"Speak more and you will become like him." said Angus coldly.

"W-Wait.. Young Master Victory. You may not notice this but that thing…" said another religious knight.

*Bam* Before the religious knight finished his sentence, his head exploded from Angus's spell.

"Hoo.. It seems you religious people never learn. Fine, I will be generous and send you to meet your God." said Angus as he released a massive amount of killing intent.

"Hiii.." as all the nearby knights and priests rooted on their spot.

Just as Angus wants to butcher them, "Young Master Victory, please hold your anger. There is nothing good in killing them." said one of the nearby Flash squad.

Seeing that it is one of the Flash squad, Angus calms down and stays still while communicating with Jayna through their bond.

"Alright, I will let them go. Next time they dare to bad-mouth Anna again, I will definitely eradicate them by myself. Anyway, this fight is going too long. It's time to wrap this up." said Angus as he flew away.

Jayna grabs Anna and follows Angus. Not long after that, Angus arrives above the battlefield where the Gunk Baboon creates chaos. He also finds Odiel is still having a hard fight against Farron and Anny.

Ignoring the chaos below, Angus cast a spell above his head [4th Circle - Orion]. Suddenly a bright light ball appeared and turned into countless small lights raining down on all the Gunk Baboons in the area.

Orion hit all the Baboons rapidly and even killed some low-grade ones. The one still alive is incapacitated or heavily injured. After checking all the Gunk Baboons are taken care of, Angus goes in the Odiel direction.

'As expected of Gilford's spell, although it is only a fourth circle spell, it has the same power as a large-scale spell like those in the fifth circle.' thought Angus.

Arriving at the battlefield, which had already turned into various craters, Angus finds the Plargos leader and the two holy knights are in a rough breath.

"Huft.. Huft.. Why don't you surrender now?! You must notice that your Baboon and reinforcement are already taken care of. It will not be long before the others surround you." said Anny.

"Kekeke… You are right. However, have you forgotten something?" said Odiel.

"Hm??" replied Farron and Anny with more vigilance.

Then, Odiel brings out a deep black crystal rune.

"With this, I could call my lord even if it is just for a moment." said Odiel.

"Hmph!!" replied Farron with contempt.

"Stop, Farron!!" said Anny, intercepting Farron.

"Anny, what are you doing?" asked Farron.

"If he truly could call Plargos with that rune, then we need to be more careful." said Anny.

"Don't tell you to believe his nonsense. We all know how difficult it is to summon a God, even for a moment. Moreover, summoning an Evil God like Plargos may need thousands of sacrifices.

"There is no way he could contain the powerful spell and all the necessary sacrifice in that small crystal rune. He is nothing but bluffing." rebuked Farron.

"No, you are wrong. He indeed has the necessary sacrifice. Did you forget all the infected residents in this city?" asked Anny.

"That's.." as Farron begins to realize this fact.

Because of world restrictions, Gods couldn't influence the real world too much. Theoretically, God can't descend into the real world. However, through some rituals or forbidden spells, people may be able to let their presence reach the real world.

Although it is only a mere presence, it still heavily affects the world. Each God has power and authority that can change the surroundings.

An Evil God like Plargos could turn the whole Sunset City and its surrounding into a wasteland full of toxicity and dangerous disease. When it happens, they may be able to win the battle but will definitely lose the whole city and its surrounding.

Moreover, they also need to compensate the Heart Kingdom heavily since this is their fault. A few days ago, they already heard the might of Jade, who seems to be categorized as a strong seventh-grade combatant.

All the religions will never dare to get on the bad side of the Heart Kingdom, who currently has two strong seventh-grade combatants.

"But, we still can't let this heretic do what he wants?!!" said Farron.

At this moment, Angus let out his presence.

"Umm… What happened if he used the summoning spell without sacrifice?" asked Angus.

"Ahh.. Young Master Angus, why are you here?" asked Anny.

"The fight has already happened long enough, so it is time to wrap it up. Anyway, what happens if there is no sacrifice?" asked Angus again.

"The user will receive a serious backlash or even instantly death on the spot." answered Anny.

"What about God? Is it still able to descend?" asked Angus.

"Nope, they will not come here, be it its presence or power." replied Anny.

While Anny answers Angus's question, Odiel uses this opportunity to send a strong black arc to Angus rapidly.

"You are careless!! [Cruelty - Blister Divide]" yelled Odiel.

