Seeing the Plargos leader summon another beast, "Farron, we need to stop him before he summons another beast." said Anny while dodging the massive tail of Zokline.

"Easier said than done. This giant snake is not letting us near its master. Look out!!" replied Farron as he saw Zokline spit purple liquid.

Some of the Holy Knights didn't manage to dodge in time and touch the purple liquid. They start to scream in pain while melting slowly. The one that gets bathed in purple liquid even dying on the spot, while the survivor one immobilized, writhing in pain and agony.

Even with the help of the Priest leaders, they still couldn't neutralize the poison on them. This shows how dangerous Zokline poison is. At this moment, the Plargos leader stands on top of the gigantic moth and flies in the air.

Then, the bottom part of the Moth becomes darker and distorted. A moment later, a horde of ape beasts came out from it.

"Don't tell me… it is a Space-Belly Moth. Hurry, Shoot it down!!" said the Karum priest leader.

Before they could shoot the Moth down, the Plargos leader kept sending flying black-colored arcs while swinging his scythe.

"Hahaha… Let's see if you can shoot me down." said the Plargos leader.

Suddenly, the Plargos leader sees a red light approaching him at a fast speed. He immediately reacts quickly and defends using his artifact. *Bang* a greatsword hit the Plargos leader from above.

"I don't know why Plargos believers are here. However, don't think you could just keep releasing disastrous beasts inside a city!!" said Duchess Amberblaze.

Using her tremendous strength, the Duchess pushed the leader and his giant moth down to the ground. *BAMM* The Space-Belly Moth didn't expect sudden force from Duchess Amberblaze and crashed down.

"What an outrageous strength!!" said Plargos Leader as he stabilized himself.

Just before Duchess Amberblaze pursues him, a huge tail comes in her direction. *Whoosh* *BOOM* the entire area razed into nothing but a fan-shaped ground mark. *Shsss* Hissing the Zokline loudly while looking at the Duchess Amberblaze, who appeared not far from it.

"Hmph… You are quite fast for someone with large size. Adeline, kill those Gunk Baboons! Don't let them spread around the city! You two Holy Knights fight Eucros and prevent him from summoning another nasty beast. I will take care of this giant snake." commanded the Duchess.

Before anyone replies, the Duchess is covered with fire and charged toward the Zokline [Fire Assault]. She appeared on the Zokline's side and hit it with her greatsword [Anduril - Resize].

In the blink of an eye, her greatsword turns into a gigantic sword, flinging Zokline towards the outside city. *BAMM* Then, the Duchess disappears again, leaving only a red flash in the distance.

Farron and Anny immediately charge at Plargos' leader using the absence of the ancient beast. While all this is happening, Jayna is still fighting against the Cardinal in the air. The Cardinal keeps defending himself using the Feast Barrier.

"Tch.. How much does this girl's mana have? Even Odiel will empty his mana long ago. Yet, this girl keeps attacking like she has endless mana without using any single potion." grumbled the Cardinal.

Suddenly, he finds a gigantic snake flying over them. Both Jayna and the Cardinal are surprised at this scene but immediately focus back and fight again.

'That's Odiel's Zokline. How come it is flying around?! It seems I also need to get serious.' thought the Cardinal.

"Tch.. I didn't want to use this, but you left me no choice. [Erosion - Abomination Parade]" said the Cardinal, grabbing his scepter with both hands.

Suddenly, the Erosion Scepter releases a pitch-black gas towards the surrounding area. It keeps spreading out in the shape of a huge black sphere in the air. Jayna finds the black sphere has the same corrosive properties as Feast Barrier before and decides to take a distance from it.

Then, the black sphere starts to reshape into dozens of mangle lumps of meats that release a putrid smell and black liquid. After a while, these meats begin to move and charge at Jayna.

Jayna also didn't stay silent either. She focused her mind and readied her sword in a draw stance all this time. As soon as the black sphere cleared, Jayna immediately swung her burning sword [Sword Art - Morning Break].

*Swish* All the lump of meat in front of Jayna is cut horizontally, leaving fire on its wound. Unfortunately, the Cardinal is left unscathed as another Feast Barrier protects him. However, he became more solemn at such a strong attack.

Moreover, he notices the abomination meat is struggling to regenerate from its wound. Some of them even instantly burned to ash because of their small size.

