I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 409 Red And Silver Flash

While Angus and Jayna dress up inside the tent, Duchess Amberblaze goes out of the tent and walks towards her Flash Squad nearby. The Royal Guards were surprised as they didn't detect the Duchess entering Angus's tent, but they didn't question her either.

Moreover, the nearby Flash Squad already gives them a permission document from the King himself to prevent any misunderstanding.

'*Sigh* How could those two kids stay intimately with that girl? Just being near her already gives me the edge. What the hell is King Leon and Jade thinking by letting her go around?!' thought Duchess Amberblaze inwardly.

"My Lady." called Adeline, vice leader of the Flash squad.

Waking up from her inner thought, "Good, you arrived faster than I thought. Tell everyone we will settle down in this city for a few days." said Duchess Amberblaze.

"About that… where should we stay? Are we going to stay at the Count's house or here?" asked Adeline.

"Hmm… Right, I almost forgot that stupid Count. So, how is he?" asked Duchess Amberblaze.

"Count Stillshot is bounded in the middle of the quarantine zone and guarded by two royal guards. I already sent some people to retrieve him." reported Adeline.

Since the Duchess will stay at the Sunset City for a while, King Leon also asked her to judge and give his verdict to Count Stillshot.

Although Duchess Amberblaze is a hidden Duchess, she still has the same power and authority as other dukes/duchess, especially if King Leon himself permits it.

"Good. Take Count Stillshot to his manor. I will judge and show His Majesty's verdict there. Hm.. I am not too fond of staying near this place. However, this place is well enchanted."

"I couldn't smell any rotten stench or feel any miasma here. It even covers a large area over there. Tell the others to stay at the Count's house while only leaving a few of them to stay here." commanded Duchess Amberblaze.

"As you wish, my lady. But, where will my lady stay?" asked Adeline.

"I will stay here. My niece and her boyfriend choose to stay here. It means they must have some sort of plan or something." said the Duchess.

"Then, I shall set up the place." replied Adeline.

Then, Adeline goes on her way after getting a nod from Duchess Amberblaze. Not long after that, Angus and Jayna finally get out of the tent dressed adequately while Anna follows them from behind. Everyone could see Anna touching her head like she was in pain.

After being left by the Duchess, Anna kept saying some rude words and getting hit by the couple a few more times. Fortunately, there is no permanent bump on her head because of her resilient body. Still, all the mana imbued punches she receives hurt her head.

At this time, Angus and Jayna's temperaments change 180 degrees compared to when they are inside the tent. Jayna immediately put on her usual cold and prideful face, while Angus showed a more easy-going personality than before. The only one that didn't change is Anna.

Seeing this drastic change, Duchess Amberblaze even thinks they are entirely different people after looking at their drastic change.

"You both are too slow!! You need even more than five minutes just to dress up." rebuked Duchess Amberblaze.

"Ohh.. come on, cut us some slack. We are on vacati.. I mean in the middle of something before your sudden intrude." replied Angus casually while playing with the transparent cube box.

'Did he just almost say vacation?!! Urgh… Leon is right. He is full of headaches.' thought Duchess Amberblaze.

"Anyway, why did you choose to stay at this place?" asked the Duchess.

"Is there something wrong with this place?" asked Angus back.

The Duchess didn't reply and only gave a cold glare to Angus.

Noticing that, the Duchess demands a serious answer, "Well, although we come here for vacation, we still need to solve this epidemic problem before we can enjoy our nice vacation. So, what is the best place then this massive graveyard to research the cure." said Angus.

"You even blatantly admit having a vacation here. Anyway, how is the cure progressing? I hear it is related to Plargos." asked Duchess Amberblaze.

"Ohh.. About that, I think I found the cure about… now." said Angus while looking at the transparent cube in his hand.

Inside the transparent cube, there is only a shining sphere while the black haze from before is completely gone.

Seeing the transparent cube containing the shining sphere, "What's that?" asked the Duchess.

"This is my new invention. If it works as it is, it will be a great weapon with the power of God." said Angus.

