite the girl screaming, the other pureblood vampire didn't intend to help her and kept avoiding seeing the scene.

"Hmm… It seems you developed quite fast. Can't wait for your first menstrual." said Alfred while groping Lenora's body roughly and licking her cheek.

"No.. Please, stop." pleaded the girl.

"Then, did you have any solution? I hope it is not only your body that develops well. Or perhaps you want to starve for days again." said Alfred while speaking near Lenora's ear.

At this moment, a vampire enters the room in a hurry.

"Sir, someone is breaking through the Ancestral blood pool!!" said the vampire in distress.

"WHATT!!" shouted Alfred before disappearing from the room.

In the vampire kingdom, finding blood pools inside their major city is not weird. However, the Ancestral blood pool is the most sacred place in the Eternal kingdom. The blood collected inside this place only comes from the Pureblood vampire.

It could be said the blood inside this pool is the purest and most potent. A glass of blood from this blood pool could enhance the vampire's strength many times. Therefore, this place is very hidden and strictly guarded. There are even three sixth-grade vampires guarding this area.

In a moment, Alfred arrives at the Ancestral Blood Pool entrance. He finds many of the guards are turned into dried mummies. Looking at the mummified guards, Alfred knows this is the work of a Vampire and a strong one.

'Damn… Who dares to do all of this?!!' thought Alfred.

Then, he immediately entered the building in a hurry and arrived at the massive blood pool area. In front of him, two people are looking at the blood pool.

As soon as Alfred saw the two people, his body immediately knelt on the ground and couldn't raise his head.

"Ehh… Who is he? One of your followers?" said one of the men as he noticed Alfred.

"Hmm… If I am not wrong, he is called Alfred." said the other man.

Hearing the other man's voice. Alfred immediately knows one of the men's identities. Vampire races are generally ranked as Pureblood, Half-blood, and Subordinate. However, there is something above the Pureblood rank called Ancestor.

Ancestor Vampire could be said to be almost a different kind of race than the vampire. They are the first vampire and also the strongest vampires. Moreover, they didn't have any weaknesses like the other vampires.

"M-Master…" uttered Alfred while struggling.

As a tyrant and full-fledged seventh-grade combatant, Alfred didn't like to bow down and looked down on anyone.

However, he currently can't control his body as he feels the bloodline suppression in his body. No matter how hard he fights back, his body keeps moving and restricts his body.

"What a distasteful follower… You should choose a better follower next time, Vlad." said the other man.

"Shut up, Darren. It is better than having no followers at all." said Vlad.

Before Darren could respond, he and Vlad looked certain at the entrance door. Suddenly, a flying double scythe came through the door towards the blood pool. The two Ancestor Vampire immediately kneel on one knee towards the blood-red double scythe.

A moment later, the entire massive blood pool sucked dry and a petite girl with platinum silver hair appeared in the middle of it, holding the double scythe. After a while, the girl opened her deep green eyes.

At this moment, Alfred feels like his body is refilled with intense energy released from the girl. He even feels his body restriction is loosening. As soon as he sees the girl, he feels his uncontrollable lust for her while drooling.

Despite her youthful appearance, Alfred feels like seeing a Goddess with an unworldly appearance. Before he could say a word, his body exploded and released a massive invisible wave towards the surrounding area, signifying his death to the world.

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