Chapter 402 Jade’s Power

In the past, Nergal Kingdom couldn't have any major advantage in fighting against the Heart kingdom because of two fearsome figures. First is King Leon and second is Duchess Amberblaze.

Whenever one of these two power figures appears on the Windshire Fort, the Nergal kingdom will need a large army like now to fight against the Heart kingdom. The seventh-grade combatant King Leon himself is capable of destroying their whole army with his superior strength.

Hence, the Nergal kingdom often uses a teamwork strategy to contain King Leon whenever King Andvari is unavailable to join the battle. Most of the big and strong factions in the world also use this kind of tactic to hold seventh-grade combatants.

Some experts even manage to create a baseline that it needs at least four sixth-grade combatants with good teamwork to hold one seventh-grade combatant. Anything below that, be it in number or the combatant grade, will be useless.

However, there are a lot of things that need to be considered in battles, such as combatant skills, equipment, artifacts, and other things. Based on these things, sixth-grade combatants' requirement to hold seventh grade could be lower or higher.

In the past, it needed three or four sixth-grade combatants with good teamwork and synergy to contain King Leon. But, it is different for King Andvari. The Heart kingdom needs at least four or five sixth-grade combatants to hold him.

But, this baseline will be invalid if Duchess Amberblaze fights King Andvari. It only needed two sixth-grade combatants, including the Duchess herself to contain King Andvari.

Moreover, the Duchess and the other sixth-grade combatant didn't need to have good teamwork and synergy. This is why Duchess Amberblaze is such a fearsome figure when it comes to the battlefield.

The Nergal kingdom is even more afraid of her than King Leon at some point. Hence, one of the reasons King Leon sent Duchess Amberblaze to Thornbridge Hold is to bait Nergal to attack them. Otherwise, the Nergal will keep coercing the other kingdom to reveal their card.

With the Duchess on the Thornbridge Hold, the Negal kingdom finally decides to bite the bullet and attack the Heart kingdom. The Nergal kingdom's purpose is not to win this battle but to cause damage as much as possible while retaining their strength.

After dozens of minutes of regrouping and organizing, the Nergal army was ready to launch their siege attack. At the same time, the whole area began to get wet from the rain. Fortunately, the rain is only drizzling and thunder appears in the sky.

Seeing this, Jade has a smile on his face while standing on the top of the wall. All his red hair stands up, and the droplet of water near him turns into steam.

"Isn't it a little bit cold here? Let me warm up a little bit." said Jade as he flew in front of the fortress's wall.

Jade pointed his three fingers in the Nergal army's direction. A moment later, a large amount of fire mana envelops his three fingers and shoots three massive fires toward the Nergal army [Tri Flare].

*Whooosh* Despite the significant distance between him and Nergal's army, the fire travels fast and reaches Nergal's army in a few seconds burning everything on each path.

Seeing the incoming large-scale attack, the Nergal five sixth grade combatants immediately release their attack to offset Tri Flare. [Spear Art - Water Spinner] [3rd Circle - Aqua Blast] [Sword Art - Wave Strike] [Fist Art - Thousand Fist] [Electro Smite] *BOOOM*

The five sixth-grade combatants managed to block the gigantic fire wave and create a large shockwave towards the surrounding area.

'Three water elemental users, one martial art user, and one lightning elemental user. No wonder Leon had a hard time fighting against Nergal all this year.' analyzed Jade inwardly.

After testing the opponent's fighting capability, Jade takes out his Crimson Orb. His Crimson Orb is still not yet an artifact and only has a few abilities. But, it is also his best weapon. Other weapons will definitely melt under his hand.

Without wasting more time, Jade turns into bright fire and goes toward the five sixth-grade combatants.

"Oii.. Oii.. What the hell is this kind of Fire?!!" commented Duke Oceanpunch as he found the fire burning in front of him.

Before anyone could reply to his remark, "Everyone gets ready!!" yelled Duke Wargrip.

A sharp whistling sound was heard from far away and getting closer to their location. All the nearby Nergal soldiers immediately shut their ears, hearing this piercing sound. However, their five leaders didn't have this luxury as a burning red-haired man approached them.