Suddenly, Duchess Amberblaze summons her weapon and turns into a red flash. *Whoosh* A moment later, red and silver lights clash not far from them. *Ting* *Clang*

"Urgh.. Troublesome [2nd circle - Mana Barrier]." said Angus.

A simple large mana barrier immediately isolates the whole area. Then, Angus claps his hand and releases a large amount of mana while chanting inside his head. At the same time, the flash squad also wanted to help their leader but was stopped by Adeline.

At this moment, a large burst of mana exploded from the clash of red and silver light. Just before the mana shock reaches them, Angus casts his spell [4th Circle - Space Barrier]. The entire space near red and silver lights is immediately isolated from the outside world.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* After a while, the red and silver light stopped clashing. Everyone couldn't help being surprised seeing the two people's positions, especially the Flash Squad.

Inside the Space Barrier, The Duchess's sword is already bounced away while a dagger is near her neck.

"No way, the Duchess is lost." exclaimed one of the Flash squad.

"As expected, it's Lily's win. Though it seems the Duchess is taking it easy. She didn't even use any skill, only clashing in pure body speed and swordsmanship, which is a ridiculous feat." commented Angus before releasing the isolation spell.

Angus set up the isolation spell to not attract any trouble from the religious group like last time.

"If I am not wrong, you are Duchess Amberblaze." said Lily while retracting her dagger.

"Correct. You are as fast as Leon said. Ever thought of joining my Flash Squad?" said Duchess Amberblaze with a smile.

"My father prohibited me from joining any faction." replied Lily calmly before walking to Angus.

"Haa.. It's a shame." replied the Duchess ignoring Lily's blatant refusal.

"My lady, are you alright?" asked Adeline worriedly while glaring at Lily.

"At ease, Adeline. She is our ally." said Duchess Amberblaze.

In the meantime, "Master Angus, I presume the formula is working correctly." said Lily after glancing at the transparent box in Angus's hand.

"Yup. How about yours?" asked Angus.

"It is completely done. Though it seems to only work for three days at maximum." replied Lily.

"Well, seeing how large this city is, I think it is the best we can do now. Now, we could begin the hunt." said Angus while casting a low circle spell on his hand.

Some sand gathered in his hand before releasing in the air in many directions.

"Hunt?! What are you talking about?" asked Duchess Amberblaze.

"Well, we are not only planning to cure the epidemic but also catch the perpetrator." replied Angus.

At the same time, all the priest leaders in the quarantine zone found words made of sand on the ground near them.

"Begin the hunt!!" said the sand words

Then, the sand words disappeared on the ground before anyone else could see them.

"Hoo.. Does this mean he found the cure or just gave up?" muttered the Priest leader of Temple of Death.

At the Karum's base camp, "Anny, ready our holy knight!" commanded Karum's priest leader.

At another part of the quarantine zone, "*Sigh* I guess young master Angus finally gives up." said Afir's priest leader.

"Fufufu… Finally, it is our time to spread our God's name." said Zion's priest leader.

Two days after that, a person wearing priest attire sneaked out of the quarantine zone. The entire time, the person keeps looking around, searching for any people stalking him. The person even walked around for hours on different routes.

After hours of walking around Sunset City, the person finally reaches an excluded part of the city. Then, the person leaned on the wall where some homeless were loitering. Near where he stands, there is a narrow dark alleyway.

"What took you so long?" the clergyman heard a whisper from the alleyway.

"The whole quarantine zone has been closed off for more than a week. Nobody could get out easily. Anyway, I think we need to change the plan. There is a Heart kingdom's Flash squad inside the town. I suspect the Duchess…" said the clergyman before stopping.

At this moment, the clergyman sees the last person he wants to meet now. A man in enchanted armor strolled not far from him before approaching the clergyman.

"Ohh.. What a coincidence to meet a clergy here. Why are you standing here?" asked Faron, Temple of Death's sixth-grade holy knight.

"Uhh.. Nothing, sir. I just want to rest and change a little bit of the scenery." said the clergyman.

Suddenly, Faron swung his glowing sword. *Swish*

"You Fool!!" yelled the man in the narrow alleyway.

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