Already predicting this, Angus dodged and moved from his position before the Blister Divide launched. Then, Angus counter-attacks and releases a few [2nd Circle - Fireball]. *BOOM* *BOOM* *BOOM*

"Wait.." Anny tries to stop Angus, but he has already launched the spell.

Fortunately, Odiel reacts quickly and dodges into the air.

"You crazy kid!! Are you not worried about destroying this crystal rune and activating the spell?!!" said Odiel.

Angus didn't reply but cast another spell toward Odiel in the air [3rd Circle - Fire Blast]. *BOOM* Looking at the strong spell coming his way, Odiel immediately creates a distance and flies to the side.

'Hmm… As I thought, predicting someone's flight path is almost impossible. No muscle movement indicates their path, like moving on the ground. They purely move by manipulating mana inside his body.'

'Unless I could see and know how they manipulate mana, I would never be able to predict their flying path. It seems I could only lead him to a trap like what I did to Headmaster Antonio a long ago.' analyzed Angus while shooting Fire Blast into the air.

"Stop!! Young Master Angus, stop shooting another spell. We cannot break the rune crystal in his hand." stopped Anny, despite the surprise that Angus was able to launch the third circle spell casually.

"Forget about it, Anny. That kid did the right thing. Rather than being passive and letting that heretic away, I prefer to fight to the death." said Farron as he chased Odiel in the air.

"Urggh.. Both of you!! Arghh… I don't care anymore." said Anny as she followed Farron.

"Tch… You are crazy!! Then, you leave me no choice." said Odiel as he tried to crush the rune crystal.

Just as he wants to destroy the rune crystal, he feels a giant hand made of fire from his side [Firecast - Titan Hand]. *Bang* Using the leftover fire mana from the Fireblast, Angus Firecast a colossal hand made of fire and hits the distracted Odiel.

Seeing this opportunity, Farron immediately brandished his sword to cut him down. Unfortunately, Odiel already notices this and parries using his scythe artifact. *Clang*

"Blow Ashrune!! [Ashrune - Unleash]." said Farron.

Suddenly, the Farron's sword artifact shines and releases a huge explosion force toward Odiel. Not expecting that Farron's sword was an artifact, Odiel knocked back from the explosion. At the same time, Anny is already ready to receive him.

Using his superhuman body, Odiel decides to parry the incoming Anny's axe. Before they clash, a lightning bolt strikes Odiel from the side [2nd Circle - Lightning Bolt].

"Urghh!!!" screamed Odiel as he felt the lightning bolt numb his body for a moment.

However, this moment is all Anny needs to make her axe reach Odiel.

"Eat this!! [Axe Art - Subtle Blow]." said Anny.

*Slash* Then, Anny forced Odiel to crash to the ground. *BAM*

"*Cough* *Cough* Urgh.. You bast.. Argh!!" screamed Odiel as the ground turned into a spike and punctured all his limbs.

[2nd Circle - Earth Spike] [2nd Circle – Entroot] After puncturing Odiel's limb with Earth Spike, Angus binds Odiel using Entroot and successfully immobilizes him.

'Fire, lightning, earth, and now the rare wood magic. On top of that, he is also a great researcher. Isn't he only eighteen?!' thought Anny.

'This kid… He is dangerous. I need to report this to the higher-ups.'  thought Farron.

Oblivious to the two sixth-grade holy knights' thoughts, Angus approaches Odiel and picks up the rune crystal nearby. Then, he observes the double scythe who is lying beside Odiel. At the same time, the other priests and holy knights also arrive at Angus's location.

"Young master Angus, thanks for your assistance. Although it is quite a reckless attack, we finally manage to subdue all the Plargos followers and prevent him from summoning Plargos." said Anny.

"Kekeke.. Are you sure about that?! It seems you forget my cute pet. Did you think a mere sixth-grade warrior was able to keep Zokline? Let's see how you survive the rampaged ancient beast Zokline." said Odiel.

"Shit!!" said Anny.

*Burst* Suddenly, Odiel's chest burst out, exploding his heart. *SHASHHH* A moment later, a thunderous roar was heard from the outskirt of the city. Then, the entire ground begins to tremble.

"We need to help the Duchess Amberblaze now!" said Anny.

*GRRTTT* Suddenly, the Zokline came out from the ground not far from Odiel's body.

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