'Her fire managed to prevent the abomination regeneration?! Who is this girl? I have never heard of such a girl inside the Heart Kingdom.' thought the Cardinal while controlling the surviving abomination to attack Jayna.

However, Jayna didn't dodge and stayed on her spot. She opens her palm and creates a small fireball. At the same time, the entire space surrounding the Cardinal and Jayna was enveloped with a transparent barrier [4th Circle - Space Barrier].

Just as the Cardinal is noticed at the sudden appearance of the barrier, a blazing light comes from Jayna's direction [Hellfire - Dawn Star].

*BOOM* *Whoshh* Like moths coming to fire, the abomination meats enveloped by the explosion from Jayna's Dawn Star turn to ash. The skill is so powerful that Angus even needs to spend half his mana to keep the Space Barrier.

"As expected, this skill is truly outrageous. Unfortunately, it could only be used for someone like Jayna." commented Angus.

After a while, the view cleared. Jayna was still flying in the air with a fire wing on her back. Currently, she has a rough breath. However, she is many times better than her opponent's state.

The Plargos Cardinal is charred black while still holding his scepter artifact, Erosion. He is lying at the bottom of the Space Barrier. Despite his serious condition, he is still alive but can't say anything as his body is roasted thoroughly, inside and outside.

Knowing this is his end, the Cardinal uses his last strength to stab his own heart using the pointed end of his scepter.  *Stab* Jayna also notices this, but she is too exhausted to prevent the Cardinal's last movement.

Suddenly, the charred cardinal body is bloated like it is going to explode. Thinking it is a suicide technique, Angus immediately creates an opening on his barrier and lets Jayna out from it.

A moment later, the bloated cardinal exploded and released a foul black gas inside the space barrier. Before Angus and Jayna could feel relief, the whole Space Barrier was destroyed without warning. *Crang* *Bam* Something fell from the barrier and hit the ground below.

As soon as the barrier broke, Angus received a severe backlash from it and had some internal injury. *Cough* *Cough* Angus spitting some blood from his mouth.

"Angus!!" called Anna worriedly.

"Urgh.. It's okay. I just didn't expect it to break the barrier forcefully like that." said Angus.

Most of the high circle barrier spell is channeling type and could cause severe backlash when the barrier is broken with large brute force. Although the high circle barrier spell is stronger and better than the lower circle, it also possesses a huge risk.

However, Angus didn't expect that something would be able to break his Space Barrier before he could strengthen it. Even Jayna Dawn Star's skill could only have a small crack.

Among the other barrier spells that Angus knows, the Space Barrier is one of the strongest barrier spells he could cast. It could even withstand fifth circle spells or sixth-grade combatant attacks. Yet, it breaks just like that after the bloated cardinal body explodes.

At the same time, Jayna immediately flaps her fire wing and creates a distance from the black gas in the air. She knew nothing about the black gas, but since it could destroy Angus's Space Barrier, she chose to be extra careful.

Suddenly, she feels something charge her from the ground. *GROOAAR* an abomination without a bloated body and cardinal face attacks Jayna. Fortunately, she is in the air and could easily dodge the attack and create another distance.

After its jump attack failed, the bloated Cardinal fell to the ground and exploded, releasing nasty black goo and gas to the surrounding area. Like a mindless creature, it roared and jumped towards Jayna again.

Despite its bloated and mangled body, it still managed to do a powerful jump to attack Jayna. The bloated Cardinal keeps attacking Jayna despite her avoiding it in the air.

She didn't dare to counterattack as this bloated cardinal kept releasing the black goo and gas each time it hit something.

'It seems he couldn't fly and become like a mindless beast.' analyzed Jayna.

Still, she didn't know what to do since she was exhausted and couldn't use any powerful attack again. *Bam* Just as it wanted to launch at Jayna again, its head suddenly exploded [3rd Circle - Snipe Shot].

"That's for breaking my barrier." said Angus after shooting his spell.

However, the bloated cardinal seems to ignore his exploded head and jumps toward Jayna again.

"Tch.. What a persistent tumor!!" said Angus as he cast Snipe Shot again.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam* Angus keeps shooting, but the bloated cardinal keeps regenerating despite already losing its head.

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