"Let's see how you handle this [Godak Fire]!!" said Jade.

Jade was enveloped in the fire while rotating himself and became a gigantic, spinning giant fireball. On the other hand, the other five sixth-grade combatants immediately used their full strength to counter the incoming Jade.

Duchess Rainscar moves back and casts a high circle spell while the others in front of her launch their own strongest attack. [Spear Art - Hydro Point] [Sword Art - Cold Storm] [Fist Art - Two-point Strike].

*BOOM* The three Nergal's Duke clash with Jade directly and slowly get pushed back while the fire explodes everywhere. Before they burn and spread further, a large magic circle appears in front of Duchess Rainscar [5th Circle - Giant Tsunami].

A large wall of water clashes with Jade's fire and makes the whole area covered in hot steam. The Nergal's army behind could see the first three Dukes have few burning traces on their body.

'This is bad!! He is much stronger than we thought!!' thought Duke Coldgust inwardly.

The three dukes barely escape the Jade attack because of the Duchess Rainscar's spell. However, they know the Duchess was able to cast the fifth circle spell this fast and save them because of the current weather.

If they fight under normal weather, they may need to use their emergency life-saving item to escape Jade's attack. As for their ordinary barrier and armor, they are useless against Jade's previous attack.

Usually, their attack should be able to stop the seventh-grade attack. However, Jade is not an ex-village chief for nothing.

Before the arrival of Angus, Jade managed to defend the Sur village many times from the other force inside the Endless Battlefield dimension for years despite his serious injury while still a sixth-grade combatant.

He is why the other force and village didn't dare to fight brazenly against Sur Village. Like the other Victory family, Jade also learns a lot of things about fire elemental since childhood.

Moreover, as the eldest son, he received more strict training than other people in the family. During his stay in the Endless Battlefield, his ability to wield fire elemental is reaching the top. After years of life and death experience, Jade finds his path as the fire elemental user.

People usually practice and learn to control their elemental. However, Jade does the opposite. He made his fire elemental as volatile and wild as possible. Rather than control his fire mana, he decided to maximize its wild characteristic.

This is the first reason why Jade couldn't use ordinary armor or weapons in the first place. His fire is so destructive that it could harm him.

During his stay in the Endless Battlefield, most people who know him will escape whenever they hear a piercing whistling sound on the Surya Dessert. Because they don't know how extensive Jade's attack range is.

Most of the Jade attack is a kind of double edge skill that hurts the user while giving tremendous damage to the enemy. If Jade is still in the sixth-grade combatant, he will cough blood right now after using this kind of attack.

However, he is now a seventh-grade combatant. He could do this kind of attack all day without sustaining any injury. As hot steam begins to clear, the Nergal's army leader feels the surrounding area become hotter as a red-skinned man walks slowly to them.

Even the droplet of rain immediately turns into steam when it gets near Jade. It didn't even touch the ground before turning to steam. Suddenly, Duke Thunderstride clasps his hand and releases a large amount of lightning attribute mana to the surrounding [Electromagnetic Field].

Jade looks at the Duke confusedly since the Duke spends almost all his current mana to cast this skill, yet nothing has happened. Moreover, Jade notices he seems to prepare this skill while the others block his attack.

Suddenly, Jade sees a few shining humanoid people appear in front of Duke Thunderstride. These people didn't talk and were immediately charged at Jade.

"Hmph.. Courting Death!!" said Jade while countering with his fire fist.

However, Jade attacks through the shining people like he is hitting the air.

"Illusion?!!" thought Jade inwardly.

At this moment, one of the shining people attacked Jade and managed to hit him. *BAM* Jade was thrown back from this attack.

"Hehh… Interesting skill." said Jade.

Then, he charged at the Duke while ignoring the others [Meteorite Smash]. *BOOOM* Once again, Jade's attack hit nothing but air and the surrounding ground.

In the meantime, Duke Thunderstride himself is gone from his vision. Before he could comprehend the situation, the other sixth-grade combatants began to attack him.

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